fadedmentality · 5 years
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fadedmentality · 5 years
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fadedmentality · 5 years
because no amount of gifs could do this scene justice
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fadedmentality · 5 years
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Charming place in Rovinj, Croatia
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fadedmentality · 5 years
Hey, so I'm a Christian and I believe the bible is very explicit about homosexual relationships. Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and Leviticus 20:13 are just a few examples. However, in God's eyes, all sins are equal. So, my sins are just as bad as anyone else's. I can't pretend I'm any better than someone else just because they belong to the LGBTQ+ community. I do believe it's a sin, but I'm not any better and neither is you, or anyone else.
ok you’re still a homophobe but also, Leviticus historically isn’t meant to be a list of things Christians shouldn’t do. Christianity wouldn’t even exist for hundreds of years after Leviticus.
Leviticus exists to compile a list of rules some people thought were important at the time, and there’s actually lots of evidence that the laws about not being gay were outliers.
the Bible wasn’t written by God. the Bible is a bunch of texts about God, or about things adjacent to God, compiled in a badly translated way, thousands of years after they were written, linking texts that had nothing to do with each other together for easy use. i know modern Christians have this idea of the Bible being infallible, but this version of the Bible has only existed for a couple hundred years at best, and was compiled for deeply political reasons.
check out this post about “sex with specific men” in the Bible, and this article about the original Hebrew in Leviticus being mistranslated
love is love. God is not a homophobe.
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fadedmentality · 5 years
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Paris, France (Europe) | ©Ketevan Giorgadze
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fadedmentality · 5 years
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fadedmentality · 5 years
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fadedmentality · 5 years
One of the contractors at work drove past my shack on a forklift yesterday, stopped, backed up to my window and said, “hey, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?”
My knee jerk response when asked this, even if it’s by a companionable dude old enough to be my dad, is to go, “uh, nah-” and then ramble uncomfortably until someone stops me-
-which is what I started to do, only to be cut off by Contractor saying, in an embarrassed rush, “some of the guys were asking me because you and I talk sometimes, but I didn’t want them to hit on you at work, so I told them that you Worship the Devil and would Hex them if they tried. I’m sorry.”
Which leaves me wheezing helplessly, trying to get my shit together, because this is honestly one of the nicest, most hysterical things I’ve ever heard someone say to me.
Oblivious to this, Contractor then follows up with, “and they were like ‘forreal??’ so I was like, ‘yeah, she’s probably a sadist, too, you can tell by her jewelry. She’ll stab you or something.’”
And tbh I can’t even come up with anything witty to say in response, so all I manage to choke out is, “pleASE LET THEM CONTINUE TO THINK THAT, I’M BEGGING YOU.”
And Contractor just smiles and is like, “Okay! I just wanted to let you know!” before driving off with his forklift.
Like?? Thank god for Contractor tbh. He’s an angel among men, and I hope the rest of his life is filled with prosperity and happiness and like, that he finds $20 on the ground every week for the rest of his life.
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fadedmentality · 5 years
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💗 my very favourite photo of my puppy and i.
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fadedmentality · 5 years
Am I the only one who really wants Holt and Kevin to have a daughter? 
And by that I don’t mean I want him and Kevin to adopt. 
I mean I want it to be an average day at the precinct when Holt walks out of his office with a young woman. They shake hands, bid goodbye and Jake walks over to ask who she is. 
“Who’s that? Someone from city hall?”
And Holt just casually replies. “No that’s my daughter.” 
And everyone in the bullpen just stops, stunned. Because he’s never mentioned it before, ever, even in passing. 
“You have a daughter?” 
“Yes, her name is Claire, she is 24 years of age and studying at Jon Hopkins.” 
Everyone turns to look at Amy who’s frantically flipping through six, thick binders, freaking out because she has not even a footnote on Claire’s existence!
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fadedmentality · 5 years
why the fuck is no one naming their children after greek goddesses? Name your fucking child Persephone?????? Bitch???????!?
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fadedmentality · 5 years
Pooh Bear
I see many Winnie the Poohs at the hospital (aka Winnie aka Pooh aka Pooh Bear), as you may guess.  Many look like this, a bit flat and with small wounds, designed to have a removable shirt:
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They come for spas:
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New hearts and stuffing:
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And plumping up so they have a proper belly again:
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Sometimes they look like this:
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A bit more loved… or as his person said, in more “desperate condition”.
He also had a spa (not everyone does):
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As you may’ve noticed, he needed a new nose and there were several options:
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His heart had a pooh on it as well as some magic from a heffalump:
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And after a bit of arm and smile surgery, soon he was healthy and ready to fly home:
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His person wrote “He looks wonderful!”
The final Pooh I’m going to show you today just flew home yesterday.  He is always called Pooh Bear.  He is 14 years old and showed every year of hugs.  
Here are the photos his person’s mom sent for diagnosis:
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As you can see, Pooh Bear was a bit flat and a bit gray.  He came in for a spa:
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Got new stuffing and a magical Heffalump heart to preserve a bit of his original stuffing:
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And finally was clean and plump and fluffy and ready to fly home:
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He could even sit on his own!  His people said his chubbiness was perfect and as I said, he flew home yesterday!
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fadedmentality · 5 years
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2018 When Uruguay is more progressive than the US 😐
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fadedmentality · 5 years
And no one asked for this guy but I took a video anyway :D
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fadedmentality · 5 years
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fadedmentality · 6 years
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This sums it up!
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