elsliterarylibrary · 5 days
Scotland art yaya
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I may have been gone for a little while but I'm back atleast temporary idk this was mainly for my pookie @hws-scotland-enthusiast
also I think I'm quitting this hima artstyle thing
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elsliterarylibrary · 13 days
Wine? (Yandere Spain x Reader; “I’m sorry, I know it hurts”)
Title: Wine?
Synopsis: @damtoti​ said: For the yandere prompt list could I request #12 with north italy or spain? :3 [12. “I’m sorry, I know it hurts.”]
notes: yandere, bondage
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You wished that Antonio had stuffed your ears with a cloth instead of your mouth. He hummed cheerfully, disgustingly bouncy and clueless, as he tightened the straps holding you firmly and uncomfortably tot he dining room chair. 
You wished you could tell him to shut his mouth, that he was disgusting, a kidnapper, a creep–but the thick gag left you unable to do more than drool in a less-than-menacing fashion.
Antonio finished tightening the last strap, then stood up and exaggeratedly dusted off his hands. “There!” he said, smiling bright. “Now we won’t have to waste time cleaning up glass like we did yesterday.” He shook his head, still smiling, a chuckle in his voice. “You throw the silliest tantrums sometime. But I’m used to managing them, don’t worry.”
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elsliterarylibrary · 13 days
Can you please do Mob boss Spain headcannons? I really liked the America mob boss headcannons. Thanks!
Thank you. I’m glad 🥺
A Yandere Mob boss Spain. Between him, France and the Italian brothers he’s apart of the suave gang that is able to hide their Yandere tendencies and the fact that they’re heads of their prospective mafias.
That means bad news for you: you ain’t about to catch them red flags.
He’s a firm believer in love at first sight. So when he sees you roaming about in your fair city he or one of his men will follow you around. They’ll do so for a little while so he can learn where your favorite spots that you frequent.
He’ll then approach you when you’re at a bar buy you a drink and chat you up. He’s going to lay on the complements and eventually after enough booze take you home with him and make sweet love to you.
By the time your fully aware of where you are and at least have a decent idea of what happened to you then you’re the definition of dazed and confused. Even after some of his servants come and help you clean up after last nights *ahem* earthquake. They’re the ones that tell you who Antonio is and what his reputation is.
“That can’t be true. It was a one night stand that wild. That’s all.”
“It was more than just that mi amore~” he’ll waltz in with his bespoke grey suit with a red carnations that decorated his front pocket.
He caresses your face and gently asks
“How did you sleep?”
“Fine but I … have to go home Antonio it was nice….” You notice his glimmering green eyes expecting you to stay.
He’ll let you go but he’s going to fuck around with you mentally. Yandere! Mob boss Spain is well kinda a bit of a sadist right before he makes you his. Although he’s not good at hiding that.
“But wouldn’t you want things to be nice always?” He says expectantly. He wants you to try and rethink leaving to save yourself a few days of hell. But when you insist on leaving and getting back to your normal life. Good luck with that. It’s not happening.
He’s going to send out his strategist and caporegime to torment you for a few days and then have you sent back to him.
With each passing day since you left he enjoys the updates that are being given on your mentality and how it’s quickly diminishing.
Things like your tires going missing, bank card declining because of ‘suspicious’ activity, creepy calls that you get in the middle of the night. Just things that make your day sour.
Every other night you would nearly escape a bullet or a murder attempt by Antonio’s men. Playing along with the narrative that since you’ve been seen getting comfortable with him at the bar now people see you as a great chess piece to use against him.
His finishing move that will be planned out by his strategist will be to stage a kidnapping. He makes sure that the person who is doing the dirty work states that you’re Antonio’s girl and that you’d be worth a lot of money in ransom.
Antonio is there to save the day.
“It’s okay me amore I won’t hurt you.”
The only thing you could do was tremble violently and fall into his muscular arms. Honestly after a few days of hell with people trying to murder and / or kidnap you maybe having a nice like with Antonio won’t be so bad after all.
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elsliterarylibrary · 1 month
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★ NOTE ;;
— I may or may not rewrite this. This is old writing from my main blog, so expect a change of writing styles if someone were to ever request for me to rewrite this.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Oliver is a sucker for affection. By far, one of the clingiest of the 2p's. Love always gave him mixed feelings. He does not understand how people are able to love, but he would support them! Yet, how could one love? It's sometimes disgusting, absolutely nauseating; people getting too romantic, too sappy, too... revolting. As he met you, though, he starts to feel emotions stirring, bubbling like a brew. Oh, how treacherous! Now he felt as if all his thoughts were blinded by his delusion of love. Why must he feel his skin melting? His tooth aching by how sweet you feel? A fool for sweets, he wants more, to choke and rot by how tempting your lips are, how tempting to feel your hair by his hands. He just wants to feel every part of you, treat you like his God, and him, your worshipper.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He was already messy before meeting you, now he wants to give gifts from the blood he had shed. Giving your lover something you value is something of courting, right? Then you must love his special cupcakes made of love! By love, he means physically and emotionally; he means a human heart is a product of his solution. He won't tell you how he made it, but he loves when your eyes sparked interest in his creations. It made a sick grin plaster his face, masked by good. Perish the thought of how what you ate was your best friend, he'll be there for you instead, ready to comfort you when you come crying into his pastry shop, blubbering about how you miss them, how they all of a sudden disappeared. But cupid's arrow has him swerving in joy; you depend on him! Of course sacrificing your friend was worth it!
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No mocking! He's ecstatic, filled to the brim with overwhelming madness mixed with elation. "Oh, poppet! I waited so long for this to happen! I love you! Love-love-love you!" He would chirp, sounding like an overjoyed child. His distorted sense of affection made him rush over you, who was chained to a bedpost, and embrace you into his warmth. How he misses you after waiting one day just to find the perfect time to abduct you. He'll be none the crueler to you. Of course, his God would have the best treatment, the best of everything, so he would try to be perfect for you.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
His lack of personal space made him quite needy for every bit of your time. Unlike 2p France, your space would be invaded by him. In his eyes, it's solely meant to be like it, where two lovers are always together, acting romantic, and sappy, albeit before meeting you, he was repulsed by the idea. Love truly does change someone. Before abducting you, he would always be in his bed, biting his fingers while fantasizing about you, how nice it would be to feel your skin. He'd manifest that now he was with you, and you need not have to even do any self-care when he was controlling your life, while constantly praising you.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Each bit of his heart is yours! Coming home after meetings, he would rant to you about his life, reveal himself, might I add, even expose his criminal records, and even the fact that he is a country, immortal, too. The shock on you after the confrontation would have him giggling for the rest of his day while happily cuddling you. He'll even show you his freckles, which he'd been hiding for long, if you'd like. Every night, he would tell of stories in his past, of how he had past lovers, and how they never seemed to please him, how they make him disgusted at their behavior, yet as he met you, he said; it was the first time he felt butterflies, the first time his knees felt weak, the first time his heart beating so fast, it felt like it would jump off.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
"Awww, darling!" He does not mind it, in fact, he sometimes convinces you to do so! It proves he needs to be better for you, and he'd take that criticism, no worries! All he sees it as exposure from the true you, it's like telling him he needs to change and he would do so cheekily for you to like him back. Once you show less of a fight, would he feel content with himself acting "perfect" and unflawed just for you. Just make sure you would not have that colorful language! Swearing hits a nerve and he'd cry, globs of tears falling off his freckled face as he holds his, begging to not say those words. Once you do, though, it would crack more cries, he would physically hurt himself once you start swearing up and down.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
The only game in his eyes are the games he plays with his victims once they try as much to make you fall for them. For you, though, it is not a game. Maybe the process of making you fall for him is like a dating simulator, but you escaping? He'll be in denial, a constant state of self questioning once you escape. Why do you not love him? After he has you in his grasp again, he would not even let you go, crying on your chest, continuously asking "why". He's weak when it comes to you, so he would seek you reciprocating his hugs, seek your warmth and snuggle while also shedding tears.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When he accidentally showed you his slaughterous way of preparing his pastries. His eyes held such cruel euphoria, one you have never seen before, as he butchered the poor souls into bite-able bits. He told you you weren't going to end up as food. No! But these pesky mortals would. Yet, as much of a nuisance they may be, he'd only pick the best flesh to feed you, to impress you. After all, if it makes your tummy full, it fills his heart with pleasure, aware that what he served you, pleased you. Ensuing peace after tears stained your cheeks, Oliver would kiss it away and read you bedtime stories as a way to distract you from those memories. It's your first time seeing such grotesque actions, of course he would reassure you that it would never happen again. That was a mistake on his part.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Just for a smile on your face, to enjoy his crafts, and maybe even help him with his pastry shop! He does not mind either way, as long as you submit to him, and let him praise you willingly! He vowed to love you with every single bit of his immortal love, once you say "I love you" back, he would be overridden with every feeling of glee, jumping up and down in every step as if he has been gifted with great news, which basically is for him. But he knows he has to accomplish it! Like his bakery, it gained popularity through hard earned work, his pastries taking sweat and blood (literally and figuratively) to perfection. Same with you! He needs to please you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Indeed he does, and it happens every day, even after you were kidnapped. You show the slightest bit of interest that is not him, and he would be by your side, hands encasing your body, as he begs you to focus on him with an evident pout on his face. He'll even whine and cry dramatically if it means he would be your center of attention. Show interest in another man, and he may seem as if he is unbothered, but the pink swirls in his eyes means he's planning someone's death today. After they leave you two alone, he would be pleading. It's not your fault, but why? If he changes, would you love him? Oh, he guarantees he would.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Not afraid to have PDA. Every time, he is attached by your hip, a hand on a part of your body. He loves to cuddle, too, especially if he is the little spoon once you are willing. Adores sleeping with his neck buried in your face, as he could smell your scent, the shampoo he showered you with, prominent. He could get overboard and smooch your face many times, along with squeezing your body too much. At times, he loves to hold your body and trace every part with his fingers as he whispers what he loves about it. No part of you would be left insulted, instead it is praised.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
His offer of a pastry dish for free is his way. Anyone who is unaware of what he bakes always goes for more than seconds. They'd die to be in your place. Of course, when you offer to pay, he would shake his head and refuse. He says it's a treat for you as he appreciates you being a customer of his dainty place. Maybe even use your offer to pay to divert it into something like him saying he just wants to talk to you or so.  And why would you turn down the owner of the bakery who's so cheery and positive, who seems to hold no malice?
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Albeit seeming to act welcoming to everyone, he often tends to be less cruel, his colors more true and less forced. His smile holds genuine intent from seeing you. You're offered better privilege from him in his bakery, offered a better place to sit in, and his touches seem to last more on you. He also seems to be more lively, yet down-to-earth, as he has you. Almost as if he's living somewhat normal, somewhat alright- like a teenage boy who's in the process of falling in love, not some lunatic who chops people for fun.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Slaps on the wrist, interrogation, and him scolding you like a mother would do their daughter. He'll be pouty, but he tells you not to do "it" again because it may seriously harm you, and no one wants that. If you go too far, and he breaks down, then he'll maybe isolate you for some time with him. That is, you two are already isolated, but more likely you're stuck in the bedroom often.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Privacy. He'll sleep with you, take baths with you, have you attached to him most of the time. He knows you may be wary of him, but again, he means nothing bad! Just taking care of you, after all. He wants to know your every secret, so before he even abducts you, he has personal information on you. Now that he has you, he wants to hear you personally say your experience to him. That's what lovers do, they spend time together reliving memories, telling stories, yes?
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Depends. He'll be patient, but he'll also beg for you to love him already. For you to love him, it's a dream, his one main goal. So while it seems he would be patient, if you are on a streak of disinterest, then he'll slowly show you signs of impatience, either it'd be by whining more and getting more cuddly with you. Sometimes, he slips small signs of how he's waiting for you to submit.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. He can't move on, he'll never move on. He'll even die, too! He's too emotionally dependent on you! How could he let go, he can't replace you, his life-source! He'll be drained of happiness, like he sees no value in life. He'll even let himself rot, he doesn't care. Nights of sorrowful yearning would turn into him planning to get you back, by magic. He's tempered with it all of the time. Oh, he'll get you back!
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He'll feel guilty if you're a bit homesick, but he feels like this is the best for you. He'll try to make your shared house feel more of yours, if it gives you a certain nostalgia. But once you settle in with him, then he'll let you go outside and be more independent, as long as you ask for permission, then it'd be no bother.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc.)?
Curiosity. He's never felt the feeling before, so of course, he would be curious on why you, of all people, make him feel giddy. But he accepts it. He'll observe you for a bit behind his counter while making pastries, let Flying Chocolate Bunny spy on you, and Ms. Fairy to stalk you home. They'd always tease him about his obvious fascination, but could he help it?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He'll do the same, too. It genuinely hurts him seeing you hurt. After all, who would want to see their lover cry? Mentally break? He loves you, would hold you once you cry, and let you cry as he does so, too. It's as if it's only the two of you, and it is. No isolating yourself, darling, he'll help you, you don't have to struggle yourself from even standing up. It really hurts him, but you have him, even if he might be the sole reason you are hurting yourself.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He's both delusional and self-aware. It fluctuates between days and his moods. He loves you, and he knows that kidnapping you is wrong, but it's right for you! It makes him wary of what you do, and so he could keep track of you without you leaving his bakery every so often, but at the same time, he knows why you feel insecure under his gaze. But he promises he means no bad! Sometimes, he manipulates you into thinking he is perfect, sometimes he breaks down for no reason. He has this idealization of what love truly is, similar to 1p France, where he must not force it, but at the same time, he fails to do so.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His people-pleasing type of behavior towards you. He's always ready to be at your command at times, so once you know how to manipulate him, then you could use him. But, even as he is easy to use at your disposal does not mean he is unaware of manipulation, as he is one himself. Yet, he'll still let you do anything to him, at the end, he will be sobbing once he realizes you still do not love him. Why are you torturing him like he's just some toy? He's trying! Just for you! "Oh, poppet, darling! Please! Please don't leave me! I'll do anything for you, just don't leave! Please!" You can't even comprehend what he says as he hiccups, choking in guilt and shame.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Oh, never! He'd rather die, than see you break, lose yourself. The best he could do is spike your drink with a love potion, but that's the last thing he'd do once he's between a fine line of breaking. It'd be easier to break him, than for him to taint your skin with a knife. Punishments are usually slaps on the wrists, or small threats of losing your privilege to easting more of his dishes. If he ever goes too far, though, he'll apologize every day, begging for your trust, pleading that he'll change, he'll never harm you again.
Xanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Very much. He'll be doing every order of yours, except escaping. Want someone to die? You have the right person to ask! New clothes? "Oh, my sweets, give me the details and I'll make sure you have it!" For him, people-pleasing helps with you liking him, and every step of the way is something he would endure to steal your heart. He adores you, worships you. You're insecure? He'll make sure to utter every praise in the book, comfort you. Avoid mirrors? Darling, he knows what it feels like to feel repulsive to your body. No worries, he won't force you to be uncomfortable! Anything for his beloved poppet.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Love is a process for him to undergo for about a long time, but he's under your spell after observing you in his pastry shop every day you visit. You're so cute, everything about you makes him captivated. At first, he thought it was attraction, fascination on his part, but the more you do anything, the more he falls behind the counter. He offers you his desserts for free before abducting you, giddy heart beating whenever you take a bite and compliment his cooking. Anything you do, really, makes him entranced. It takes long before he finds out it is love, he asked 2p France about it, too! And even the Frenchman guaranteed it was love, and he was certain, utterly certain, you are his soulmate after time of being in denial.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Oh no! He's delusional, he feels love must be slow, and sweet. You'll fall by nature, for him! Your eyes should not drift to other people, that's not how soulmates work! Albeit the fact that he has kidnapped you, fed you one of your kind, forced his affections, does not mean he would be doing something so sickening towards you! No, he would not even dare choke you, or litter your skin with scars. Your tears are not worth losing yourself, as that would make the man live with shame. You're his one true lover, his soul's only connection. If he broke you, he'll break himself, too.
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elsliterarylibrary · 2 months
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It was the same every day, the four italians would constantly fight over you and your body, they would often resort to violence and it scared you. You didn’t like the blood splatter that came with their arguments, it frightened you.
Today was no different, they were yelling at each other as they kept tugging you in different directions. You didn’t dare yell at them, you were too afraid of what would happen if you did. The best solution was always to go with the flow, if you wanted to survive that is.
Flavio was as always the voice of reason, trying to make a compromise with the other three. Though his compromises were rarely in your favour. 
“Why don’t we just share her? i’m sure we can all get what we want!~” 
Flavio’s voice was ecstatic as always and you were beyond terrified.
Romano hugged you tightly and growled an angry “no” at Flavio.
This only inspired more fighting amongst the four, and Flavio fought to gain control of the situation, his voice was smooth and persuasive, as he listed all that they could gain from it, Lovino was hesitant but agreed under the condition that you would be dressed in a lolita dress. This made Luciano yell angrily at the him, but Flavio lessened his anger by saying that they could easily mix all their preferences and still have fun.
You were starting to sweat nervously, this was not turning out as you had hoped, it had actually turned out much for the worse. They all looked at you with hungry eyes, you wanted to run away and hide from them, but you knew your only option would be to agree, it would be the easiest choice.
Luciano pulled you closer and purred huskily into your ear “we are going to ravish you, Bella”
You shivered in fear but did not try to go against him, you knew too well that it would only end in disaster. Luciano seemed to enjoy your fearful and innocent reaction.
Flavio clapped his hands in excitement and sent Lovino and Romeo off to get the outfits for you. In the meantime Luciano was getting very touchy, he was caressing your body and placing soft kisses all over your neck. You whimpered softly in response, which only made him chuckle.
Lovino and Romeo returned, one with a cute lolita dress and the othe with cat ears and a tail, they presented it to you and you knew you had no choice but to change into the outfit. you were shaking as you undressed in front of the four italians, they helped you into the neko lolita outfit, they didn’t let you keep your underwear on.
You felt very embarrassed and you didn’t dare look at them. Flavio declared that he was going to take your front, to make sure you would carry his child, the others grumbled but ultimately decided to allow it.
After a bit of arguing, they came to the conclusion that Romeo would take your mouth, and Lovino and Luciano would switch between taking your back entrance.
You wanted to cry so badly because it scared you, but going against them scared you even more 
They took you to your bedroom, flavio lied down on the bed and you were placed on top of him, he pulled his pants down and lifted up in your skirt, so that your private parts were exposed, he placed you down on him and groaned. Meanwhile Luciano was caressing your butt and preparing your back entrance with lube, he soon entered you and dug his nails into your soft hips, rocking his hips against your butt.
Romeo grabbed your chin and forced you to take his member into your mouth, he stroked your hair and cat ears before thrusting into your mouth
Lovino sat on the bed started to jack off to the sight of you getting taken by the three others, he could barely wait for his turn.
Romeo was rough and he forcefully made you deep throat him, chasing nothing but his own climax and pleasure.
Flavio was almost gentle compared to the other two, but he was focusing on filling you with his seed as many times as possible, he wanted to see a stomach bulge made from him filling you up.
Luciano was rough and tried to make the best of his time before Lovino would take over, he climaxed fast and shifted with Lovino, who was rock hard. Lovino didn’t give you time to adjust before thrusting into you from behind.
Luciano sat on a nearby couch and watched you get fucked by the three other italians, you looked deliciously innocent in that dress.
Romeo was the next to pull away, clearly bored after getting what he wanted. But he stopped to caresses your hair and play a little with your cat ears. 
The only two left started to focus on getting you to orgasm, Flavio played with your breasts as he thrusted into you. You were a moaning mess and soon you climaxed from the double penetration. After they climaxed they both pulled out of you and lied down with you in between them so they could cuddle you, Romeo grumbled and left, and so did Luciano. Although Luciano went to prepare aftercare for you, for when you were done cuddling.
You fell asleep in the arms of Flavio and Lovino.
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elsliterarylibrary · 2 months
(Age 25) Hi! Can you write something smutty for America with cockwarming, praise kink and body worship?
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A/N: I put these two together, hope you like it!!
Rating: Explicit, MDNI
Word Count: 1.7K
Warning: 18+ content, MDNI, afab!reader, fem!reader, nudes, pet play, kitten and puppy!reader, daddy dom, gas lighting, piss kink, humiliation, domesticity kink, misogyny kink, dark kinks, free use, role play, CNC: kidnapping, minor stalking, aftercare, cockwarming , not proof read
Doesn’t have the patience to take polaroids of you but if you give him some he’ll have them in his wallet and will get a clear phone case just to put on in there as well. Also has a nude/sexy photo of you as his lockscreen/home screen- probably had you blowing him before you changed it
Daddy dom but not in a soft way- makes you drink loads of water because “good girls like you need to be hydrated, what would a dummy like you do without her daddy?” and then sit you on his lap, won’t let you up when you start squirming and needing to go. “You’re just a stupid babygirl, daddy knows what’s best for you, you don't need to go potty just yet.” presses against your bladder until you piss yourself over him.
Also pet play like this especially if you’re a puppy girl. One day 2+2=4 the next day 2+2=5 “silly doggy, there’s a reason why i go out and work to buy you your toys whilst you just sit there and swallow daddy’s cock” calls you “puppy” and has multiple collars for you ranging from your name, “Al’s bitch” to “puppy” or “cum dump”. Throws a ball and makes you fetch it. Also uses his foot to nudge you onto your back to give your tummy scritches. You’re so eager to please in puppy space that he lets you ride him on the sofa, mouth switching from sucking hickeys on your neck to sucking on your tits. Just dumbification when you’re in puppy space.
If you’re in kitten space i think he’ll adore you and pamper the fuck out of you. Cats don’t give their love easily so Al will spoil you until you give him love. Lets you up on the sofa, fetches stuff for you. Cockwarming is normally done to tease you or in aftercare to feel closer to you but when you’re in kitty space, you just bat at his crotch and he’ll let you sink down on him. Probably wraps one arm around your waist to stop you from moving and prepares you with the other hand. “Nuh uh, kitty, need to stretch that pretty hole of yours. My cock is too big for you to take without prep. Now be a good little kitty and sit there while daddy does all the work.”
Also also also: you’re a dumb ditzy puppy girl with the ears and tail and Al also has dog ears and tail but he’s a mean mutt who uses his size and strength to bully you into submission. You’re play-wrestling with him, having fun until Al gets fed up and shoves you onto your back, pushes your knees to your shoulders and then fucks into your wet hole. Flips you onto all fours and continues rutting into you as you cry and scratch the carpet. When he’s done fucking you, it’s finally quiet with the puppy sleeping
Realises that you are perfect and don’t deserve him- you’re so fucking goregous and kind and aren’t tainted like him. Big hands will trace your skin, eyes filled with love and vulnerability as he whispers praise into your ear. Lips dragging over your olive skin, pressing kisses on every inch.
I feel like he has a domesticity kink but it can be soft or dark; soft = coming home to you is something he dreams about. Just having someone waiting for him to come back home. He’s always pulling you into him when he sees you’re still awake in bed waiting for his return. But also like if you doll yourself up like in the 50’s with a dress and apron on, Al wouldn’t even get past the entrance before he’s pushing you to all fours and fucking you. Creating a home with him and feeding your man is all he wants
But also dark “this is where you belong, in the house cooking and cleaning for your man, and gagging on daddy’s dick” if there isn’t a hot plate of food on the table for him and the house clean, he’ll force you over his knees and spank you until you’re crying. House dirty? Makes you clean it in a skimpy maid’s outfit. When you’re bent over doing laundry, he’ll come up and finger you enough to get you wet and then fuck you over the machine. He’ll cum in you, pat your bum in a well done, then walk away whistling as if nothing happened, as if being a free use slut was a normal thing. If you crawl to him, his cum dripping out he may, after making you lick up the mess you made, make you cum. If you’re unable to move after the dicking down he gave you don’t worry cuz he’ll come back in and make sure you cum at least twice- his pride won’t allow him to fuck a woman and not get her off, scene be damned.
Sets out a CNC scene, you walking through a dark parking lot and he abducts you and takes you to his wood cabin in the forest. You wake up naked, a collar around your neck.
You look around, trying to locate where you are in the dark room. It’s cold and a bit musty smelling but that information is forgotten the moment you move your legs and hear a strange noise. Like metal scraping against concrete. You look down to see a chain attached to a cuff around your leg. Tracing the silver loops you find a male holding the other end, sitting on a chair, half in shadow.
“Hello, princess.” He stands up and walks towards you. He’s enormous, six foot and muscular.
“Pluh-please let me go. I…I prom-mise i w-won’t tell anyone,” you beg and plead but it doesn’t deter the man who stalks closer, kneeling on the ratty mattress.
“Let you go? But princess, I spent so long watching you and waiting for the perfect time to snatch you up and make you mine.” His hand traces from the cuff up your leg, hand wrapping around your left knee and yanking your leg open.
“Since the moment I saw you, though you were the prettiest woman I’d ever seen. Couldn’t get you out of my head, couldn’t stop jerking myself to the image of you on your knees, looking up at me,” he murmurs, hand trailing up and down your inner thigh, goosebumps rising where his fingertips touch. A shiver runs down your spine and you can’t stop the cant of your hips, trying desperately to push your cunt closer to his fingers. Your captor chuckles.
“Don’t worry, doll, I’ll give you what you want.” A thick finger sinks into your heat and you wail as his thumb rubs circles over your clit. One hand grips the mattress, the other curling into the white top that your captor was wearing. Another finger slips in and you keen at the stretch, jerking when he crooks his fingers in such a way that they skim your gspot. They spread out in a scissoring motion, stretching your gummy walls before a third finger is added. The stretch is divine and your eyes roll back as you arch your back.
“Hehe, looks like you want this, babydoll, you’re not struggling.” The reminder prompts you to try and wiggle away from him. A shriek leaves your lips when the male grabs the chain and yanks it, your back hitting the mattress as your body is pulled closer to him. His large hands curve around your inner knees and push your thighs to open up a space for him to kneel in. You struggle again but it’s halfhearted at best, you can feel your slick dripping down and you feel too empty.
“Colour?” Al asks, worrying when he sees your actions lose their intensity.
“Gonna let me fuck this pretty pussy? Been thinking about this for so fucking long,” your abductor tells you, hissing when he pulls out his cock and gives it a few pumps, using the precum to make his hand slide smoother. The male guides his dick into your hole, no longer able to tease you, sliding into you until his pelvis is flush with your ass. He gives you a few moments to adjust to the stretch before tentatively withdrawing and thrusting back in. You moan and buck your hips, your captor taking it as a cue to begin fucking you.
The wet slapping sound of skin hitting skin echoes around the small room. The male grabs one of your ankles and pushes your knee to your chest. You scream at the change in angle, his dick now rubbing against your gspot with every thrust. Two fingers press against your clit, drawing figures of eights on it. The intense scene and the pleasure rocking through has you quickly cumming, creaming on the dick inside of you. The dark haired male fucks you through your orgasm, thrusts faltering as he nears his high. With a curse, he pulls out and jerks his cock at the sight of you, freshly fucked and under him pushing him over the edge. His semen lands on you, thick white trickles covering your pussy. You distantly hear the sound of a phone camera but are too blissed out to care.
“Baby, everything okay?” Your boyfriend asks, one hand comfortably stroking your hair whilst the other one digs out the key for the chain and unlocks it. “You did so good, my good girl. Was so amazing, pretty doll. My good girl.” Praise falls from his lips as Al scoops you up with ease and heads to the stairs to the house. Long legs take you to the bathroom, an already prepared bath filled with warm water waiting for you. Al gently places you into the water, pulling back to kick off his clothes and enters the bath, stopping to take off your collar. You whine in protest but let him take it off.
