em-writes-imagines · 2 years
man…. am i gonna have to write the wwdits x reader fics myself……..
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em-writes-imagines · 2 years
Reflection (Satan x GN!Reader)
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Angst; Lucifer’s not the nicest in this; mentions of Lilith and the fall; edited, but not well
Synopsis and Note: This piece examines Satan’s past, starting with his creation and continuing through meeting MC. It’s heavily based on my own interpretations of his character and story, and I took a decent amount of creative liberties to make the story what I wanted. I also marked it as hurt/comfort, but I don’t know that this actually counts as that. There is hurt, and there is comfort, and it does end on a happy note, so I think that’s all there is to it? Oh, and the last thing, this is my first long creative work in a while, so I’m sorry if it’s not great lmao; I hope you enjoy it anyway, though.
When he came to after the fall, he was naked. He could remember the way his vision blurred, the way the dirt felt beneath his hands, the way his skin prickled as the cool air of an unfamiliar place hit him. He could remember how his heart skipped a beat when he realized he felt different. He could remember the surprise he felt when he tried to raise his hand, and his body actually responded.
He was overwhelmed and confused as he raised his head. The first thing he saw in his new world was Lucifer. He loomed over him, an incredulous and pained expression on his face. Even in his most private moments, before he was aware of Satan’s presence within him, Lucifer had never made an expression quite like that. In the next moment, it was gone. Any vulnerability Lucifer had shown disappeared as his mask came back down. Satan’s next memory was a feeling, the sensation of his wrath boiling up and consuming him.
Keep reading
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em-writes-imagines · 2 years
Just This Once (Satan)
Pairing: Satan x Reader
Prompt: “Please… Kiss me, even if it’s just this once.”
There was always a wall.
Every moment you felt close to Satan, every time you felt your bond strengthening… you could see a switch flip behind his eyes, a plastic smile replacing the genuine one he’d held just seconds ago. He’d change the subject, or find a reason to excuse himself, and leave you wondering what went wrong.
Eventually, your confusion turned to sadness, then frustration as he continued to shut you out. Going from deep, passionate conversations to shallow niceties was enough to dishearten anyone, but something about Satan’s expression made it even worse. The way his eyes would go from adoring to indifferent without warning… 
“What am I doing wrong?” you finally ask, your voice bordering on a full shout as you release your frustrations on the demon in front of you. His eyes widen for a moment, breaking his impassive façade. “Why do you always do this? You’re so genuine, and I feel like we’re connecting—no, I know we are—but then you stop! You do this, every fucking time—and I can’t take it anymore! I can’t. You owe me an explanation.” You jab his chest for emphasis, and despite not physically wavering he seems entirely taken aback.
“I…” Satan hesitates, and you can see the gears turning in his head, how close he is to shutting down once more.
“Talk to me. Please.”
He sighs, placing a hand on his chest as he glances off to the side. “You understand I’m dangerous, right?”
“What are you—”
“Out of all my brothers, I’m the most violent in nature, it is in my blood to be so. The rage seeps into my bones and becomes me.”
“That’s what this is? You’re ‘protecting’ me?”
He scoffs at the disbelief in your tone, eyes narrowing in your direction. “You have no idea the effort I put into keeping my very essence suppressed—how easy it would be to let it slip. The more time you spend with me, the more you put yourself at risk.”
“Satan, I know you wouldn’t hurt me—”
“You don’t. You don’t realize how much danger my presence carries, the things I've done.” His hands twitch as he looks at them, then looks back to you. “You would never come to me again if you did. It’s better for both of us to keep you at arm’s length.”
Irritation laces his tone, “You can’t just say—”
You take his hands in yours, effectively cutting him off, and a blush rises to his cheek despite the tension in the air. “I can, and I am,” you squeeze his hands. “You shutting me out hurts more than anything else you could do. I hate feeling like this. I care about you, and I…” It’s a risk, being so vulnerable. The words feel caught in your throat. 
A deep breath.
“I want you to care about me too.”
“(Y/N), I…” he sighs, looking down at your hands. He moves his own to your forearms, your arms, then your shoulders, locking eyes with you once more. “I do care about you. You can’t imagine how intense these feelings are, that’s why I…”
You place one hand on his chest, cupping his cheek with the other. “I trust you.”
He grimaces, but doesn’t pull away from your touch.
“Satan… if you can’t fully put faith in yourself, can you at least have some faith in me? And my trust?”
“It’s more complicated than that—”
“It’s not. It doesn’t have to be.” You take a step closer, almost chest to chest. “Can’t we try?”
His eyes glance down to your lips, then meet yours, a mix of desire and hesitation in his gaze. His mouth opens as if to speak, then closes again.
