emxie · 7 months
When the World Was At War We Kept Waltzing
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You are the sole heir to one of the wealthiest families in the country. A charming and mysterious stranger steals your heart. What could go wrong?
Zhongli x Fem Reader
Warnings: Blood, gore, murder/massacre, violence, one curse word, slightly suggestive content, somewhat yandere Zhongli
Word Count: 3139
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A/N: There are several influences that inspired this piece. Music plays a huge part in my writing, so originally I drew inspiration from Lana Del Rey, specifically her Born To Die album, which I love to pieces. Of course, this song title is basically from a Lana Del Rey song (from her Lust for Life album), except for the last word, which I changed to "Waltzing" both for alliteration/phonetics purposes, and because it fits the theme of the fic more. You might recognize influences from Hamilton and Parasite, as I also like these pieces of media. When I first started writing it, I meant to include more angst, but as I formed the story, it morphed into a darker storyline and came to involve some blood and gore. What can I say, I just enjoy writing horror. Additionally, you might notice some repeating motifs throughout the story, specifically involving color. After reading The Great Gatsby, I have been fundamentally changed as a person, and thus why this fic also contains color symbolism and repetition of such themes. Also, although it's a bit vague and I didn't specify the time period in the actual story, I like to imagine that this takes place in the 1920s (just like The Great Gatsby), and there's like the sense of grandeur and riches associated with the time period (until it all goes south with the stock market crash, but let's pretend that didn't exist in this fic).
Enough about the background. I have not gotten Zhongli yet, despite doing 30 rolls and then some, and his banner is still continuing for another week and a half or so, so I'm saving more primogems up to roll more for him. Please come home Zhongli!!!! I'm so desperate you're the one character I would pay money for. Anyways, take this fic as another cry for help from the RNG gods to give me Zhongli.
I hope you enjoy the story, and remember that if you are triggered by violence and graphic imagery, or yandere-type characters, please don't read this fic.
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“Would you like to be mine, and I yours?”
That was what he had asked you on this balcony laden with brocade ribbons and your heart bursting with passion.
A breathy “Yes” passed your lips, and then he was on your lips, gripping the bodice with a ferocity bridled. You two had stayed like that under the moonlight, broken up only by the occasional crackle of a firework.
You ran your fingers over the marble balustrade. Memories danced through your mind, earning a small sardonic quirk at the corner of your mouth.
How naïve you were.
That night set in motion a series of elaborate plans, not that you were aware.
Not even a week later, he had asked your father for your hand in marriage. You watched, holding your breath, as he sat across the furnished oak table from your father. As they talked, his hands continued to move as if they were their own entity, gesticulating to convey his intense love for you.
After an hour of discussion, you watched as your father reached across the table to shake hands with your love.
He stood up, moving across the room to where you sat. His amber eyes glowed as he reached out to you, gloved hands an inviting trap. You took his hand, standing up and being pulled into a tight hug. He brushed his lips against your ear. “You’re mine, beloved.”
After another month of bliss, engaged to the man who had taken your heart in its entirety, painting it red with his raging passion for you and entreating you to his cause, the wedding was announced. And it would be a sight to behold.
The absolutely sheer size and amount of wealth your family possessed signified that this would be a legendary union for ages to come. Invites slipped into envelopes and marked with your family’s seal, a dove holding an olive branch, were sent to hundreds around the country. Day in and day out maids and ladies-in-waiting would pester you about the dress, the flowers, the decorations, the theme, the ring you wished to gift your soon-to-be husband, and a variety of other accessories.
In the few spare moments you were able to catch with your fiancé, you would find yourself within his arms, gripping onto his broad shoulders as he bent down and kissed you. Occasionally you two would get a little too riled up, and had to cut your loving short lest a servant find you. But in those several times you found yourself subject to his more intense states, you were shivering, eager to learn what it was finally like to be loved by such a fierce and powerful man. And as you grabbed onto his long black and caramel locks which trailed behind him whenever he walked, pulling him down into a rough kiss, his hands ghosting your body feverishly, you couldn’t wait to be wed.