“How you feelin’, baby,” Al asks as he places you to rest on his chest.
“Hmmm, floaty,” you slur. “Wanna be close to you. Wan’ you in me.”
“You sure?” Al asks. You nod, eyes closed. After any scene you always want to be as close as possible to your boyfriend. Al lifts you and lets you sink back down on his dick, letting you cockwarm him as he begins to bathe you.
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elsliterarylibrary · 2 months
18+ ONLY | Dark! Hetalia Smut:
Lurking in the Dark👤
2P! America x Fem! Reader
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Word Count: 12.4K
⛓️Notes: Not Proof Read | I apologize in advance if there's a lot of misspellings and etc. I love 2P! Hetalia character designs and idk why but when people draw 2P! America big and buff with scars on him with that cocky smirk it just makes me giddy even tho Hetalia is cringe hahaha. But it is unfortunately apart of my nostalgia.🥲 Anyway, enjoy this self indulgent smut from my weird mind.
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⚠️TW's: Criminal! Boston! Yandere! 2P! America, Paranoia Themes, Stalking, Mentions of Breaking and Entering, Forced Making Out, Use of "Daddy," Groping/Foreplay, Changing Persepctives Between Allen + Reader, Public Sex, Use of the Pet Names "Doll/Doll Face and Babe," Mentions of Drugging, Hallucinations + Blacking Out + Memory Loss, Multiple Orgasms (M! + F!) , NonCon/DubCon, Gun Play, Biting/Marking (F!), Mouth Play, Dacryphilia, Cum Eating (F!), Multiple Positons (Yourself on the Shelf + Standing Doggy), Manhandling, Forced Blowjob, Deep Throating + Facefucking, Degradation + Humiliation (F!), Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Begging Kink, Mentions of Somnophilia, Size Kink, Tattoos (M!), Big Dick, Strength Kink, Choking (F!), Spit Kink, Face Slapping (F!), Mentions of Voyeurism, Fingering (F!), Voice Kink and Mentions of Killing/Death.
🗝Summary: You'd been feeling uncomfortable for a while now, a month to be exact. You could barely function from the amount of sleep you'd been losing from your paranoia. Waking up in the middle of the night screaming your heart out, constantly looking over your shoulder as though you felt someone watching you everywhere you went, but nothing was ever there... You specifically felt horrified when passing by the alleyway near your office building leaving late at night from the long hours. It always seemed eerie, haunted almost, and you could've sworn one time you saw a bright pair of ruby red eyes staring at you from within the darkness.
This Work Belongs to Me, ©milqilin 2022-2023. Do not repost my works, plagiarize, or translate them.
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 The ticking from the giant clock up on the wall was deafening as you stared blankly at your bright computer monitor covered in many different open windows, multiple tabs within those followed by paragraphs of numbers in a line. You heavily sighed, resting your elbow on the wooden desk as you rubbed your forehead trying to relieve the migraine that kept getting worse with each passing minute. Your hair was a mess with loose strands everywhere, deep dark circles lied under your glazed over E/C eyes, and your mind was struggling to piece anything together. Your clothes were in disarray: the collar to your white button-down work shirt was uneven and the shirt itself was covered in wrinkles, your suit jacket was a deep blue but that still didn't hide the stains and your skirt of the same color was in the same condition as your work shirt, nothing but wrinkles. The only thing kept together was your black tights and high heeled shoes. You hadn't got any decent sleep in about a month, and it wasn't your job that was just affecting that. You worked as an accountant in an office building in the lower end of your city, not a bad area to work in, but you were thankful your apartments were further away in a better neighborhood. You also didn't mind the travel as it gave you enough time to relax before clocking in or getting home since you traveled via cab or subway. It wasn't unusual for you to work late hours and you honestly didn't mind it. You had nothing to go home to and valued the money, living in your apartment complex wasn't cheap. It was over $2K alone for the rent, then if you count in utilities-- it was a lot for one person to handle alone but somehow you made it through every month. You admitted that you should've downgraded to a cheaper apartment, but you enjoyed the living space and the quiet neighborhood.
        The street your office was located on had many other office buildings along with food places and bars for the bustling nightlife. The lower end also had a lot of alleyways and shortcuts the residents or frequent bar visitors would use to navigate quickly around the city. There was even one behind your office building that you would have to pass by to round the side of your building to get to the front entrance and the beginning of the street, you didn't mind walking by the alley when you had first started working at the office a few years ago as an intern, but lately you can't help but feel as though you were being watched from that alley. You were so alarmed by it that you would wait for other people also walking in that direction to pass by the alley. It felt eerie, wrong almost even though you couldn't fully describe as to why-- you just felt as though someone was there stalking you, staring at you as you walked by it every single day you went to work. You could've sworn that one time you locked eyes with two ruby red irises that were piercing through the darkness of the shadows in that alley, never leaving your figure as you cautiously stared back in fear. They looked like the eyes of a wild dog-- hungry and vicious. It made all the blood drain from your face and once you reached your desk you couldn't even meet your usual productivity because of how shaken you were. Just picturing those hardened, murder-filled eyes almost made your heart stop.
        You shuddered at the memory and looked around your desk at the many mindlessly disorganized stacks of papers and tools you used for your calculations. You huffed as you started to gather the papers and placed them into neat stacks deciding to call it a night, you wondered what you would do when you got home? Most likely make your nighttime tea before bed, change into your pjs, lazily slink into your mattress not even bothering to wash off your sweat from the day telling yourself you'll do it tomorrow morning and drift off into the subconscious world of dreams just to be woken up not even an hour later by your own screaming.
         The nightmares were getting to be far more intense with each dive into the lucid world of dreams. You've been having these nightmares ever since that day you peered into those ruby red eyes. There would be a shadow in the shape of a man that would appear not long after you would drift off to sleep. At first the shadow would just stand over you as you laid paralyzed in your bed, unable to move as he seemingly just stared down at you watching as your scared, rapid breathes would leave your body. You couldn't make out any of his facial features, only the outlining of his body and it was clear to you that this entity could easily overpower you. You would tell yourself to wake up, but it would never work and every time you would have the dream of the shadow man he would go further with his actions. Soon he started feeling comfortable enough to touch you, inspecting your hair and feeling its texture, grazing the knuckles of his fingers across your facial cheeks gently, and tracing your lips with his fingers or thumb. Your eyes followed his every movement, afraid-- scared to death that he would dare to go even further than just touching your face. For that night though, that was all he did. The shadow man just stroked every part of your body except your chest and lower region. It still felt as though he was trying to be loving, but it just terrified you. This complete stranger just overtaking your dreams when you didn't even know who this person was and why you were dreaming of him?!
         The tears never stopped, not even when you woke up that morning.
         After that night you had stayed up for 3 days straight because of the trauma-- the fear of going to sleep and possibly seeing that shadow man again. You were drinking whatever caffeinated beverages to keep you awake, but at the end of the third day your body had collapsed on you. You had passed out in the entryway of your apartment right when you locked the door. You remember the cool wooden flooring being the only comfort you had felt in a long time before fully losing consciousness. Strangely you found yourself in bed the next morning, but you shook it off thinking that you were so dazed from the fog that plagued your mind from the exhaustion that you didn't remember getting up and moving to the bedroom.
        From that point onward the nightmares only got worse.
        The shadow man would touch you anywhere, nothing was off limits. He would nibble on your ear, kiss you as though you were lovers, grope your breasts with such harshness you'd want to cry out, but you couldn't. Not a single sound would pass through your lips as he'd move his big rough hands along your curves and down to your hips. The shadow man started to remove your nightgown and all you could do was lie there motionless. He would pull the clothing over your breasts and start to tweak your soft mounds, making them hard and even taking them in his mouth, swirling his tongue around your nipples earnestly as your throat tightened around the lump that formed in your airways from the humiliation you felt. His scarred callouses skimmed over your smooth skin making your paralyzed body shudder internally. The salty tears that pricked at the corner of your eyes fell down the sides of your cheeks from your lying position, the only way you could even emphasize that you didn't want this, but the shadow man continued to fondle every part of your being. He trailed kisses down your stomach and when he finally made it down to your pussy your eyes grew wider, the streams of tears now dripping rapidly onto the pillow--your only comfort in this horrible scene. His thick fingers grazed your clothed slit and that's when you heard it for the first time.
          The shadow man's gruff voice.
          It was only a chuckle, but it gave you goosebumps and would haunt your memories forever. It was so dark and intimidating yet it felt as though he were mocking you, you didn't doubt that this man could hurt you and would if you gave him any reason to. You heard him mutter something under his breath, but you couldn't understand it no matter how hard you tried to concentrate on his words. It was all a jumbled mess of slurs and disoriented murmurs. The shadow man's index and middle finger would start to play with your cunt over your soft cotton panties, his fat fingers gliding up and down your slit sending shivers down to your very core as a knot started to slowly form in your nether region. The shadow man just kept caressing your pussy, exploring your every fold by spreading your outer labia lips making your panties wedge themselves between them. He could even see through your soaked panties to your alluring clit that was just pleading for attention. He would flick his thumb over the swollen bud making your pupils fly upwards briefly out of shock, your breathing became heavier with each electric touch of his fingers.
          Your mind felt as though it was becoming foggier with each passing minute, you could barely even make out the outline of the shadow man anymore. All you could feel was the betrayal of your own body as this stranger continued to fondle and defile your body. The shadow man eventually pulled your panties to the side and at this point you felt as though you were secretly hoping for his touch, your cunt painfully trying to clench around nothing as your erotic nectar leaked out, dripping down past your ass onto your bedsheets. His thick fingers approached your entrance playfully circling around your labia before inserting his digits into your pussy, feeling your juices gush out from his entry. They were so textured and big, the way he pumped his fingers in and out of your cunt was ravenous. You wanted to moan out, you wanted to make some type of sound to feel some type of relief from the knot that kept growing in your lower region, but you couldn't. With each pump of his ginormous digits the knot deep within you kept growing, his calloused fingertips rubbing on the grooves of your walls and how he would spread his fingers apart while still deep in your cunt stretching it further. Even with his head getting closer and closer to your pussy, you still couldn't make out any of his facial features. It was all dark and seemingly deluded, as though you were dizzy. You could barely keep your eyes open from how much the blurriness irritated them, but you refused to lose consciousness you couldn't, you told yourself!
        The shadow man's head now lied in between your thighs, you barely gained the strength to lift your head downward to see the scene, it made you feel so sick, but even if you couldn't raise your head to see him there lingering so close to you, you would know he was there by the feeling of his warm breath that was hitting your exposed pussy in excited heavy pants. You could feel the heat rising in your face as he nuzzled the side of his head onto your mons pubis as he looked up at you chuckling mockingly and that's when you would see them clearly-- his ruby red eyes that held a sinister pink glimmer within them.
'The eyes from the alley--!!' you internally yelped as a mixture of feelings overwhelmed your being as you lost all strength again and your head hit the pillow.
        Your pussy clenched around his massive fingers that were inside of you now all the way down to his knuckles, your body shook from not being able to vocally express your release which just made you cum even harder, flooding your sheets with your juices as he continued to violate your overstimulated sopping cunt. Again, disoriented murmuring filled your ears as you stared up at the ceiling aimlessly until you felt the cold touch of a wet muscle along your slit. You were still sensitive from cumming on his digits and now he was hungrily lapping up your delicious nectar as wet, sloppy slurps and licks filled your ears as his hands rested on your inner thighs tightly gripping them, making his fingertips dig into your soft flesh likely to leave bruises. It was clear the shadow man wasn't doing this for your pleasure, but for his own. It felt as though he was making out with your pussy and with each little kiss between the precise flicks of his tongue, he would make butterflies form in your stomach.
It was wrong!
        It was atrocious how your own body was responding to his heinous actions, but once again you would climax from the shadow man's skillful muscle. You eventually passed out to your dismay from how exhausted you were and you awoke the next morning to everything below your hips soaking wet, including your sheets and mattress. You had to immediately clean your whole comforter set and tossed your pajamas in the wash from that night. You had examined your body after that, yet you didn't see any bruises or any sign that it was real. That was over 2 weeks ago, and you haven't had a nightmare since then even though you've been sleeping finally. Part of you was sickened by how easily your feelings of fear and horror shifted into lust in your nightmare, it was disgusting. Yet-- these past few weeks when you haven't had the nightmares... you've almost felt empty, like you were missing something.
        You shook your head as you slouched your body putting away the final stack of papers in a file cabinet neatly and then turned off your computer along with the monitor leaving you to be surrounded in complete utter darkness except for the lights from the internet modems and the lighting from the streetlights outside the building's windows. You grabbed your cream-colored trench coat and black shoulder bag off of your computer chair immediately putting on the coat and placing the purse in the crook of your forearm. You made your way past the other cubicles towards the door exiting out into the hallway with your heels now clicking with each step onto the linoleum floor. You carefully made your way down the stairs and exited the building with the cool autumn air hitting you. You quickly turned around reaching into your purse and used your key for the building to lock up for the night knowing you were the last person to leave. The feeling of the wind blowing and hearing the free leaves rustling on the ground whisking past you was relaxing in a way as you turned to make the walk all the way to the station. The alleys seemed to be bustling tonight with life from the loud voices and cheers you would hear echoing off the buildings and down the streets even though you didn't see anyone in sight the way you were heading. Still-- in a way those voices made the night seem a little warm despite the actions that would soon take place...
        Suddenly you froze as you stared down at the ground in disbelief that you could be so careless, a shadow had casted itself over yours from the right leading straight out of the alley and to a pair of booted feet. You hesitantly turned your body towards the alley, your eyes slowly looked up as you took in every detail you could about the looming figure in front of you since you had the measly old streetlamp besides the alley near the street on your side.
