eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
It had been a hard night for Tatiana. Her mother had called her to pleasantly remind her not to be a screw up and to follow the path they had set out years ago. She had scoffed after the call and laughed bitterly. She had no choice in her own path. 
With that bitter frame of mind, she left the school and headed into the village near the school. It was always a short trip when you had wings. Truthfully, she didn’t know what she was going to do, she just wanted out of the school. The fairy girl touched down in the middle of the village and looked around before beginning to walk. She was humming softly to herself, thinking, when she caught a whiff of a delicious aroma. She  stopped and saw that she was in front of a restaurant. She looked through the window and blinked upon spotting a somewhat familiar face. They had never talked but he was very popular in the gossip mill as well and she had seen him around: Cardinal Hood, the kid of Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. Pigging out on food would be a welcome distraction. She brushed her fingers through her hair lightly and then sauntered into the building and over to the booth where the Hood sat. "Hey there. Would you like some company, handsome?" she batted her eyelashes at him with a flirty smile.
empty pockets
The Nightingale exuded a warm and comforting presence as the troubled boy entered its doors. Something had been off about Scarlet since Thronecoming and despite the progress they’d made, the big brother couldn’t shake his concerns. Offering a little wave to his uncle, the Hood took a seat in his favorite booth by the window.
Knowing his sister, she’d probably be aware of what exactly he was doing there immediately. Scents of comfort food wafted through the building and Cardinal’s stomach responded with a resounding grumble. Though he’d only meant to pop in for a quick cup of coffee and to assuage his worries, he realized a full meal was in order.
Perusing the menu, even though its contents had been memorized in the three past years spent in Ever After High, Cardinal already knew he was going to order the three pigs special. It was more a matter of habit and the next sequence was a glance out the window. Nearly jumping back, the rebel was startled to see someone looking back at him. That they headed inside should have been a normal occurrence, but the lone wolf was not at all prepared for what happened next.
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
From the relationships she’s seen between the siblings here at Ever After, Tatiana could tell that what she had with her brother was out of the ordinary. It was almost too close. Others had taken notice as well. 
She’d heard rumors and whispered words all too much lately. It irked her that people were thinking about what she shared with her brother and for each word passersby would say, she’d flick a flame into their hair. It would only hurt for a moment before disappearing but words added up and they learned. She couldn’t harm them too badly because of school rules, so she had to settle with small things that disappeared immediately. No evidence.
“Never let me go, brother. Without you...” she sighs quietly and places her hands gently on top of his. “I’d become her. She’d drown me in her darkness and I’d have no way back into the light.” She meets his gaze, her eyes starting to brim with tears as she goes on,”But that means you can’t sacrifice yourself for me... If I lose you, Erikson Thorn, I’d cease to exist; Tatiana would die with you. Promise me brother, promise me, you won’t sacrifice yourself for me... no matter what happens. You must live on with me.”
Closing his eyes, sharing a moment with his twin, their foreheads touching. He echoed her sigh, there had always been a lingering thought in his mind. Had Ana not been his sister, perhaps things would be much more different. Had he not fallen for the ‘enemy’, there would not have been this predicament. 
Sometimes, in the whispers of his head, he wonders if he loves his sister a little too much. If Ana was not his sister, would Gwen had even stood a chance?
“You will not lose me.” Erik replied, parting from her to cup her cheeks gently with both his hands. “Don’t you know? The ugly smart ones usually have ways to latch on and never let go. Like a stalker.” He winks.
“It’d take a lot more than mother’s meddling to pry me apart from you.” His thumb grazes over her cheek. His talents in magic had far surpassed what his sister and mother had expected of him, traded in with sweat and blood. The tough truth would be he’d die to free his sister, knowing that Gwen would ultimately suffer in his absence. “I’d be fine. I’m much stronger now.”
