ectostar-blog · 9 years
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[[y’know when i said i lowkey shipped billy and wyv?]]
[[yeah i lied.]]
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
Random Cryaotic Sentence Starters
But mostly Corpse Party.
“You open this fuckin’ button.”
“Can you please- [Name], baby, can you please…? Thank you I appreciate it.”
“Don’t ever fuckin’ do that again.”
“Do you want the orb?!”
“You’re full of shit!”
“She did the… tongue thing. She did the tongue thing!”
“I tried to say Texas Ranger and it fucked up horribly.”
“They were fucking butchered!”
“I—- don’t like you right now.”
“No——! I was doing so well!”
“Fuck you! I win!”
“Grab it!”
“Hit him with the ball!”
“What are you, what are you doing?! Oh my GOD!”
“*CACKLING* You can take their fucking head off holy shit.”
“This is quite a pretty place I find myself.” 
“That man has a nice beard.”
“Can’t find me now! Too slick for you!”
“Goddammit I was just… Fucking drunk. Sorry people make mistakes when it comes to dicks and booze!”
“We can’t take their stuff? I wanted to wear their clothes. Become them.”
“If this was any other game, you’d be dead right now.”
“[Name] is one of the newest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! And he’s not even a turtle!”
“This is basic baby shit, man, I know this stuff!”
“12 dollar parking? Fuck that.”
“Don’t put your dick in things that don’t got a ring attached to it.”
“And they’ll probably slap us. With guns. And then we’ll get knocked out. With guns.”
“*with a bad British accent* I think you might have forgot something there.”
“Oh wait. That had blood on it.”
“We could just jump!”
“I don’t think we should jump. I mean I thought about it, but now I don’t think we should jump. It seems dangerous I don’t wanna do it.”
“What about you guys, haven’t talked to you in a bit.”
“Well, fuck you too, [name].”
“That is some crock of shit you have there my good sir!”
“I got a brick.”
“I’m gonna brick it. It’s kinda like how Wreck it Ralph’s gonna wreck it, I’m gonna brick it.”
“I don’t wanna kill you cuz you’re geting married!”
“Fuck, get away from me!”
“Get- Go to bed!”
“Well, I guess it’s time to open doors.”
“That’s not how class relationships work out in adulthood land.”
“You’re not dead…”
“I can move! Holy shit! I can move!”
“Your face is creepin’ me out.”
“Oh, so she’s one of those girls.”
“AKA he totally is down with that.”
“You also kinda look like an asshole, no offense.”
“So… You’re gonna be a big problem in this whole predicament.”
“Do they all have family issues? Jeez!”
“Well that’s nice there’s a pee bucket in the middle of the fuckin’ hallway.”
“Do I go for the booty? Or not the booty?”
“What? The hell is that sound? What the fuck is that sound?”
“Let’s open more doors.”
“I feel nervous.”
“It won’t open. Open!”
“I was not expecting any of this!”
“I really don’t think she does.”
“My butt is buttered up and ready for action.”
“Well, you’re kind of being a debby downer there, miss/mr [name]”
“You’re gonna die. I don’t want you to die!”
“No! No! No!”
“And now more things.”
“Fuckin’ hell.”
Ohhhhh… fffffffffu-fuck.”
“And now to do other stuff.”
“Ugh! Oh, fuck me softly!”
“I will juke you! I will juke the fuck out of you.”
“Ee-oh, that did not juke very well.”
“Don’t care that you died anymore, you’re kind of a dick.”
“Oh! I’m a bad boy! I smoke cigarettes!”
“And now, people are going to die.”
“Whoah! Whoah! Whoa-ah.”
“… I like you.”
“I do believe he/she’s going super sayan.”
“For some reason I thought this was this and it’s not really that so it just.. eh… yep.”
“Wait, who died? Someone died.”
“Well this is [name] actually uh she’s real dead she’s uh… Pbtlht.”
“Wait. Somewhere along the lines someone’s gonna piss in this bucket.”
“I really gotta go piss in a bucket, don’t I?”
“[Name], fill this with piss.”
“Hey! Hey… why do you look loopy?”
“You takin’ more freaky pictures [name]? You fuckin’ weirdo!
“Can I pee in the bucket now?”
“Hey! Who the fuck are you? Dayum!”
“This is great! [Name] You’re with a crazy murderer person that’s great.”
“Fuck my curiosity!”
“This is indecent.”
“But there’s soap bubbles so it’s okay.”
“Kick in the fuckin’ door!”
“I quoted them somehow.”
