echoestm Β· 2 months
My muse has gone berserk. They are covered in blood, growling, and acting aggressive and wild. Send in your muse’s reaction to finding my muse in this state.
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echoestm Β· 2 months
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❝Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?❞
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Name/s: Black Phillip. Lucifurr. The Devil. The Horned One. Goat-man. DOB: 1630 AD Sign: N/A Gender Identity: assigned male at creation Sexual Orientation: without limits or boundaries Relationship Status: groom to many a witch, warlock, and damned soul Profession: tempter, defiler, corrupting influence Interests: Life. The forbidden. Dancing. Hedonism. Evolution. New places. New peoples. Signatures for his book. Souls. Religious affiliation: Egregore born of Puritanical beliefs in the 1630's. A deviation from the Abrahamic roots that speak of Satan.
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Like the true devil of old, He is a being that has gone by many a name. He has been named for Kings and paupers alike. He's been called by his color, his prominent horns, his sex, and beyond. To the family that would become immortalized alongside him in New England, he was Black Phillip. A sire goat bought to breed with their nanny goats, to fill their meager farm with their brood and all their makings. A thing that would not come to pass. Yet, someone must have remembered the silly babblings of Jonas and Mercy, the twins who named him, because it was this name they later printed in their pamphlets about him and the exiled family he drove to ruin and damnation.
In truth, he came into being on a ship long before them. He is born of the whispers that made long cold nights a little easier to bear, frightening tales told 'round candlelight. As unbeknown to him as to his creators, he is a hybrid of ancient pagan imagery married to diluted Abrahamic belief turned into Puritanism. Cloven hooves. Curling horns. A goat who walks on his hind legs. One who turns into a man sometimes. The devil come to tempt them all, and from whom they must turn away and stay pure.
So he comes as he is predicted to. In the guise of a jet-black goat with formidable horns. An ornery thing. Always sold with a mile long list of warnings regarding his temperament, his stubbornness, failings that drive down his price and make him available to even the most impoverished. The scents of desperation and ambition on them are sweet to his nose, and will often get a small performance of good behavior out of him to further seal the deal and get him a ride to a new home, where he may listen and learnβ€” observing all that is lacked, all that is had, and then some. All the better to sweeten his tongue when finally he decides to loosen it and make his offerings, his barters of assistance in exchange for their hand in his book.
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echoestm Β· 2 months
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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Were snowmobiles rare in space? Thought occurs and gives Ken a big measure of pause. Yes. It doesn't exactly make sense, does it? They're not equipped for the... all of it; the cold, the vacuum, the dark. Which MIGHT explain why he never found it at the transition point. Huh. Yeah, no. That definitely seems like it.
Yet what emerges at the end of this pause is, "We don't really use them much in Malibu either." Beaching is the much more enjoyable thing to do. Sand and surf and sun. "I think I'm going to need a ride to it."
Bubble helmet comes off and is tucked under one arm, the opposite hand raised to card through blond locks and make sure they are as they should be, instead of making a terrible first-impression. "Yeah! Which one of these things will point us to Earth?" The con is motioned at as a whole. An enclosed universe of blinking lights and switches that FLIP! and CLICK! All manners of instruments that he's not qualified to consult or touch on his own. "I'm pretty sure I was supposed to land the rocket ship before finding the snowmobile. So if you could just... and then maybe you could come along! How about that, huh?"
THE RESPONSE IS BUTCHERING. THOUGH, Spock maintains his collection as he tracks Ken with his eyes.
The path to the Enterprise involves a series of purposeful steps. Imaginative, surely. The desire for discovery, the final frontier, and β€” undoubtedly β€” some measure of colorful plastic.
β€œ A snowmobile? ” Spock tilts his head, β€œ I am afraid I am unfamiliar with such a vehicle. ”
There’s a beat as he considers what Ken could mean. All modes of transportation in his current environment reflect his understanding. Captain Kirk may be able to assist. However, Spock has yet to convene with him this morning.
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β€œ Not in this area. Perhaps, I could assist you in locating it? ”
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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"Beach and long life!" Right? Yes. He remembers this from... somewhere. Back of the box, maybe? Or one of those pamphlet booklet things, that are often jostled around and kept in the same places as the accessories for a while. Sometimes it gets jumbled up in his head, tossed around with everything else he keeps in there, but he feels fairly confident!
