easkyrah · 2 years
yknow ever since people realized tumblr isnt dead and have decided to flock here from twitter and tiktok ive seen a huge influx of people in fandom spaces who dont reblog anything. at all.
like, i used to have an art blog with 340 followers. not a ton but not a small amount either given how this website works with creators. and in my experience back then even the ones who only left likes still reblogged other things or at least posted their own stuff. literally the only empty blogs were clearly bots.
but on this New art blog, i've had so many people with fandom-specific headers and icons with actual usernames as urls and some kind of title or description, but have. Nothing. no posts. all they do is like things. and it's always public, too. their following list and their likes list.
and honestly all it makes me think is that these people are New and also don't know how tumblr works. how likes don't give exposure. not even in a "oh, i know it doesn't give exposure, but i'm still going to reblog anyways" way, but in a genuine honest to god straight up doesn't realize tumblr likes don't work like twitter's.
PLEASE please if you're from tiktok or twitter or whatever please reblog people's art both fandom and original if you like it!! and maybe actually pad out your blog's content in some way so people won't potentially see you as a bot and block you.
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easkyrah · 3 years
omg hi hi hi hi hi! this is my first time back on tumblr for a week or two, so i only just saw that your were back. i missed your presence here so much ❤️❤️❤️
Hello love
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easkyrah · 3 years
Message me some tropes/ideas for a Nessian ship! Itching to do some writing with a plot!!
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easkyrah · 3 years
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holy hell, everyone, look what @maachan-is-hungry and her heart of gold commissioned for me!! artist’s @raconteurwitch, who beautifully portrays here elorcan, aka my otp of a ship that sailed long ago. look at the way he’s intently staring at her. his hands definitely wish they were wrapped around something else other than the gingerbread house - but he’s doing this for her awwwwww
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easkyrah · 4 years
i don’t get how ppl can hate the rain ? like…..the ocean came all this way to give the world tiny kisses & u treat her like this ???
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easkyrah · 4 years
I would just like to take a second to thank every single fanfiction writer who’s ever published a fic. In the last 3 weeks, I’ve read over 890,000 words of fanfiction while in quarantine. I know legally, fanfiction writers are not considered “essential” but let me tell you: they are essential to me. Essential to my sanity, my wellbeing, my happiness. Fic gives me so much joy and such a love for the world and the people in it, and fic writers don’t ask for anything in return, except occasional engagement. So from the bottom of my heart: thank you fic writers. Thank you for keeping me company during this time of isolation. Thank you for writing stories that give me hope and take my mind off of my anxiety. Thank you for making me laugh even when I don’t think it’s possible. Thank you for giving me something to be excited about when it feels like the world is falling apart around me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 
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easkyrah · 4 years
Cassian @ Nesta: last Solstice I gave you my heart
Cassian: the very next day you threw it away
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easkyrah · 4 years
Things I want from the Nessian spinoff:
* Nesta scaring the shit out of everyone at the camp
* Nesta continuing to not gaf
* kisses
* Nesta and Cassian bantering like their lives depend on it
* Nesta competing in the Rite
* Nesta discovering the source of her dark-Death-whatever-power
* Nesta healing
* more kisses
* Nesta being on good (or better) terms with the IC
* Nesta becoming BFFs with the Illyrian women
* Nesta learning how to handle grief
Things I DON’T want from the Nessian spinoff:
* any white-savior nonsense / Nesta “civilizing” then in any form
* Cassian being the sole basis for her recovery (ie Rowan-training-Aelin or Rhys-saving-Feyre) Not that I think those story arcs aren’t important (in fact I love them with every fiber of my being) but we don’t need another version of the same thing. I would love to see Cassian bringing Nesta to the Illyrian mountains to completely kick her ass, with every intention of just scaring her into appreciating how good and easy she could have it in Velaris, until
* he sees how immediately Nesta takes to the Illyrians
* how she seems to effortlessly fit in despite their apparent fear of her power
* how she isn’t afraid to stand up to those among them who would keep her caged
* how she grows to love them
* how he grows to love seeing her among them, learning from them, slowly chipping away at the jagged edges of her soul
* how such a brutal lifestyle, such hardened people, could end up taking this stone cold woman and softening her edges somehow, bringing out warmth where there was none, a purpose where only a hollow existence resided
* and he realizes she never needed him, she needed them
* and Cassian, once arrogantly and somewhat gleefully ready to watch Nesta be put in her place, finds himself not resenting her, but
* falling in love with her
* and he’s scared shitless.
