Alec got changed out of his sweatpants and sleeping shirt and put on a pair of jeans and the next best dark shirt he could find. Tugging the shirt down, he exited his room, put his shoes on and grabbed his bow and quiver. “Yes, ready if you are.” He said before adding onto their conversation before he left the room. “I might want to talk about it later. Or not at all. I’m not sure yet.” He shrugged apologetically, knowing that she understood.
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“We can just see where the mood takes us.” She nodded, taking Buddy’s leash, the dog keeping close to her. It amazed her how quickly he picked up on her mood, knowing when she needed him the most. She was silently so thankful for Scott for getting him for them - even if he wasn’t trained as a therapy dog, he was the next best thing for Allison. She followed Alec, making small talk as they went, her shoulders relaxing that little bit more as they reached the clearing they practised in.
“... All clear? Nothing around?” She asked, awkwardly - after her panic attack, it’d become second nature for her to check they were safe, terrified of being caught unaware.
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Stiles was in the middle of doing research for one of his papers when there was a knock on his door. Blinking, he closed his laptop, rubbing his eyes - when had he last taken a break from the screen? - and got up, shuffling towards the door while wondering who could possibly be knocking at his door. Usually, people left him mostly alone nowadays, knowing that he wasn’t really in the mood to socialize. 
Opening the door, he prepared himself to grunt something to get rid of the person in front of the door but before he could even say something, he felt a presence clinging to his leg and looking down, he noticed Celeste and immediately, a small smile showed up on his face. “I see my princess is feeling demanding today again, hm?” He said whilst ruffling her hair and with a warm expression - though his eyes still looked tired - he turned to Marie. “Did you bring me food again, mademoiselle? You know I can take care of myself, right?” While he was speaking, he was already trying to sneak a peak into the bag. “Now what kind of deliciousness have you brought me today?”
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“She learns that from ‘er mama, monsieur.” Marie smirked, taking a seat on the couch while Celeste giggled at Stiles. She wouldn’t take up too much of his time, but she had learnt to come over unannounced, to avoid Stiles making excuses. He was alone far too much, and she knew that wasn’t healthy.
“I know that you can take care of yourself. But I also know that you are focused, you forget simple things like eating and sleeping. And while I cannot ‘elp you with one of those things, a beef stew is no trouble for me to make. I simply made too much, and thought I should share.” She smiled innocently, getting the container out of her bag. “Would you like it now, or shall I put it in the refrigerator?” 
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@nay-indie / Marie and Stiles
 Marie could not get used to taking the bus. No matter how many times she’d taken the journey to visit Stiles, it still felt like an abstract concept, coming from the century she had. There was a home-cooked stew in a Tupperware container at the bottom of her bag, while Celeste sat looking out the window, saying hello to the passing cars, and pointing at all the different things she could see.
Getting to Stiles’ place at last, Marie knocked on the door, and when it was opened, Celeste walked in like she owned the place. “Stiles eat.” She announced, hugging his leg, and pointing at the bag. Marie laughed, and nodded. “I think someone wants you to take a look at my bag, monsieur.”
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“That’s not the same and you know it.” Alec said as he returned with a glass of water and handed it over to her.
He shrugged and sighed at her question. “A lot’s been going on back in New York. My sister forced me to come here and recover because… things weren’t good.” He trailed off with another shrug. “Anyhow, I’m going to get changed, I’ll be right back.” With that, he turned and stepped into his room to get changed.
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“But you also don’t deny that he’s been texting you. Good to know I wasn’t just paranoid.” She offered a smile, stroking Buddy’s head as he placed it in her lap, and taking a sip of her water with the other hand.
“You wanna talk about those things? I’m always happy to listen.” She offered, nodding and dropping the conversation as he was changing. They both knew each other well enough to know when to not push things. They were too similar in some ways, not just the archery. Once he was changed, she stood back up, whistling for Buddy to follow her. “You ready to go?”
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“You know you can always text me, right?” Alec replied before petting Buddy’s head. If he missed one thing about this place, it was all the pets and people he’d met here. 