"Yes!" This is true. He is a loooong long long way from home. Almost annoyingly so, but not so much that he didn't make the decision anyway to commence the trek to Los Angeles. "There was supposed to be a snowmobile... somewhere. The rocket was supposed to get me to the snowmobile and that to the roller blades but... I'm not sure what happened." The stars had continued on endlessly and the transition point never appeared... only the NCC-1701. Allies, friends, sure... but hardly purveyors of fine cowboy goods. "Have you seen it?"
IT IS NOT SIMPLY THEIR ATTIRE that makes this encounter unusual. Fitted with his hands clasped behind him, Spock steps forward, observing the newcomer β€” as it is defined in his description β€” before raising the ta’al.
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β€œ Live long and prosper, ri-fainu-Ken. ” Unknown. The specifics escape him. Surely, this model was not meant for space. He wonders how Ken managed to arrived here. β€œ You are a long way from home. ”
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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He has definitely made a wrong change of transport somewhere. Was it not Camper Van to Rocket Ship? Well now he just looks ridiculous standing around in his NASA space suit and bubble helmetβ€” rescued from his own mistakes on the way to more fringe. At least he's ended up somewhere he recognizes. Barbie and he both had been on this set, their box including pictures of the guy curiously looking at him. He knows him! "Hi, Spock-Ken." He waves, something between Vulcan traditional and American.
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echoestm Β· 3 months
Jake wants to know if Ken's had diner pie. In celebration of pi day.
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"Pie Day?" MAN, he missed that holiday entry on the calendar. The various culinary Barbies were probably baking up a storm for Barbieland... and here he was, away from home, looking for fringe. Pockets are quickly checked, a dull plastic coin found and held aloft triumphantly. "I've got a nickel for the soda-jerk if you know the way, friend!"
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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Man, he LIKES it when he's recognized. It's up there with people asking him the timeβ€” like they respect him, or at least expect him to know things. This feeling will never get old. So it draws a bright smile and a little wave in the direction of excited screams. Yes. Yes, he is Ken and he's here. People SHOULD be excited.
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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Why don't people understand anything?! It's like he's speaking... Complicated! He's not even one of the Kens that DO that. "Augh!" Frustration erupts from inside him in a yell, wordless, just pure rage and upset. He needs to get back to his boat so he can make it to the roller skate part...
"Even if I did, it would be healed by now!" Everyone knows that. X-ray technician Barbie would have said so. Getting hurt becomes irrelevant so fast that he can't understand why they are still talking about it instead of finding his boat. "Look, I was supposed to take the boat to the bike.. no, wait.. the snowmobile? I JUST WANT TO BUY HATS!"
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"Nothing that comes out of your mouth makes any sense." Either a spell or a prank. There could be no other explanation of what was happening here. He's running down the list of culprits as he stands there, tuning out the idiot as he tries to find some sort of reason behind this madness. "Boat?" He pauses. "Were you dropped on your head? Do you have a brain injury?"
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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"Pfft!" Yeah, okay. How could he NOT know what Beach was? It's his whole thing. Perfectly blond scoff. Just, pure offense noise. How dare. "I know what Beach is. It's my whole job. I'm GREAT at Beach!" He's great at all kinds of stuff. This guy doesn't know.
More concerning though was the lack of Barbie around. Or pale guy's lack of knowledge of her. Everyone knows Barbie... don't they? "She's Barbie!" He should have asked her to come along. He thought he remembered the way back to cowboy hats better than this. Was it rocket ship then bicycle into roller blades? No no... it was boat. He'd taken a wrong turn. But why wasn't there a Barbie here to help him out of his jam? "Okay, wait. Where is Boat?"
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"..I'm beginning to think you don't know what beach is." This just continued to confuse and bewilder him. Where was the wizard of waterdeep? Some how.. This was his fault. It had to be. Was this because he eat the last pastry? Or was it because he called his Tara an overgrown flying squirrel? "...I have...not seen Barbie. Nor do I even know who that is.."
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echoestm Β· 3 months
@narratingastory || look at that good looking doll over there!
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"Hi Ken!" God. Another one. A pop-star one, judging by the looks of him. He just hopes he's one of the cool ones. Not like Ken. OTHER Ken. Pompadour Ken.