And wed you would be. For it was the day of your holy union to the one you loved, and excitement thrummed throughout your body as you were being dressed. The maids were straightening out the final pieces of your outfit. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you could hardly recognize the person staring back at you. The intricate makeup, paired with the dramatic crimson dress that you chose, was certainly a statement. Layers of bright red fabric made a beautiful waterfall all the way from your chest to your ankles. Making the decision to dress so boldly was another way to ensure the strength and legacy of your family among the wealthy. Of course, at the time, you didn’t think much of how he had suggested you wear a certain color.
They placed the scarlet veil over your face, obscuring your vision. It was time.
You walked out of the dressing room, a couple of servants gathering the glorious gradient of a tulle train behind you. The presence of such a color caused pride to swell in your heart, and your back straightened and you felt a bit taller as you slowly stepped, in sangria-colored heels no less, towards your future.
You had arrived at the venue where the wedding was to be held. Hundreds of people, most whom you knew from previous encounters, milled around the entrance. Your maids guided you towards a side entrance, so that you would be prepared to walk down the aisle once everyone was seated.
After some time waiting, you were informed that everyone had gotten settled, and it was about time for you to walk.
Rising from your seat, you passed another mirror in the room before leaving. Glancing at your reflection, you noted how your appearance seemed to herald…something. You resembled a specter; of what kind though, would remain unseen.
Regal doors, carved with designs of divine intervention, could barely be seen beyond your veil. There was a hand clenching around your heart. You could feel your pulse speed up. This was it. The beginning of your happy ever after.
Your father stood to your right, looping your arm with his. “Look at my gorgeous pumpkin, already so grown up.” You offered a delicate smile at these words.
A grinding noise sounded as the doors opened. Music began to play as you began the slow trek to the altar. Each step felt like an eternity. There was a noticeable hush as you began to walk.
Your gaze swept over the guests. You could make out some familiar faces. They looked as if they were drenched in a red liquid due to the filtering effects of the veil.
Then you were there. Your father handed you off, and stepped to the side. Looking up, you saw him.
He was dressed handsomely, in a suit matching your dress’s vivid choice of color. The sleeves stopped just above his wrists, allowing you to focus on his hands. Black gloves still covered his hands, barring you from viewing the naked flesh underneath. A little miffed, but undeterred by such an occurrence, your eyes moved up to his face.
He possessed a strong profile. Intense golden eyes, an angled bridge of a nose, lips that were straight-set, yet still so luscious and plump (you knew from kissing them so often), and a jawline to die for.
His eyes trailed over your body, taking in the sight of how beautifully you had dressed up. Just for him.
The music ceased. Only the occasional shuffling noise could be heard from the guests.
“We gather here today to celebrate a most momentous union!” The priest announced with a wide sweep of his arms. Some polite applause ensued, before dying into oblivion again.
The priest continued on with his speech. Some of the words became lost on you. Staring into those glowing amber eyes really did make you lose track of time.
With the exchange of the rings, you gave him a black ring carved from obsidian with ruby and gold veins running through it. In return, he gave you a typical diamond ring, although the jewel was perched atop a red crown. The priest was about to conclude.
“You may kiss the bride,” he declared. Your husband leaned in, grasping your soft hands in his rough leather gloves. He placed one hand behind your back and dipped you, while flipping the veil behind your head in one fluid motion. The crowd gasped in awe at his movement.
You could finally view his handsome face, unhindered by red. He kissed you, those plush lips resting comfortably on yours, just as they did on that nighttime balcony escapade. His eyes flashed a golden brown as he did so, so fast that you missed it. Your eyes fluttered shut, basking in his unwavering attention.
You didn’t feel the veil floating back down to shield your face from the atrocities committed. Almost. The absence of his warm lips and firm grip had you opening your eyes, searching for the touch of your husband.
The world was swathed in red. The guests were asleep, draped over the chairs in awkward and unnatural positions. Your father was slumped in his chair. Standing in the middle of the aisle was your husband. You ran up to him, hiking up your dress to reach his side.
“What happened?” you inquired.
“It had to be done,” he whispered, shoulders stiff as he stared down at the ground, hands entrenched in his pockets.
“Wait, what had to be done? What do you mean by that?” You backed up, heel skidding on the marble surface almost too easily. Tumbling backwards, you landed with only the padding of your dress breaking your fall.
The sudden motion tossed your veil backwards.
It was red. Everything was red. Red. Red. RED.
