ellan-jay · 3 years
In a world like what we are in today, finding truth requires courage. But that tells what we stand for and who we are. After all, as mankind, we are defined by our conscience and dignity. “God hath given you one face, and you make yourself another,” warned Shakespeare. The U.S. general election is a test of good and evil for everyone. The role that we play decides where we belong.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
“They are also heavily involved in the election business and have relations with companies and individuals in China and Hong Kong.” If you would like to support attorney Sidney Powell’s efforts to preserve free and fair elections, you can do so by visiting her website.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Situation Update, Dec. 17th
Situation Update, Dec. 17th – Ratcliffe confirmation of foreign interference hands Trump justification to SEIZE ballots, voting machines
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Trump should use those powers as President to safeguard the future of our Republic and arrest those who have conspired to deprive people of their rights through election fraud. The Insurrection Act enables Trump to use the military to seize the key electoral evidence in contested states and deliver a transparent, accurate accounting of the vote.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Ollervides also posted pictures of the alleged counterfeit factory with text: “The printing plant in Guangdong, China, cooperated with the printing of false ballots, which were mailed to Canada and Mexico with medical supplies between August and October 2020 and flowed into the United States.”
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ellan-jay · 3 years
39 States Pick Sides in Texas Lawsuit; Arizona Election Case Appealed to SCOTUS; US Sanctions Against CCP Officials Who Persecute Falun Gong; Rogue UBS Bank Has Ties to Obama & Clintons and more.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
State Rep Stripped of Duties After Threatening Trump Voters; Is Bolshevik Revolution Repeating Itself in the US? CCP Spy Exposed in California, and more.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Eigteen States Support Texas’ Lawsuit
Texas filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court on December 7, requesting to overturn the election results in four swing states, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin. On December 9, 17 states led by Missouri filed an amicus brief and joined Texas’ efforts to postpone the electors’ nomination.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Stand Up! We Can’t Afford to Lose to Communism Again
The year 2020 to the U.S. is similar to the year 1949 for China – a watershed year in Chinese history. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seized power, it destroyed the divinely imparted culture of China, poisoned generation after generation with violence and lies, and caused the unnatural deaths of 80 million people over numerous political movements. Including the former Soviet Union and Cambodia, communist regimes around the world are responsible for hundreds of millions of unnatural deaths. We simply cannot let it happen again!
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ellan-jay · 3 years
In reference to the trade war, Di asked, “So why are we having trouble with Trump, when we were able to handle all kinds of problems between China and the United States from 1992 to 2016?” He said that previously, “all crises” between China and the United States, such as the U.S. bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999, were able to be resolved “within two months.” The reason for this is that Beijing had “people in high places [in the United States],” Di said. Wall Street had tried to help the Chinese regime during the U.S.–China trade war, Di added. “As far as I know, friends from the U.S. told me that they tried to help, but they were too weak,” he said.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe The 57-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is the preeminent election observation body. The OSCE assesses whether elections are characterized by confidence, transparency, and accountability, among other vital features. By this standard, America’s election was a failure. Americans aren’t confident in the outcome; half the electorate thinks it was stolen from Trump. Election officials and politicians from both parties are steadfastly preventing a transparent accounting of the balloting through, for example, signature verification of mail-in ballots.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Many such people will be asking themselves two decisive questions: Does anyone doubt, given the Democrats’ numerous apologias for lawless “resistance” during the Trump years—from “sanctuary cities” to Black Lives Matter and Antifa—and the abundant evidence of their virulent hatred for Trump that they would have stolen the election if they could? And does anyone doubt that they could, at least in such one-party jurisdictions as Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta—the only major cities, it seems, where Biden is supposed, by the official count, to have run ahead of Hillary Clinton in 2016?
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Behind the Socialists’ Hidden Agenda
When Trump entered the scene, he began to counter communism and restore traditional values. He took steps to curb drug abuse, tighten enforcement of immigration laws, and advocated that people needed to work and earn their share of wealth. That is why he was heavily targeted by news media and officials who have taken up communist ideology over the past decades. During the October 22 presidential debate, Biden said if he were to become president, he would “send to the United States Congress a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people” within 100 days. Furthermore, he supports open borders, no deportations, sanctuary cities, and other similar initiatives. https://www.christianityboard.com/blogs/behind-the-socialists%E2%80%99-hidden-agenda.4879/
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Tom Zawistowski appears on One American News with Anchor Dan Ball to Discuss the WTPC’s Proposal for President Trump to Temporarily Invoke Limited Martial Law for the Sole Purpose of the Military overseeing a Free and Fair Re-Vote of the Federal Elections.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
According to Chinese company profiling website Qixin, after the 2020 election, the Beijing UBS’s went through a major leadership turnover on November the 30th. One day before Lin Wood’s tweet about UBS, 12 out of its 15 board of directors quit including Ye Xiang, the New York UBS board member mentioned earlier. Another who just quit the board is Cheng Yixun. The former CEO of UBS’s Beijing-based subsidiary and an expert hired in the Chinese Communist Party’s “Thousand Talents Program.” The U.S. senate deems the program a threat to U.S. national security.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
During the Sept. 11 attacks, on Flight 93, 40 Americans fought the terrorist hijackers to defend the nation’s capital. These were ordinary people taking extraordinary action. They were brave Americans. Before they took action, they voted. Even at the moment of a life and death test, on a hijacked plane, they voted.They voted, prayed, and then acted. This is the American spirit. This is the American belief and the American tradition. We take each vote as sacred. We vote to make a decision, believe in the result, and act on it.
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ellan-jay · 3 years
Situation Update – Dec. 4th
What we should all expect to see in the very near future (weeks at most) is historic assertions of military authority, followed by an acceleration of arrests of traitors, public confessions and a wave of resignations of Democrat leaders from Congress. The result will be Trump in the White House, a GOP-run Senate, a GOP-run House and a conservative SCOTUS. As a bonus, if Trump exercises his full authority to seize corporations which aided and abetted the cyber warfare attack on America, we may also see CNN, the Washington Post, Twitter, Facebook, Google and other treasonous operations seized or shut down. https://www.christianityboard.com/blogs/situation-update-%E2%80%93-dec-4th.4874/
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