ejlaws · 1 year
Ethics Explained
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ejlaws · 1 year
Code of Ethics vs. Code of Conduct
A code of ethics is only effective if it corresponds to a set of behaviors that uphold those ethics. The terms code of ethics and code of conduct are often used interchangeably; however, there are some key differences between them.
A code of ethics details the general ethics that a person or employee should uphold.
A code of conduct details the way that a person or employee should behave in order to uphold the code of ethics.
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ejlaws · 1 year
Ethical Dilemmas
Ethical dilemmas can also be categorized by the following:
Beneficence: choosing between good vs. harmful
Autonomy: maximizing a patient’s ability to choose for self
Justice: dividing health resources fairly
Nonmaleficence: avoidance of harm to the patient vs electing a procedure/treatment that may cause harm though expected to help
Confidentiality: respecting patient’s rights of privacy vs. sharing needed information
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ejlaws · 1 year
Issues Addressed by Both Ethics and Law
Access to medical care
Informed consent
Exceptions to confidentiality
Mandatory reporting
Privileged communication with healthcare providers
Advance directives
Physician-assisted suicide
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ejlaws · 1 year
What is Ethics ?
Ethics is the area of philosophical study that examines values, actions, and choices to determine what is right and wrong. Core principles that have been foundational for ethical behavior were established millennia ago by the great philosophers Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates. 
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ejlaws · 1 year
Consequences from breaching confidentiality in the criminal justice system
• Lawsuits.
• Termination of employment and more
• Criminal charges.
• Death of Witnesses
• Disrupt Court Trials
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ejlaws · 1 year
Ways confidentiality is breached
▪ Assisting an unauthorized user to gain access to secured information
▪ Conversations about personal data with unauthorized persons occurred.
▪ Leaving confidential information unattended in a non-secure area
▪ Disclosing confidential information without proper authorization
▪ Improper disposal of confidential information
▪ Transferring confidential information in any form without both parties having a need to know
▪ Identifiers weren't removed from questionnaires or electronic files.
▪ Electronic files that included identifiers were not encrypted.
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ejlaws · 1 year
Key Factors to avoid breaching Confidentiality
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ejlaws · 1 year
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ejlaws · 1 year
Ethical issues faced in the Criminal justice system
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What is confidentiality in criminal justice ? Confidentiality: The rules prohibiting the disclosure of victim information. Limits the disclosure of information without the victim's consent.
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ejlaws · 1 year
Ethical Issues within the court System
There are several ethical issues within the court system that can arise in various stages of the legal process. Here are some examples:
1. Conflict of Interest: This occurs when a judge, lawyer or other court official has a personal or financial interest in a case that may influence their decision-making. For example, if a judge has a financial stake in a company involved in a lawsuit, they should recuse themselves from the case.
2. Unfair Treatment: This is when a defendant or plaintiff is treated unfairly due to their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status. This can manifest itself in several ways, such as the selection of juries, plea bargains, and sentencing.
3. Lack of Transparency: This occurs when court proceedings are conducted behind closed doors or when decisions are made without sufficient justification. For example, if a judge issues a gag order on the press, preventing them from reporting on a trial, this could be seen as a lack of transparency.
4. Inadequate Legal Representation: This occurs when a defendant is unable to afford adequate legal representation, and as a result, they receive an unfair trial. This issue is often compounded by racial and socio-economic disparities.
5. Abuse of Power: This occurs when judges, prosecutors, or other court officials abuse their power for personal gain. For example, a prosecutor who fabricates evidence or coerces witnesses is abusing their power and violating the ethical principles of the legal profession.
6. Legal Malpractice: This is when an attorney breaches their professional duty to their client, resulting in harm or damages. This can occur in several ways, such as failing to file a timely appeal or providing inadequate legal advice.
It is essential to address and rectify these ethical issues to ensure that the court system upholds the principles of justice and fairness.
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ejlaws · 1 year
Did you know?
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ejlaws · 1 year
When are officers allowed to use force ?
The police may use reasonable force only in the following circumstances:
• To make a lawful arrest, using only the force required to carry out this function.
When acting in self-defense
• To protect other members of the police force or citizens who are under immediate threat of harm.
• It is illegal to use force to punish misbehavior, exact revenge, or in response to a verbal threat or insult.
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ejlaws · 1 year
Popular questions asked by citizens: What are the rights and Responsibilities when my premises is being searched?
You have the right to inspect and read the search warrant or written directive issued by the police officer who requested the search. Otherwise, a search is illegal and must be stopped unless you consent. The police may search your property without a warrant only if they are looking for a felon or have reason to believe that an offense is being committed or is about to be committed on your property. A Force Order now requires you to be given a duplicate search warrant before the search.
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ejlaws · 1 year
Officer’s interaction with civilians daily 
With numerous allegations of extrajudicial killings and other acts of brutality, the issue of police-citizen relations in Jamaica is never far from the front pages. Positive headlines about police-citizen interactions do appear from time to time, but they are few and far between. With each negative headline, various authorities, clergy, and ordinary Jamaicans call for the need to rebuild trust between both parties, as a good relationship is critical to crime-fighting efforts.
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ejlaws · 1 year
Police Ethics Contd
The police code of conduct, which works in tandem with the law enforcement code of ethics, consists of ethical mandates that officers use to perform their duties, such as acting impartially, using only necessary force, and always maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and a professional image. The values that guide police professional conduct vary greatly across countries and institutions, but common values include honesty, integrity, transparency, and respect for human rights.
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ejlaws · 1 year
Police Ethics
Administrators in law enforcement agree that upholding professional ethics and integrity is critical to the profession. No other factor weaves such a powerful web through every aspect of policing, from recruiting and selection to promotions and assignments to training and field activities. The police code of ethics outlines the fundamental duties of law enforcement officers, which include serving the community, protecting lives and property, protecting the innocent from deception and the weak from oppression or intimidation, and respecting all citizens' constitutional rights to liberty, equality, and justice. Officers must also maintain a clean personal life and recognize the badge as a symbol of public faith and trust.
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