A scream clawed its way out of your throat. You back-pedaled on the floor, away from the man. No longer was his aura inviting. The love within your heart was obliterated in an instant, crushed by the rising fear that swallowed every warm emotion in its dark terror.
Your hand slipped. Catching yourself on your elbows, you looked to the side. A slick scarlet substance coated your hand. You knew what it was.
Your stomach twisted into a knot at the sight, sending a wave of nausea throughout your body.
The clicking of dress shoes against the floor had you freezing in place, too afraid to do anything else. What could he possibly want? You thought that you had it all, and he had truly loved you.
He knelt down in front of you, cupping your face with a bare hand dyed garnet. You flinched as his soiled skin made contact with you. You didn’t miss the sorrow in those entrancing golden eyes as he witnessed you shy away from him.
“I had to do it, my dear dove.”
“Why? WHY?!” you yelled, slapping away his hand. “My entire family is dead because of you!”
“Now; that’s not entirely true, princess.” He gestured with a grand sweep of his arm to your surroundings. “Give a great round of applause to your regularly-scheduled assassins!!!”
He chuckled at your puzzled expression, slowly morphing to one of wide-eyed horror. Several wedding guests arose from the prone bodies around them, dressed in all black and with Gatling guns slung over their back.
“I don’t understand. What could you possibly gain from murdering my family, much less hundreds of people?” you protested.
“Angel, angel, angel.” He tsked at your confusion.
In one quick smooth motion he had wrapped his hands around your head and placed his forehead against your own. You squirmed in his hold, cringing at the feeling of life, other people’s once thriving life, coating your once perfectly-coiffed hair.
“Oh, is my dear princess a little squeamish?” His voice had deepened, sending tremors throughout your body. You felt his fingers tighten around your locks, tugging on them ever so slightly.
“A small price to pay for the keys to an empire.”
It dawned on you.
“This…this entire time, I trusted you! How dare you scheme to steal my family’s fortune!” You struggled once more, and he released his hold on you, having thoroughly soaked your hair a crimson shade.
He began to pace in front of your weakened form.
“Beloved, you know that I only have the best intentions. Believe me, I really did fall in love with you. At least, that’s all it was at first. Did you know, the idea came to me in a dream, with you by my side? You gave me the idea. You agreed to be rid of the shackles of your family’s status and expectations in order to be by my side. And that’s when I reached for the sun, love.”
You spit at his shoes.
He stopped pacing. Leaning down, hovering over your body, he gripped your chin with a newfound strength, sending jolts of pain throughout your face. “You’re lucky I love my wife so much that I would be willing to overlook a little bit of deviance, when she should be rightfully punished.” As you were forced to look up, the amber eyes you had so loved to stare into for hours on end gleamed with a vicious ambition, thirsty for vengeance and glimmering with scathing deceit.
He released his hold, and continued to pace.
“I thought to myself: why not kill two birds with one stone? Continue my original plan of marrying you, but orchestrate the death of your father to gain access to an entirely new world of wealth.”
“You bastard! I hate you!” You screamed at him, voice growing more hoarse with each passing second.
“Now darling, I don’t think that’s an appropriate way to treat your dear husband,” he mused, shooting you another glance with those damned eyes.
You shut your mouth, the obscenities coming to a halt. Something sinister lurked beneath the surface of those eyes. And if you didn’t stop yelling, you didn’t want to know what he would do.
“Now, as I was saying, once we were legally married, I would be able to get rid of your father without anyone questioning my claim to your family’s assets.”
“Then why did you kill every other person in this room?” you questioned, voice cutting into his reasoning with a bitter hatred.
“Simple. They were collateral.” He shrugged as if this were the most rational approach to take.
“Don’t give me that sanctimonious bullshit,” you spat. “You know perfectly, as do I, that there was no need to shed so much blood over an act that could have been committed in secret.” Your voice cracked as the “secret” spilled over your lips. The gravity of this atrocious event hit you straight in the stomach, twisting your insides until you felt sick.
Sinking to the floor, you began to sob, body trembling against the cold floor. This time you ignored the drying vitality crusting over the white marble, for it could no longer distract you from the terrible truth that had been unveiled. You could not escape the claws of the dead, for they were forever persistent, leaving indelible rust-colored stains that permeated your dress, your skin, and your mind most of all.
He let you cry, until you could mourn no more.
Growing quiet, you whispered one thing through a raspy voice: “Why play your ace now?”