        On his feet the man wore black combat boots, his pants were dark torn jeans, and finally he had a V-neck white t-shirt underneath the dark brown bomber jacket he was sporting. His skin was a deep dark tan and his hair was an auburn color with hints of red that seemed to peek through when the light hit his locks just right. He had split bangs that swept to the left of his face and a huge cowlick that stuck out from where his hair parted slightly off-center to the right. You easily noticed the scars that covered his face, he had three on the left side: one that was right on his upper lip, it was pretty small compared to the one that covered his cheek. That scar was in the shape of a sideways 'X' and on his eyebrow he had a slit. You also took notes on the many scars that covered his hands...along with tattoos, you unfortunately couldn't make out what they were. Both of his ears were pierced multiple times all the way up to the top of his lobe and he had military tags that hung around his neck to the center of his chest. You realized how much bigger he was than you, even with his jacket on you could tell he had a strong, muscular build and could easily overpower you not even using all of his strength, then on top of that he was tall.
        That's when it happened-- you locked your big (E/C) eyes with his bright malicious ruby ones, and he smirked in a way that could only be described as sinister, showing off that under his upper lip scar he had a missing first premolar tooth. In an instant the man leapt at you, you tried to take a step back, but his gigantic hand already had a tight grip around your wrist.
'No--!!' you internally screamed.
        The man started to drag you towards the alleyway as you tried to pull away in the opposite direction. You opened your mouth and sucked in an abundance of air about ready to scream your heart out for help, but his other hand soon met your mouth with a WHACK wrapping itself around your entire mandible- muffling your screams. Your back was now turned towards him as he trapped you in his other arm, cradling your backside deep into his chest and successfully taking you into the alleyway. Tears would start to form in the corner of your eyes as you kicked and swung your arms at him the best you could from your position, but to no avail.
"Can't be doin' that babe, tsk tsk." the man scolded in a rough yet teasing voice, you immediately noticed the Boston accent.
        He manhandled you deep into the alleyway, far away from the street and any passersby. His grip on your face was suffocating, you could feel every crack and groove in his skin from the scars and callouses that covered his hand. When he thought you were both far enough into the alley to not be discovered or heard he tossed your body harshly against the brick wall making your back violently hit the brick of the building behind you, knocking the wind out of your lungs.
"AUGH!" you groaned out in pain as you tried to keep yourself standing by gripping your hands along the wall behind you.
        He blocked your right side with his left arm as his hand rested on the wall above near your head from his towering height, he moved his right hand behind his hip hiding it. The smell of his cologne circled you, a woody, clean aromatic scent filling the space between you as it was so strong it made you feel sick. Then you heard a CLICK echo throughout the alley making your anxiety peak to the max. The man had swiftly pulled out a pistol from behind his back, you assumed he was hiding it in his pants in the waistband and he already had it locked and loaded.  You fully leaned your back on the brick wall behind you now, otherwise you would have fallen straight to the ground with how shaky your legs had become since he now had the gun aimed at you, point blank. He still held his smirk, a sick look in his eyes told you this wasn't his first time doing this-- threatening someone like this. He pushed the end of the gun into one of your boobs while licking his lips hungrily as he leaned down towards your left ear, "Ya been so cautious recently, I haven't been this close in sooo long." he purred.
'W-What is he talking about?!' you screamed to yourself confused by his statement.
        "GUH--!!" you uttered out in shock at the sharp touch of his left knee coming into contact with your crotch from under all your layers of clothes, using the opening of your skirt to your disadvantage. He heavily grinded his knee against your slit in the area where your clit would be, but your clothes were starting to aggravate him.
"Take this shit off." he demanded as he backed away slightly and waved the gun to his right only a single time before centering it back on you, signaling his desire for you to discard the articles of clothing, but you hesitated.
        He on the other hand did not hesitate to punish you for not following his instructions quick enough.
        The end of his gun was quickly shoved into the left side of your face, slamming your head into the brick wall that supported your form, violently turning your neck into an awkward position and forcing your body to follow causing strain. The coolness of the metal smooshed into your cheek was painful, it felt as though it was cutting your face like a knife from how much pressure he was applying to make you realize how serious he was. You slowly started to take off your trench coat, draping it down your shoulders and letting it casually fall off of your forearms and down past the rest of your body so as to not make any sudden movements and give him a reason to fire, it fell to the pavement without a sound. Normally, you would make a fuss about getting light colored clothes dirty, but in this moment all you could think about was if you were going to live or die. He started to back the gun away from your face, but not too far- you couldn't even turn your head to face him or it would just bump into the muzzle of the gun.
"That's right dollface, nice and slow..." he said slowly as he traced the gun tip across your cheek and down your neck with a grin still present on his face.
        'What a pig...' you thought to yourself as you started to take off your suit jacket in the same way that you did with your trench coat.
        When your suit jacket hit the ground, the man didn't even wait for you to undo your collared shirt yourself, his free hand firmly gripped your shirt right below the collar and ripped it open causing the buttons to fly all over the place, exposing your black laced bra with a tiny red ribbon in the center earning a sickening purr from your assaulter. You grimaced in disgust as his gun lowered itself to your cleavage, pushing the muzzle of the gun into your breasts having the fat overlap his gun and seemingly making the tip of the gun disappear. Salty tears started to trickle down your cheeks as you constantly blamed yourself for this happening to you.
'Why was I so careless--!?'
                'This can't be happening to me??'
                                'What did I do wrong? Why is this happening to me??'
                                                                                                            'I don't want this...'
        A whimper left your lips making your perpetrator become aware of how your mental state was cracking and crumbling right before the both of you. He reached to caress the right side of your face with his free hand, but you defiantly moved your face away from his rough hand to which he replied with a back hand smack to your face. The stinging pain that washed over the right side of your face was followed by slight swelling; you swore you could see stars just from that smack, almost disoriented. You could barely get your thoughts together, but the stinging worsened as he touched your face to what you assumed he thought as lovingly. You started to fear how dysfunctional and messed up you would be after he was done with you, you already started to accept the fact that there was no escape for you. If only you had been more cautious of yourself when passing by the alley...
"I wouldn't hafta be so rough with ya if ya would just be a good girl now..." he trailed off as he rubbed the spot where he smacked you at with his thumb as he also wiped away some tears, but that wouldn't make you forget about the pain running across your face nor about the painful pinching to one of your boobs as the gun remained pinned to your chest.
"Black lace, huh? I haven't seen ya wear something like this yet. Was there a special occasion I wasn't aware of?" he questioned with a growl present in his voice.
        Somehow your curiosity grew higher than your fear, this man-- he kept talking as if he knew you, and like you were...together? He seemed almost like a--
"A-Are you...stalking me?" you asked carelessly and with enough certainty that the air immediately changed.
        A cold menacing chill filled the alley, the man before seemed to have a "playful" air about him, but now he seemed deathly serious. The gun was quickly removed from your cleavage as he roughly grabbed ahold of your jaw making a painful and fearful scream leave your throat making your attacker angrier. He quickly shoved the gun in your mouth, muffling your screams as he forced the gun deeper into your mouth pass your uvula, making you gag uncontrollably.
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        The sound of you gagging on the muzzle made Allen want to shove it down deeper, watch as your saliva dripped down the handle and onto his fingers-- 'haaa-- that'd be so fuckin' cute...' he thought to himself.
        You caught his eye on a random day he was running from the fez, a bank robbery gone wrong, and he missed his ride by taking too long so his group left him with a smile, leaving him with having to find his own way to the hideout on foot. They had the idea of hitting the biggest bank in the county and that was downtown's bank. They had done every step perfectly and had most of the money in the safe, all the guys wanted to call it quits and get out of there, but Allen got too greedy and ended up triggering the alarms. He was able to make it off the bank's property, but sirens could be heard from every direction and coppers could be seen patrolling every street corner like nobody's business. Allen had taken refuge for the time-being in a dirty unused alley, well-- it was the back of a popular fisher's shop, but for obvious reasons no one really wanted to pass by the backside: all the piled-up garbage and the smell of rotting fish from the disposal bins, any regular patron would avoid this alley, but the stray cats found the area pleasing.
        As he rested to catch his breath while cursing about the smell and how those "dipshits" just left him, he glanced out the alleyway for just a second before doing a double take-- that's when he saw you.
        You were passing by the alleyway on the further side of the street, but even from there he could see how beautiful you were. You were dressed in a professional lapel collared long-sleeved wine-colored dress with white pumps and when he could finally see the back of you, he noticed the zipper in the back leading down to your ass, a minor detail, but one he couldn't get out of his head because he imagined himself with you in his arms as he undid the zipper slowly down your back exposing what lied underneath little by little as you laughed sweetly in his ear and played with his hair. Allen took no time stepping out of the alleyway naturally and forcing himself to blend in with the tight knit crowd as he pushed forward passed people to catch up with your form. Once he got in a certain distance of you he slowed his pace and curiously followed you, Allen's brain couldn't even keep up with all the questions he had about you. He wanted to know everything about you: Where were you going? What did you do for a living? Where did you live?? How did you act when you were at home? How did you sleep?
        All these questions danced around in Allen's head until...
'What if she has a boyfriend?' suddenly popped into his mind, which almost caused a fault in his step, but Allen focused back on you and quickly recovered himself. His ruby red eyes hardened and looked you up and down and slowly, almost like he was savoring the moment and wanting to capture it in his memories forever. Taking in every movement of your body: every time your hips swayed and how your ass would jiggle, how elegantly you walked even when in heels, how bright your smile was when he'd see you turn your head to glance across the street or to greet someone, and how when a gust of wind blew- he could catch a hint of your perfume lingering in the air.
'What if nothing, I'll just do what I normally fuckin' do--kill'em.'
        Allen continued to follow you without a care in the world for anything else besides you. He didn't care about the sirens; he didn't care about anyone being able to identify him-- all he wanted to do was watch you and learn about you. If anyone or anything tried to stop that, Allen just convinced himself he would take care of it, no problem.
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        The gun tasted dirty and dusty, as though it had never been cleaned since it had fallen into this man's hands. Your teeth clanked against the gun as you frowned at the nasty metallic taste filling your mouth from the gun, 'Gross-- so fuckin' gross!!' you internally screamed.
"That's such a mean thing to say, babe. We've been dating fer so long! 'Bout 3 months now." he said almost sounding hurt, but the rage in his voice couldn't be masked so easily.
        You could feel the blood drain from your face, your body felt ice cold and your knees felt like they would give in at any moment.
'3...? 3...months?!' you thought to yourself in complete disbelief.
        You had only been aware of these past 3-4 weeks, but this man- no, this goddamn monster is claiming that he's been stalking you for 3 months!? Your head was spinning and the sickness overwhelming your stomach was vomit inducing, it took your whole being to not spit up your late dinner that you packed for yourself because you knew you would at the office late tonight...did he know you would be here late? Did he wait in this alley all night for you to finally leave? Has he been doing that this whole time? What else has he possibly been doing? You started to recall all the nightmares, the time you had passed out in the entryway of your apartment or even randomly on the couch in your living room only to end up in your bed-- it was all him!!
        'W-What have you been doing to me?! Why are you doing this to me--!?' you wanted to shout at him, but all that came out was muffled gags and spit bubbles because all you could do was choke on the gun making a slight smirk appear on Allen's face as the drool started to drip down your chin. He couldn't wait anymore.
"Get on your knees." he commanded as he nudged the gun further down your throat before returning to his previous spot, knowing it would scare you enough to follow his orders even though he was certain you were already scared out of your mind.
        Your knees hit the concrete in defeat causing little tears in your black tights, still holding your head upward looking at him as the gun rested in your mouth. You were shaking from wondering when the gun would go off, would he pull the trigger now...or wait til later?
'Obviously he would wait til later, right now he's going to...' you mind drifted off, not wanting to finish the horrible sentence. Not out loud and not even in your own head.
"So obedient this time, have ya given up already?" Allen snickered.
        The corners of your mouth twitched in distain around the muzzle of the gun as Allen started to slowly pull the gun out from between your lips, a string of saliva forming as the gun left your mouth. He kept the gun aimed at you obviously not wanting you to pull anything funny such as yelling out for help or trying to make a break for it.
"Undo my belt." he commanded in a monotone.
        Your shaky hands made their way up to where the hem of his jeans where, lifting up the end of his shirt to slightly reveal his lower abdomen abs with a thick auburn happy trail leading down to the top of his pants where his belt buckle looped around him. You clumsily took your time undoing Allen's belt just to fumble with the button on his torn jeans, you were absolutely terrified, and your stalker was just delighted at every little timid action and mess up you committed. Allen was smiling to himself ear to ear watching you struggle to zip down his pants from how shaken you were, it was so adorable to him.
"Yer acting so innocent, like ya never fuckin' done this before-- which we both know isn't true." he purred as he petted your head roughly with his free hand.
        You brought down his pants to his knees, fully exposing his dark burgundy boxers and the huge bulge that lied underneath them. You weren't prepared for this-- you were hoping he'd at least be a tiny dicked dirtbag so you'd have something to insult before he ended your life, a final "fuck you" to him.
        But of course not--
        His cock matched his ego and attitude completely: unnecessarily big. Your hand hesitantly reached out and started to caress Allen's member through his boxer shorts, a relieved sounding sigh leaving from his lips. Your hand slid upward and grabbed at the lining of his boxers; it took you a moment to convince yourself to even pull them down, but you didn't want to get a gun jammed in your face again. Allen's burgundy boxers now rested with the top of his pants, down at his knees, as his curved veiny dick sprung free from the cage that had been withholding it since Allen had attacked you. His dick was rock hard yet hanged down slightly.
'Does it really have that much weight to it?' you questioned biting at your bottom lip.
        The swollen tip was already dripping in pre-cum and twitching for attention, his shaft was thick and had prominent veins pulsing for release all up and down it, leading from his forest of auburn pubes.
