edgelessvoid · 4 days
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Happy Samuels Sunday!
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edgelessvoid · 8 days
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chenswire on the brain
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edgelessvoid · 12 days
//tw mild body horror under the cut
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look at her, my suffering emotionally dense calcium brick
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edgelessvoid · 14 days
6 star alter for your favorite character but the move from a decent/strong subclass to a barely used/worse one
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edgelessvoid · 18 days
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Yes, I am this boring.
No, I will not stop drawing women straddling each other and making out.
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edgelessvoid · 18 days
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edgelessvoid · 25 days
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no arknights i promise you i am not that sane
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edgelessvoid · 25 days
the sapphics keep winning frfr
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reed + lin combo is so cracked for this anhilation everything gets nuked by lin or chained into oblivion by reed s3
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edgelessvoid · 29 days
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things to say after driving a truck into a courthouse and identifying yourself as a car bomber
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edgelessvoid · 1 month
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reed + lin combo is so cracked for this anhilation everything gets nuked by lin or chained into oblivion by reed s3
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edgelessvoid · 1 month
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edgelessvoid · 1 month
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Let’s make the most of the time we have left.
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edgelessvoid · 1 month
You wonder if you've ever taken the time to watch the sky: white and wanton brushstrokes, colouring the curve of the earth, green sinking into blue.
(Sink you will, into this familiar shape, bowed, curl of her smile, crescent of each embrace. You think of softer thoughts and it shocks you like static, that flinch in the pit of your smouldering heart. You didn't believe in making peace with it. Now you can't remember the war.)
Sink you will, into the soft grassy knolls of the isle, the cliff you find yourself standing on, surrounded by dandelions sprinkled like the land reflecting the stars. You had believed that once, stalwart in your stance, that something so dull could appear so bright in the right company, with the right promise. And you had thought it would last. But as with the dirt beneath your feet, everything returns to dust, and only the ocean could ever come close to mirroring the sky. Deep in your mind, you know you shouldn't have tried to become anything other than what you are: a boulder to step on, stone pillar of regret.
The nature of the isle is blustery and remote. Sanctuary claimed in the aftermath of loss: a cottage by the ocean, she had insisted, for reasons you may never fully understand.
Gusts of wind whip through your hair and your clothes, embedding you in seasalt and the sounds of gulls high above. They soar so freely as you watch, dipping and hovering just out of reach, wings expanded like parachutes to carry them away at a moment's notice. How you've never envied that more.
Hours pass by and you come to lay down entirely. It's simply you and billowing grass tickling at your sides. You and the greying horizon, the incoming storm from across the sea. You and your thoughts and your grief and your newfound joy. Concentrate on what you've held onto with bleeding fists. Concentrate on the present, not the absent; on the catch, not the fall.
Heavy eyelids close to the first raindrops against your skin. They slip down your cheeks, icy beads to join a single crystal tear.
“I knew I'd find you here.”
Ah. The gulls dissipate. The waves pause. Your heart freezes in distant panic.
Above you appears a bright yellow umbrella. And peering down—is Muelsyse. Your pulse settles at the scent of autumn flowers, settles like a great descent, a coming home.
“Hey.” Your voice is hoarse but you smile faintly at her. You don't move.
She crouches down, spinning the umbrella absently in her grip like a watery halo, angel of your heavy heart. She speaks casually, even if you both know the moment is not. “What are you doing out in the rain?”
You allow her to brush your damp cheek, and you know she can tell from just a touch that one particular droplet did not originate from the sky. Her expression stirs, then softens. She runs her thumb beneath your eye, then raises it to her lips.
“I was resting,” you say, watching each motion, content to keep your whole weight upon the earth, where the only view is her and beyond.
“I hope so,” Muelsyse replies. She slides her tongue over her thumb before bending down to kiss you.
It's salty.
“You've needed this for a long time,” she says, tender in your ear. She combs through your hair with one hand as the other releases its grip on the umbrella. It falls to the ground and the sky opens up. Pouring, pelting, soaking. She joins you, drops into your arms, into the green of steady bounds, and buries deep into your shoulder. Still, you don't move other than to pull her close.
Soon, the storm becomes a soothing rhythm, an icy thrum against your skin. You allow another droplet to escape the corner of your eye, then another, and another, until they run rapids down your face, merging into rivers that you hope will drown your sorrow.
You remain as still as you can, as quiet as you can. The only disturbances come from the shuddering of your lungs, and even these sounds are swept away by the wind.
Muelsyse doesn't speak, only holds onto your shirt for dear life. It seems like you would both fall from some unknown precipice should she let go. So she doesn't. Couldn't. And she whispers just above the storm, something that makes the planet halt its spinning.
“I miss her, too.”
You know now that this ache inside may never truly leave.
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edgelessvoid · 1 month
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23/04 hbd saria
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edgelessvoid · 2 months
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"Now you can carry around a piece of me, too"
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edgelessvoid · 2 months
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edgelessvoid · 2 months
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