“I couldn’t just sit by and take the coward’s approach out. I had to go all out, my love. Otherwise, I would have no right to call you my wife, and you to call me your husband.”
“And how do you plan to cover this up? This isn’t some stupid business deal you can let fall through when it no longer suits you. These are lives you so carelessly crushed. You toyed with the fate of all these people. And you will pay.” You steeled your gaze at him, glaring with all of your might.
“I won’t let that happen, dove.” In one swift movement, he drew a pistol from his suit.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! As naturally as if he were breathing, he took four shots, clean right through the skulls of each of the assassins.
“There. No witnesses besides us two. I hired the assassins from a local mafia. We can blame the deaths on them and how it was part of a larger scheme to take over your family.”
He blew the smoke off the tip of the barrel before pocketing the pistol carefully.
“I believe it is time for us, lawfully wedded husband and wife, to return to our rightful mansion. I will talk to the authorities and handle the specifics, okay? All you have to do for me is sit pretty and act scared, princess.”
He placed another rough kiss to your head, burying his face in your bloody mussed hair. You didn’t respond. He took your left hand in his and placed a delicate kiss, right below the ring he had so lovingly slid onto your finger, which was now saturated through with the runny insides of others. You didn’t respond. He ran his hands, dipped in the sacrifices of others, down the sides of your dress. You didn’t respond. He sighed.
He slid one of his arms under your bottom, and supported your back with the other. “You know, you’ll have to talk to your dear husband sooner or later, dove. I won’t have any bad behavior from my wife.” 
Muttering these final words to your despondent form, your love, the one who had buried his fangs deep into your heart until it dripped red with desire, picked you up in his arms and carried you off, his own bride, back to your home—no, our home—where no one would be there to meet and congratulate you. Where your father would no longer be. And where you would never find happiness again.
You sighed, running your hands up and down the railing of the balcony. It had been a year since you had first kissed him. A night you will never forget, and always come to regret.
“My darling, my dove, my angel, my princess, the light of my life.” Arms encircled your waist, and he buried his face into your neck. His hands, bared to the chill night air, toyed with your thin coral nightgown.
“What are you thinking about? I hate to see you look so miserable.”
You smiled, despite the pain in your dejected and blackened heart. “Just about the night we first kissed, honey.”
He peppered kisses against your skin. “Ah, yes. That night I wanted to ravage you and steal you for myself. Yet I withheld and waited, remaining patient and anticipating our marriage with open arms. If not for that night, we would never have married and gotten our happy ending. If not for that night, you would have been plucked out of my life forever, like a dying flower. I revitalized you, darling. Look at how you glow in the moonlight. My wife, all for myself.” Chuckling, the timbre of his voice rumbled against your skin.
Placing his right hand around your waist, kneading the soft flesh underneath his fingers, and interlacing the fingers of his left hand with your right, he began to sway with you from side to side. There was no music to guide you two. Yet you still danced, illuminated only by the moon and stars.
And so was your fate. Doomed by the very man you loved. The man who had charmed you and pulled the rug out beneath your feet. The man who had shielded you from the bombs he himself had set, distracting you with promises of loyalty and extravagant gifts. While the rest of the world had raged on, he had blinded you to reality, and now you were his. The man you were to be wed to for all of eternity.
Zhongli 血红血红血红血红血红血红
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emxie · 11 months
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Found the moray eels at SeaWorld and had to take some photos of their stupid faces. I basically found the tweels I LOVE THEM TOO MUCH
also ignore my nasal singing in the video
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emxie · 11 months
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DADDY? sorry... DADDY? sorry... DADDY????!!!!!
i'm not surviving this season
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emxie · 1 year
Guys I found the Tweels and Azul at Disneyland!!!
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Could not resist taking photos of my loves in their original movie lol
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emxie · 1 year
Jing Yuan Came Home
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This man came home at 103 pulls. I got Welt (E2) around 80 pulls and then did 20 more and he finally decided to come home. I’m very angry at him 😤😓
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I literally had 104 pulls
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emxie · 1 year
Sekido is Leona????
The fact that Sekido, one of the upper rank demons in Demon Slayer is voiced by Yuichiro Umehara, who ALSO voices Leona, is blowing my mind rn
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emxie · 1 year
How I Modify My Google Doc for Outlining and Drafting
I previously talked about setting up my document to look like a formatted paperback book to help writing not feel so daunting.