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
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I’m about half way through my owed replies. I’m heading out for a few hours though, but I will finish the rest today. Like this post if we haven’t already plotted and I’ll come to you later tonight! I promise Tatiana isn’t too mean~
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
it was odd for tatiana to have someone else to confide in besides her brother. it was even odder than one of her favorite people to confide in was someone the whole school saw her butt heads with whenever they were in the same room. it was very tiring to be exactly who her mother wanted her to be.
after a taxing fight with the stupid girl she was destined to put to sleep, tatiana had zipped quickly to her secret base. she couldn’t talk to eric about this, he liked the princess too much. he might even lecture her for being so harsh. once inside, she curled up into a ball and hummed to herself, effectively cutting out the voice in her head both congratulating and chastising her.
she had been in the base for what seemed like an hour when she heard her friend’s voice. “yeah, i’m in here, sera.” she answered. she spotted the girl and waved her to her, a small smile on her face.
❝ the secret circle. ❞ ⇒ @eaxtatiana​
she breathed in all the oxygen she could intake, breathed out to cleanse herself from all the carbon dioxide and she repeated the process multiple times. it was her makeshift incantation before she would go into the secret lair { almost a magical blanket fort } that the two of them had set for themselves to break into their realer and truer selves. during the day or under the public’s eye in general, the two of them would be at each other’s throat when they were at odds, and god forbade that it happened too often. yet, they did it naturally to keep appearances.
after repeating the process for a while now, seraphina had forgotten when the two actually started to meet in secrecy, but, one thing was for sure, it felt good to let it all out and to not be what was expected of them { well, in her case, since she could only speak of herself, it felt like lots of weights were off her shoulders }.
“tatiana, are you here?” she inquired as she entered the secret based of their secret club. it was outstanding that she managed to become somewhat friends with the daughter of the evilest of fairies, but, interestingly enough, the older one was actually not quite bad once she pilled away all the expectations set for her image { quite secretly rebel of her }.
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
tatiana likes watching the basketball games and she’s glad that as a cheerleader she always has front row seats. the boys on the basketball team are hot and her favorite friend of her brother is the captain. it amuses her that the vice captain is older than the captain and she wonders if ezio ever gets jealous of the ice prince. 
the thorn is doing some last minute stretching when she spots a very enthusiastic fan making her way into the open spot near the cheerleaders. she raises an eyebrow and turns to look at the approaching person more closely. while it wasn’t odd that the vice captain had a fan, it was odd just how big the banner was.
the fan looks to her and they make eye contact, tatiana raises an eyebrow before chuckling softly. “they are very thrilling. you made an interesting choice with the player you are supporting. you close with ezio or something? usually it’s kay who people make banners for.”
✧ ;; basketballs and pom poms.
basketball games are selene’s daily entertainment, mostly because she gets to go and embarrass her best friend, ezio. decked out in full school color and gear, she arrives in the gym with a huge ass banner (with ezio the gr8 spelled neatly across it in big bold letters). perhaps, if she was allowed to, she’d magic the marching band or bring little noisemakers (read: air horns) into the gym. but alas, those would probably distract the hell out of the eah basketball team, so she’d rather not risk their game.
the clear excitement and nervous energy fills the air of the gymnasium, and selene looks around at the almost completely filled bleachers. with her outrageous outfit, she’s clear to stand out like a sore thumb. the only available seat left seems to be the ones near where the cheerleaders are currently warming up or waiting for their turn to well, cheer. selene is quick to make her way towards the open spot and set up her giant banner which is pretty much bigger than everyone else’s.
 sighing, she makes eye contact with one of the cheerleaders and offers a sheepish smile, “sorry, i’m really into basketball games.”
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
Tatiana had joined cheerleading for two reasons, 1.) to keep a closer eye on her darling captain, Gwen and 2.) cheerleaders were at the top of the school’s hierarchy beside the goody goody school council. She had never thought that she would grow to enjoy the sport so much. It was such a refreshing outlet to perform and show off just how much better than others she was.
She was packing her stuff into her cheerleading bag when she heard someone clear their throat. She turned around, her face set in a scowl and was just about to growl out a warning to go away when the person spoke. Her scowl disappears and she shrugs. “Wouldn’t hurt. I was just gonna go visit Erik. I could give a cutie like you a little bit of my time.” She winks at him then proceeds to pull her hair out of the ponytail it had been in for practice. It cascades down her back and she throws her bag over her shoulder before walking over to the spot he had indicated. 
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As many people were surprised that the lazy Ezio is the sports editor of Yearbook, he’s quite surprised too. But of course, he likes to write on his own spare time and what kind of benefits he’ll receive from yearbook fancies him.