        'He's...going to destroy me.' you thought to yourself as you felt a heat rise within you and your pussy flutter as you grabbed a hold of his shaft from the base, it was warm to the touch and somewhat sweaty. You could now feel the weight of him in your hand, it was unbelievable. You had never even seen a cock so big before with past boyfriends or even past flings, the few that there were. They could've never matched up to Allen's size in girth or length, as much as you hated to admit it you would tell yourself.
        Your stalker could see the sick hypnotized look in your eyes from staring at his member, the usual effect it would have on women, especially the ones that were just starving for attention, but he didn't really expect this reaction from you considering how you fought him all the way down into the alley. He at least thought you would've put up a better front than that, but you didn't even try to mask your astonishment. You started to pump his shaft with poor effort earning an annoyed 'tsk' from Allen making you jump; he grabbed a hand full of your hair roughly and started to scold you.
"Are ya kiddin' me? Come on dollface, ya didn't even attempt to lube it up with ya spit first! Ya tryin' to get slapped around some more?" Allen threatened pulling your hair upward making your body lift up by force and causing tears to sting at the corners of your eyes again as he gently tapped the side of your face with the muzzle of the gun. The slight moonlight that was able to peer into the alley glistened off of the pistol, reminding you of your fate if you continued to act useless.
        "P-Please...I-- I'm sorry." you apologized in a defeated tone, (E/C) eyes looking up at him with pure fear engraved into them, yet something else lingered behind that as your pupils would dart down towards his dick.
"Then do a better job and fuckin' put it in yer mouth already." he directed, staring down at you with those sharp ruby red eyes before shoving your face against his dick by the pull of your hair.
        Your nose was pressed up deep into his groin, the smell of Allen's sweat and dirty balls filled your nostrils. It wasn't a pleasant scent, yet strangely it didn't make you want to gag either. You could feel your panties getting wet from excitement and anticipation even in this type of situation, the curiosity of something you've never felt before was dangerously luring you into its cold murderous embrace. You backed your head away from your assaulter's lower body as far as he would let you go. His left hand still grasping ahold of your hair as his right held the gun at you slightly digging into your cheek, your hot breath flowed over Allen's member making it twitch-- his tip bounced up a little just to go back to hanging a bit downward again. Allen's grip on your hair tightened showing he was getting impatient and wanted to feel the soft, wet touch of your tongue wrapping around his cock already. Your pupils looked away from his figure knowing you were reluctant to start giving him head because-- you knew once you started there was no going back.
'Right now-- you still have a chance at escape!! You could try and make a run for it while his pants are down! You could still have the strength to run after taking a bullet or two right?!?' you tried to convince yourself, but then your eyes locked back on to his massive girth and you felt your brain switch off.
        Complete shut down-- your wet muscle finally made contact with his cock earning a shudder from Allen. Your big (E/C) eyes looked up at him as your tongue lathered itself up and down his dick before taking the tip in your mouth. Your tongue circled around his head as you started to move yourself up and down his length, sloppy wet slurps leaving your mouth as drool started to drip down your chin and slightly down his shaft making it easier for you to take more of him in your mouth, your eyes still gazing into his.
        Were you hoping for some type of reaction?
"Fuck, does it taste that good, babe? I hafta say I think yer enjoying yerself a little too much, huh?" Allen commented, making your eyes widened for just a moment before trying to regain your composure until you felt Allen adjust his footing and push your body closer to the wall, scuffing up your tights and knees more and making the back of your head hit the brick.
"Are ya really more of a freak than I thought?" he remarked.
        You wanted to shake your head in defiance at his words, but Allen started to thrust himself deeper into your mouth, seemingly with each stroke increasing his speed and gaining a good rhythm. You tried to make yourself match his speed, but you could barely move. He kept his grip fixed onto your head to have control and leverage.
"Ya know, every time ya passed out from the drugs and I would come in to touch ya-- Ya would moan like crazy in yer sleep. I honestly can't tell ya how many times you've came from my fingers or tongue." Allen groaned out, "Sometimes it felt ya were awake the whole time."
        Your body twitched and for a second you stopped all movements, 'Drugs?' you thought.
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        Allen nudged your head down by your hair, making his swollen head irritate your gag reflex. You whined before you continued pleasing him orally. He didn't give you any time to think about it, he wanted your head to be filled with nothing but him. For you to focus on ONLY HIM. Your pretty dainty little brain didn't need to think about matters too hard or too much now. Allen thought you did enough of that with that stupid job of yours, but at the same time-- it was useful.
        You were gone all day.
        Those were the times he would sneak into your apartment. Allen loved going to your place, absolutely adored it when he would enter through your balcony or the front door if he knew he could easily get in that day, and just be surrounded by the scent of you. It was more fun than watching you from outside your windows in the coldness because of the night ocean air. It still didn't stop him from touching himself though, especially those times where he would see you walking around with just a towel on, so unaware of the fact of his presence watching you through the windows while you were enjoying the comfort of your own home.
        When Allen had the time to "visit your place" he would do many things in your apartment: he would snuggle himself in your sheet covers to drown himself in the smell of you even more, he would go through your drawers seeing if he could find anything new that he didn't already know about, do perverted things with your underwear and bras, and most important of all-- he would drug your nighttime tea. He had noticed this nightly routine of yours not too long after watching you for a little awhile, it was quite noticeable. You never skipped it, not even on a day where you worked over 12+ hours. Allen thought of the idea of drugging you not too long after he spotted this feature about you, this type of thing wasn't new to him so it was easy to get ahold of what he needed. Once he knew you were home and drunk your tea, he would wait a little bit for the drug to kick in and sneak in through your balcony inside your apartment like usual, but now you were also inside sleeping and hopefully if the drug worked right you would also be paralyzed for the time being. After the drug wore off you would regain consciousness and your ability to move again, of course, but sometimes it seemed like you would wake up, but you would barely even have the energy to raise your head off of your pillow let alone anything else. It seemed like you didn't remember any of the sessions you had woken up on or even knew what Allen looked like until now.
        It was just sick and twisted...but that's why he liked it!
        Allen was ecstatic the first time he was able to look at you up close and personal, memorizing every facial feature and breathing in the smell of you thoroughly in person so he would remember it.
        You were so beautiful to him, like a doll...and he wanted to ruin you.
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        With each pump more drool from your mouth would leak down your chin and now drip onto your half-exposed chest, your hands would make their way to rest on top on Allen's thighs, your nails slightly digging into his skin as his thrusts became rougher. You felt like you couldn't take anymore, or your jaw would dislocate, and his cock wasn't even fully down your throat yet. The feeling of his pulsing veins gliding on your tongue, the heat of his cock invading your mouth and piercing deep past your uvula and down your throat to the point where you felt like you were suffocating-- it was pure bliss. You felt like you were floating, such an indescribable feeling of peace by something so filthy and violent. He didn't care if he hurt you or not, just as long as you pleased him and gave Allen what he wanted, that's all that mattered. Your eyes still looking up at Allen as your lips continued to pucker around his dick, hollowness your cheeks as he used your larynx to his content. He drew the muzzle of the gun closer to your face again having it graze across your cheek even though Allen was being so rough and careless with his actions, it crossed your mind that what if his hand got nudged the wrong way and the gun goes off? You could feel your heartbeat in your head, a deafening high-pitched ring going off in your ears and he continued to use your mouth to meet his sexual needs.
        Is this how the police would find you? In a dirty alleyway stripped down, head blown off after being assaulted. Picking apart your skull trying to find out how you died, not even knowing the full horrors of what had happened to you.
        You moved your tongue as to stroke the underside of Allen's cock, even trying to lick it around the sides and get the top of it by turning your head to the position you needed as to not mess up his thrusting or grind your teeth on him. Allen's grunts and moans started to get more heated, his hips getting sloppier with each dive into your throat.
"Ahh, shit. This is too good. I've waited such a long time fer this, to be fuckin' this pretty little face." he growled out while biting his bottom lip, his ruby eyes seemingly glowing in a pinkish radiance of lust.
        He pulled out his dick, your hands instantly went to rest on the concrete below you as you finally got to get some good gulps of fresh air in your lungs before Allen started shoving his length in front of your face again.
"Stick out yer tongue, doll." he huffed.
        You obeyed, confusedly, but you obeyed. You didn't think he was that close to cumming yet, so why did he want you to do this? You stuck out your tongue as far you could get it, your eyes meekly looking up at him. You could feel the heat rising to your face, it was embarrassing to just have your tongue sticking out and to imagine the kind of face you'd be making if you had a mirror in front of you, waiting for him to do whatever perverted deed he had planned.
        Allen placed his cock on top of your tongue, he hunched his back over a little bit so his head would be hovering above yours, but not right on top he wanted to leave some distance. His military tags clanged against each other as he looked down, towering over you.
"Ya ready?"
        'Ready for wh--' you started to think, but then you noticed Allen started to gather up spit in his mouth.
        He started to pucker his lips and from between them you could see a tiny spit bubble start to drip downward.
'No no no.'
        A string of salvia formed from Allen's mouth and started dripping down hoping to land on your awaiting tongue that was also holding his throbbing head. You were scared, you didn't want his disgusting spit in your mouth, but you also didn't want to get backhanded again. You could already feel the stinging sensation on your facial cheeks once again. You opened your mouth wider and abandoned Allen's dick to move your head upward with your tongue still sticking out making sure his string of spit landed on your wet muscle. The pool of saliva Allen carefully spit down was immense as it mixed with yours and it flooded over your tongue stringing down onto Allen's cock from the tip. Suddenly Allen lined himself up with your lips and was back in your mouth and down your throat with one brutal stroke, making you violently gag. The urge to throw up was tempting, but you held back with all your might as tears of pain dripped down your cheeks as Allen used your airways like a pocket pussy. He would definitely kill you if you vomited on him mid-blowjob and this was your one motivation to stay strong until the sick feeling left you...besides being totally humiliated. He was using so much force behind his hips Allen's balls started slapping into your chin, he was so aggressive, and it was absolutely tantalizing. You could feel the knot in your gut growing tighter and tighter with every jut past your uvula.
        You could feel Allen's dick start to throb in your throat, indicating that he was close to cumming. That's when his strokes became extremely belligerent. The pressure of him pushing and pulling repeatedly up and down your esophagus not even fully pulling out to let you breathe or gasp for air was appalling. You were choking out for oxygen, salty tears continued falling down your cheeks at a rapid pace as Allen just looked down at you with that disgusting look in his eyes and a smirk plastered on his scarred face as he plowed into you at full force as you finally took him all the way to the base with your talented mouth.
"Look at ya, ya finally did it! Such a good girl, my good girl." Allen praised as his hand that had a grip on your hair now petted you, your face a drooling distraught mess with even some snot.
        You felt a release, your legs spasmed under yourself as your head wanted to look away from Allen, but you couldn't move anywhere. His dick was swiftly attacking your windpipe, and you felt as though you would pass out at any minute from the lack of oxygen getting to your brain. Your pupils darted to the back of your skull as an electric feeling overtook you from the bottom, up.
        You had climaxed and Allen didn't even have to touch you.
        How deplorable.
"Hey, hey-- did ya just cum? Huh?" Allen teased, "It's written all over yer face even though I'm fuckin' the shit outta it."
        'Ugh, he's such an asshole.' you thought to yourself as you maintained your high as his words made it more enjoyable.
        Allen rutted his hips a few more times before he gave himself one last big thrust before releasing his seed directly down your gullet, planting his cock firmly in your throat. He took his hand that he was using to praise you and directed it down to your neck, rubbing on it and feeling himself overtaking your airway with his thick girth as he took a few extra strokes face-fucking you before sliding himself out of your mouth. Strings of semen and saliva followed Allen's cock past your lips as you coughed and begged for air in your lungs, it was a heavenly chemical element you would never take for granted again. Once you collected yourself, you looked up to see Allen pumping himself in his free hand, of course, in the other hand the gun still pointed at you. He wasn't that far away from you, still not wanting to give you any opportunity to escape him.
'How could he still be ready to go?' you questioned.
        Allen closed back in on you and tapped his slightly flaccid tip on your plump lips, your breathing still heavy and blowing onto his cock.
"Clean me off." he directed waving the gun at you with a heavy, but relaxed sigh.
        This time there was no hesitation in your movements, your wet muscle was lapping at his cock the moment his sentence ended. Almost like you wanted to keep going, like you wanted it.
"Such an eager girl to get back on my dick." Allen teased as he kept his eyes on you, not letting his guard down for a minute, not even after experiencing the extreme pleasure of climaxing and continuing to be stimulated.
        You made sure not to miss a single spot of Allen's semen on his cock: licking under his shaft and over top, gliding across every single one of his prominent veins, kissing his whole length from tip to base and back to the tip. His cum was salty and even a little sweet? Most of the guys you've been with was...inoffensive to say the least-- Bitter. While still sucking Allen's dick clean you could feel his girth getting rock hard again, you were starting to wonder just how many rounds this monster could go and put you through.
"Enough," Allen strictly told you, making you stop and look up at him confused til you seen the slight red flush covering his frustrated looking expression, "I need ya now. Get up and put yer hands in front of ya on the brick wall." he instructed while grabbing you up forcefully by one of your arms and turning you around to face the wall, giving you a little shove.
        You followed his instructions and placed your hands in front of you on the brick wall, the brick was rough and cold. You took the moment to focus in on the sounds of the bar dwellers and hoppers, how they were probably having the time of their lives not relaxing what was going on in one of the alleyways that nobody really used. You wondered if this happened all the time? If people used these alleyways to attack others or have sex in. A touch to your inner thighs made you snap out of your own thoughts.
"Spread yer legs more and stick out yer ass." Allen explained as he pumped himself in his free hand, his pistol still locked onto you as he watched you do exactly what he asked for.