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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"So you don't even KNOW what Beach is!" Well well well. How the turntables. Yeah, he's smug when he plants hands on his well defined hips. This must be how Dr. Barbie feels ALL THE TIME. So wise. So knowledgeable about the things peons can't even begin to comprehend. Excuse him while he does some well deserved cock of the walk pacing, basking in the glorious moment. "It's cool. Not everyone can Beach. Have you seen Barbie?"
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Right. He supposed he was hungry.
"What in the hells is Beach?!"
What in the world.. Was going on. He doesn't even know where he was. He smells a misfired spell or some drug that was giving him a fever dream. A very, very strange fever dream. But that's alright. He's about to bite him and get this over with.
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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"So you DON'T beach!" AHA! He was right. As usual. Very often, at least, when concerning these matters. He just knew it. You can't beach and not tan. Duh. Just wait until he tells Barbie about this guy. Ha! She's going to laugh and think he is SO funny. "I knew it."
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No one would know if he just ate him. They were alone. And he doubts anyone would miss him. Surely.. Surely it would be the humane thing to do. "I don't tan. It's terrible for the skin."
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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No. Nope. Firm headshake of utter denial is the only possible response to that outrageous lie. "So where's your tan?" The sun giveth and the sun taketh away... what, he isn't sure. But it sounds right. And it most certainly gives an attractive glow. He is a walking example of it.
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"I'll have you know.. I have.. Beached before!"
He most certainly hasn't but he's not going to let this tacky.. Creature know that. He'd be sure to find out what.. Beaching was later. From more reliable sources.
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echoestm Β· 3 months
@voicestm || the sickly pale guy over there who is supposedly attractive?
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that DOES NOT look like a man... thing... who beaches.
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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Turnabout is BEYOND fair play between the two of them, and Chris is highly overdue some comeuppance. It doesn't mean she's not going to whine and fuss and even sulk about it. Just because she's earned it doesn't mean the medicine is gonna go down easy.
And then... from the mouth of a babe who happens to be her cousin and tie-in for best friend... the reality of Woodsboro. It's WEIRD. And apparently it's not supposed to be, but she knows she's not the only one who questions how it all works. WHY they're a picture-perfect suburb that runs the way it does. It feels like it's by-design, and she wants to know who designed it and why and more importantly... why are they all so afraid of rocking the boat? Herself included. Because... it DOES scare her, a little. Being the nail that sticks out.
Why is it so easy to accept that Wes and she are a done deal? That barring major misbehavior on either of their parts, they'll just continue to go together until she really is Mrs. Carpenter and they have Nicki's prophesied milliondy babies. It's like their own "good" behavior damns them.
It isn't until Nicki doubles down on her sincere offer to be the ear she needs that Chris breaks herself out of the inner spiralβ€” thoughts of having accepted a boy's invite and offer because she'd had no good reason not to, because he was nice and she was too and never thinking at that split second that it could mean something so permanent that even thinking of options beyond would get her in trouble. She knows what she'll be labeled and thought of, if she breaks his innocent heart for wild whims. "You ARE my sister," Chris insists, eyes rolled fondly. Why they had been separated into two separate houses, she'll never know, but she and Nicki honestly might as well be.
"I want out of town. Seriously. I want to talk somewhere with no ears to recognize names and shit." Always a risk when you lived someplace where everyone pretty much knew everyone else, or at least of them. "Just you and me this time, Nick. You know I love Ro, but I just want... I want to talk private. And god, I want to be out of here. Pick you up from your place?"
"Nope. Sorry." Nicky really enjoys getting to rib her older cousin, given how many times Christina had been so quick to do it to her in the past.
She pauses and squints, turning over Christina's previous words, searching for an answer. She had just assumed he wasn't there and upon further consideration, Nicky still believes this to be true.
"Weeeeell, I dunno that you'd be telling me about this if he was." There. Perfect logic. "I know, babe, I know. And you shouldn't because, like, you have that shit locked. You two are gonna marry each other and have a milliondy babies, I'm sure." She means that. It's what everyone seems to think. But now, with this Billy talk, it has Nicky second-guessing whether Christina thinks that.
Being dismissed puts her off and she pouts, sighs. "You know I'm just teasing, right? That you can talk to me?" It's genuine and heartfelt. "Always, about anything. You're like the sister I never had." With that, she glances at her calendar and then a note Ro had passed her between second and third periods, just to make sure she had nothing. "Not much. Where do you want to go?"
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echoestm Β· 3 months
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