esraabelal · 1 year
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“Me no mae ni tachihadakaru takai takai kabe.
Sono mukou wa donna nagame darou ka?
Donna fuuni mieru no darouka?
Itadaki no keshiki, ore hitori de wa kesshite miru koto mo dekinai keshiki.
Demo, hitori dewanai no nara, miero kamo shirenai keshiki ”
“A tall, tall wall looms over me
What’s the view on the other side ?
What will it look like ?
The view from the top.. it’s a view I could not see alone
But, if I’m not alone I might able to see it”
The series starts with Hinata’s internal monologue and till date I cannot forget it !
Haikyuu!! is the best shounen/sports manga that stays true to its genre - without fillers, without deviating from the main subject, which is Kageyama and Hinata’s volleyball journey.
Their rivalry, which starts from middle school, gives birth to a friendship that lasts over their lifetime. It transforms into something greater. Something like…volleyball soulmate, if I might say. They help each other grow in ways they didn’t expect from the other person.
Apart from the main characters, all (and I mean ALL) the other teams are lovable. No matter which team wins or loses, you end up happy for them when they win, or cry when they lose. This series keeps you on the edge of your seat. No matter which team scores the point, you’re always the winner, because you get to witness such a high level match!
I started this series without prior knowledge of volleyball and today I’m collecting the manga, and also try playing volleyball.
This series taught me a lot of things. It taught me to try my hardest (not there yet) to become strong. It inspired me to work on myself and become like Hinata. It also inspired me to have passion toward something in my life and give my all before deciding to give up.
There’s so much I can talk just about the story line, so lets cut it short for now. The waterworks and feels you feel are too much to handle.
The manga art is beautiful and dynamic. Very comprehensive. I love the emotions portrayed without having them put into words.
I find the theme songs of the anime very addictive.
There are several things I want to say about this show but will save it for later. Thank you.
Thank you #Furudate sensei!
This series changed my life! 
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Here are an awkward Agaashiiee drawing I made a while ago
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esraabelal · 5 years
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Detective Conan Meme:  Ten characters  ⇢ Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko [3]
“Mitsuhiko enjoys reading science books and takes a scientific approach to problem-solving. He is a smart and well-read first-grader who believes that technology can solve most problems.”
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esraabelal · 5 years
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Detective Conan Week ‘18 ⇨  Day 4 - The five orange pips
        [ Option 2: A character you would like to have as a sibling ]
Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko ✨
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esraabelal · 5 years
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Because people don't have wings... We look for ways to fly
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esraabelal · 5 years
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esraabelal · 5 years
Mukai Taichi - Reset (Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru ED) lyrics translation
Pretty sure someone would have done this already, but I’m trying my hand at translating this anyway for practice + as reference for when I post my meta about how well IMHO the lyrics fit Kakeru’s storyline. Corrections/feedback welcome!
If I start running, see, I can grab it The ticket to tomorrow I once let go I’ll start from this place To take it back, one more reset
Keep reading
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esraabelal · 6 years
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Japanese for Total Beginners || How and Where to Start Studying Hey guys, I’m going to try and answer my most commonly asked questions that I continuously receive in the next following weeks so if there’s anything you’d like answered feel free to submit your questions. I’m also going to try and find a new theme as a lot of you guys have mentioned that you’re unable to view my FAQ page while on your mobile devices so once I’ve found a good theme I’ll ask you guys to check it out so that you can let me know if it works or not! This post is going to be regarding how to study Japanese as a total beginner. The single most commonly asked question that I receive (and I get asked this at least once a week since starting my blog back in 2016) is something along the lines of “I’ve never studied Japanese before but I really want to, but I have no idea where to start.” so I’m going to try and answer this question today to the best of my abilities. WHAT SHOULD I LEARN FIRST? I recommend starting off with learning the kana system (hiragana and then katakana). While learning how to read, write, and recognise kana, you should also spend time learning how to properly pronunciate the kana. Learning Japanese pronunciation at this step will help you a great deal as you start progressing into learning the language. Once you’ve learnt kana you can move onto introducing basic grammar structures and basic vocabulary together. If you’re self-teaching I really recommend getting a textbook because most textbooks introduce grammar and vocabulary together in easy to understand ways. If you cannot afford to purchase a textbook there are PDFs floating around online and many websites that offer free Japanese lessons. Once you can use kana, understand some basic grammar and vocabulary, and are able to produce your own basic sentences, I would then introduce simple kanji. This would include numbers, days of the week, months, and the kanji version of some vocabulary you’ve learnt (such as 私・わたし/食べ・たべ). After that it’s just a matter of introducing new grammar, vocab, and kanji which will gradually increase in difficulty as you continue to progress through the language. SHOULD I LEARN GRAMMAR OR VOCABULARY FIRST? Vocabulary for me is mostly memorisation - memorising the meaning and the word/characters - and then simply applying the vocabulary to the grammar structure, which is why I like learning them together because I think that they tend to go hand-in-hand. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I STUDY JAPANESE? This really comes down to the individual as it depends on your own personal schedule and abilities. Some people ate able to study every single day and others can only do it a couple times, or just once a week. The key is finding a routine that works for you and keeping at it to the best of your abilities. They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. What works best for me is studying early in the morning after waking up and then I feel I can go about my day without any concerns. I have an entire tag dedicated to immersing yourself into the Japanese language so feel free to check it out.  WHAT’S A GOOD STUDY ROUTINE? I often get asked to provide specific details or give study routines regarding where to begin with studying Japanese so below is my recommendations on where to start. Hiragana:
Begin with learning the 5 vowels in Japanese (A, I, U, E, O) - learn how to read, write, pronounce, and recognise them.