        You anticipated his touch on you again, he went for your deep blue skirt first and lifted it over your ass making a chill go down your spine from being exposed to the cool autumn air. You heard the rustling of the leaves once more, but this time passing by the alley instead of you being on the street with them, flowing through the wind freely. Yet-- you felt fine right here, in the dark alleyway. You had just accepted it for what it was, there was no fleeing you told yourself trying to deny your own sick pleasures that you felt towards Allen's actions. When fighting with your own thoughts they were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of fingers slinking their way up your thigh, causing you to lightly bite your lower lip with a slight smile on your bruised face.
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        Your see through black tights over your black laced underwear made Allen lick his lips, almost making him wish he had taken his time and waited til you got home to attack you today, but he couldn't wait anymore. Most of all he didn't feel like tailing you all the way to those apartments. The security you have up there is such a hassle to get through when he should already have access to the place as your boyfriend anyway. Allen grew closer to you, he stopped touching himself and slid his hand up your left thigh to your plump ass cheek, taking it in his hand and giving it a good jiggle watching as the riveting pools of motion swept over that cheek til he stopped the movement. Allen grabbed at the middle of your tights and pulled roughly, hearing the stretch and tearing of the gentle, weak fabric. He ripped a hole big enough to expose your pussy and your asshole, but your panties were still in the way blocking his view. Allen moved your underwear to the side, noticing how wet they were and snickering to himself.
'She really is coo-coo huh.' he thought to himself as he firmly gripped your laced underwear and violently yet swiftly pulled it apart by yanking it back away from your body, letting the remains drop down to the dirty alley floor. Allen didn't want to have to deal with keeping your panties to the side the whole time, so he thought he might as well tear them as well.
        He took his dick in his hand and rubbed his large tip up and down your slit causing you to start rocking your hips back into Allen matching his mobility. He couldn't believe how drenched you were in your own juices; it was leaking right onto his cock dripping down his shaft. It was obvious you were trying to hide your tiny, heavy breathes of excitement not wanting him to know you were feeling good, it was so adorable to him as he watched your asshole twitch in anticipation along with the jittering of your legs. Allen wanted to see how long that poor act of yours would last once he got his cock in you.
        'One second, maybe?' he deviously joked to himself.
"I can't believe ya, seriously? All that fighting just to find out ya been liking it this whole time. Ya really are something else, babe." Allen criticized as he lined himself up with your hole, wanting to feel your walls wrap around him with your soft, yet tight warmth.
        Allen started to rut his hips forward slowly, his tip taking each dip deeper into your cunt and spreading your nectar over his shaft steadily making it easier for him to pump into you, your little moans increasing in volume with each thrust. Once he got a little bit past his tip, Allen decided to get rougher with you. He sped up his pace and accuracy, trying to rub where he felt like he got the most reaction out of you as he moved his head closer to the crook of your neck nibbling and sucking on your smooth skin, his wild auburn hair tickling you. The sweet, raised pitch of your voice was like an angelic melody to his ears and he wasn't even fully in you yet. Allen started to bite and suck harder on your neck leaving marks trailing down to your shoulder, making you jump at each painful cut into your skin by his teeth. Allen positioned his head up closer to your ear and sneaked his free hand to your throat that he marked as he pointed the gun straight at your head with his other hand, the muzzle pressing into the side of your skull. He felt your pussy grip onto him tighter than before, making Allen's spine tingle with excitement.
"Tell Daddy how much ya love it." he ordered, "Tell me how good my dick makes ya feel."
        Allen could sense your hesitation as you turned your head to the side, specifically to the left away from the brick wall and the gun pointed at your head, looking at him from the corner of your glossy eyes. Heated pants leaving your lips as you moaned at each rut of Allen's hips as he rammed his cock further into your cunt, he honestly questioned if you even had the will to speak. The look on your face was so cute to Allen, a mix of sheepish humiliation and ecstasy passing across your facial features with every dive, but he didn't really think you would be like this so soon.
        Then he saw it, your lips trying to articulate what they wanted to say.
"Come on, ya can do it! Just tell Daddy how it feels when I go like this." he whispered in your left ear, laying his head into yours as you turned your head back towards the wall, pressing the gun on the other side into your skull more as Allen switched up his rhythm, his tip now jabbing at your g-spot mercilessly as he started to tighten his grip on your throat. "Before I can't understand ya, babe, I would tell me."
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        You were on the verge of cumming again. Your attacker's length was difficult to adjust to alone, but the girth of his cock was immense too. It was rubbing all the right places, veins sliding onto your moist walls and hooking themselves into your grooves making your mind go numb from the pleasure. He kept whispering in your ear, sending goosebumps all over your body while he kept an unyielding hand wrapped around your larynx and his pistol pinned to your cranium. Allen was overstimulating you, you didn't know what to keep your attention on as a tight heat started to come undone deep within your nether region.
"Haaahn!! No-- nghh ghnn! Please, it feels-- too goood!! D-Daddy--!!" you choked out mindlessly with your pussy gushing all over Allen's dick, your nectar flowing down and even soaking around his balls.
        "Fuck, yer really gripping me good-- trying to milk me dry. Have ya missed me that much?" Allen teased as he continued to fuck you into the wall as your legs begged to collapse on yourself. A salty liquid pricked at the corners of your eyes as your oxygen supply continued to deteriorate as your pupils shot upwards at every attack of Allen's cock. Your arms were barely keeping you from falling against the wall, you kept scuffing your hands on the rough old surface of the building trying to maintain your balance on the tips of your heels.
"Ahh shit-- sorry to break it to ya, doll, since I came once already it's gonna be a while til I do it again." he finished.
        His giant hand finally left your throat and creeped it's way up to your lips, inserting two of his thick, calloused fingers into your oral cavity having your tongue go in between his digits or even wrapped around them. Drool started to leak out of the corner of your mouth and down your chin as you finally were able to suck in some air to your lungs while still trying to enjoy your high. You could tell he was enjoying seeing you a mess, struggling to gain your composure because you were feeling so toe-curling good. Unable to think of anything else in the world except the addicting feeling of electricity coursing through your body. Allen took his fingers out of your mouth and slid down past your throat and pausing at your breasts taking the left boob out of your bra and groping it. Teasing your nipple by lightly pinching and pulling at it before skimming down to your hip, gripping onto your pelvic bone and pressing down on your back to forcibly make you arch your spine more. Your high-pitched moans and the sounds of your ass hitting against Allen's lower abdomen echoed throughout the alley, bouncing off the brick and towards the streets. By now if someone had passed by, they most likely would discover you if they were curious enough to check out the sound. You were surprised he wasn't trying to silence you.
'Is he not afraid of getting caught anymore?'
        The scene would still bewilder someone if they had seen it despite the sounds of your moans; your face was a mess from tears and drool, the bruising on your skin, and the gun Allen still wielded with a tight grip would alarm anyone. Yet-- all that did was make you feel more aroused. Someone seeing you in such a depressing and pathetic state.
        But-- they could also help you!
        No, you knew that wasn't what you were thinking about. It wasn't about getting help at all, but to be even further humiliated. The more you considered the idea as well, you were more certain that if there were any witnesses it would for sure mean your doom and theirs by Allen's hands. Suddenly Allen's strokes got weaker, and you could feel him shuffling behind you when you heard another distinct CLICK worrying you and making you think you did something to displease the man making a mess of your cunt. That's when you saw the shimmer of the gun pass by you and land on your trench coat that you dumped on the ground a while ago. You felt Allen fully pull out of you, grab ahold of your arm and forcibly turn you around where you briefly noticed he had boldly fully taken one of his legs out of his pant holes to his underwear and jeans to give him more room for his legs.
"Wha--?" you started to question, but he didn't give you a chance a to finish.
         Allen raised one of your legs almost knocking you off balance, having the behind of your knee resting in his palm as he re-inserted himself into your warmth, taking a few pumps before gathering his strength and reaching down and hooking your other leg from behind the knee into the crook of his other arm, hand on one of your ass cheeks as he lifted you up in one fell swoop effortlessly. You instinctively threw your arms around his shoulders, not wanting to fall to the ground. When he had the opportunity, he would reposition his other arm to do the same and put his hand on your other cheek for aid. Allen pushed your back up against the wall to give himself and you more support as he harshly thrusted himself into your sopping wet pussy. He was reaching so deep and hitting your womb so roughly, you could feel his cock throbbing and begging to release his sperm into your uterus, but he refused. Allen kept going, groaning out in gratification as his nails dug into your plump ass leaving scratch marks.
"D-Don't ya dare try anything funny-- ugh fuck, just cause I put down my gun. I'll still fuck ya up without a weapon if you try to escape." he warned through heated pants.
        "Y-Yes, auhh, I understand--!!" you moaned out.
"Yes, you understand, what?" Allen asked, hinting at you forgetting something in your sentence.
        "Yes, I-- I understand, Daddy." you repeated properly this time.
        He had been fucking you for so long, you were starting to become sore, but it just felt too good to stop. It had been an eternity since you had gotten this kind of attention of as well, you had been so focused on work ever since you became an intern. In fact, that's what had ended your previous relationship, he said you spent too much time focusing on your career and didn't spend enough time with them. Yet, in your eyes you were working so much for them, so you guys would reach your dreams faster and be prepared for anything the world would throw at you, but now you were doing it alone because of those thoughts. It's not as if you didn't have toys or anything like that, but the real thing was just so much better from those material-made toys and this man who randomly picked you as a victim just happened to be the most hung man you've ever met after not having your sexual needs met for years. Your legs were shaking as one of your heels barely hung off your foot by your toes and the other heel was already lying on the ground in a puddle of dirty water behind your forms. You couldn't focus on anything other than cuddling into Allen's chest as your hands still hung around his neck, your head looking upward at the night sky past the man's face in your view with your tongue lolling out of your mouth foolishly as your boobs bounced with his strokes. There were little-to-no stars up above from the light pollution, but you could still see the glow of the moon shining brightly in the sky behind all the tall buildings in the area. Allen's face instantly grew closer to yours as it took over your line vision, his tongue twired around yours before fully sealing the kiss. His wet muscle continued to dance with yours muffling your overwhelmed whimpers with tears in your eyes as Allen grew closer and closer to the intense relief of his orgasm as he felt his balls pulsing tightly.
"I'm gonna cum.." he growled as he backed away from you just to hungrily reconnect his lips with yours as his thrusts became more rapid and erratic. 
        Your eyes widened at this statement, almost making you regain what little conscious you had left.
"N-Not inside--!! Ahn!! Please...p-please uhn--!! Not inside!!" you begged fighting through his messy kisses so it came out pretty much inaudible, but Allen could basically guess what you had said based on your facial reaction alone.
        He parted from your lips again, changing up the rhythm of his strokes from sharp and swift to strong, but steady. Smoothly lifting you up on his dick all the way to where his tip would be able to remain fully inside your pussy and Allen could slam you down all the way to his base, jolting all your nerves and making your hips buck back into him. You could feel it again, the urge to climax from your stalker's veiny cock as the salty liquid continued to fall down your cheeks and your chin with a lust addicted look on your face.
"Ya got some goddamn nerve telling me that when yer pussy's clenching me so tight and yer moaning like a whore. Ughh-!! I'm about to fill ya up, dollface! Ya got no choice, yer gonna have my baby eventually anyway! Nggh--! So take it like a good little slut!" he said ignoring your pleas.
        The feeling of Allen releasing ropes of his hot sperm inside of your cunt was what pushed you over the edge to your final climax. His load was so massive his cum started to drip out of you as Allen continued to rut into you pushing his seed deeper into your cervical canal and into your uterus hoping to fertilize a possible egg and get you pregnant. It seemed almost like he didn't want to even let you out of his arms as he kept lazily thrusting into you with his half-flaccid penis, keeping a tight grip on your shaken form.
"I wanna stay this close to ya fer forever." he mumbled as he kissed the top of your head finally fully lifting you off his cock, letting it hang down as spurts of cum leaked out of your cunt still in large quantities landing below your figures.
        Your eyelids were becoming heavy, and you could barely keep them open. You kept telling yourself to stay awake, don't pass out, but this man had drained you of every drop of your energy. His voice started to get blurry and disoriented as he felt him switch your position in his arms to where his was now carrying you bridal style as he safely lowered you to the ground. You thought you could hear the shuffling of clothing and the clanging of his belt buckle.
'Ah, he's just going to leave me here in the alley? He's not going to finish me off?' you internally questioned.
        When you felt the soft warmth of a fabric wrap around your form, it was slightly cold, but it still heated you up quickly and shielded you from the cold fall chill. Your consciousness started to drift in and out, but the last thing you remember before knocking out completely was being in Allen's arms again as he walked down the street past your office building looking as though he was heading to the station. You were able to look down at yourself and notice you were wrapped up in your trench coat and that he was also carrying all your belongings. You seen his red ruby eyes notice you were still slightly awake and he smiled at you with the words, "Let's go home now."
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elsliterarylibrary · 2 months
Yandere vs Stomach Sleeper
The streetlights were the only lights found on this moonless night. Their lights, though gentle and orange reached into one of the nearby bedrooms. The faint illuminations revealed two figures within the darkroom. One was sleeping upon her stomach, a pillow smushed close to her face. The other slinking like a shadow toward the former.
Italy – A stomach sleeper would be an annoyance. It takes more movements that could potentially wake his dear Tesoro. At the moment Luciano stood over the bed looking down on her.
With a quick grab, Luciano would remove her pillow and flip his darling over onto her back. The act alone would cause her to wake with a start, but he would be ready with a somniferous drug. As the drug kicks in, Luciano would hold her. There would be no gentleness, just a tight hold with whispers of “Be quiet.”
After she falls back to sleep, Luciano would carry her out to his car. From there she would be placed in the passenger seat, be given a peck on her forehead, and driven off to their home.
Romano – Fabrizio would find it cute, especially since she has that pillow in a death grip. He would take a quick photo of her and her pillow. Probably make it his background until he finds a more photogenic moment.
