I just realized I can be really mean when I'm on my period.
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Ever have those days when you're so tired you either combine words or say them backwards?
I call those reverse syntax days. I'm having one of those days. Words are just not happening right now.
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Last night I dreamt that I was trying to read a book, but I couldn't because the letters kept switching.
Even in my dreams I'm dyslexic.
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I'm back! :)
Sorry it's been such a long time, I haven't been doing very well. Anyway, tonight is Yuri's Night! On this day in 1961 Yuri Gagarin made his famous flight into space. Yuri was the first the first man in space, and tonight we celebrate this great accomplishment. Yes, he's Russian, and Russia and the US were in a race to space (that rhymes, lol), but really this is a world accomplishment, and we should all be proud.
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Me: *sitting at table with my hand on my face in a mind meldish like way*
Brother: *looks at me, raises an eyebrow* Um...what are you doing?
Me: *realizes what I'm doing* Mind melding with myself, apparently…My mind to my mind, my thoughts to my thoughts…
Brother: *gives me a weird look*
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"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It’s five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
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Omfg! This is amazing! I fell out of my seat laughing!
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Oh, Julian.
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I know it's a bit late, but here's what my Halloween costume was this year. I made it myself :)
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Have you tried centering/grounding yourself ? I've been told that showering and pouring Epsom salt on the bathtub floor is an easy to do so just relax and imagine the water washing out the negative energy and feeling the earth (salt) grounding yourself that way later in the day if someone comes at you with this negative juju just imagine the water running across from you like a shield. There is that and also knowing your boundaries which what I mentioned above is a good way to start creating a b
Thank you :) I will definitely try this.
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Happy Thanksgivukkah! Hope you all enjoy your day :)
And yes, I've been gone for a little while. I've had to take some time out to deal with all the emotions I've been experiencing (I'm an empath). But I'm back now, and feeling much better.
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bones + smiling at spock
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The Doctor cares.
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I send you a hug, beautiful creature!
Hello :) Thank you! I like hugs. Sorry I didn't respond right away, I've had my hands full with school and family business. But thank you :)
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HELP! I'm an Empath who is struggling to filter out other peoples' emotions, and who is struggling with severe depression herself. I need to find others like me who can maybe help me. I'm dead serious. PLEASE HELP!
I'm not making this up, and I'm not insane. I am a 17 year old girl who has just discovered her empathic abilities. I'm a Deanna Troi kind of Empath. I can sense other peoples' presence and emotions. So here's my situation: -I'm having trouble filtering out other peoples' emotions -I'm struggling with severe depression -I come from a very dysfunctional family (father is an alcoholic/drug addict, mother is struggling with severe mood swings and tends to go to extremes. For example: she threatens suicide every other week.) -I've talked to my school psychologist about my mothers suicidal threats, and there isn't much she can do -My psychologist talks to my mother and brings up the threats -My mother lies and says I'm making this all up. BUT I'M NOT AND SHE KNOWS IT I'm dealing with overwhelming emotions right now, and I need to find others like me so I can better understand what I am and how to deal with my current situation.
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