Continue with learning vowels + consonants (K, S, T, N, H, M, R, Y, W) - learn how to read, write, pronounce, and recognise them.
Study the exceptions (SHI, CHI, TSU, FU) - Try to memorise these in particular as they can confuse beginners quite easily.
Study katakana similarly to how you studied hiragana beginning with vowels, and then moving onto consonants and focusing on the exceptions.
Try to create your own flashcards in order to memorise the characters.
There are also a number of apps designed to help you recognise and memorise hiragana and katakana characters as well as to test your knowledge on them.
Vocabulary + Grammar:
I would begin with learning basic expressions such as greetings and self-introductions. I’d use the information from this website to find basic expressions and greetings.
Once you’ve memorised some basic expressions you should move onto basic grammar and vocab. 
I learnt by using the Genki textbook so I recommend following their order of lessons, otherwise you can search on google for Japanese lessons to follow.
Make sure to study Japanese particles very seriously as they can often stump Japanese learners! Don’t be afraid to spend a long time studying them.
Once you’ve mastered kana and are comfortable with creating basic sentences in Japanese, I would start introducing kanji. As I mentioned before I would start with numbers, days of the week, months, and then kanji versions of vocabulary that you’ve already learned.
If you search “Kanji lessons” on google you’ll come across some useful websites like this one.
After this you just have to continue building up your grammar, vocab, and kanji knowledge. Resources: PDFs -
Genki I Textbook
Genki I Workbook
Genki I Answer Key
Genki II Textbook
Genki II Workbook
Genki II Answer Key
Genki I + II and MP3 files
Japanese For Busy People 1
Japanese For Busy People 2
Japanese For Busy People 3
Japanese For Busy People Workbook
Japanese Pronunciation -
Learn Japanese Pronunciation in 14 Minutes
Introduction to Japanese Pronunciation
Top 5 Japanese Pronunciation Mistakes to Avoid
Charts -
Hiragana Chart
Katakana Chart
Hiragana + Katakana Chart Combined
Apps -
Anki (flashcard app)
Memrise (learn Japanese)
imiwa? (dictionary app)
Learn Japanese (introduces phrases and vocab)
Learn Japanese by Mindsnacks (increases vocab)
Hello Talk (talk with native speakers)
TenguGo Kana Hiragana Katakana (introduces kana system)
Kana Quiz (test your kana knowledge)
Website -
Tae Kim’s Guide to Japanese (Study Guide + Lessons)
Jisho (online dictionary)
JapanesePod101 (Japanese lessons)
Tofugu (Japanese lessons + Cultural lessons)
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esraabelal · 6 years
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esraabelal · 6 years
I thought it was Galileo who said, "I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night"
Common misconception! I actually first learned of the quote here on Tumblr, and it was attributed to Galileo. I thought it was perfect–my sci fi book that dealt so much with the stars could have an epigraph from one of my heros of astronomy. But when I researched the quote, I discovered that it is actually the words of Sarah Williams, an English poet who lived in the 1800s.
Her most famous work is “The Old Astronomer to His Pupil,” and that’s where the line comes from (more info). The poem IS told as if an astronomer is talking, and Galileo is a pretty popular fellow, which is why I think the mix-up occurred.
At first I was a little disappointed–I wanted a quote from Galileo, not a poet. But then I thought about how sucky it is for Sarah Williams’s one famous work to be misattributed to someone else (and I also really love the quote–the whole poem, in fact), so I thought, Well, I can help with that, and decided to use the quote with the proper attribution. 
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esraabelal · 7 years
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(●´□`)♡ (●´□`)♡ (●´□`)♡ I gonna die cause this smile OMG. fuckkking lovely
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esraabelal · 8 years
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“Your hands that wrap around me, leading me to a radiant world that I’ve never seen before. You are ‘1 of 1’ girl, my only one” SHINee 1of1 ( 2016 )
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esraabelal · 8 years
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Plant still life.
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esraabelal · 8 years
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Decim: Knite Chiyuki: Karoru Photography by Pireze
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esraabelal · 9 years
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Fact of the Day #23
Greed found out about the Elric brothers and their unusual situation through word of mouth, after multiple witnesses saw the fight with Scar in East City.