Today, I bring you a different way I change my document that is more appealing to me than the standard Doc.
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For Drafts
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first, go to Page Set Up
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this is what the default is
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For my setup: Margins will change to .5" for top, bottom, left, and right.
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this is the page color I chose but it's totally optional.
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Then, I change my default font. Here is how to find the ones I like. Go to the font option, then click More fonts.
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These are the fonts I love. You can search them or browse for ones you like.
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next, i change my first-line paragraph indent to .25"
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For Outlining
(and also character profiles, world-building, etc.)
You are going to follow the same steps as above first. The only difference is you don't need to mess with any of the indent settings.
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I use boxes as dividers and organizers. To do this, go to Insert > Table > 1x1.
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Then, change the border thickness to 2.25pt. I usually have a color palette for these, so I'm choosing a darker brown than the background for the borders. But white paper and black table lines work just as well and are more print-friendly ;)
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Next, I change the Headings, Subheadings, and Subtitles. To begin, I am changing my Title heading. I choose my font, how big I want it to be, and then I like using a highlight color as well. Here, I'm using a standard light/pastel color and 18pt font.
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Highlight to select this new title. Go to the dropdown menu that says "normal text", hover over "Title", then choose "Update 'Title' to Match". Now you can click that every time with no hassle. And it will begin an outline for you to the left.
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Let's make that box within a box! Make sure you are typing inside the first box. Then insert another table. I am going to use a 2x3.
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Because this table is more than one cell, you can go to the three dots up top and click "Table Options" to change every table border selected at once. Again, 2.25pt with the same color as before. The cell background color says white but you don't have to change it to match the page color.
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You can save both your Heading preferences and page setup as your default style. Every new document you make will use these settings automatically.
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I really hope this was helpful and/or interesting!
As always, take what you want and leave the rest. Happy writing!
[call it good] writing
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emxie · 1 year
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A tierlist of Twisted Wonderland characters I made for a friend to try and explain their levels of sluttiness to get her to play the game.
REMINDER: This is my characterization of them, and may not be representative of their actual canon personalities.
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emxie · 1 year
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Saw a post like this with negative outlook so I asked for it to be fixed
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emxie · 1 year
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Save me
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emxie · 1 year
We love a scary wolf boi 🥰
tell me why death sort of fine like 🫣😳
Was thinking about that Death!Jack idea I talked about earlier and decided to doodle it, and I think its kinda good? Might’ve lowkey popped off. Anyways, just thought I'd share my occasional doodle, that is all.
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183 notes · View notes
emxie · 1 year
I may have done something
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So…..I pulled for Xiao because I love him a lot and I really wasn’t expecting him to come home. Yet he still came home at 75 pity. Also, this is the third 50/50 I’ve won in a row, and I’m a little scared. Anyways, I’m glad grumpy boy is home.
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emxie · 1 year
have you ever wanted to lay down in the sand and close your eyes until only soft warmth remains? that is how I feel
school really is a scourge on my physical and mental health. praying just to get through my finals 😫
0 notes
emxie · 1 year
Lilia Best Birthday Boy
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Guess who straight up got Mr. Lilia Vanrouge in a single ten pull on his birthday showcase. The Diasomnia lads seem to love me a lot 😗☺️
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emxie · 1 year
Asymptote Attraction
What happens when your long-time rival snaps? His frustrations may lead to something more.
Cyno x GN! Reader
Warnings: None
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Yes, I’m writing a modern au story with Cyno based on a stupid math joke. I found someone suggesting something similar, in that he would totally be the nerd who would try and flirt with you through math puns. Me, being the nerd and student I am, actually appreciate these pick up lines, and therefore, would like to write about you and Cyno.
Also, this is a gratitude piece because CYNO CAME HOME!!!! I was so nervous I was going to lose the 50/50, but I got him! And I also got his weapon!!!!! I’m so happy that I need to write him a cute short story. Also…I’m aware this is like 3 months late since Cyno’s banner was in September-October. I was very busy, so I apologize for this being so behind schedule. Happy reading!
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The hallways, not usually quiet, were no less loud today. You pressed your book bag closer to your chest, passing the jocks, primarily led by Itto, who were crowded at his locker.