“And I really don’t mind at all, you know that.” He stepped aside, so that Buddy could enter the apartment and Stella watched the dog’s every step but stayed right where she was at. “I could use some distraction, too,” he admitted. “But first, do you want some water? I’ll have to go get changed and grab my bow and quiver, so feel free to make yourself comfortable in the meantime.”
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“And there was me thinking my dad’d been texting you updates on me.” She teased, moving into the apartment and taking a seat on the couch, patting her leg for Stella to come over. She nodded for the water, and looked over in the direction of the kitchen when he went to get some.
“So what do you need distracting from?” She asked, relaxing against the couch. “If you want to say, I mean... my dad spent most of the past few weeks asking if I was okay. I know it can get... pretty annoying.”
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Alec was at home, still recovering from his latest fight. As much as he wanted to be involved in NYC, he was pretty much forced by his absolutely stubborn sister to get to his apartment and concentrate on getting better. Which… she had a point when she said that he’d just keep going until he physically couldn’t anymore. 
Being here now though still didn’t mean that he was necessarily feeling any better. Quite the opposite actually. Being here, by himself with his cat as his only distraction. Just as he was almost about to abandon the apartment again - he’d deal with Izzy yelling at him later - he heard a knock at his door.
Setting his little fluffball down onto the couch, he made his way over to the door and opened it. “Allison,” Alec said in greeting, with a smile himself as he fully accepted the hug. “It’s good to see you.” 
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When he let go of her, he noticed the bow and quiver which caused him to raise an eyebrow. “You up for some training?”
“Wasn’t sure if you’d be here, but I hoped so.” She smiled, kissing his cheek. Buddy was behind her, wagging his tail, and sniffing in the general direction of Stella. Being back at her dad’s, and knowing that she couldn’t call it home any more for multiple reasons had left a thin layer of anxiety in her, which was why training was the first thing she thought of doing when she got home.
She just wished her dad and Melissa would move closer so she could be done with Beacon Hills altogether.
“Only if you don’t mind.” She nodded. The shaking of her arms had gone away, but her aim still wasn’t as perfect as it once had been. And her fear of demons was still strong, preventing her from even bringing up the idea of helping Alec. “I just... need a little distracting.”
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@nay-indie / Allison and Alec
Allison had been out of town for a few weeks, having visited her dad and Melissa back in Beacon Hills. It had been difficult, staying inside most of the time lest someone see her and think they’d seen a ghost, but she didn’t mind - she’d missed them, and it had given Scott space to study for his exams. But now they were over, she knew she had to get back home. And back to training. 
Which was how she ended up knocking on Alec’s door early in the morning with no warning, her quiver over her shoulder and her bow in her hand.
“Missed me?” She quipped, smiling a little, before hugging him gently. She’d definitely missed him, if nothing else.
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*Appears From Under A Pile of Anxiety*
Previously @theargentbeta
I gotta sleep but I’ll be fixing this blog up for multi-muses, Allison included. idek who I used to play with that’s around still, lol.
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Sᴇɴᴅ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜsᴇ “Hᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀ (...)”s. Tʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴ ᴏɴʟʏ ʀᴇᴘʟʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ‘ʏᴇs’ ᴏʀ ‘ɴᴏ’.
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Stiles Stilinskis and Allison Argents friendship is important and under appreciated 2K16
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“Pretty sure Cora wouldn’t be too happy with me borrowing her clothes anyway... I imagine... they told her all kind of bad things about me.” Allison spoke softly again as she followed him to the kitchen area. Because loss was loss, and even if she’d lost her mother, she knew Derek had had to face losing two of his pack - she’d seen the pain on his face at finding Erica’s body, after all. Allison knew it was partly her fault. If Derek was to blame for her mother’s death, then she was responsible for Boyd and Erica trying to run away, and getting themselves caught by the Alpha pack.
“But... I’m telling you now that I’ll definitely want seconds.” Allison forced a smile, trying to pretend she was fine, and began eating. She tried to do it slowly, to at least taste the food before she devoured it all, but she had been hungry for so long that she couldn’t help it.