Right now, he’s searching for a young lady of his age. A Thorn.
Looking around, the mutant turns his head.
It’s when he finally sees her, being the twin of Erikson Thorn. The uncanny resemblance. 
The grey haired mutant clears his throat before greeting her, “Hey. Ezio LeBeau. Sports Editor, mind if you come with me to do a special interview?” He asks, knowing that Gwen wasn’t unavailable and co-captain was certainly not someone he’d like to interview since he and Ophelia butt heads all the time.
“Don’t worry. It won’t be long, and it won’t take up much of your time hopefully.” He assures her as he gestures to a private spot where she can answer his questions.
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
Being around Kay was almost like being around her brother, Erik. They aura they gave off was so similar to one another. Tatiana smiles softly, letting out a relaxed sigh as her eyes flutter open. She glances to their hands and watches the orange ball hit the court repeatedly. “Yeah. I’m sure I could do that... but maybe we should stay like this just to make sure.” she breathes out, flashing a wicked smile his way.
Moments later, they are moving onto the next thing, but she doesn’t pout, Kay’s arms are  still around her, after all. She hums to let him know she is listening, eyes moving to the hoop. “What’s next?” She asks of the ice prince.If anyone walked by they sure would look intimidate. Erik would not be pleased if rumor of this got out, but it was kind of exciting.
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
“It’s not for my happiness! It’s for Erik’s! You keep saying that I want this, and I want that. All I’ve ever thought about my brother. His happiness, his health, his heart. I don’t care what happens to me as long as he is safe. And dating you is putting him in more danger than you even know, you naive little princess.” Tatiana’s no longer raging hot, she’s dead cool and her words are harsh and uncaring. “I will take the rest of your life if it means my brother is safe and unharmed.”
“I did not come for a fight, but I will finish this little debate. You think you are in love with my brother, but you can’t know for sure that love is real because you are still an immature child living a rose tinted life. All you are doing is holding him back, putting him in danger because of your puppy love. My brother is not for you and I will do everything in my power to help him understand that and crush your foolish idea that your ‘love’ conquers all.” Tatiana brushes her dark hair back then floats forward on crystalline wings of blue. She stops in front of the princess, hovering slightly above the ground and lifts Gwen’s head up by the chin, forcing her to meet her cold gaze. “This is not about my mother’s approval. This is about survival. My brother’s survival and my own. I will trample over anyone to protect him, even those that claimed they love him.”
⚜ bad blood
“So, you come to me and ask me to give up the one person I love the most in the world so you can get your chance at happiness? Don’t you think that’s a little unfair considering that you’re already taking 100 years of my life once our destinies arrive? Well, why don’t you ask for my entire life too while you’re at it?” 
Gwen may not possess magical abilities like Tatiana but the sheer intensity of her emotions gives her the courage to stand up for what she has been trying to keep in for so long. Nobody seems to realize that the reality of her happy ending isn’t as magical or as perfect as everyone makes it out to be. Waking up to the possibility of Erik being by her side has been the only thing she’s been holding onto and she isn’t just going to stand aside and let Tatiana and her mother take that away from her too. “I’m sure you didn’t come here to fight with me and likewise, fighting with you is the last thing I want to do right now. But stop painting me to look like the bad guy of the story because I’m not. I will continue to love Erik until my dying breath and nothing is ever going to change that. I’ve adjusted my whole life to accommodate you and your immense need to complete our destinies to gain your mother’s approval but I’m not doing it this time. I will not give up Erik until he himself tells me to go.” With that, the princess ducks her head to hide her own tearful eyes away from the fairy’s stare.  
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
“You are the light, Erik. You’ve always been my light.” Tatiana murmured as her hands curled around his own and she linked their fingers together. “I may not be able to handle mother on my own, but I can keep her away from you. It’d make things worse for me, but I’d do anything for you, Erik.”
If she could convince her mother that she was strong enough to rule on her own than he would be freed entirely. Mother wouldn’t be able to harm him anymore... He’d be safe. 
Tatiana cracked a smile and leaned forward, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead. “That is obviously how those traits were split up. I am the beautiful dumb one and you are the ugly smart one.” she jested back with a little grin. 
