erissheiress · 2 hours
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Day 6: Changes @azrisweek
Autumn gets lovelier each passing season
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erissheiress · 12 hours
Azris Week
Day 5: Slice of Life
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“Eris recalls that one cool Autumn night where Azriel and him were curled up… at one of Eris’ many hideaways within his court. Neither of them were clothed, Azriel’s wings and Eris’ natural body heat providing enough warmth for them both.”
Thank you to @mossytrashcan for taking my words and transforming them into this lovely commission.
LITERALLY I sent Sage three excerpts from chapter two of Rancor and Risotto and asked for naked cuddles.
I think my exact words were something like: “is it okay if I send you sections of my fic that kinda gives the vibes I want and then you can interpret that how you see it?”
And they were like “yup that totally works for me!”
AND I Asdfghjkl the emotions y’all THE EMOTIONS
@mossytrashcan is a god, that is all.
Happy @azrisweek Everyone!
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erissheiress · 13 hours
any ideas for blurbs?? for any acotar characters (to an extent)
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erissheiress · 4 days
feyre w Tamlin: i don’t wanna be JUST a house wife. i want to be useful. I want to help. I want to fight. I want to train. I want to help our villages. I want to be involved in the meetings. I want to build relationships with our people.
Feyre w Rhys: Is high lady as well as his wife, did a small intimate wedding like she wanted. Is useful other than sitting beside a throne. Helps w planning for war. Fights against Hyberns attack in Velaris. Trains w Cassian almost everyday. Sits with Rhys and listens to their townspeople’s complains and find solutions. Is right there leading meeting with Rhysand and the IC. Opens a shop to help teach children to paint- connecting with them and their parents. Creating friends with the towns people. Connecting with the Widowed Shop Lady having a meaningful conversation with her. Having conversations with the townspeople as she walks through Velaris.
Fans after seeing Feyre attend parties and wear dresses w Rhys: oh well look what we have here she’s playing dress up blah blah blah
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erissheiress · 4 days
Genuine Question:
Those of you calling Feyre a breeder, breeding mare, breeding bitch, etc etc.
Would you ever call your mother that?
Would you ever look your mother in the eyes and call her a breeding mare because she decided to give birth to you?
I just don’t get how you all can proudly type these derogatory words and spew your misogynistic ideals and not see you’re being problematic.
It’s one thing to say “yeah i really wish SJM waited til the end of the series for Feyre to get pregnant” or “pregnancy tropes aren’t my thing” because I would agree 100%.
But you’re crossing a line and it makes you look absolutely disgusting.
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erissheiress · 6 days
You will never catch me hating Rhysand for anything. But you will especially never catch me hating him for threatening Nesta for abusing Feyre. You will never catch me hating him for hurting Kier over his treatment of Feyre. You will never ever catch me hating him for the lengths he would go to for his mate.
I stan angry Rhysand.
Feyre has literally died for the world, given up everything for the world, and she deserves nothing less than a mate willing to do anything for her. Rhysand would destroy the world just so Feyre could recreate it if she asked, and that is true love to me.
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erissheiress · 6 days
I'm loving the hc so much I just have to request one more. The batboys' reaction to the reader using a safe word- Will they be too heartbroken about hurting you to even think or will they take care of you first and then fall apart?
Safewording with the Batboys…
angst, nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
He would feel so, so, so guilty.
He’s had bad experiences with sex (Amarantha), so he would take it really hard.
Obviously, he would ensure your safety and comfort first and foremost.
Once he was certain you were okay, he’d get very quiet, contemplating.
He’d wonder if you were mad at him.
But he wouldn’t say anything, wanting nothing more than to ensure that you’re okay.
Honestly, he’d probably need a lot of reassurance that you’re fine. And even if you reassured him, he’d still be so scared that he’s broken your trust.
So you’d reassure him that he didn’t lose your trust, and that the safe word is there to keep either of you from going too far.
Then you’d both hold each other all night :( Rhys probably wouldn’t get much sleep
He’d freeze the moment the word left your mouth.
He fired a hundred questions at you.
“Are you okay?” “What’s wrong?” “Did I hurt you?”
Every other word out of his mouth would be an apology, even after the two of you talked through what went wrong.
If you were comfortable with it, he’d help you clean you up.
He’d give you a bath, massage your sore skin, help you dress into comfortable clothes, all the while apologizing endlessly.
One of his biggest fears is hurting you, so this would hit him very hard.
So many people see him as a “brute,” to the point that he sometimes sees himself that way. So he’d think this just proves that nickname right.
Stops what he’s doing the second you say the safe word/do your safe action
If you’re in restraints, gagged, etc, he removes them immediately.
Feels a literal pit of dread in his stomach
He’ll hold you in his arms, murmuring apologies and words of comfort.
The two of you talk about what went wrong, and Azriel remains attentive, but like our other two batboys, he feels so guilty.
He’d spend the entire night thinking about what he did, even after you reminded him that you’re okay.
I think it would make him shy away from sex for a while, for fear of hurting/scaring you again.
We know Azzie can be insecure sometimes, so he would need some reassurance.
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erissheiress · 6 days
Eris with a reader who hasn't been treated right- when you first tell him about your awful previous relationship he's angry, fire rushing through his veins, but he focuses on what's important. you. he makes a vow to himself to never make you feel like that asshole did. praise, reassurance, affection, quality time, everything he can do to make you feel how much he loves and appreciates you <3
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erissheiress · 7 days
mentally im friends with a lot of u guys even if we dont talk or never have talked and probably will never talk directly. its ok. the warriors bond transcends words
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erissheiress · 7 days
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Favourite Designs: Hassidriss 'Untitled Creation' Haute Couture Collection
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erissheiress · 9 days
possible unpopular acotar opinion: spoilers ahead
i actually quite liked that rhys and feyre had a baby.
i wish we got to see it from their perspective, but i still think it made sense for them.
i know most people’s complaint is that it was “too soon” or “they said they just wanted to live as the two of them for a while” but then they went through a war and, rhys literally died. people change their minds for much lesser reasons.
they wanted a family, they wanted peace, and happiness. they wanted to be the parents they didn’t get to have. i think feyre and rhys went though so much, more than they should’ve had to, and they got their happy ending.
i love feysand and i’m happy that they get to be happy now. they deserve it <3
(also i’m half asleep so this may not be super coherent and eloquent as i would like but i just love them)
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erissheiress · 9 days
Isn't it funny how every Feyre hater happens to be a Nesta stan? They're all pissed cos Nesta could never do half the shit Feyre did an survive. They all also hate Feyre because Nesta is nasty to her and mirror that behavior. If their fave hates someone then obviously it's for "a good reason" right? Whatever.
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erissheiress · 9 days
Feysand is stronger than I am, having a toddler that can fly sounds terrifying.
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erissheiress · 9 days
This fanfic I’m never going to write is really damn good.
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erissheiress · 11 days
rhys is the biggest munch out of all the acotar characters.
in fact, his ideal way to leave this world is through being suffocated underneath the weight of feyre on his face.
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erissheiress · 11 days
Lucien: [minding his own business, making little foxes out of fire to make Nyx smile and laugh] Feyre: Feyre: Rhys, I want another. Rhys [realizing what/who inspired this]: what the fuck
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erissheiress · 13 days
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Matilda is Feyre’s anthem
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