So, you take the first step again. “Please… Kiss me, even if it’s just this once.”
He watches you for a moment, serious as he takes in every aspect of your expression. “You’re sure?”
You nod, and your hands slide to the nape of his neck, pulling yourself even closer.
He hesitates only a second longer before succumbing, his lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss. His lips move softly, almost reverently… and he begins to pull away. 
You slide your hands into his hair, desperate to keep him just a little longer.
The feeling of your nails against his scalp unlocks something, and suddenly his arms are wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against him. The movement brings you up to the tips of your toes, your balance now dependent entirely on him.
You can’t imagine feeling more secure than this.
Passion burns through him, through you, months of repression and longing finally sated with your lips against his. His teeth are sharp as he nips at you, almost breaking skin. 
But he’s careful. Even in his abandon, he’s careful.
The only thing he neglects is how low your lung capacity is, causing you to break away in panting breaths as he watches you, a smile pulling at his lips.
“I apologize, it was not my intention to literally take your breath away.” His playful tone makes you smile in turn, even as you struggle to catch your breath.
“Please, you’re more than welcome to,” you reply, pressing another kiss to his cheek, then his jawline. “I only hope I can return the favor.”
“You steal my breath in existence alone.” His voice shakes slightly as your lips move to his neck. “Though, I’m not opposed to… other methods.”
You pull away to look at him, unable to mask your excitement as you raise an eyebrow. “Yeah? Does that mean…?”
He nods, cupping your cheek in his hand and gently caressing your skin. “I won’t shut you out anymore, alright? I don’t want you to hesitate in coming to me, whenever, for whatever reason.” He kisses your forehead. “I want this.” He kisses the tip of your nose. “I want you.
“All of you,” he murmurs between kisses, “Mind and heart, body and soul.”
All you can do is nod, breathing him in as you drown in his touch once again.
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em-writes-imagines · 2 years
Physical Contact Starters
No explicit NSFW, but some could be interpreted that way. Alter as necessary!
“Your hands are so warm.”
“Ah, that feels good…”
“Wait… are you braiding my hair?”
“Is it okay if I lean on you?”
“Just hold me for awhile. Please.”
“You don’t mind me touching you there, right?”
“Oh! I didn’t mean to fall asleep leaning on you.”
“Don’t stop stroking my hair…”
“Be gentle with me.”
“Y’know, I could go for a back rub right now. Just saying.”
“Please… Kiss me, even if it’s just this once.”
“I bet I’m strong enough to pick you up.”
“Can I use your lap as a pillow?”
“Touch me. I don’t care how. I just need to feel something right now…”
“I could kiss you all over.”
“That tickles!”
“Mind washing my back for me?”
“I didn’t know you were the cuddling type.”
“I love how soft your lips are.”
“Don’t get up just yet, I’ll miss having you next to me.”
“No one’s kissed me like that in a long time.”
“Ow! That fucking hurt!”
“Keep talking, and I’ll seriously slap the shit out of you.”
“You stepped on my foot!”
“Did you do that on purpose?”
“Please be more gentle next time…”
“Don’t squeeze so tight!”
“Hey, don’t touch me there. It hurts.”
“Did you just bite me?!”
“Next time I’ll hit you like I mean it.”
“Is that the best you’ve got?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I’ll make you bleed.”
“You really can’t take a hit, can you?”
“Hey!! What was that for?!”
“Shit, are you crying? I didn’t mean to do it that hard.”
“That stung a little. Go easy on me next time.”
“Don’t tell me you can’t handle a little sparring.”
“You almost knocked me over!”
“I won’t stop until I hear you scream.”
“That’s gonna leave a bruise…”
“You broke my nose!”
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em-writes-imagines · 2 years
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not a fic but i couldn’t rly post this on my main ajsgdkh so here u go 🤲 obey me as tumblr posts (pt.1? i have more but who knows if/when i’ll post them on here)
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em-writes-imagines · 2 years
The Demon Bros and Shrek the Musical
A/N: This might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever written jsgskdh, inspired by the fact that Shrek the Musical is, for some godforsaken reason, a piece of comfort media for me, and I have to watch it every couple of months.
• For the love of Diavolo, do NOT introduce this man to Shrek the Musical. Please.
• Music is one of the few things he has left for relaxation. Please do not take that away from him. I’m begging you.
• You wanna watch it? Totally fine! Do not let him in the room. Do not let him watch or hear a single note.
• Is he gonna be curious? Yes. Stay strong. If you must, show him a still image of Shrek’s stage costume. That should be convincing enough.
• Lucifer, baby, I’m so sorry.