“So how did you do it... Live in the woods. Did you yknow... eat small furry animals, or stick to dumpster diving like me?” She wrinkled her nose, remembering just how bad the smell of everything had been, but well... When you were desperate, you had no other choice. Clearing her throat, she put her fork down, looking at him.
“.... Your... dad was human? Really?”
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Derek couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips when Allison turned him around. There was a bathroom right there and yet she still wanted to change in his hallway.  “You clearly have very low expectations of me, Allison. For one, I would never bring up your mother if you did not want me to. I have lost my  parents too, I hate it when Peter brings mom up, or dad. Not that he got along with dad very often. Him being human and all. And secondly I’m gentleman, I wouldn’t watch a woman change.” He told her and then  turned as she spoke again.  “Tell me about it. I’ve had to live in the woods once, it wasn’t fun.” He explained and then nodded over his shoulder and lead her downstairs.  “Sorry if some of the clothes are too small…she liked to work out too much, she was too thin in my opinion anyway.” He told her and then  took her to the kitchen. He lifted the pasta dish he had created out of the oven and plated it up for them both.  “At least you’re whole being doesn’t offend me anymore.” He joked  and then pushed a plate towards her.  “There are seconds if you want them.”
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“If we do this, I don’t want to talk to you about my mother. At all. She is none of your business... Please.” She said softly, her voice hoarse, and her body and mind exhausted. Derek wouldn’t be able to understand the mentality of a hunter. Of killing yourself for becoming the very thing you were taught to despise. All he saw was a cold, heartless woman, because that’s exactly what she wanted the world to see. She was so, so much more to Allison. And they were the things that she wanted to keep to herself. A reminder in the most painful moments that she did all of this for her. Even if it was the exact opposite of what Allison would’ve asked of her, if she was given the choice.
She held the bundle of clothes to her chest, and looked down at her feet - the very idea Derek had to protect her from her own father a painful one, but they both knew he was right.
“Isaac and Scott aren’t his family though. It’s completely different.” She muttered, moving over to Derek to turn him around so that his back was to her, while she got dressed. The sports bra was a little tight, obviously a leftover of Cora’s, but the pants fit comfortably, and she pulled the sweatshirt over her head, Derek’s scent overwhelming her.
“... Can I smell food?” She asked, awkwardly. “I’m starving. There’s... only so many scraps you can find when you’re sleeping rough.”
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He flinched at the sound of the door banging, it was so much louder for him, but the noise that rang through him,  even after it stopped, was her tears. He wasn’t a monster,  he was sad for her. He didn’t want to see her sad, he just wanted to help.  When he heard her get into the shower, he began to move around. He grabbed some clothes from Cora’s old room,  but grabbed one of his old sweatshirts as well and left them  on the counter as he went about cooking food for her. He was back by the door once he heard the shower finish.  He held the clothes out for her and then let out a sigh.  “You don’t have to tell him now. I would prefer you to be in control before you tell him anyway, that way he doesn’t have any excuse to kill you.” He took a deep breath and turned away, heading downstairs.  “As for the whole mother thing, she was trying to kill your boyfriend, I would have helped her gain control if she had even thought about that route. But…” He turned to face her again.  “Being a werewolf, doesn’t mean you can’t still be a hunter,  just means you’re on our side. It’s not like your father doesn’t already work with Isaac and Scott. Just means you have extra weapons.”
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“I was grieving, and if you remember that was your fault, so don’t you dare bring my mother into this, because she had no choice either, and that? Is because of you.” She snapped, glaring at him as she slammed the bathroom door. Her body as tense as a tightly coiled spring - and just as likely to explode at a seconds notice. Leaning against the door, she felt herself breaking apart - the reality of her situation, the things Derek said... all hitting her hard, and she slid down the door, trying to sob silently so that Derek couldn’t hear it.
He was supposed to be her enemy. He wasn’t supposed to see her weakness. And maybe she shouldn’t have come here at all.
