explorator-lee · 1 month
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explorator-lee · 2 months
You thought you could defend your ticklish belly from me?
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explorator-lee · 2 months
for tickling fans.
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explorator-lee · 2 months
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bicep straps work wonders for this scenario 🤗
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explorator-lee · 2 months
Favorite Tickling Techniques - Mine Would Have to Be "Red Dot" Tickling
Given my particular kink, and the friends I've cultivated on this site who share my love of all things tickling related, I've gotten several messages asking the same question - "What do think is the most effective tickling technique?" Well the real answer is...it depends. Based on my experience, and assuming you have a highly sensitive ticklee, my mind inevitably goes right to what I call, "The Red Dot Technique".
Let me explain...
Here is the setting - highly sensitive ticklee, 4 poster bed (or something similar), Lee tied spread eagled using 8 ties (wrists and ankles tied to the bedposts - then add a tie to each elbow and knee and secure to the side of the bedframe) complete and total immobility. Teasing is ESSENTIAL here. Tie her slowly, firmly but gently...then smile at her and reveal a red satin blindfold....place it on her to significantly heighten her nervousness and sensitivity. Then pour yourself a drink, sit on the bed next to her and chat...tell her you are just going to admire her body while you plan out your next moves...casually remark..."You have nothing to be nervous about...unless you're ticklish..." Watch as she tries to squirm away and begins to freak out a bit...now the negotiating begins...then as she is trying to convince you not to tickle her...you begin. Starting with her palms and ending with her soles you slowly explore every single inch of her helpless body. Nibbling, tickling...doing anything to elicit laughter. As you find an especially explosive spot....one which elicits that beautiful squealing "volts of electricity through the body" tickle response, you take out a soft tipped red pen...and you make a very tiny dot on that spot. Then you move on. By the end of this adventure you will have an exhausted ticklee...and a complete map of her absolute worst tickle spots.
This is where the real fun begins....after letting her rest for a bit...kissing her gently...refreshing your drink...you take out one of her favorite vibrators...she hears the buzz...you lie next to her and whisper in her ear, "So here is what is going to happen....I'm going to slowly bring you to a long, wonderful orgasm...you are going to cum like you never, ever have before. Then, after you cum and are lying there in that wonderful post-orgasm hypersensitivity, I'm going to slowly tickle you again...only this time I'm only going to tickle the parts of your body with the red dots. And then it begins....you slowly arouse her with the vibrator. As you do you whisper in her ear, "Don't you dare cum...don't you dare..." Of course this only makes her cum faster. When she does, you give her a long, deep kiss...and whisper in her ear, "You just lie back and relax sweetie. I'm going to do some exploring..." And round 2 of the tickling begins...and then it becomes an evening or orgasm...red dots...orgasm...red dots...You get it.
That's the most effective technique I know...
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explorator-lee · 2 years
Tickled til death...
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explorator-lee · 3 years
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explorator-lee · 4 years
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explorator-lee · 4 years
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explorator-lee · 4 years
I just wanna sit on somebody’s arms and trace their armpits while they scream for me to stop. is that so much to ask? to watch someone panic and their arms are pinned above their head, they can’t protect their underarms. as they realize they’re not going anywhere and my fingers aren’t stopping anytime soon.
I just wanna see their legs kick around in the air as they struggle with the light tickling in their pits. And then hearing their scream as I switch to digging my thumbs into their soft skin, rubbing them deep and around their supple armpits, until their pits are red.
I just wanna tickle someone’s armpits till they cry.
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explorator-lee · 4 years
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You’re under. Deeply relaxed and so heavy. Your body is so heavy, and lazy. You cannot muster the energy to move a muscle. No matter what happens, you don’t even have reflexes. Paralysed.
Paralysed, but sensitive. So sensitive. You feel everything. All of your focus is on feeling - your sense of touch is so much more powerful than ever before. But especially so in one particular place.
Your feet. You know how sensitive your feet are. I know how sensitive your feet are. We BOTH know how sensitive your feet are. Your most ticklish place. So utterly, devastatingly ticklish. You cannot tolerate your feet being tickled for a single second. An now…  your sense of touch is so much more powerful than ever before.
But you have learned something new. Your utterly, devastatingly ticklish feet are hardwired to your clitoris. The sensation is unbearable, intolerable, yet irresistible, delicious. A tortuous pathway to paradise.
And you will tally your raptures. Through your paralysis you will count them out in a whisper as each orgasm commences.
To end the session you must simply count to 50.
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explorator-lee · 4 years
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Just one tiny spot…
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explorator-lee · 4 years
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explorator-lee · 4 years
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The thing about your begging, imploring and attempted bargaining is ... I fucking love it. The more you do it, the more I want to hear, and the more drawn-out and unbearable your torture becomes. Of course, I’d never tell you this - without that tiny sliver of hope, you might stop your pitiful pleading and that’d be a real shame ... for me 😈
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explorator-lee · 4 years
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explorator-lee · 4 years
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Feeling down? She’ll cheer you up! Tickle nurse will make everything better ;)
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explorator-lee · 4 years
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My tumblr arises from the dead. But I can’t seem to be able to change my profile icon or picture…? Odd.
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