emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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My final outcomes
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
Final Evaluation
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
Weekly evaluation
This week I have been developing my google sites. I've chosen a selection of my best work from the past two years to include in my portfolio, as well as uploading research, developments and outcomes of this project in a professional layout.
I've been continuing to develop my blog by adding descriptive processes of how I've created pieces of work, as well as research.
I have also written my final evaluation and started to write a case study, which has proven to be more difficult than I expected so I'm having to refer to help sheets and lecturer assistance.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
Pinterest (Internet)
Available from: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/
“The 1920s in Britain”. Ben Johnson, 2014 (Internet)
Available from: https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/The-1920s-in-Britain/
"Minimalism Movement Overview and Analysis". [Internet]. 2021. TheArtStory.org
Content compiled and written by Justin Wolf
Edited and published by The Art Story Contributors
Available from: https://www.theartstory.org/movement/minimalism/
First published on 21 Mar 2015.
“1950s Advertising Had No Chill”. (Internet). 6 March 2017. Written by Jenna.
Available from: https://roundpeg.biz/2017/03/advertising-1950s/
“What Caused the Advertising Industry Boom in the 1950s?”. (Internet). 4 Sept 2020. Author Unknown.
Available from: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/caused-advertising-industry-boom-1950s-69115.html
“14 graphic designers and illustrators explain why they moved into motion design”. (Internet). 24 June 2020. Tom May
Available from: https://www.creativeboom.com/inspiration/reasons-to-switch-to-motion-design/
Motion graphics vs. animation: what’s the difference?. (Internet). 2019. Matt Ellis.
Available from: https://99designs.co.uk/blog/video-animation/motion-graphics-vs-animation/
“Disney’s ‘Cinderella’ Is 70 Years Old: Your Inside Look at the Magic Behind the Movie”. (Internet). 15 Feb 2020. Ed Gross
Available from: https://www.closerweekly.com/posts/cinderella-behind-the-scenes-details-1950-disney-classic/
“Television Coverage”. (Internet). 20 Jan 2004. Author Unknown.
Available from: http://www.f-duban.fr/Sitaduban/Ressources_civ._US/Dossiers/Media/Media%20in%20the%201950s.html
“List of Disney Films”. (Internet). 1996. Dave Smith.
Available from: https://d23.com/list-of-disney-films/
“26 Sexist Ads Of The 'Mad Men' Era That Companies Wish We'd Forget”. Insider. (Internet). May 8th 2014. Harrison Jacobs and Jim Edwards.
Available from: https://www.businessinsider.com/26-sexist-ads-of-the-mad-men-era-2014-5?r=US&IR=T
“Art Deco- Art movement”. Britannica. (Internet). The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Available from: https://www.britannica.com/art/Art-Deco
“How I make paint of earth pigments | Painting tutorial”. YouTube video. (Internet). May 13th 2020. Jonna Jinton.
Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUBLHwBDBeU
“Renaissance Art”. History. (Internet). History.com Editors. October 15 2010. Available from: https://www.history.com/topics/renaissance/renaissance-art
“Renaissance Art”. Britannica. (Internet). The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Available from: https://www.britannica.com/art/Renaissance-art
My Pinterest board “FMP2” https://www.pinterest.co.uk/PeachJuice13/fmp-2/
“Introduction to colour”. Britannica. (Internet). The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Available from: https://www.britannica.com/art/history-of-the-motion-picture/Introduction-of-colour
Pixels. (Internet). Available from: https://www.pexels.com/
Unsplashed. (Internet). Available from: https://unsplash.com/
“Inspired- Sacha Cohen Tanugi”. (Internet). Sacha Cohen Tanugi. Available from: https://purplewoods.wordpress.com/2015/03/16/inspired-sacha-cohen-tanugi/
DaFont. (Internet). Available from: https://www.dafont.com/
“12 Principles of Animation (Official Full Series)”. YouTube video. (Internet). AlanBeckerTutorials. May 30th 2017. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDqjIdI4bF4&list=PL-bOh8btec4CXd2ya1NmSKpi92U_l6ZJd&index=14
“The beauty of Food ( Anime Food )”. YouTube video. (Internet). Welasted W-L-N. April 26 2020. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2bxlZisk2w
“Coraline | Dinner Scene | HD Clip”. YouTube video. (Internet). An Animated Childhood. October 7th 2019. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cf6I09jl2U
“Clip The Princess and the Frog [ Diner Scene ]”. YouTube video. (Internet). Clara Winterghast. May 28 2020. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUk4qEKOz-w
“The Little Mermaid (1989 movie clip) Sebastian VS Louie”. YouTube video. (Internet). October 2nd 2018. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A5aKKMeRm8