• Show him the original movie first. He won’t get half of the pop culture references, but he’d still have a fun time watching it with you.
• Lowkey tears up during Hallelujah and “Fiona, you are beautiful.”
• Give him a few weeks before even introducing the concept of the stage musical.
• Turning it into a drinking game could be fun! Confusing, but fun.
• Again, lowkey tears up during “Who I’d Be”, finds himself relating to Shrek more often than he’d like 🤧
• He probably wouldn’t watch it again (it’s a little too long/slow for his attention span), but he had fun watching you sing along to the entire show.
• Has actually seen the original movie! Hard to avoid the memes when you’re on human social media platforms, even in his anime-focused circles.
• Has absolutely no interest in the Broadway adaptation.
• I mean, he’ll sit in the room with you and play games on his switch or his D.D.D. Occasionally glance up when there’s a particularly weird sound.
• Broadway just isn’t really his thing.
• He likes being with you, though. He especially likes listening to you sing, even when the lyrics are ridiculous.
• Will watch the original movie with you if it’s one of your childhood favorites (or all time favorites 😶).
• Can somewhat appreciate the humor despite having very little reference for all the pop culture jokes. More amused by your reactions/the way you quote lines in time with the movie.
• Like Levi, he doesn’t have much interest in the musical. However, he will pay attention while you watch it.
• To you. Loves watching you sing/dance along.
• Let’s hope you don’t want him to watch the screen, that’s a lost cause from the start. You can settle for singing some of the lines directly to him <3
• I mean, you can put it on the TV, but he is not going to pay it an ounce of attention.
• Well, maybe during the fairy tale creature songs. Maybe. (Freak Flag does go hard.)
• He loves you, but he can only go so far… movies/musicals with more than a single fart joke are Too Far.
• Honestly might ask you to mute the volume during particularly gross humor-heavy scenes.
• Will do your nails, play with your hair, scroll through Devilgram, and eventually fall asleep cuddling you.
• Dude will watch anything as long as there’s snacks to go with it.
• Show him the original movie first, he’ll really enjoy it. His favorite scenes are when Shrek and Fiona bond over food. (You will have to talk him out of making bog food after this.)
• Is openly affected by the misunderstanding between Shrek and Fiona before the wedding, you’ll have to assure him things work out.
• Now, the musical isn’t something he’d normally be interested in watching.
• But hey, if you’ll cuddle and snack with him for two hours, he’s down.
• He really likes listening to you sing.
• If you turn it into a movie night, he’ll probably stay awake for the original movie. Get Mammon, Levi, and Beel in there, they’ll be chatty enough to keep him engaged. (You may have to shush them during your favorite scenes.)
• The musical, however… that’s a lost cause.
• He’s already dozing off in the first few minutes. It’s not his fault the parents’ duet is so lulling! Especially with you cuddling him and singing along!!
• Shake him awake for the scenes you really like and he’ll pay attention for a few minutes, then it’s right back to sleep.
• Thinks it’s weird and will openly call you weird for liking it so much. It’s said with love. Mostly.
• But really, MC, every word? You memorized every word??
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em-writes-imagines · 3 years
protective sentence starters (part 2)
as requested by anon. part one here ( x ). Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Make sure to eat before you go.”
“What were you thinking?!”
“How are you getting home?” / “What time will you be back?”
“Don’t eat/drink that!”
“I don’t trust him/her/them.”
“You’re so clumsy…come here.”
“Don’t you dare go out there young man/lady/one!”
“You can’t just go wandering off like that.”
“I’m not going to let you die/get hurt/get your heart broken.”
“Is this person/lady/guy bugging you?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there.”
“Put on your seatbelt.”
“You don’t understand it now, but I’m trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need you to save me.” / “It’s my job to save you.”
“Let me go in first.”
“Did you not see that car/motorcycle/space ship/etc. coming right at you?”
“Stop complaining. I’m trying to save your life.”
“I’ll diffuse the bomb. You get out of here.”
“Come on, let’s go for a walk.”
“I know I never say it, but…thanks.” / “I will never say thanks.”
“Will you stay a little longer?”
“I didn’t tell you because I knew what you’d say.”
“Stop talking or we’ll be found.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“Don’t you see that it’s a trap?”
“I take no pleasure in saying this but…I told you so.” / “HAH! I told you so.”
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em-writes-imagines · 3 years
50 Angsty Questions Prompt List
“And that makes it okay?”
“Are you afraid to die?”
“What would you do if I didn’t come back?”
“Do you know what it’s like?”
“Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?”
“Why are your eyes so red?”
“How do you think this ends?”
“Why would I ever want to be with you?”