“You are my whole heart, Erikson. Losing you would be like losing every piece of myself.” She sighed out as she rested her forehead against his own.
It is easy. Much much easier to rebel, and attempt to take out their mother. He felt powerful enough to try, however the risk of failing was too great, for either Ana or Gwen. This game of chess had to be played delicately, while each step would be carefully planned, accidents may happen.
Perhaps it was much simpler to rob his sister of her destiny and be the one who place Gwen into slumber, so that he may be the only one needed to shoulder the burden and the pain that their entangled fates would bring.
Leaning into her hand, he sighed, closing his eyes in peace. He enjoyed the feel of her hand on his cheek, but gently pulled her hands away with his own. “I’m far from the light, Ana. You also overestimate yourself if you think you can handle mother. You’d never be able to hurt me.” Erik smirks. “You may have gotten all the beauty, but I have the brains.” He winks. 
“The only pain I’d feel, is if I lose you, and that’d be eternal.”
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
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The Thorn Twins - Erikson and Tatiana
“If I didn’t have my brother I would have succumbed to the darkness long ago...”
“My sister is an unreachable rose, but if you happen to even get close, I will break you.”
“With petals long yanked off, it’s a tragic life for those roses only left with  THORNS.”
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
Any moment she was with her brother again, Tatiana felt at complete ease. It was probably creepy to people just how much she loved her twin. Growing up, under the wrath of a harsh and unloving mother, the only person who had ever loved Tatiana had been Erikson. So it was only natural that she returned his love tenfold. He had been her rock, the only light in her dark, dark life. Then she had lost that light for a whole year. Alone with her mother she had nearly drowned in the darkness that her mother so easily threw onto her. Your destiny is this, don’t deviate at all. You know what happens if you do, littlest one.
Then finally the year had ended and they were reunited again. Tatiana had sobbed for the first time in a year, pouring out everything that had happened while they were apart. She had her big brother back by her side again and she would do whatever it took to never lose him again. 
In the villain club sat the Thorn twins. Tatiana had her eyes closed peacefully as her brother’s fingers carded through her hair, expertly fixing into the fishtail braid he had risked so much to learn. He finished her hair and she touched it lightly, turning to face her brother with a bright smile of thanks. It dropped to a frown at the his words. She cupped his cheek lightly in her hand and shook her head. “I won’t let you. You keep your freedom and stay in the light. I can handle mother. I don’t want her to hurt you any more. If you stay here she can’t hurt you..” she said softly, eyes starting to brim with tears. “I won’t let her hurt you...”
The room meant for the villains club was empty, save for the Thorn twins. Erikson was patiently braiding Tatiana’s hair behind her, something that he kept a secret knowing how to do, even from Gwen. 
It came from the Spartan childhood they had, Tatiana had commented on how pretty the braided hair of the princesses were, however she was brutally punished by their mother for that thought. 
Erik had the luxury to escape from time to time, and charming the housemaids of the princesses, he learnt the skill after months of sneaking away in secret. The very first time he braided her hair, her smile alone gave him the strength to last through his mother’s punishment when she found out of his deed.
“I might be returning to a darker place.” Erikson whispered, finishing the french braid on his sister’s hair. “If Mother sees that I’m capable once again… Perhaps she’d go easier on you.” 
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
It's hard to think about the circumstances of others when your life is so difficult. Tatiana knows others have it rough, but nobody but Erik seems to understand just what she has been through. Everyone thinks they know what she wants. But Tatiana doesn't get to want anything by her own choice. She's never had a choice. And they just don't get it. This destiny that she acts like she wants is what her dearest mother wants. Maleficent has all the power, all the control and Tatiana has never had any.
Blue flames soar from her fingers only to be quickly crushed against her skin as she clenches her fists tightly. "Stop thinking you know what I want! I don't get to want anything! I've never had a choice to want anything! My thoughts, my actions, my everything is dictated by my mother!" Furious eyes meet Gwen's, tears of her own welling up to match the princess'. "I don't need to know your so-called relationship. I know Erik, I know my brother better than I know myself, and I know it will only end in tragedy for both of you. I refuse to let anything hurt him. You can call me selfish all you want, call me possessive, call me what you wish, but I will do anything to keep even the littlest of things in this world from hurting my brother." Her lips curl back into a snarl and she glares through watery eyes at the girl before her. "You still don't get it! I don't get to live my life. I don't get a life at all! I am not free to do anything! I've never been free and I never will!" Her voices takes on a cold, dark tone and tears roll down her cheeks. " 'Follow my footsteps, littlest one, or you will regret the very day you were born. Deviate the very slightest and you and your brother will cease to exist.' My mother told me that every day. I am not free to do anything ever."
