fade-darker · 5 years
This may seem crazy...
But I’m thinking of getting a psychiatric service dog. It’s so hard for me to do everyday things and a service dog could definitely help me with certain tasks. Recently I’ve been getting debilitating anxiety and panic attacks, having extreme OCD symptoms, depressive states, and minutes of dissociation. I’m starting to feel hopeless and like I have no motivation. When I have panic/anxiety attacks I may pass out due to hyperventilation. I also have symptoms of PTSD from a situation as a child. •The only problem is I’m studying to be a veterinary technician so I have a class with live animals and I don’t know how well that go over with my college. Besides a dog may help me a lot but it would be hard in the work place. •If u have any advice on if I should get one or not please let me know. I have thought about it a lot and I think this would be really helpful for me. •Also, how do I bring this up to my parents? Also, I’ve been keeping the PTSD stuff hidden from my parents so i dont know how I could explain to the what’s going on 😬 •what should I do?
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fade-darker · 5 years
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fade-darker · 5 years
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pot of gold at the end of a rainbow🌈
instagram: @service.dog.lilo
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fade-darker · 5 years
Follow me on Instagram @lucky_dal
I no longer use Tumblr
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fade-darker · 5 years
My anxiety is getting out of control and a lot of the people in my life are telling me to think about a service dog because it might be of help for me but the thing is i cant afford a dog right now. I wish I could but with my health right now working is hard because some day I can’t go in. so I’m not making a lot of money…
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fade-darker · 5 years
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Service dog at art exhibition - at Amos Rex by TeamLab 
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fade-darker · 5 years
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Missing you everyday baby I’ll be visiting soon!
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fade-darker · 5 years
Off duty adventures are great for service dogs and allow them to relax and unwind. It can’t be all work and no play.
Today Venus was off duty and she got to be a dog. No task training; no anything. I allowed her to sniff her surrounds and break heel. She had a blast and her trust in me growing 🙏🏽
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fade-darker · 5 years
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Service dog in training vest for sale, my symptoms have gotten manageable on my own and I’ve ceased training her. Comes with an extra patch that says “I earned my ears” with a disney castle on it. Asking 45, got it at 50+shipping. Rarely used.
Fits 36-45 pound dogs, mine is 36 and it fits her loosely. It’s adjustable, too.
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fade-darker · 5 years
Things that my dog breaks for
The president of the school who spoils her endlessly on Fridays
My roommates
Other dogs while we are in our apartment building (not while we’re anywhere else)
Honestly, though. I have to let her have these moments. She checks people out for me to make me feel safe, she helps me with vertigo, she takes care of me when I’m feeling suicidal or upset. She helps me manage my pain. Her life is full of taking care of me, I can let her have these super minor moments and give a big middle finger to people judging me for allowing her to get happy to see people who love her while we’re in public for 20 whole seconds.
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fade-darker · 5 years
Dugan has such concern for me nowadays. Like for example i got up to go to the bathroom and it was too much on my legs and body in general. So i kinda slid down the wall and sst in my hallway.. As i sit he presses his head into my legs and presses upward. Like he was trying to help me stand or raise my legs? Idk then he sat there with me and kept glancing at me. He also keeps an eye on me at all times. Im not allowed anywhere without him.
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fade-darker · 5 years
Someone just pet Olaf on his “STOP. Do not pet” patch. Literally ON the patch.
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fade-darker · 5 years
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Service Dogs and Sundays don’t mix so I’m beginning to learn. Let me tell you why.
I woke up on this fine weekend morning and delicately stretched my fingers and toes before making my way to the living room, only to be greeted by the sight of my husband half-alive due to a sudden onset cold. Being the humble and loving person that I am, I pounced 6 feet away and demanded he not even look at me. How dare he bring sickness into this house! Did he even think about how I would feel? Obviously not. Rubbish, absolute rubbish I say! Again, being the humble and loving person that I am, I decided a trip to our local store for Vitamin C and enough soup to go around was much needed. From the other room, for safety measures of course, Evan texted me a list of items he felt would comfort him through this internal storm and off me and the horse-thing went! As we walked into the store we were punched in the face by the strong smell of gluten-free and non-GMO items, meaning I’m probably in the right place to find a holistic remedy. Once the smell of organic deodorant faded, I realized the store looked how I envisioned New York would be. Isles completely clogged by carts and stray children running around screaming with their hands in barrels of peanuts they were clearly not paying for. I found an abandoned corner, had Hemingway settle, strategically barricaded him with my cart, and set off on foot to collect thy winnings. Finally we made it to check out and I’ve never been so happy to see the miserable faces of grocery store employees asking over and over “Would you like to buy a bag for 10 cents?” There were about 40 others in line with us, it was like being in a McDonalds drive thru and by the time you realized you weren’t ready to abandon your diet there were already 2 cars behind you. Here I am trying to lean over my cart and toss my findings onto the conveyer belt of success meanwhile behind us was some woman practically dry humping my dog since she had no room behind her, to my left was a child sticking his innocent hands inside my dog’s mouth, and the mother was too busy stumbling over her cart in a similar fashion as myself. 10 minutes pass and it’s finally my turn to cough up my family’s hard earned cash for some survival soup while simultaneously positioning my dog to lay between my feet and the register. Well squishy sally behind me had already scooted up so close to us that as I’m positioning him, he’s nose deep in her butt and the mother behind me is running over his tail. The best part about this entire trip? I didn’t get any vitamin C and only enough soup for Evan, only to come home and realize I too am getting sick. I’ll stick to Monday shopping.
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fade-darker · 5 years
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Service pup in training Lilo
Follow on instagram @service.dog.lilo
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fade-darker · 5 years
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What my productive morning looked like
Anatomy notes and then sunning with the Pippi
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fade-darker · 5 years
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Dorney park was decorated for Halloween. (Can you spot the Bellatrix? She looks so small next this huge skull!)
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fade-darker · 5 years
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Hypoglycemia is sweaty hands, chapped lips, slurred speech, and the frequent public assumption that you’re under the influence. It’s being nauseated to the point that water is unappetizing but goddammit you’re gonna eat. It’s trembling in a cold sweat and yawning an alarming amount of times in a minute. The best part about it is it’s not covered by insurance and the only real treatment is “snack often”. 
Diabetes runs through my family, and much like all of those distasteful and untrue jokes, it’s the only thing that runs in my family. You guessed it, majority of those cases are Type 2. I managed to take after my family at a young age and got slapped in the face by a high A1C level and a failed glucose tolerance test. By the time I was able to bring my A1C down and get my body mostly functioning, I had fried my insides so much that now whenever I eat items with a high sugar content my body just kinda goes “Thanks…..I think. But what do I do with it?” 
But not today, no sir. Today I woke up thinking I must have really slept in because my head was spinning. my center of gravity was on vacation, and even my thoughts were running on auto-correct. But why wasn’t my lanky burrito alerting to me? Why was he just sleeping on the couch so peacefully? So I whipped out my meter as I resentfully glared at him across the room and found myself stumped at the sight of a glucose level in the 140′s before I had even done so much as smelled food. Fourth time this week my glucose had spike but I’m hypoglycemic, so what is this fuckery? Did I fall back into the trend of B&B (Benches and Burritos)? In one months time I’ll find out but in the mean time if you need me, I’ll be shoving scented cotton balls up Hemingway’s nose as he learns this new alert and having a stern talk in the mirror because my body needs to get its shit together.
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