She felt like a zombie moving towards the shower, turning the temperature up as high as it would go, and gritting her teeth at the burn of it. She couldn’t face her dad - he didn’t need her there. He needed his daughter, the hunter, the leader, not some untrained werewolf who he’d have to kill if she couldn’t learn to control herself. Hell, if she became a danger, she’d put in a call to another hunter just to save him the pain of having to do it himself. But... he’d been so lost after they went to Paris the first time. Even behind her grief she could see how lost he was. How afterwards they both just pretended they knew how to function as a family. When really they were both holding onto each other tight, neither wanting the world to know how much everything hurt. They never said it, but they both knew the other felt it. And now he had no one to share that with, when his pain had to have been doubled.
She wasn’t sure how long she’d been in there, finally stepping out as the water began to turn colder, grabbing a towel to wrap around herself - her clothes needed washing before she could put them on, so she’d have to find something of Derek’s she could throw on until then.
Stepping out, she’d hoped he’d left her alone, gone out somewhere, anything so she didn’t have to face him right now, but there he stood, and she stood there, silent and numb.
“Do I have to tell him now? Or can it wait until I can understand this crap?”
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Derek turned to face her as he stopped outside of  the bathroom.  “I know that, Allison. You’re whole family has spent years hunting mine and it didn’t stop with you! You tried to kill me and my pack, numerous times. So I do understand why you feel like he did something bad to you, like he infected you with something so against your nature that you feel your only option is to fight it.” He took a deep breath and ran a hand over his face.  He hated talking about Victoria, but it was necessary to get his point across. He was on more friendly terms with Chris and he knew how distraught the man had been the past few weeks. Leaving, with Derek’s beta,  to France. He wanted Isaac back, they needed Chris back and Chris needed Allison.  “You are so like your mother! When she was bitten she did everything she could to get away from it.  She killed herself, Allison. Your father thinks he has no one left, but he does and that person is standing right in front of me. So do what you do best, Allison.  Deal with it. Move on and accept it! Learn to control it and you will be there for your dad.” He opened the door to the bathroom and stepped behind Allison and pushed her towards it.  “Now do me a favour and shower, you’re offending my nostrils.”
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“No, I don’t think you do get it, Derek.” Her voice was tight, trying to hold in the emotions that wanted to explode out of her. She let out a shaky exhale and slammed her eyes closed, tightly. Still, she followed him up the stairs, every scent and sound of the loft overwhelming her. She could tell individual scents of people, but had no way of knowing who they were, or how old they were. A large part of her didn’t want to know. Wanted to pretend that this was just all a bad dream, and that she was going to wake up.
“I’m not supposed to be this. I’m a hunter, this isn’t.... This goes against everything I know Derek, how can you possibly get how I’m feeling??” She gritted her teeth, the anger, the wolf bubbling up inside of her, and she balled her fists into her hands. “Why did he have to do this to me?”
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They had never gotten along, but he could see that she needed the help. He could smell the fear and he owed it to Chris. After all, it’s not like the hunter was hunting him anymore…even if he had threatened to burn him alive whilst the woman who stood before him watched. After all, he was under the influence of the  nogitsune.  “I get it Allison.”  He told her, cutting her off. “I can help you, but I need you to promise to listen. The full moon is in a few days and it isn’t going to be a walk in the park.” He explained as he stepped closer.  “First…I think you need a shower, sleep and something to eat. You are going to be no good if you are tired and hungry.” He turned and lead the way up the spiral staircase; taking her to the bathroom upstairs.
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I’m baaaack
I don’t know if anyone is still following me but hai
If anyone wants to play with me, send me a message or just throw a starter my way :3
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It had taken Allison weeks to build up the courage to come back to town. She’d ran from the morgue first chance she had, but it had been hell trying to cope on her own.
She needed help. She couldn’t deny that any more.
“... Scott was only trying to save me.” She muttered, looking down. “And you know as well as I do that he can’t train me.”
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Why was he surprised?  No one in this town ever stayed dead.  He took a deep breath and stepped  closer to the young woman. She may have shot arrows into his pack, her  aunt may have killed his family, but she needed his help. It was clear she needed help.  “Who bit you, Allison?”
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Password: imthehotgirl Set your nickname to CharacterNameURL pls. Thank you!
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