elvisno1girl · 4 months
elvis x naive reader
You started up at elvis with your beatiful blue eyes, you opened your mouth to speak but he shushed you
' shh yittle , I know it’s best for ya not to talk to Jessie, n-no more and I-i don’t want ya to question it.
little did you know he killed your daddy , your daddy was in the trunk of elvis car.
That was the only family for had and in elvis way of thinking that ment he had you all to himself , he hushed you and he began to explain why you wouldn’t see your daddy again , that was going to be hard.
"Now yittle in’ sit down f’me your daddy got him self in a nasty crash and h-he he didn’t make it.. '' all you too could do was stare at eachother.
When it sunk in your began to cry and elvis pulled you into his warm imbrace, .yes. He thought this is what he wanted , with all your family gone he could have you all to himself.
''B-but elvis… w-here am i-i gonna - stay, d-d-don’t make me stay a-alone'' you managed to cry out during sobs.
He couldn’t help but feel abit bad for you, but he remembers he’s got you now, your his.
"Oh yittle’ daddy’s got you, you want to come back to daddy’s house or you want to stay?'' He’d say as if you had a choice , he knew you’d be coming back to gracelands with him , and hell he’d bring all your animals to Graceland , I mean he’s got enough land right?
"But e-elvis , Cato and t-the animals ? " you spoke softly calming down
"Right, don’t ya worry about them I-I’ll get my men n they’ll bring them to gracelands with ya!'' He said searching your face for any kind of emotion
your rubbed your eyes and softly agreed.
"m’kay elvis but im scared what if your men or your daddy don’t like me?" He knew they’d like you and if they didn’t he’d kill them.
"okay i-ill get my s-stuff'' he would tell you were happier now.
you and elvis crossed over the road into his escort car. he opened the door for you and you sat next to the window.
"elvis, thank you m’ really happy I can stay, I love you," you mumbled
Elvis was taken aback by these words but again he couldn’t be happier to hear them.
"oh yittle’ you have no idea how much I love you.''
"Elvis i-it’s so big and beatiful'' you managed to breathe out.
"she is pretty amazin’ ain’t she, but I could name something prettier.'' He looked at you signaling that it’s you.
Your giggled embarrassed and hit your face is elvis chest.
You walked up to your room taking in the true beauty of gracelands. You began to unpack your stuff but midway ran down to elvis in a panic.
"ELVIS! E-elvis!" You cried out running into his arms.
"What is it?" He asked confused and panicked. His first thought was ‘oh shit she found out ' but he knew he couldn’t think of the worst.
"M-my animals are still at the farm, we have to go get them! P-please''
elvis couldn’t help but chuckle to himself and be relived.
"now yittle’ what did i tell ya? Jerrys gone get em’ for ya and I don’t like being question okay?'' He asked abit more stern trying to teach you the rules.
You nodded and hugged elvis forgiving him and you knew that you was safe within the Presleys grip.
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elvisno1girl · 4 months
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Ready, honey? C'mon! Let's go to my place.
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elvisno1girl · 4 months
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elvis x naive reader
today was a special day, you was gonna show your new boyfriend around the farm, you were so exited but when you told your daddy and elvis they weren’t as exited.
"Daddy! Elvis! My new boyfriend is coming over today! I bet to show him 'round!" You squealed in excitement
"Well y/n that’s fine by me but I don’t want you two canodaling together down the back!" Your daddy said with a firm tone of voice. "What’s canodailng daddy?" You said. "Don’t worry about it baby, hey elvis we don’t got nothing to worry about!" Your daddy joked, elvis didn’t find it very funny
He was more amused that you didn’t know what it meant, it had only just hit him how truly inoccent you were, his first thought was that all the men that will take advantage of you and all the men that will be your first times, elvis pushed them thoughts to the back of him mind and decided that he was going to be your first everything.
"Oh look that’s him now! He’s on his bike!" You ran over to the gate and greated him.
"Hi Jessie!" You spoke engulfing him into a hug, elvis could have sworn he felt his blood literally boil.
"hi honey" he said sweetly, his accent was definitely there but not as strong as elvis was.
He shook your daddy’s hand and both greeted eachother, when he went to shake elvis hand he was only met with a cold stare and a quick "hi im elvis" and then a stroppy storm off.
"Oh he’s just moody I’ll talk to him later but come Jessie let me show ya!" You and your boyfriend went from pasture to pasture showing him the animals you had. All elvis could do was watch. And you being the sweet , polite little girl you are offered to make Jessie some tea in your caravan " okay Jessie just wait there I’ll be back with your tea!" He laughed at you when you ran toward your caravan.
Elvis took his opportunity to go and speak to your boyfreind and elvis was quite intimidating at times. "Hello Jessie" he spoke coldly "Hi elvis" he spoke acting as if elvis wasn’t and older, and you was always taught to respect your olders.
"Mr. Presley to you fuck face, and I want to get one thing straight with you, I’ve knows y/n for longer than you have and I want you to break her heart! In to tiny little pieces and if you don’t.. well il break you into tiny little pieces"
All your boyfreind could do was stare back at him in shock, but beofre he would reply you ( who is completely oblivious to this situation) can skipping along with 2 cups of tea. "Oh hi elvis!" You spoke sweetly and gave him a hug, as you hugged him elvis gave a shit eating grin to your boyfreind. "Elvis would you like some tea I can go and get ya some!" You asked.