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(Source: Chapter 27)
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esraabelal · 9 years
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Fact of the Day #25
Automail is designed to be waterproof, allowing the wearer to bathe or go out in the rain without any problems. However, the weight makes swimming impossible.
(Source: Perfect Guidebook/Profiles book; Wii game “Prince of the Dawn”)
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esraabelal · 9 years
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جيل الشعر هو مستحضر رجالي يجعل الشعر يبدو لامعًا ومنتعشًا ومنتصبًا في أبهى صورة له، والجميع يعلم أن ملمسه أسمنتيًا، والجميع يعلم أن الأمر برمته مصطنع، ولكن لازال العديد يبتاعه ويستخدمه ولازال العديد ينظر إليه بإعجاب.
الصدق لا يعني شيئًا إلا في أوقات التأمل العابرة في عمل فني ما، وبعض أوقات التعبد، وأوقات صحوة الضمير، وأوقات الصراحة الطارئة، وأوقات الفضفضة مع صديق حميم.
و”الحقيقة” -لو أن هناك شيء كهذا أصلاً- يتم دومًا تخفيف حدتها إلى أكثر الصور رواجًا وجاذبية عند أكبر قدر من الناس.
ثمة حقيقة واحدة متعارف عليها يجب على الجميع التماهي معها وليس انتقادها وإلا كان مصيرهم النبذ والفشل، وبائس هو من يحاول التمرد على الرغبة الجماعية للجميع لأن يبدون في أبهى صورهم لأن الأحمق أكثر تعلقًا بأصدق صورهم. بائس من يقلل من شأن حاجتنا الحارقة لرأب صدع القصور والنقص الذي نحمله جميعًا.
قس على ذلك السياسيين الذين لو صارحوا المواطنين بمدى سوء الأحوال ومدى قذارة السياسة لن ينتخبهم أحد. قس على ذلك “انترفيوهات” العمل التي تتوقف على مدى إجادتك لبيع خدمتك ومواراة سلسلة هزائمك القديمة لتلائم سياسة الشركة. قس على ذلك طلبة “أنا مش جاي أتعلم، أنا جاي عشان الغياب”. قس على ذلك شبكة مصالح المعارف الذين يجب أن تحترف معهم الكذب والتملق والتودد الزائف. قس على ذلك منظومة عاطفية قائمة على مدى إجادتك التظاهر بأنك شخص آخر. قس على ذلك منظومة زواج قائمة على القايمة أكثر من المشاعر.
قس على ذلك أهمية زيادة معدلات المشاهدة التي لديها القوة في وقف أو استكمال عرض أي شيء. قس على ذلك أهمية الدعايا والإعلان الذي يخلب لب المستهلك المستهدف على حساب جودة المنتج الأصلي. لا أحد يصارحك بأضرار الصودا الصحية وهو يصيح بأن كوكاكولا أحلى مع الشلة. قس على ذلك أهمية اجتلاب الترافيك على مواقع الإنترنت على حساب محتواها، فيحدث أن يتم المتاجرة بانتحار شابة لم تعد تطيق الحياة، لأنه كان موضوع الساعة. “تخيل امرأة بيضاء شابة تولول منحورة العنق تجري في طرقات حي راقي” هكذا لخصت الأمر مديرة قناة إخبارية في أحد الأفلام الأمريكية، هذا هو محتوى الأخبار الذي لن يستطيع تجاهله جمهور الأحياء الراقية الأبيض.
قس على ذلك أهمية قنوات الإعلام عند الحكومات الفاسدة لتؤدي دورها في تنفيذ تعليمات الجهات العليا، وبدلاً من تسليط الضوء على ما يهمك كمواطن يتم تسليط الضوء على ما يهمهم كحكام، وتغليفه بمهارة على أنه يهمك كمواطن. قس على ذلك آفة إصدار الأحكام السريعة على الناس والتي يمارسها ويخشى منها الجميع. قس على ذلك أنه لن يتاح لك رؤية شخص ما بشكل غير منقح بعناية؛لأن الناس يخشون لو أنهم جازفوا بعرض أنفسهم على نحو أصيل فسيتم إيجادهم متاحين أكثر من اللازم، متلهفين أكثر من اللازم، غريبوا الأطوار أكثر من اللازم، لطفاء أكثر من اللازم، مملون أكثر من اللازم، آمنون أكثر من اللازم، فقراء أكثر من اللازم، ليسوا مضحكين بما يكفي، ليسوا نحيفين بما يكفي، ليسوا جميلين بما يكف��، ليسوا شخصًا آخر أفضل بما يكفي.
السؤال المثير للتأمل -وربما الفزع- هو ماذا لو كان البشر مجبولين على الحياة بهذا القدر من إيهام النفس فقط ليستطيعوا المضي قدمًا؟ ماذا لو هذا هو أفضل ما يمكننا القيام به؟
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esraabelal · 9 years
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