emigreofstories · 2 years
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consider this me adding to the hypothetical petition to scrap the potc 6 movie & give us an animated series on Disney Plus instead
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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emigreofstories · 2 years
main characters*
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"There should have been far more people of color in the Caribbean pirate crews."
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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“Should a pair, truly linked, wear the objects in time, all the pair should do is think, to be rejoined or realigned.”
Genre: Romance/Adventure
Summary: Elizabeth Turner reunites with a legendary pirate following his failed search for the Fountain of Youth. Overcome with guilt, Captain Jack Sparrow is determined to break Will Turner's curse. Elizabeth houses Jack, learning of his long untold past of love and loss. In such familiar company, the pair’s growing connection may ultimately prove more difficult to quell than the curse.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38885034/chapters/97240740
FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14067606/1/Landlocked
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emigreofstories · 2 years
“I think I’ll miss you most of all.” // “Keep telling yourself that, darling.”
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“Jack, it would never have worked out between us.”
“Keep telling yourself that, darling.”
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007)
I just gotta scream into the void that Elizabeth saying goodbye to the Black Pearl Crew at the end of At World’s End, oddly enough, reminded me of the ending of The Wizard Of Oz since I first saw the (at the time) last Pirates movie as a teenager in theaters.
But is it such an odd cinematic parallel to make?
The way the writers tied up Elizabeth’s story (like it or not) was as if the resolution of a dream, saying farewell to a world she could no longer remain in as she learned her lesson (and much of the fan base along with her, as many of us grew up with the films.) And who else would Elizabeth miss “most of all” than the quick-witted, strategic, lovable, king of physical comedy himself?
Jack denies Elizabeth’s advance and the Scarecrow is the only one to remain silent after Dorothy’s goodbye and kiss, presumably to avoid acknowledging the overwhelming emotions sparked from the following realization: that the young woman these characters knew in their respective universes revealed her truest self challenge after challenge, self-assured once succeeding at the final one (with some help along the way of course)—and she helped them do the same.
Although it’s so in character for Jack to not let Elizabeth touch him after the last time she sent him to the Locker, I still wish we had ONE shot of Jack and Elizabeth hugging which would fulfill my brain’s odd connection between these characters’ goodbyes which comes to mind every now and then, usually when I think on having to say goodbye to my own naïveté , my own youth.
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“I think I’ll miss you most of all.”
- The Wizard of Oz (1939)
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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"That one guy who broke off his own toe lives in my head rent free."
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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“Made for each other, a sparrow and a swan, their hearts of one body, their minds of one thought, and their souls of one beauty.”
Hallowedmaiden - Gaia’s tears
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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"I'lL nEvEr TuRn PiRaTe" - Will Turner, 67 seconds before becoming a pirate
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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Quote by Michelle Hodkin, The Evolution of Mara Dyer
Inspired by @lucifersmorningstars post
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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You're despicable.
Sticks and stones, love.
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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"He chose his own fate  — Then you have chosen yours. We will fight, and you will die."
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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Those parallels 🥺
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emigreofstories · 2 years
Guess I’ve Always Been A Bitter Hag, Then
Shuffling through the sparrabeth scenes from Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End, and I swear I suffer from the exact opposite of whatever the shipper brain is because here’s me in the cinema in 2006 and 2007, going:
“Dude, of course they’re not doing Elizabeth + Jack Sparrow, that’d be way too bold and interesting, scoff, no, TPTB are trying to trick me into caring, naturally they’re going with the safe and boring option anyone’s mum would be proud of, think of the tropes, the lead chasing after the girl always gets the girl, nah, the two are just playing each other, the manipulative douches, Jack’s just trying to get into Elizabeth’s pants for the lulz when he’s not too busy joking about the ridiculous idea of caring for her, there are no tender feelings involved whatsoe—
Meanwhile, the actual movies:
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Yeah, mate, don’t let her see what the needle’s pointing at. Coward.
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I’ve heard of guys fake-promising marriage to get a woman into bed. I’ve never heard of a guy actually willing to go through with it before the sex.
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why so sad :( no one’s even looking at you
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why so distrot
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why so disappoint
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Dude, again?!
(And let’s not forget the deleted scene where Jack verbally confirms Norrington’s accusation that he just wants Elizabeth for himself)
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Not dying to tongue the guy again, na-ah.
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No one heartbroken pictured here.
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Not at all.
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Spotted in his natural environment: a guy feeling secure in his relationship.
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You forgot to deny it, sweetie.
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Man, how many times has this guy tried to get rid of the boyfriend already?
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As explicitly confirmed in the deleted scene
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No obvious sad boi here
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Jesus, the puppy eyes.
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Well I’m convinced.
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the man pain! :’(
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Could these two stop being idiots for one minute, please?!
Like, on one hand good on me for apparently having a pre-installed state-of-the-art Anti Batey Creator Fuckery 3000 security system which prevents me from getting attached to the idea of my ships ever becoming canon, but I do find it to be a teensy bit of an issue that it caused me to completely miss how the poor sod was genuinely, CANONICALLY, in love with Elizabeth from start to finish.
Christ, eksqueeze me, I really need to overdose on crack videos and fan edits now to compensate for my barren soul “expectations are bad and hurt” conceal don’t feel bai.
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emigreofstories · 2 years
if they didn’t want us to ship Jack and Elizabeth then they shouldn’t have written Jack’s entrance into Elizabeth’s life like that
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emigreofstories · 2 years
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One word, love. Curiosity.
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emigreofstories · 2 years
The Original Sparrabeth Shipper
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emigreofstories · 2 years
deleting my dating apps so I can meet someone the old fashioned way: getting kidnapped by their old pirate crew while they team up with my mayonnaise white bread childhood friend to rescue me and steal back their ship and getting marooned on a desert island for a few sexual tension filled days and then fighting alongisde them to keep them from a hanging only to somehow still choose the mayo friend
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