"Yes please y/n in fact I’ll just how Jessie here out." He said. "Oh why? Does his folks want him home?" Your smile dropped a little. "Yeah he’s gotta have some lunch" Jessie couldn’t belive elvis was lying right through his teeth so naturally. "Oh.. okay well bye Jessie I’ll see ya soon!" Your face brightened up abit and you pulled elvis along back to your caravan.
"So what do you think of him?" You asked while poring your tea. "Well he’s nice but I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think he’s right..". he said knowing all that he wanted was you all to himself. "Oh.. why?" You started up at him with those beatiful eyes of yours. "Well y/n I think he ain’t right for ya Beacuse he won’t treat ya like I would, he couldn’t love ya like I would" elvis got a lot closer to you. You started at him not knowing what was going to happen next, but you felt that feeling in the pit of your stomach that you didn’t know…
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elvisno1girl · 4 months
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you sat quietly on the fence writing in your book and reading it to your horses as you went along, it was a hot day on the farm today so you only wore shorts and a top with your favourite boots
elvis was helping out again on the farm today, ever since you met him he’d never really left, he’d stay over in your caravan most nights while you and your daddy where just in the house next to it.
every once in awhile you glanced over to check if elvis was still there after he promised he wouldn’t leave. And not much to your suprise he was still there every time. Until one time he wasn’t.
you made sure elvis was still where he’s supposed to be and he wasn’t. "elvis?!" you said concerned under your breath. "yes honey?" His voice gave you and unfamiliar feeling in your stomach, but you wasn’t sure what.
You almost fell of the fence you was so suprised. "elvis but you- you was just over there a minute ago.?" he let out a chuckle before saying to you "i have legs to move ya know honey,".
"I know but it was-" He cut you off and put his finger over your lips "Honey why don’t ya show me around the place now I ain’t really got a chance yet?" "Oh! Yes please elvis!”
you grabbed his hand and jumped down of the fence and he swore he felt his heart flutter, he knew he shouldn’t feel this way but he couldn’t help it, so you pulled him along and took him all the way to the back of the field.
"Okay elvis I’ll start here!” "So this is the back I like it down here but it scares me sometimes" you giggled. As you continued to show him around you got to your favourite point, your horse. "And elvis this is my favourite Cato! He’s real sweet and look we’re matching!" You giggled as you held up your hair you your horses back showing him the same colour, he adored you he adored your inoccence and he wanted to protect you. He will make you his..
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elvisno1girl · 4 months
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summary: you think it’s just a normal day on the farm helping out your daddy, but he hired new farm help.. (elvis isn’t famous in this)
You held your wicked basket in your hand and threw the food out for the chickens. you were minding your own business until you heard your daddy call to you. "Y/N COME ‘ERE F’ME" you ran over to him as quick as you could not wanted to upset him, as you reached him he spoke "so y/n I’ve got someone new for ya to meet, he’s gon’ be helping us out round here at the farm!” "Really! When can I meet him?!" You spoke exitedly. “Well he’s here now! That’s his motorbike right there” you whipped your head round so quick you might have gotten whiplash. "howdy elvis!" Your daddy spoke as the shook hands. nervously you washed them interact until elvis spoke "so who have we got ‘ere?” "well elvis this is my daughter y/n". "hi." You spoke softly and looked away blushing. "I think she’s scared of me James!" he joked
"okay now y/n go and take the rabbits to there new pen okay?" "kay daddy!" you spoke and began to skip away. the way that word rolled of your tounge made elvis feel warm inside, but he was much to old for you and he knew it. but he wouldn’t mind if you didn’t? no no he thought she’s only a baby. he cleared his throat and looked up to your daddy. "so where do ya need me?" "oh right elvis could ya first go and fix the tires of my caravan that ol’ things busted im tryna fix it up for y/n she really likes it in there, so if she wants to go in there while your fixing it she’s fine to" "Okay James see ya in a bit" Elvis began to walk over to your caravan and started to work on the tires.
you had nearly finished putting away your rabbits but you always saved your favourite one for last. "hi boy" You spoke to your little bunny. When he was in his cage you picked up your notebook and walked over to the caravan. "oh hi! elvis is it? I’m y/n!" You said exited. "Yes it’s elvis, and I like ya name hon". "well thank ya elvis." You paused. "can I go in?” "yes ya can but y/n before ya do what do ya like to do around here?" " well my favourite things are to ride my horse.. Cato his the palomino one! People say we’re matching being we’re the same colour hair, but anyway I also like to help out my daddy and go on my motor bike! his a red Harley Davidson it’s so fun! You should try it elvis you should!" You spoke exitedly and then soon began "and I like to also go down the back and explore around the trees and talk to my nanas old horse! Baby he’s died but he’s sweet to talk to him.. but I think it’s haunted down the back.. but SHHHH don’t tell anyone elvis my daddy don’t belive in that stuff." "Well y/n why don’t ya show me around when im done with your caravan”. "Oh you’d let me! Yes please elvis and you can ride my horse aswell! I’m so happy you’re staying here! But elvis..?” You spoke more softly this time. "can you stay here for a long time? Forever!" elvis laughed at your comment "okay honey I’ll stay forever".
"YAY!” you said bye and skipped away
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