“What’s up?” He nodded at you, raising a hand in greeting, before resuming his conversation with Kujou Sara. Surrounding him were Kuki, Beidou, and Kaeya, to name a few.
You returned his gesture with a timid wave, scuttling past them. It was almost third period, which meant the commencement of your calculus class was fast approaching.
Walking through the doorway of the classroom, you navigated toward your seat. Plopping down in your chair, you awaited the start of the mathematics class that you both despised and enjoyed.
You loved math itself. The intricacies of finding an answer through set formulas and having to try various things to get to the solution were never enough to satiate your love for learning. Being able to input variables and get a fixed outcome was the most comforting thing to you. The constancy of the subject made it one of your favorites.
Now, the resentment of the class. It was not due to any dislike or distaste for the subject itself. Oh no, not at all. In fact, you would have thought at the beginning of the school year that such partnership would have been beneficial. How wrong you were.
The presence of your enemy, archenemy as you liked to view him, continually dampened your enthusiasm for the class.
Cyno. The smartass of Teyvat High School. His social blunders never failed to enrage you, much less how he seemed to be doing these things on purpose. Just to get a reaction out of you.
Having been paired up with him at the beginning of the year, as the teacher thought that since you two were certainly the most intelligently gifted in mathematics, you would be a perfect match, you were looking forward to a brilliant and upstanding year with a solid and competent partner.
That, of course, was not the case. On the first day of class, he beat you to every single answer on the worksheet. And, to top it all off, he always ranked above you on class tests. Always. Even if he had scored higher than you by half a percent, he still maintained a perfect reign over the advanced subject.
And he would always tease you about your inferiority. Pointing out just how much better he was, even if he tried to appear unaware of the effect of his words, began to get tiresome. But, what could you do?
And so, you put up with his insufferable personality, no matter how much it pained you. Today would be no different.
Ah, there was the bane of your existence. He walked into the classroom, dressed in a dark purple sweatshirt and black jeans. His white hair possessed the volume of a cloud, fluffy and puffing out as if he hadn't cared to brush it before coming to school. The tips of his hair curled up, and through the thick wavy bundle of hair, you could barely see his face.
Dropping his backpack alongside his seat, he smirked at you.
“How are you?”
“Spare me the pleasantries.”
Rustling through his backpack, he glanced up at you briefly.
“You couldn’t pretend to be even a little excited to see me?”
“How could I? After you snatched the top score right out from under my nose, after that stupid word problem about surface area and volume, I can’t believe you think I’d forgive you.”
He shrugged, placing his folder on the table. “That’s your loss. It’s not my fault someone doesn’t understand how to set up two separate equations. You must have really enjoyed geometry.”
“For your information, I got As both semesters in Accelerated Geometry. Meanwhile you were struggling so hard in that class, I had to literally haul your ass behind mine in order to get you a passing grade. How’s that for stupidity?”
He narrowed his eyes at you, scoffing and flipping a strand of hair over his right eye.
“What, can’t handle the heat?”
“No.” He looked away, scanning his homework.
“You’re unbelievable,” you said, before directing your attention to your own homework.
The teacher started class, and not a word was said between you two for most of the period.
You furiously scribbled down the equation, writing it out to find the derivative. Looking at his paper, you scowled a little as you realized he was ahead of you by one problem.
You messily wrote the solution before moving onto the next one. Why, oh why, did it have to be a graph?
As you worked out the equation, grumbling under your breath as you had to derive a trigonometric function multiplied by a natural logarithm, you certainly weren’t focused on what Cyno was doing in front of you.
Having been a little ahead of you, he had already finished the problem. Glancing over his work, he huffed.
Red eyes concentrated on your hunched over form, currently clenching a mechanical pencil so hard that it seemed about to break. A tanned hand reached out, tapping your own in the middle of you drawing out a graph.
“What?” you snapped, looking up at him with annoyance glimmering in your gaze.
With a stoic expression, he lifted up his paper to show you something. It was the graph that you were aiming to draw. And…he was giving you the answer?
“Is this a joke?” You exclaimed.
He met your accusatory expression with something not condescending. Instead, he delicately pointed at the line on the graph.
“You’re the asymptote, and I’m the function.”
You blinked. What was he trying to say?
“I’m attracted to you. My love goes on for infinity.”