“Is that what you think of me?”
“Do you know what a gunshot wound feels like?”
“How am I supposed to go on?”
“Can’t you see how fucked up this is?”
“If I told you I hate you, what would you do?”
“Should you be drinking that much?”
“What if we just crash this car and make it all stop?”
“Do the drugs still get you high?”
“Am I the reason you cry every night?”
“When did you stop loving me?”
“Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
“How did things go so wrong?”
“When did things fall apart?”
“Which part of me wasn’t enough?”
“How do I make you love me again?”
“How much does it hurt knowing you lost me?”
“We’re you trying to destroy us?”
“How do you want to die?”
“Is the weight of it all finally too heavy?”
“Are you okay with having blood on your hands?”
“How do you sleep at night?”
“Can you still sleep at night?”
“Is being high all the time worth losing everything?”
“Can you feel the blood draining from your body?”
“Do you know how it feels to wish for death every day?”
“Will you miss me at all?”
“Can I have one last kiss?”
“Do you understand what you’ve done?”
“Is this how you thought your life would be?”
“Did you expect this to turn out better?”
“Can you really blame me?”
“How could you do this?”
“Can you be the one to do it?”
“Does this mean what I think it means?”
“Are you leaving?”
“How do we fix this?”
“Would you hate me?”
“Do you want to die?”
“How many more innocent people have to die?”
“Can you promise me no one else has to get hurt?”
“Are you satisfied now…?”
“Do you even know what love feels like?”
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em-writes-imagines · 3 years
would anyone be interested in requesting some yakuza x reader fics 🥺👉👈
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em-writes-imagines · 3 years
hey gang, i had a really bad fall at work yesterday, wound up in the ER, and now i’m stuck at home for at least a week while i recover ;-; thankfully it qualifies as a work comp claim, so i don’t have to worry about covering medical bills, but my job doesn’t have sick leave so i’m essentially losing a full week of pay at LEAST
because of this, i’m not really sure how i’m going to cover my regular bills. i would normally offer fic commissions but i’m not even supposed to be looking at screens at ALL due to my concussion, and i can’t really sit up for long periods of time, so i’m not sure i’ll be able to write anything like this
which is why, as much as i hate to do it, i’m asking for any possible help. i’ll leave my links below, and reblogs are so so so appreciated 💖
venmo: @em222
ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/emilyk
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
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so that devil sauce conversation in the game,,,,, i decided to write my own version jsgdjdhj
meme chat w mammon, levi, and belphie
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
1. I’m so glad you’re back!!! I hope life’s treating you well 😊 2. Your Zuko smau is AMAZING I can’t to read more of it!!! 3. For your three sentence fic event can you write about Sokka using the word “solace”? thank you 💕
the way that this ended up more than three sentences OOPS i just really loved this prompt 🥺 thank you so much!! 💛 (for anyone unaware, this is apart of my 1k follower celebration, so feel free to send in tsf requests!!) 
(content warnings: PTSD)
You awake jostled by the man beside you, his body tossing and turning in sleep, face contorted in pain. Immediately, you push yourself up, placing a hand on his shoulder to wake him as gently as you can. “Sokka.”
His eyes open, wide and startled and brimming with tears as he shoots upright, scanning the entire room for the threats that haunt his dreams. Then, his gaze settles on you, and he wraps his arms around you in an instant.
You’re quick to return the embrace, pulling him into your lap as he buries his face into the crook of your neck. You can feel his tears against your skin; no matter how many times it happens, your heart breaks with each moment he cries. “It’s okay, honey, you’re okay,” you speak softly, your fingers brushing through his hair in a gentle motion. “We’re safe, the war’s over, we won; you’re safe.”
He nods against you, his hands still clinging to the fabric of your shirt. You can feel the way his entire frame trembles in your arms, shaking with each sob, and you hold him tighter. “We’re at home. It’s winter and the weather is cold, but we’re warm inside. You went ice fishing today, and we had stew for supper. The war ended eight years ago. Katara is safe. Aang is safe. Toph is safe. Zuko is safe. Your father is safe. I’m safe. You’re safe.”
You stay like that for as long as he needs, holding him, rubbing his back, talking him through the panic that holds his heart.
On nights like these, he always falls into you, eventually relaxing as you ease back onto the bed. His head rests on your chest, the steady rhythm of your heart like a lullaby to his tired mind. You continue to play with his hair long after he dozes off, a reminder that you’re there, a comfort to keep him grounded.
You don’t know if these nightmares will ever go away, not fully. You hope they will.
Until then, you’ll hold him, just like this.