“I really don’t like him.”
“Well one of them doesn’t have a head so she probably doesn’t need a tongue.”
“You’re not my friend actually you’re kind of just a bad person.”
“No, that is not being a good girl that’s being a dead girl.”
“I’m sorry [Name] she’s currently dead right now.”
“I like his hair!”
“I like his beanie!”
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
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i feel you bro i feel you jumpscares are a cheap tactic but boy do they get me every. single. time.
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saaaaame wolfbro. and its really not cool because spence spends most of his free time making scary movies and then he wants me to watch them and like some of them get me good but its just so lame.
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
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i may be a werewolf but horror movies are where i draw the line
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okay big secret here but the cobra is actually really afraid of horror flicks. like duuuuude and jumpscares oh my god jumpscares!
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
draconicfacade replied to your post:okay okay but horror movies with ghosts are...
horror movies in general though
yeah!!!! oh man dude theyre awful!
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
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okay okay but horror movies with ghosts are terrifying, right?
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
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       Well it ain’t all that great as it may sound.         It’s mostly troublesome when you’re the         only human within a 100 mile radius as far         as you can tell.         I’d be making more outta my life if it weren’t         for the simple fact that I’m too fucking attached         to leave the place.         Even if it’s insanely lonesome.         Uh huh. And what’s the jar of peanut butter         for? Snack or something?
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        woah bro         that sounds way too lonely.         you okay out there?         brobots are cool and all but people make for better company.
        well duh! of course its a snack!         theres nothing better than chunky peanut butter with the          chunks taken out.         you should totally try it some time. 
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
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        Uh huh. Well ain’t that something.         Name’s Dirk Strider, ain’t anything real fancy for me to add         on to this introduction.         Not much going on here ‘sides the usual. Trying to thrive in         a city of robots.         Anything going on with you?
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        heh well we cant all be interesting popstars!         thats what makes me special you know?
        but oh man         a city full of robots?         sounds pretty rad dude.
        all im doing is hogging my bros computer at home.         not much going on right now.         at least ive got a jar of peanut butter to keep me company.
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
He snorts, he set his laptop aside mostly for Billy’s sake, He waved a little tired hello. Wyv as dresses much the same except in pants, lounging mostly on the couch. He does stand though and yawn rubbing his eyes idly “Hey Billy, good to see you.” he says tiredly 
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"So here comes the hardcore cuddles, broseph," he chimes before squeezing himself between Wyv and the back of the couch, pushing the other over just a bit in the process. His arms wind around the other's waist and squeezes him gently.
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
((Billy is totes a cuddle bug like fight me. He shares Spencer's bed in canon so that neither of them sleep alone like that is cute af.))
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
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dude do you even need to sleep you are like a ghost. im not complaining im just curious now.
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i have no idea. but i sleep every night with spence.
That's the last message he sends before he's in Wyv's home again, coming the same way he did last time--through the computer. Though this time when he comes out, hovering a few inches off of the ground, he's in more lounge-like clothes perfect for the occasion. Just a tank top and pretty short shorts. Apparently he can change his clothes whenever he'd like. And he's got a sweet little smile on his face as he waves to his friend. "Hey wyvern!"
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
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rad! ill be over in like no time!
also no promises here about falling asleep either eheh. i can do that too wolfbro!
ectostar replied to your post
bro i totally volunteer!
oh my gosh billy
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im down for that sure.
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
he concedes on that one, Billy has a point ”Okay okay you got me there i guess, but i only have like one guitar laying around and id have to resurrect my ps2 to play it.” he shrugs, he leaves off that he only ever played easy-mode because he couldn’t wrap his head around using all 5 keys. Was he supposed to use his pinky for orange? or move his whole hand down to use his ring finger? who knows.
Wyv does listen to him, he figure that ‘this country is good at things’ is probably like their ‘americas got talent’ or something along those lines, good to know. He in generally interested really, Wyv snorts a bit when he got kicked out over some food, he considers tacking on some witty comment about being a little graceless, but he holds onto it for the time.
He is still lounging propped up on his elbow on the couch arm when Billy is finished he says “Sounds like you lived a full life and afterlife.” he notes before cracking his knuckles “so, since im a man of my word ill show off a little of my wolf prowess.” He shrugs off his half jacket without getting up and drapes it on the couch head. Wyv’s transformation is a quick one, and before he knows it hes taken up the remaining space on the couch with his larger frame and now covered head to toe in black fur with an obvious canine face. He gives Billy a nice large and toothy canine grin.