⚜ bad blood
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
Tatiana bites her bottom lip, eyes flicking down to the proposal as she takes it into her hands. She slides it into the bag over her shoulder and then looks back to Gwen. “Who’s the treasurer again?” she asks, her face set in an expression of casual indifference.
The moments of silence between her harsh words and Gwen’s response are tense and they almost make her regret being so harsh. She doesn’t hate Gwen that much. However, Gwen’s words quickly change that opinion. Her eyes blaze and she steps closer to the girl. “While I was busy preparing?! You don’t know how much shit my mother has put me through! Unlike you, my life wasn’t all silk and jewels! I don’t get a choice in my destiny! If I say no and go against her, I’m done for. You rebel and you’ll probably get sympathy from your goody goody parents!” She glares at her, flames flicking from her fingers and burning in her eyes. “I am by Erik’s side as often as I can... I’ve never had the luxury of freedom to do what I want! If you love him that much you would know it is better to cut ties. To get rid of all the feelings before our destinies have to happen. I am not going to hurt him by sealing away someone he loves for a hundred years! The only thing I can do is stop him from loving you. I will do anything to protect my brother’s heart and I know you are not good for him.”
⚜ bad blood
“There seems to be no problem then. You’ll just need to coordinate with our treasurer for the budget and funding.” After she speaks, the only sounds that fill the room are that of her pen gliding across the white paper as she signs the budget proposal as an indication of her approval. She hands the folder back to Tatiana with another one of her bright smiles only for it to fall and a shocked expression to cross her features once she finally hears what the other really wants to say to her.  
The words are like daggers straight to her heart and they leave her stunned, frozen in place. Perhaps the two of them have been dancing around each other in a truce of sorts for long that she has forgotten that Tatiana is not her friend and never has been her friend. No matter how much Gwen wishes things could be different for them, it’s painfully obvious where things stand between them. “I understand that you’re upset with me but don’t think that’s a bit selfish?” She asks bravely. “After all, I am the one who has stood by Erik’s side for the last three years while you were busy preparing to have me sleep for a hundred years. I’m not going to take him from you, Tatiana. I love him too much to take him away from the person he loves the most. But I am asking this, please let us be happy for now because once our destinies arrive, I know he will stand with you and not me.” 
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
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“Your fate is set. You will be the baddest of them all, even at the expense of yourself.”
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
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eaxtatiana-blog · 8 years
Ophelia. Now that was a name she had heard constantly around this school. The girl before her was making many a waves as a dastardly person. If mother was here, Tatiana knew what she would be forced to do ; befriend her, gain her knowledge, feed off of her nature and then go on to betray her. By ruining the baddest of them all, she would secure her place as the top. However, Tatiana just wanted to get to know her better. Was their perhaps a secret side to Ophelia just like she had?
She accepted the girls hand and forced her own wicked smile upon her red lips. “Tatiana. A poor wicked damsel who’s been stuck around bland filth for too long.” she answers. “Sounds like a place I’d love to be with a breathtakingly gorgeous girl such as yourself.” She’ll add her last name later if pretty Ophelia asks.
A rather good response in the flock of students who took her flirting as an insult for some reason, she already liked this girl. Giving a small bow, she introduced herself formally with a wicked smile. “Ophelia Callous, at your service. Hear to provide company to those who know they are too good for this school.” 
Extending her hand for the other girl to take, she looked over with pink eyes. “May I ask you’re name?” A sudden chill of familiarity creeped up Ophelia’s back but she ignored the signs, what did her instincts know anyhow? 
“I know just the place, it’s behind the school, on the roof of the janitorial building. It’s shady, secluded, and with the right people…sexy as well.” It was where she took most of the her companions when she was trying to get away from her roommate.
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