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
Omg was reading through your commissions and my brain swapped the price and word count around so it was like 10 words -$600 and I was like damn girl good for you where’s my wallet
“Zuko looks at you and smiles. ‘I love you, too.’”
$600 pls 😌✨
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
i think i know what tik tok you’re talking about, but let me just say sokka pinning azula to the wall made me feel sum typa way 🥴
SEE YOU GET IT i saw it and the bisexual in me went: okay but which one do i wanna be 😳
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
okay ik i’ve been dead silent for a few days now, and i do wanna apologize for that!! life has been. a Lot. and i know you guys are waiting on the next smau update but what if. i wrote a sokka sparring fic 😳
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
safe | sokka
Sokka is heavy against your side as you help him back to the campsite, carrying most of his body weight on your own. “C’mon, just a little farther, okay?” you speak through gritted teeth. “We’re almost there, just stay with me.”
He responds with a quiet groan, and you feel yourself on the brink of tears. Panic is rushing through your veins and all you can focus on is moving forward, getting back to Katara, saving Sokka. When he starts to fully collapse, it takes every ounce of adrenaline within you to lift him into your arms.
You’re almost there, you’re almost there, you’re almost…
“Katara! Toph! Aang!” you scream at the top of your lungs. “Help!”
Suddenly, the three of them are rushing into view, and Katara takes in the sight of you with fear in her eyes. She’s at your side in an instant, helping you set Sokka’s body onto the grass below.
You scramble backwards to allow her better access to the wound, looking on with tears in your eyes. The gash across Sokka’s torso is bad, terrifyingly so. The fact that he even stayed conscious for so long…
You’re not sure how much time goes by, surrounded by worried friends as Katara heals him the best she can. It feels like an eternity.
Eventually, though, the gash starts to close, and suddenly it’s like the wound was never there to begin with. His skin is smooth, untouched, and somehow it makes you cry harder.
Aang is the one who carries him back to camp, airbending aiding his strength, but you walk beside him the entire way. You sit next to Sokka as they lay him down on a sleeping mat, watching his unconscious body as he breathes in and out, in and out, in and out—
The first word out of his mouth when he awakes is your name, and he looks around, confused by his surroundings for a moment before noticing you.
“You jerk, don’t ever do that again,” you speak through tears, torn between a sob and a smile.
“You’re okay,” he sighs quietly, relief washing over his features as he reaches out to take your hand.
Of course, you intertwine your fingers with his, and he squeezes tight.
“Do you have any idea how scared I was? How close you came to— to—“
“But I didn’t. You made sure I didn’t, and I-I’ll never be able to thank you enough.” His thumb moves to caress the back of your hand, and you fold over him, your head pressed directly against his chest.
“Just don’t do it again, please don’t do it again, never do that, never, never—“
His other hand comes up to rest on the back of your head, running his fingers softly through your hair. “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
“But you almost weren’t,” you cry against him. “You can’t do that, you can’t do that, please…” You lift your head and look him in the eye. “Don’t sacrifice yourself to protect me. I’m not weak, I can handle myself. Don’t you ever put yourself in danger like that just to protect me.”
He stares at you for a moment, as if he’s trying to figure something out. “I… I didn’t try to protect you because I think you’re weak. I know you’re strong,” he squeezes your hand. “I’ve just…  lost too many people already. I saw that blade coming toward you and I panicked and I— it was the only thing I could think to do.”
You open your mouth to reply, but struggle to find the words. Eventually, you settle on, “Does it still hurt?”
He shakes his head, “Nope, good as new.”
You sit up, then move to lie down beside him, wrapping your arm around his waist and leaning your head against his shoulder. He’s quick to move it, though, slinging his arm around you and pulling you closer. 
You nestle into his chest. You close your eyes and focus on the warmth of his body, firm proof that he’s still alive, still breathing. “I can’t lose you, either,” your voice barely comes out as a whisper.
Sokka replies with a kiss to the top of your head, holding you tighter. “It’ll take more than some pesky sword to get rid of me.”
None of the others bother you, no comments, no jokes, and you’re thankful. You join them for dinner in your own time, not once leaving Sokka’s side. The atmosphere is warm, light, everything you need after almost losing— after the day’s events.
Sokka is here. Your friends are here. The air is filled with laughter and you’re safe, at least for the evening. Whatever the next day brings is tomorrow’s business; for now, these moments are what matter, and you’ll cling to them as long as you can.
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em-writes-imagines · 4 years
emergency fic commissions
hey guys!! i hate to be making this post because uh. it’s kinda embarrassing. but Things have happened and i no longer have a steady income so
here is my commission info!! here is my ko-fi!! here is my masterlist!! even if you aren’t able to commission, reblogs are very much appreciated!!!!
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