Unlike his brother, Fabrizio is very gentle with his bambola. He would gently pull the pillow from her grasp and set her in his lap. The gentle movements would keep her asleep and a simple somniferous drug would help maintain sleep.
Fabrizio would carry her bridal style to the waiting limo. His driver would open the door and the two would be in the back cuddling the whole way to their new lives together.
Germany – Lutz would run his hand through her hair, enjoying the gentle texture that he felt under his hand. His eyes would be soft as he watched, sure this position would not be the best, but it’s a part of her.
Lutz would take advantage of her position. Wetting a rag with chloroform, he would rest it by her face, a little bit under her chin. Then pouncing like the cats, he loves, would use the pillow to push her face into the rag. This way she would be drugged and quiet as the compound made its way through her system.
Lutz wouldn’t enjoy watching her struggle and feeling her panic, but in his mind, it had to be done. After the movement slows, he would remove the pillow and balance her on his hip. Her head being placed against his neck and grabbing the softest blanket on her bed, Lutz would head out.
Once at his car, she would be laid within the car and have her well tucked in. After a few minutes on the road, Lutz would reach over and hold her hand as he drove into the rising sunlight.
Prussia – Relying on practiced grace, Wil would silently watch his Maus. The sight of her sleeping on her stomach and the piles of blankets and pillows would remind him of why the nickname Maus was perfect for her.
Wil would not be a fan of using drugs on his Maus. He would not want to risk an adverse reaction, so he would rely on centuries of experience. Wil would use the blankets as a gentle way of guiding her into his arms. The slow movements and his warmth should help keep her asleep and might even make her more comfortable.
Like his brother, she would be carried on his hip. At the car, she would be placed into the back of the car, so that she could stretch out and be more comfortable. Though, unlike his brother, Wil would make sure she has a pillow to cuddle with.
Their drive home would include soft music, that way the sounds of any passing vehicles during the night would be dampened.
Japan – Kurai doesn’t understand how that can be comfortable. He wonders why she doesn’t just lie on her back so that she can breathe easier and be less hot.
Kurai would just pick her up. He wouldn’t really care if she woke up or not. If she did, then Kurai would use pressure points to knock her back out. Since this doesn’t guarantee a long period of unconsciousness, Kurai would then hoof it to his car. From there she is thrown into his trunk.
His trunk is well reinforced and is padded to ensure that she is kept silent and safe. There is a sensor for carbon monoxide poisoning and to let him know if she is getting enough oxygen. It also has blankets and pillows for her should she fall back asleep or had stayed asleep.
The drive to their new lives would be calm. At least for Kurai.
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elsliterarylibrary · 2 months
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♡ All the lights in Miami begin to gleam
Ruby, blue and green, neon too
Everything looks better from above my king Like aqua marine, ocean's blue ♡
The ocean blue gown was tailored to perfection as it fit the (h/c) girl perfectly. Checking herself in the mirror once more, (y/n) silently admired the diamond neklace and earings she wore. There were gems of many diffirent colours but instead of looking flashy and tacky, the jewlery was fine and subtle.
Kind of like the man that gave her the said jewlery.
Once she was finally pleased with her apperance, (y/n) grabbed her faux leather jacket and headed out the door. She walked rather quickly, she didn't want to be late. Luciano didn't like it when she was late and she knew that he was going to be here any second. She exited the building and as expected, a black limousine was waiting for her.
♡ Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
La da da da da
La da da da da
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ciao amore
La da da da da
La da da da da
Soft ice cream ♡
The tinted windows were slightly opened, revealing the pair of violet eyes that stared back at (y/n). Opening the door, Luciano let (y/n) in to the car, eyeing her up in the process. She felt his gaze pierce her back like a pair of blades that he often carried. He was always a hunter, never letting his guard down. And (y/n) was his prey, but Luciano could never bring himself to end her. She was far too precious to him after all. A small and gentle smile was on Luciano's face, which was sort of out of place for him. Still though, she liked him much more when he was in a good mood... Soon enough, his smooth, velvety voice filled her ears as he spoke:
"Ciao amore~! How is my lovely darling doing? I see you are wearing the gifts I got you. As expected, you look absolutely radiant~!"
♡ All the lights are sparkling for you it seems On the downtown scenes, shady blue Beatboxing and rapping in the summer rain Like a boss, he sang Jazz and Blues ♡
His gloved hands lightly traced the back of (y/n)'s hand, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles in the process. He never broke eye contact with her which made (y/n) tense up. Light jazz music played in the background but instead of calming her down it only somehow made the situation even scarier. This man terrified (y/n) to the core but there was nothing she could do. Luciano always got what he wanted and he was never afraid of getting his hands dirty in the process.
♡ The summer's hot
And I've been waiting for you all this time
I adore you, can't you see, you're meant for me?
Summer's hot but I've been cold without you I was so wrong not to tell,
I'm in regine, tangerine dreams ♡
The (h/c)ette couldn't help but to feel so exposed, sitting so close to Luciano. Hot sweat formed over her body as he only pressed himself ever closer to her, obviously loving her submission. Words could not describe just how much Luciano adored (y/n). She was everything he ever wanted and so much more. He was lonely, cold before he met her. But now, with her in his arms he never felt so warm and happy...
♡ Catch me if you can
Working on my tan
Dying by the hand
Of a foreign man
Happily ♡
He was never going to let her go, never. No man was going to take her, touch her, love her like he did. She was his, he owns her. Her mind, body, heart, soul, it's all his for the taking!
♡ Calling out my name
In the summer rain
Ciao amore
Salvatore can wait
Now it's time to eat
Soft ice cream ♡
Luciano sat contently next to his lover, happier then he had ever been. The ran lightly tapped against the windows, only calming him further. The world was finally perfect, with (y/n) by his side. No longer was his fate bitter and cold, now it was sweet and filled with love.
And he had his amore to thank.
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elsliterarylibrary · 2 months
What if 2p and 1p Italy where sharing an s/o? Please and thank you.
1p-2p italy sharing an s/o.
(c/w:) yandere typical behavior, sadism, mentions of violence and the reader getting hurt.
An unlikely duo to most, but they do get along quite a bit (if you look past the rivalry that they’ve developed in more recent years)! Mainly caused by Feliciano’s persistence to get to know his counterpart more when they were younger, and Luciano having grown used to him after all the time spent with each other, unable to truly dislike him after all of that time. Even with the fact he felt as if Feliciano’s ever so present “happy-go-lucky” personality was odd, especially after all he had endured in his lifetime.
It was irritating, it kinda creeped him out too. Yeah, that was a better way to explain how he felt about it.
Expect to be stuck in a villa of some sorts; a nice, little villa with a garden that’s all covered up by the nature surrounding it, not too secluded from the outside world, for there is probably a nearby town, although finding a way over there will prove to be rather tricky. There is also a high chance that the people there are already friendly with Feliciano. So you can already guess that things won’t go well if you were to ask for help from them.
While one of them might offer you more freedom than the other, neither of them like having you leaving the place. Cameras are set up all around to keep this in check, and the doors have locks that only they can really open and close up. Hell, even the windows do. You aren’t allowed to step a single foot inside of the forest before one of them comes to stop you, scolding you.
Actually, I could imagine Feliciano planting false ideas of the forest in the head of a more naive s/o. Speaking of scary wolves roaming the area, more than ready to tear at anyone’s flesh as soon as they dared to enter their territory. Or would they just put long fences around the area that they own so you couldn’t leave at all? Thinking...
Luciano wasn’t such a big fan of the idea of living together with Feliciano at first, but also wouldn’t bring himself to leave you away from him for so long— especially with Feliciano of all people, knowing how touchy the guy can get.
The more innocent of the two! Or perhaps it’s just a cute little act he likes to keep up so you completely let your guard down around him, only for him to eventually reveal the true mastermind that he was.
...I was joking, but Feliciano does take the more positive image others have of him to his advantage when possible, especially with those keen eyes of his, able to notice small, juicy details about someone that would usually fall under the radar. Although he stays quiet, preferring to just giggle about it until he finds himself wanting, or needing to use it.
He’s also most likely the one that has your favor in this scenario. Being the more merciful one of the two, easily turning a blind eye to your lighter mistakes if you rewarded him for if. A kiss usually does the job.
Feliciano is rather selfish. Often hogging you all for himself— even if he wasn’t the best in admitting so. Which is why he sometimes tries getting Luciano on with whatever activities the two of you may do, just as a little apology. It also means he gets double the attention!
By now; it’s probably an unspoken rule that everything you do has to involve him completely, even if you refuse when he tried asking politely. Oh, you want to walk through the garden? Why not let him join you? A shower? He’s actually been thinking of getting one too! Why not let him join in?
A ‘give and take’ kind of guy, mainly leaning into the end that ‘gives’. He loves pampering you with all that he has, and doesn’t mind giving it all up for even the smallest of services you may give him. But it still has to be fair!
Lots of cuddling. Feliciano likes persuading you into napping with him whenever he has free time or just doesn’t feel like doing something; giving you the illusion of choice until you refuse and he’s basically begging you until you change your mind. He’ll be keeping you close in his arms so he won’t have any less of your warmth. But he’s holding too tightly. You can’t move. You’ll try asking Luciano for help once he comes by, only for him to join in. It becomes too warm. You won’t be able to move. You’re completely sandwiched. There’s no escape. They’re both happy though!
Isn’t one to physically punish his s/o, but it’s mainly because he likes to pass the job onto Luciano, who is much rougher with his methods. Feliciano adores it when you crawl back to him— begging him to help you, begging him to save you while you’re all shaky and bruised up. Too vulnerable to care that he was in on this as well.
He’ll patch you all up again, words of affection, words of concern spilling from his mouth while doing so. Scolding the other for his roughness under his breath, as if he wasn’t just as disgusting for finding you enticing in this state.
Luciano is rather...overwhelming to deal with, especially with that fickle attitude of his, leaving you unable to read what exactly is going on in that mind of his at some point. He’s also very entitled, at that. Already feeling rather lonely, or simply upset when you don’t fully have your attention on him exactly when he wants you to. Just think of how Feliciano acts, but turned up a notch.
Isn’t fond of being bored, and will often go to you for even an ounce of entertainment. One of his favorite past times is definitely picking on you; poking at topics that are sensitive to you just so he can see a satisfactory reaction. He especially adores it when you cry because of him, getting to hold you afterwards and cooing in fabricated pity about how he didn’t mean it. How he was just joking, so forgive him, hm? Luciano doesn’t mind it if you’re angry at him either, but just a bit. Albeit ignoring him definitely isn’t a really smart option.
He especially likes doing so when you are more determined on escaping. Mainly in hopes of ridding you of the idea of doing so, or perhaps getting you riled up for it instead. It was fun, getting to see just how far he had to push until you fell to the temptation. He’d have fun crushing the hope you had and dragging you back himself. It also meant he got to be creative with the punishments he got to use. ^^
Physical punishments are his favorite, but he loves it when some psychological torture is mixed in, further rubbing salt on your wounds and basically spitting on your face. Figuratively so.
That was a heavy start, sorry. Let’s slow things back down a bit.
Most definitely means his gestures of affection towards you, even if it doesn’t seem that way. Although he heavily prefers to be on the receiving end. For example— Luciano doesn’t mention this a lot, but he adores it when you praise him. Although it should be clear with how happy he seems afterwards.
Likes kidnapping you from the house just so the two of you can walk outside for a bit, admiring the nature surrounding the area. It really is pretty, in his opinion, and shouldn’t be going to waste with the three of you always staying inside and being hermits!
But he won’t let his guard down, making sure to keep an eye on you. Or he’ll just use some handcuffs to completely seal the two of you together. That always works.
Oh, he’s the one getting spooned when you cuddle by the way. Just a nice little fact.
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elsliterarylibrary · 2 months
May I request the axis three + America with a darling who finds out they’re pregnant and tries to escape while the axis are away. Their partner finds out after this darling fled (or perhaps they suspected)
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The day he found his place empty after a long day of work was the worst day of his life. His love had run away from him. Somehow, you had managed to chip away at the locks of his front door and escape. Though there was some light of hope that resonated that day.
He had found your positive pregnancy test.
Maybe you were just scared? You were worried about what he'd think about you becoming pregnant with his child and ran off? You're such a worry, little plum blossom. Of course he's nervous. Who wouldn't be after finding out that they're going to be a father, but this is your child. A child that the two of you made together. Japan couldn't be any happier when he found out that he was going to be the father of your child. He's so excited to start a new chapter of life with you.
There's just one problem though, Japan has to find you first.
As your husband and father of your child, he sees fit that he has to be the only one to track you down. After all, how can one prove to be a good father if he has someone else do his dirty work? It's dishonoring and lazy.
Japan will have fun with this. He tracked you down months ago but is playing a little game to punish you. He'll play mind games until the time is right. For starters, he'll leave your door wide open with a gift sitting in the middle of the kitchen table for your baby. Then things will start to go missing and your place of work will go up in flames. You know this is his doing but without proof, you can't do a thing.
As he plays with you, he's also preparing for you and the baby.
He loves watching you grow more paranoid as the months roll by. Watching your belly swell with his child had been bliss too. He just can't seem to contain his excitement over your growing body. Japan will take lots of photos when you least suspect it to satisfy his growing hunger for you.
When the time is right, most likely just before you are about to have your baby, he'll swoop in a whisk you away. What kind of father would he be if wasn't present for the birthing of his child?
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Germany will most certainly use your pregnancy to its full advantage.
Being the father of your baby, he has equal rights and deserves access to his child. Using his position in power and a few bribes to the judges, he'll use this opprotuity to bind you closer to him with the deverlopment of his child. You legally won't be able to just up and run away from him without facing legal reprocusions, and with you being a govermental figure from your country, this is a big deal. You could potentially start a war with Germnay if you ever decide to run away.
You wouldn't give up that easily though. If you couldn't run, you'll use his own people against him and show the whole world of Germany's wrongdoings.