“Remy Cooks Ratatouille”. YouTube video. (Internet). Pikkopots. September 28th 2011. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YG4h5GbTqU
“The Animation Process From 1938”. YouTube video. (Internet). Steve Little. August 21st 2011. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2ORkIrHUbg
“Walt Disney's MultiPlane Camera (Filmed: Feb. 13, 1957)” YouTube video. (Internet). Fireurgunz. August 13th 2008. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdHTlUGN1zw
“Disney - The Magic of Animation”. YouTube video. (Internet). Kaptainkristian. October 4th 2018. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVQflnGcx4k
“Mickey Mouse Steamboat Wille” YouTube video. (Internet). Oswald Rabbit. May 6th 2014. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxf-UHuGobI
“How Pixar’s ‘Toy Story 4’ Was Animated | Movies Insider”. YouTube video. (Internet). Insider. July 8th 2019. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT_LdcWFHkA
“How Disney's Animation Evolved From 'Frozen' To 'Frozen II' | Movies Insider”. YouTube video. (Internet). Insider. December 5th 2019. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziIS6NJk_GI
“How Stop-Motion Movies Are Animated At The Studio Behind 'Missing Link' | Movies Insider”. YouTube video. (Internet). Insider. April 13th 2019. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5SygzMSLhM
“Spring - Blender Open Movie”. YouTube video. (Internet). Blender Studios. April 4th 2019. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhWc3b3KhnY
“Spring - Blender Open Movie Showreel”. YouTube video. (Internet). Blender Studios. April 26th 2019. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7TLwKwixZA
“1950s, 1960s UK, The Daily Mirror Newspaper Printing Press, 16mm”. YouTube video. (Internet). Thekinolibrary. April 9th 2020. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYPWque8zAI
"Why do newspapers turn yellow over time?" 8 September 2000. HowStuffWorks.com. Available from: https://science.howstuffworks.com/question463.htm
“History of the printed Newspaper”. PsPrint.com. Available from: https://www.psprint.com/resources/history-of-the-printed-newspaper/?SSAID=389818&sscid=41k5_t3it0&utm_source=sas&utm_medium=aff&utm_campaign=180535&utm_term=389818&utm_content=Default%20Text&affsrc=1#:~:text=It%20wasn't%20the%20first,its%20color%20coverage%20in%201982.
Wilson Bastos, Sidney J. Levy, (2012),"A history of the concept of branding: practice and theory", Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 4 Iss: 3 pp. 347 - 368. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wilson-Bastos/publication/235265310_A_history_of_the_concept_of_branding_Practice_and_theory/links/58860e95aca272b7b44ca879/A-history-of-the-concept-of-branding-Practice-and-theory.pdf
“History of branding”. (Internet article). Love to Know. Theresa M. Winge. Available from: https://fashion-history.lovetoknow.com/body-fashions/branding
“A Brief History of Branding”. (Internet blog post). Convoy. Available from: https://www.weareconvoy.com/2014/01/a-brief-history-of-branding/
“Economy in the 1950s”. Exploros. Available from: https://www.exploros.com/summary/Economy-in-the-1950s
“The SAGE Handbook of Advertising”. Sage Publications 2007. Gerard J Tellis, Tim Ambler. Available from: https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=IcEWBZvpFHoC&oi=fnd&pg=PA17&dq=history+of+branding+and+advertising&ots=0QvU67oqW7&sig=3PHhSUpyPb3I5A0Kl0lwGl2oIhY&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=history%20of%20branding%20and%20advertising&f=false
“History and Meaning Behind Pepsi Logo”. Logaster. Roman Rogoza. March 2020. Available from: https://www.logaster.co.uk/blog/pepsi-logo/#:~:text=In%20the%20early%2040s%2C%20CEO,of%20the%20US%20national%20flag).
“History of Logos”. 99designs. Karla Lant. 2017. Available from: https://99designs.co.uk/blog/design-history-movements/the-history-of-logos/
“Beavertown: the Art of the Can”. Lagom. Elliot Jay Stocks. Available from: https://readlagom.com/stories/beavertown-the-art-of-the-can.html
“Graphic Design Through The Decades Series: The ‘50s”. Inspiredology. April 21, 2010. Brant Wilson. Available from: https://inspiredology.com/graphic-design-through-the-decades-series-the-50s/#:~:text=That%20doesn't%20mean%2C%20however,agencies%20and%20unveiling%20iconic%20logos.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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Mock ups of posters and menu
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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I have made sure to experiment with a wide range of styles and processes so I was able to understand what theme I wanted to carry my project forward with. I have done previous projects using neon nightlife themes so I wanted to experiment with something different.
I designed the first two with my menu in mind, so I made the designs detailed with a few colours so that they would stand out within the menu design without being too large to distract from the items being sold. I chose a circular logo design as well as a rectangular shape so that I could experiment with placement of the logo on the menu.