"I know, I know. It's got'a be pretty intimidating to go up against the cobra in anything!" He's grinning and it seems like he's about ready to burst into laughter though he never does. His grins are always so genuine and full. He's a ghost that seems more lively and more happy than half the living beings in his world. It's almost ironic.
"Yeah," he easily agrees. But of course, as soon as Wyv begins his transformation, Billy is automatically intrigued. He makes that clear when he flies upside-down in a loop before standing inches off the ground with both hands on his cheeks and his mouth slightly agape in a little 'o'. His actions are always so exaggerated. "Duuuude," he starts before breaking out in another smile. "That' so cool! You're totally the big bad wolfbro!"
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
Wyv smirks at him “yes King of mario kart. And I’m straight savage when it comes to monopoly you don’t even know. i was playing online with like two friends and some random dude replaced a computer and like he wouldn’t trade wouldn’t give anyone else monopoly and i screwed him over so bad since i had monopoly on the most expensive property so i bankrupted him and it was great” he say reminiscing 
“the satisfaction of him having to foreclose and then rage quitting while we basically taunted him in chat it was so good” Wyv looked awful smug with himself as he recalls the story, truely an epic tail of fuckery on the highest scale.
He scratches his head for a moment thinking before sitting back “sure talk about yourself I don’t have anything else planned. I mean as long as there are snacks and bathroom breaks i don’t mind getting the biography right from the spooky source.” he says shifting into a lounging position “after your monologue ill show you some spoopy werewolf stuff n’whatever”
"Oh man, that's pretty sweet. Got'a give you props for that, bronopoly," Billy nods. "Buuut, I bet I could at least beat you at Guitar Hero since y'know, I actually play the guitar," he brags, turning the conversation right back to himself again. He doesn't do it on purpose necessarily, but he's also highly competitive and the way Wyv almost seems to challenge him makes it exceedingly hard for Billy not to talk about his own accomplishments.
"Alright, so, I guess we should start way back when I was a little tot, right?" He shifts, appearing to lay down in midair, supporting his head with his hand while his elbow is at an acute angle. "Obviously I came from the type of parents that were, like, hardcore set on making me their super famous son. And man, it didn't take long at all. I was discovered when I was six years old and only got more and more famous from there. Like before I mentioned that I was a judge on 'This Country Is Good At Things' and then I went on tours all over the world. Serenaded a few ladies, broke all of their hearts of course--some of them just had serious issues. I got kicked out of a country once for spitting out their awful food. I starred in two films and I joined a boy band for a little while. Heck, I even recorded an album after I was gone and had Spenpal say that he just happened to find it. So I'm, like, still totally famous! Even Jonah Tyler Taylor is a Cobrahead!" He laughs just a bit at the end, his eyes filled to the brim with glee.
"And now I'm just chilling with my bromie in my own house so y'know. It's all good."
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
ruinxsus & xenonsense & dexdlyappxritions & princeofdeadhearts
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its always great to see new fans! names billy joe cobra famous popstar and famous actor whats up?
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ectostar-blog · 9 years
Wyv wasn’t prepared really for the hug. It felt strange to him, he expected Billy to be intangibl. It saves Wyv a lot of trouble in the long run he supposes, he returns the hug as best he can at the odd angle.
once he’s free from the specters embrace he snorts “I am king in classic Mario kart. I play Bowser and I play to win" he says frankly. But Mario kart is a big commitment and Wyv knows it “I get super competitive so that’s probably not a good game to play, at least for now.” He continues “you could tell me your life story or some intrinsic ghost knowledge nuggets. im a lost cause for musical skill”
“up to you dude, i can show off my dumb wolf form idunno, it’s all fair game.” he says shrugging. Hes so indecisive at times, but he has always been like that.
"King huh?" Billy's tone is nothing short of challenging, and he pulls out a pair of shades from seemingly nowhere, placing them on his own face as if it'd give him some sort of edge. His grin remains wide even as he folds his arms over his chest. "Don't mess with the cobra bro, or you'll get the fangs," he jeers, a slight chuckle bubbling up toward the end of his sentence. But he proceeds to continue.
"Well," he then starts, pushing the shades up atop his head before refolding his arms. "I could tell you all about my life but i'unno wolfbro. Do you want to hear about me traveling the world, breaking hearts, singing songs, getting kicked out of too many places, and the like? I've led a pretty long and rich life--you could be here for hours!" Though of course, Billy would happily take up any opportunity to talk about himself as the borderline narcissist he is.
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