(I may have to write a fic of this)
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easkyrah · 4 years
Unpopular opinion:
I don’t want Nesta to train and become a warrior because we already saw two main female protagonists in SJM books go down that path, and there are other ways for women in fantasy to show that they are powerful and strong
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easkyrah · 4 years
Nesta: This is my ex boyfriend, Cassian.
Cassian: You have to stop introducing me like that.
Cassian: I’m her husband.
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easkyrah · 4 years
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easkyrah · 4 years
So I kind of have this AU  HC where Lorcan’s hatchet = Thor’s hammer 
Sarah J. Maas’s Throne of Glass :: Marvel’s Avengers / Norse Mythology
As eras pass by, it seems only Lorcan can wield the hatchet. The Valg, the Witches (from the Yellowlegs to the Blackbeaks to the Crochans to the Ironteeth), and the Cadre have tried picking up that hatchet, only to all fail. From warriors in the Staghorn mountains to Lords in Anielle, to assassins in Adarlan/Red Desert and pirates in Skull’s Bay, to healers in Torre Cesme and merchants in Rifthold, to legends in Terrasen and demi-Fae in Doranelle, to survivors in Fenharrow and those forgotten in Calculla/Endovier, to Nehemia’s people in Ellywe and Asterin’s stolen army, to Galan’s fleet and what lies beyond the Wyrd Gate—
My point is that basically everyone has tried to lift that freaking Hatchet and everyone has failed. Hell, even Maeve has tried to carry it, only to see the same results and let me tell you that’s why she so salty with no suave And then Elide Lochan comes strolling limping along and the background is just dead silent with all eyes pinned on her, and she casually just lifts The Hatchet, blowing everyone’s minds, And plot twist that’s how Lorcan found his mate. 
Bonus: Elide uses the hatchet to kill Uncle Vernon with Lorcan whistling in the back.
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easkyrah · 4 years
Canon: [breaks my heart]
Me: [angry] Fine, I’ll go to fanfiction! They never let me down.
Fanfiction: [breaks my heart but with more precision and accuracy]
Me: [sobs] Much better!
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easkyrah · 4 years
today i learned that vikings exchanged swords as part of their wedding vows and i for one think we should bring that back
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easkyrah · 4 years
Hello all! It’s been a two year hiatus, and a time of rediscovering my love for writing and reading. I’ve currently picked up Renee’s Ahdieh The Wrath and the Dawn upon my sister’s request to ignite my love for reading (if you have any other recommendations, I am all ears!). To get back into writing, I have decided to resume my Aeonian series, the Nessian Greek Mythology parts. 
Here are the linked parts for reference:
Part 1  · Part 2  ·  Part 3
If you would like to collaborate on a fic, that would also spark my return to writing! Please let me know if that interests you. It’s been a while since I’ve been immersed in the fandoms so the fic I would be most comfortable with would be an AU of some sort. 
Last but not least, below is my current tag list. I understand that I have been MIA and if you would like to be removed or added - shoot me a message!
@katgirl05, @latinafangurl, @nicoletapink, @maachan-is-hungry, @literarynonsense, @aqueenpromised, @16ozamericano, @hierophantangel, @miss-phengophobia, @samaykay912, @bluephoenix222, @yellow-spiraledbook, @hashtolanashoba, @erwin5253, @jjellybean, @daeniran, @rowanismybae, @bloodshednesta, @illyrianinterrasen, @sarahjtrash, @midnightbluhm, @chocolateserialkiller, @herladyshipxx, @willsrune, @deezrmuhsheeple, @goldbooksblack, @dreamingofazriel, @sskoob, @mergret, brumous-hearts
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easkyrah · 5 years
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easkyrah · 6 years
but imagine being in your favorite foreign city, living in a cute, cozy apartment with a lovely view, working at a small bookstore, spending your time at beautiful cofffee shops and libraries, taking long walks, meeting new people that make you feel good, being yourself, finding true love and actually feeling good & fullfilled with your life
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