You'll tell your story of how he had abducted you for forced you to bare his child against your will. When word gets out about your story and what his court had taken part of, the whole country will be turned upside down. Fighting if the story is true and the corruption taken place by the system for keeping you here.
It'll be troublesome For Germany. He just wanted to settle down with you, but now he has to deal with rioting civilians shouting outside his door. He won't stand for this. The people spread the word of your situation will be hunted down and incarcerated. The police and agents would be involved in shutting down this uproar. Germany has them tirelessly working around the clock just to put an end to this all. He needs this taken care of before his child arrives.
As for you, You'll be on tighter reigns. If you can't be trusted with anyone, you won't be allowed to interact with anyone but him. Germany won't allow for such behaviors to continue when the baby comes. He'll have you trained. Harsh training to ensure that something like this will never happen again. You'll be a well-behaved mother and wife for him rather you like it or not. You're his!
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It had been over a year since he had last seen you. Italy had searched everywhere for you. He even got Germany involved and he still couldn't find you. His heart splintered as more time carried on with no sign of you.
It wasn't until one fateful day when Italy unexpectedly found you. He could recognize your radiant beauty from anywhere no matter how much time had passed. What pulled it all together was the little Bambina wrapped up in your arms. At that moment, Italy knew that your baby was also his. How can anyone mistake the inherited curl of his? That was definitely his baby.
Without much thought, Italy would race up to you as if it were any other normal day. He watched the color drain from your face as he gushed over you and his little bambina.
"Is this our baby?!" Italy would ask as he ripped your baby right out of your arms. Admiring his baby. The way he said 'our' baby sent a shiver down your spine. You had wished you would never see Italy again. He locked you in his apartment and made love to you; Claiming he loved you.
He was sick and in nowhere stable enough to be anywhere near your baby.
You were terrified. You swiftly tried to take your baby back, but Italy was in no hurry to give her back. Much to your dismay.
"Aww, She's so cute~! She definitely has her mother's looks" Italy gushed while you could only stare in horror. When he called your name, your heart sank. You knew you were done for.
"(Y/N), why did you leave me? You know that's not good for the baby." His voice wasn't his usual cheery tone. It was much darker. Anger boiled under his tongue as each word struck your heart like a hot metal rod.
You couldn't answer him. You could only manage to shakely reach for your baby before he pulled her away from you; Walking away with your child as he did so.
Your heart raced as you blindly followed after him. Worried for your poor baby's life in the hands of your captor and baby's father.
"Don't worry (Y/N). We have plenty of time to catch up. I think some family time is in order. After all, our family is finally back together again!" Italy cheered.
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The day you found out you were pregnant was the most terrifying day of your life. America had finally done it and now you're the one that has to pay the price. While you were in complete shock and denial, America was on cloud 9. He had always wanted a child and to live out the American Dream. He made it after all! He's had a rough childhood and had wanted nothing more than a stable family of his own ever since he was a young boy.
You would never give him that satisfaction. You would never allow your child to grow up under the guidance of a monster. What if they turned out to be just as terrible as him and steal girls they love? The thought horrified you to your wits end. You just had to get out of here before it was too late.
You had everything sorted out while America was away for work. You'd run through an underground foreign route the get across the border where you'd find the help to go back home. You just had to get from America's penthouse in New York City to Texas.
Your skills in speed driving got you far, but America's cops are shifty. Stopping at nothing to be in favor of a powerful man such as America, and so, every trooper was on the lookout for any sign of you.
You've managed to outrun most state troopers. You were just too quick and had the turning skills of a mad hound for them to keep up with you for long. It wasn't until America joined a drag race with your did your luck take a turn for the worse.
Being a drag racer himself, the best in the U.S, that is, you were no match for him. He managed to corner you in an ally way and it was all over; You've lost. America couldn't have been happier to finally have found you again. As your husband and father of your child, he'll take good care of the two of you. A love crazed look in his eyes as he pulled you out of your car and back into his arms where you belonged.
"That was fun (Y/N), but you really need to start thinking about our baby. That was really dangerous and could have gotten our child seriously hurt. Let's head back home where we can be a family."
Your head dropped and tears began to trickle down your face at his heart wrenching words. You're never getting away from him now. You've spent your only chance.
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elsliterarylibrary · 3 months
Can we get a part two for your motherly s/o? Except this time with the nations that have/had kid colonies. And the dynamic they have is a teamwork between a romantic yandere (Britain, France, Spain) and a platonic yandere(America, Canada, Romano).
They met when the chibi got lost and she helped them get back to their caretakers. But the chibi got attached to her so she decided to visit them when she has time. But as years go by both father and son are getting uncomfortably clingy towards her, her motherly nature filled in the absence left by the father and her concerned and nurturing nature for the adults made some days easier for them that they can't help but fall in love with her. It reached to the point where they really believed that she is their mother/wife and scared away anyone who dare tried to take her away from them. Even when the chibi grew up and is independent, he still supports his former caretaker.
"She's my/his wife, she just doesn't know it yet"
This one made my head spin @~@. So many ways to go about this.
May need to make a husband vs husband post after this. What do you guys think?
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England is a bit of a hardhead and a little hard to get along with at first, but he'll come along and appreciate your efforts eventually.
For a little while, when you first started coming around with America, he was a little jealous of you. England has never taken care of anyone before, but you seem to be able to do it with ease. He most likely will throw you out the first handful of times you come around just because he won't admit that he doesn't exactly know what he's doing and needs help. Only after America throws constant tantrums for you to come back will England finally put his ego to the side and call you back.
England is used to others being cocky and even very passive-aggressive around him, so when you first walked in the door and you gave him a long hug, he was very caught off guard. He even treated you horribly. Why are earth are you wing so kind to him?
America on the other hand, couldn’t have been happier to finally see you around again. He had someone else who would play with him. If you can keep up with him too, all the better.
Fairly quickly after that whole endeavor, America grew close to you. England was a very busy man and had lots of things that needed his constant attention. It was nice to have you around to fill in when England couldn’t be around. Not to mention, you were a little more easy-going than him too. America just felt more at ease when you were around. England wasn’t yelling at him as much. You made England softer and kinder towards him.
It was nice. To England, it was almost like you were married. Like a family. That world never failed to flutter England; family. You guys were a family. A real family. Finally, just like he’s always wanted. Unlike his nasty brothers that were always so rude to him. He had you; the glue to it all.
As America become older and started fights over independence, things began to grow tense. England was terrified of the feeling that his perfect family was beginning to fall apart. What was worse, you supported it. You tired to argue that America was grown now but England was too stubborn to let his family go.
England fought tooth and nail to preserver his family, but in the end, America still managed to get away from him and gain his freedom. That’s when things took a turn for the worse for you.
You betrayed him. You supported America leaving and because of your help, America managed to break away from him and gain his independence. You may be America’s mother, but you’re still his wife. You’re supposed to support him above all others.
You will be punished for this and England will be very snappy but also clingy to you for a while. Don’t hold it against him though, it was all your fault for breaking apart his family.
At one point, America will try to step in between the two of you out of concern. England has shown some dark sides of hisself thought out their time in war and was afraid for you safety. Knowing England for many years himself, America just knows that England is up to some terrible things when it involves you. Especially when he’s well aware of England’s affections for you.
The two will most likely fight often over you. Bickering in meetings especially.
“Why isn’t (y/n) allowed to come meetings anymore!?”
“Has anyone else been able to contact (y/n) yet?! Or is she just yours!”
These are all true, you haven’t been present in meetings in years and anytime someone tried to contact you, England will throw a fit and forbid you from responding to them. They’ll poison your mind and take you away from him. England’s already lost his brothers and son, he won’t lose his wife too.
The dynamic between these two is serious competition. Your son, America, will do anything he can to protect you while your husband, England, will do whatever it takes to keep what’s left of his family with him.
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France already had a good handle on being a good parent. Not to mention that Canada is a much easier child to handle than America is. However, France is still over the fence at the thought of you wanting to join his family.
With you around, his family is complete just like France has always wanted. Countries can produce children like regular humans can, so this was the best next thing. He, like England, has been dreaming for this moment. A family to call their own.
France will often brag about how wonderful his family is now that you're here. Especially to England just to rub in his face. France just couldn't be happier with you here. No one is going to take this euphoric feeling away from him.
You thought he was just being funny, but to France, he was serious. Ever since...you know who, he's dreamed of having a wife and a family to call his own, as I've mentioned before.
You'd go along with the joke, thinking that he was just being France. That was until France began to invest in your relationship.
It started off small and you ignored or played into them for Canada. Holding Canada's hand together, singing the little nation to sleep. Even cooking together was all things that you were doing for Canada's sake, not his. You didn't mind if they helped France out too . You wanted to lighten his burden as a caretaker. That was until things started to get a little too uncomfortable for you.
France had tried to kiss you on his way out the door. Luckily, he only managed to kiss your cheek when you turned away from him. You didn't wish to alarm Canada as you knew he was a nervous nelly, so you knew you'd have a discussion with France when Canada was asleep tonight.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You should have just run. Called England up to watch Canada and ran that day, because when France came home that night, it would be already too late.
He was having a secret meeting with your bosses today. Well, it wasn't intended to be a dirty secret. It was meant to be a surpise. France had decided a long time ago that he was going to marry you. Today was the day he'd finally put it all into place.
With a smile on his face and the most beautiful ring he could find, France practically skipped home that day. Excited to ask you the big question. France was a little worried about you avoiding his kiss that morning, but he pushed it to the side as just morning brain. If just a kiss can get you so nervous just wait until he tells you the big news.
When you rejected his proposal, he was shocked. What do you mean you don't love him? Isn't that why you lived here? To join his family?
No. No. No. No. NO! He won't have it. You do love him! France knows you do. You're just nervous and confused but don't worry, France will be a good fiance and husband and take care of you every step of the way. It's not like you can really say no when your boss already signed the papers.
Canada will be confused as he suddenly sees you less and less. Where did you go? What does France mean by needing to "heal" you? Are you sick? While France has his hands full with conditioning you he won't have a lot of time to spend with Canada. Being that he doesn't receive attention from others, this will impact Canada greatly. He'll start to cling to you more when you are allowed out. Unknowingly pushing the idea that your defiance is only hurting the family.
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Little Romano is quite the handful, so when you came around to offer your help Spain was more than happy to accept. If only Romano would behave himself and not catcall you.
What is he to do about that boy. :')
To Spain's surprise, he does see Romano settling down at some point during your visit. Romano just can't act tough forever. Not when you're pampering him like no other. Spain almost couldn't believe it when he saw Romano curled up against your side while you slowly pat his head. Careful not to touch his precious curl. Your voice was so beautiful as you sang a soft tune from your homeland. Romano was blissfully listening with a soft smile; Nealy asleep.
That day, you looked so heavenly in Spain's eyes. Like a goddess who tamed a wild beast. He almost couldn't believe that this wouldn't last forever. You would have to go home eventually as you were only a visitor.
If only there was a way you three could stay like this forever.
After that, Spain made sure to invite you over all the time. With the help of a fussy Romano who just wouldn't calm down until he saw you again, you spend an enormous amount of time at Spain's house. Much to their delight.
Whenever you were around, Spain could delve into his fantasy about being a happy family and Romano could have something that his stupid younger brother can never take away from him.
Despite Romano's hard exterior, he really is just a scared little child who was hurt by the abandonment of Rome and the overshadowing of his preppier brother, Italy. All he ever wanted was to feel seen and wanted. You were perfect.
You never once compared him to Italy or picked on him. You were always so calm and gentle but knew just how to put him back in his place. (You are quite terrifying when tempered). For that, Romano holds a lot of respect for you that carries on into his adulthood. He most definitely sees you like a mom. His mom. Not his brothers; Just his.
Spain is more than happy to use Romano's perspective of you to his advantage. If Romano sees you as his mom, then that must mean that you're also his wife. The three of you are a little, happy family.
Being a loving country, it doesn't really take Spain too long to propose to you. He was just so certain that you were dying to say yes. When you mention that you only see Spain as a friend and that you were only looking to help with Romano it shatters him. What do you mean you don't love him? Isn't that why you come around so often?
Spain takes your rejection very harshly. His mind just won't stop spinning with all these nagging questions and insecurities. Could you be seeing someone else? Taking care of another person's child?
This won't hold well for you. Spain most likely will be taken over by his rolling thoughts and lock you in his basement until you reconsider. He doesn't want to scare Romano, so he'll tell him lies about you and that this is all normal between couples. Romano will be too young to understand that what Spain is doing is really wrong. Besides, he does want you you stay with him too. Romano can't risk losing his mom.
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elsliterarylibrary · 3 months
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100 posts!
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elsliterarylibrary · 3 months
A handful of states are eyeing laws that would allow criminal charges against school librarians for distributing books that contain "obscene matter."
Why it matters: GOP state lawmakers have in recent years increased their efforts to ban material they deem inappropriate from schools and libraries.
That material includes books on gender identity and sexual orientation.
Critics, including the American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia, said the bill "is designed to create confusion for educators about what kinds of materials can be taught or displayed."
The American Library Association said this type of legislation would allow for "advocacy groups and parents to sue or prosecute library workers" for providing books and other materials that present "accurate medical information about sex or puberty, describe sexual behavior, or reflect the experiences of LGBTQ+ persons."
The ALA noted that such legal action would be "based on the false claim that any material that includes information about sex, sexuality, gender identity, or sexual orientation is legally obscene and inappropriate for minors."
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elsliterarylibrary · 3 months
I was never going to forgive book banners for depriving queer kids the books they need (the books I wish I had before Christian indoctrination), but I especially will never forgive them for how they painted a little boy being a victim of molestation and incest as "porn".
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elsliterarylibrary · 3 months
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new stickers for my bookseller stockists
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elsliterarylibrary · 3 months
Just an FYI: Moms for Liberty are fascists
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