I developed the second two to be viewable from outside the diner, perhaps walking or driving passed the front. I wanted these signs to be large and simple, but still catchy, so that its intriguing from a long distance. The Lou's Diner design is for during the day, and I took into consideration how the colours would stand out against each other and the sky; the bright colours of the top panels draw attention and the red 'milkshake diner' typography contrasts against the off white background to make it more visible. I chose to do a neon logo to reference how popular night time entertainment was in the 1950s, so I made a logo that is simple but catchy.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
Organisation and time keeping
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I pride myself on my effective time management and organisation skills by creating checklists of what I need to be doing each week. I have been continuously adding to these lists to make sure I get all of my work done in time for the hand in deadline. By writing all my tasks out I'm able to judge how much time each will take and then prioritise which ones I do first (also which ones I want to get out of the way). Doing this has helped me have a clear path of how my project is developing, especially in the last few weeks where I have lots of small bits to do on my blog, which means I'm able to focus better on the larger tasks.
I have made sure to keep my working space at home clear and organised too so I'm able to have more successful days when working at home.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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1950s neon sign inspiration. I chose to experiment with a neon sign because I was influenced by Flo's V8 Café in the Disney movie Cars. Due to televisions not yet being a common luxury in a working class home, the best source of evening entertainment was nightclubs. These places would include dinner, drinks, dancing, and shows performed by a range of talents including musicians, singers, comedians and dancers.
(1950s nightlife)
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This image of a bowling alley sign gave me the inspiration to do the sign the way I did as the shapes reminded me of the cherry and milkshake I used in other pieces of work and outcomes.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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Throughout the project I have been making my own milkshakes and iced coffees in the style of how I imagined Cherry Top would sell milkshakes from the menu.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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Examples of branding identity.
I chose these examples because they're laid out professionally and are visually pleasing. I chose some that are similar to the colour palette I have chosen for my project so I'm able to see how to lay out my own branding identity.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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My diner branding identity.
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I gathered my final outcomes and selected the main colours, patterns and fonts to include in my branding identity.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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Problem Solving Examples
Each time a problem came up that I needed to solve I would research images or techniques to help me. For example, when designing my menu I would always have some reference photos in my work space of other 1950s style menus to help me pick out common patterns or design techniques so I could make my design as authentic and professional as I could. When mocking up my newspaper I would keep referencing newspapers and newspaper adverts from the 1950s through Pinterest and other Google sites. This way I was able to understand the colours used in newspapers (usually black and white with very minimal colour) as well as how they would be viewed in a real life situation. As I was doing my intaglio prints I would get second opinions from peers and ask questions to my lecturers to help me figure out how to solve the printing problems. Asking for help from someone more experienced than me pushed my project further, because if I didn’t I wouldn't have completed the printing and wouldn't have produced the milkshake that is one of the main illustrations in my outcomes.
Each problem solved has developed my skills and experiences as a creative person, as well as pushing my project and outcomes to a more professional standard than I have achieved in past projects. I am able to think my way around problems logically through research and developed practical skills which consequently enhances my finished products. I gladly receive and act upon peer feedback, constructive criticism, and new techniques given to me from my lecturers to explore and experiment as much as I can to push my final outcomes.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
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To design a newspaper advert that is similar to the 1950s, I researched newspapers on Pinterest. The main things I picked up on from looking through adverts in the newspapers was the use of black and white in their printing. Colour printing started in the 1890s, however colour printing was very expensive for the time, so newspapers didn't adopt it as mainstream until the 1990s (History of the printed newspaper). Because of how expensive colour was in the 50s, newspapers would be mainly printed in black and white, with a few exceptions for titles (that were usually in red to attract attention). If images were printed in colour, they'd turn out pastel or muted, which is why we associate something as "vintage" when we see these colours. 50s newspapers would have been a slightly off white colour when first printed, however after many years the paper would turn yellow. This is because when lignin (a dark substance found in trees which ended up in paper during production) is exposed to air and sunlight, it oxidises and turns the paper yellow (Why do newspapers turn yellow over time?). I still wanted the newspaper to have an obvious vintage feel, so I made my design a brown/worn colour. Additionally, I made sure to include half tone in my design to portray that it was printed the way a real newspaper would have been printed.
Most images on 1950s newspapers would have been hand drawn and painted, as they didn't have the technology for digital imagery. This is a great video explaining how newspapers were printed in the 1950s/60s: 1950s, 1960s UK, The Daily Mirror Newspaper Printing Press, 16mm
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
Weekly evaluation
The past few weeks I have been focusing on getting all my practical tasks done. This includes finishing off my menu, poster and newspaper ad designs, and then moving on to creating some mock ups of these designs. I've continued to add research that supports my design decisions as well as detailed explanations of my processes. I hope to get all my practical done this week so that next week I can focus on touching up my blog with extra research and making sure everything I've done is there.
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emilyloudwellfmp2 · 3 years
Original animation idea
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