You scoffed at this declaration. “Nice joke, Cyno.”
His brilliant red eyes darkened. Huffing, he got up from his seat and walked straight out of the classroom.
Did you say something wrong? He had never reacted this badly to something before.
Your upper teeth tugged at your lower lip as your mind darted between countless possibilities. Should you go after him, or would that make things worse? Should you stay in here, but risk making him angrier?
Steadying your resolve, you got up from your chair and went out into the hallway, following the tracks of the white haired student.
Before long, you were able to locate him. He was leaning against a locker, slumped over so that the fluffy mane of hair shielded his eyes from your view.
“Cyno?” you called out cautiously.
A flash of red locked onto your figure through the white curtain shielding his tan skin.
He scoffed. “What do you want? Isn’t it enough to see me humiliated?”
“Well, I’ll admit that it is surprising to see you so worked up over me, the person you hate the most in the whole wide world, rejecting what said person believes is a joke just from how absurd it is.”
He muttered something.
“I said, to you it may be a joke, but to me it meant my entire world crashing down.”
“Wait, so you actually like me?” You really couldn’t believe this boy who definitely didn’t make your heart flutter when he gazed at you with that intense scarlet stare, had the capacity to reciprocate even an inkling of what you felt.
“What do you think, you idiot?” His raspy voice did nothing to drown out the crashing waves of surprise cascading through your mind.
“I’ll be honest. I thought you despised me, Cyno.”
He turned his head so all you could see was the soft voluminous white hair that you had caught yourself daydreaming into a bit too often.
“I didn’t know how to tell you otherwise, so I challenged you at every turn. And now I feel like an idiot. It’s infuriating!”
He turned towards you, eyebrows furrowed and expression somber, trembling slightly as emotion threatened to spill over.
“Well, I guess that makes you my function. After all, I have to be the asymptote here, certainly infinite and with no end to my love for you.”
He shrunk back, looking for all intents and purposes like a small dog that had just been kicked.
“You do?”
Rolling your eyes, you reached out, grabbing his hand and placing it in your own.
“If this was what you were so worried about, you should have just told me straight up.”
Looking him dead in his stunning eyes, you explained, “I reciprocate all of your feelings. Honestly they’re probably tenfold to yours if how you’re acting is any indication.”
As he stood there, looking at a loss for words, you stepped forward, cupping his face with your hand. Your eyes flickered down to his lips before meeting his eyes once more.
He huffed a little, murmuring, “To hell with this.”
Cyno leaned in, capturing your lips in his. It was an innocent enough kiss, bordering on the edge of propriety as you felt his tongue flicker at the sides of your mouth.
You pushed him against the locker, pinning his shoulders to the metal surface as you leaned further into him. His hands roamed around your back before settling in your hair, gently twirling the locks.
It was everything you had dreamed of and more. His heavenly eyes were fluttering as you pushed him further into the locker, deepening the kiss.
“Cyno! Y/N!”
You shrank back immediately, dusting off your clothes and attempting to look as nonchalant as possible. Cyno looked just as flustered, his hair a mess and lips puffy. He looked down, hiding his face in the mass of white hair you had come to love.
One of your classmates rounded the corner. “There you two are! The teacher was wondering where you went. You guys better come back in soon. We have a quiz in a couple of minutes.”
Giving your assurances to them, you waited until they had gone out of sight before turning back to Cyno.
“So, what does that make us now?”
“Friends? More than that.” His gaze sharpened. “I’m not sure if we’re even dating. How about…frenemies?”
“I have something better. Adversaries in Affection.”
“I like that.” He smiled at you. What a beautiful smile. He looked so handsome whenever he wasn’t scowling at you.
You pursed your tender lips. “Are you ready to crush that quiz?”
“Only if I beat you,” he smirked, leaning forward to flick your forehead.
“Ouch!” you exclaimed. “Wait!” He had already bolted down half of the hallway.
“You idiot!” you screeched.
He only chuckled in reply as you ran to catch up with him, interlacing your fingers with his after only a moment of hesitation.
Math really could work wonders.
115 notes · View notes
emxie · 1 year
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we got him boys. I officially have the scrunkly wunkly angry baby boy
5 notes · View notes
emxie · 1 year
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I can’t believe I got him in a single pull. Malleus really loves me huh 🤔
15 notes · View notes