faikerpotermaluker · 2 years
The Last Phrases I Heard. On Team Four Star About Dragon Ball z Abridged In The Broly Movie.
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Since I wanted to redraw one of my fave shots and some of the tapestries/murals, might as well be all symbolic about it!
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faikerpotermaluker · 2 years
My Blitzø Headcanons
Blitzo Headcanons blitzo is a descendant of a long family of cold bloodthirsty killers called kriegers. (alias is also his last name) the mark on his forehead is a family symbol for those who have inherited the krieger's will blitzo was born in a circus in the pride ring alongside his brothers blitzo has two family heirlooms two golden weapons that were your father's and a ruby ​​skull choker from your mother blitzo and fizzaroli are brothers they were united until "the accident" but he had to separate because fizzaroli became "too proud" it was blitzo who threw barbie in rehab despite not being able to speak, the two are very close and would do anything to meet again. blitzo worked as bodyguard and composer for verosika mayday blitzo broke up with verosika mayday for the simple fact that she uses it for her business after the end verosika pays the victim in front of blitzo showing that she is over him blitzo has demonic powers but the reason he doesn't use them is because he doesn't need them. blitzo fakes his age because he wants to feel young because he is over 50 years old blitzo has a high defense mechanism on its spikes he can grow more spikes on his back so he can increase his killer skills and instincts blitzo made a contract with belphegor to adopt loona blitzo worked for mammon as a circus performer and soon as a clown in loo loo land he holds a grudge against mammon for "causing the accident" blitzo is friends with some overlords and other powerful beings on voxtagram blitzo has talents for musical theater but he never showed these talents because his father didn't allow it he sings better than moxxie and has better taste in music blitzo and his brothers hide their past as they refuse to tell anyone about their tragedy at the circus and family he even banned the IMP from talking about it his family is something he wants to keep hidden he hides anything about her even his own cell phone from loona claws the white spots on blitzo's body are scars from his past stolas and other demons think the imp scars are actually just white spots although stolas always protects him blitzo can take care of himself if he wasn't so clumsy he could have run the imp without any problems blitzo is a succubus and imp hybrid of lust and wrath blitzo's relatives (his grandfather example) are still alive blitzo's father is the closest living relative blitzo hates himself always doodling himself on photos for the simple fact that he screwed up after all the tragedies before the accident and after the accident blitzo believes he will never be loved and does not deserve to be loved even wanting to be loved and spoils any relationship he has or does (however verosika mayday was an exception) blitzo not only works at IMP but also works for the owner of the building where the agency is located
I still have more but I'll think about it later good night
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faikerpotermaluker · 2 years
This is so beautiful and took a lot of patience!!! ✊
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faikerpotermaluker · 4 years
1. Yes I know                                                                                                            2. I dont care                                                                                                            3. wait a minute will there be Charlie comics?                                                        4. I want to know more                                                                                          5.  this is what i want to see                                                                                    6. seviatham reminds me of leviathan                                                                    7.  so what?                                                                                                            8.  it seems that charlie inherited the powers of lucifer this is very intriguing        9. because carnival food                                                                                      10. typical alastor he just wants to create a stage of entertainment not a civilization to govern                                                                                              11. is that a theory or a question?                                                                      12. she doesn't have friends                                                                                13. I've seen it in the comics but not loyalty                                                        14. husk is about 2 meters and 72 and angel dust has 8.90                                15. I prefer 30                                                                                                           16. lucifer must be as strong as black hat because he is lord of hell and black hat the manifestation of evil                                                                                    17. already expected this                                                                                        18. maybe we still don't know the answer                                                               19. like what                                                                                                            20. angel dust is bigger than valentino which interesting                                        21.  I've seen it in the comics too                                                                        
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This is the list of facts of Faustisse’s latest stream …which for some reason I cant watch :’v (maybe ‘cause I live in Narnia). Thanks to @kiddoryder​ and “Hazbin Hotel Italia” on facebook (cool group!) who helped me to get the facts.
1.    The thumbnail’s pic is the Von Eldritch family’s dining room table
2.    All the comics are prequels  
3.    There are estimated dates for the comics. For Charlie’s comic: October, for Angel Dust’s comic: this month and for Alastor’s comic: MAYBE next month.  
4.    Lucifer’s heavily involved in Charlie’s prequel comic
5.    Lucifer’s backstory will be explained only in the show, not the comics
6.    Faust gave the names of the whole Von Eldritch family. The son is Seviathan (Charlie’s ex), the daughter is Hellsa (Charlie’s rival), the father Frederick and the mother Bethesa.  
7.    Velvet is the craziest of the Vs group, being Vox and Val the more level headed
8.    Lucifer has wings edit: charlie has wings as well
9.    Lucifer doesnt cooks cause his idea of “cooking” is carnival food
10.  Alastor isn’t planning to be an overlord he doesn’t desire power (*gasp*)
11.  What happened to Vaggie’s eye is a spoiler (I think whoever hurt her, did it with an angel weapon, otherwise her eye would have regenerated by now).
12.  Vaggie doesn’t have other friends besides Charlie
13.  Lucifer and Lilith are loyal to each other and they love each other very much
14.  Husk is tall but not as tall as Angel
15.  Vox was in his 30-40s when he died
16.  Lucifer is the most powerful overlord
17.  Stolas isn’t as strong as he seems
18.  Sir Pentious might have a son (*gasp* x2)
19.  Angel Dust’s comic was supposed to be finished and posted last year but “something happened”.
20.  Valentino is 3 meters tall
21.   Lucifer loves his family immensely but he’s not a good father
(link in the source of the post, although Im afraid only a few countries are able to watch the video, maybe Faust will reupload it later idk)
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faikerpotermaluker · 4 years
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Vox and Valentino are dirty bastards, but their designs are so good 😔
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faikerpotermaluker · 4 years
i love this
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David Ambarzumjan on Instagram
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faikerpotermaluker · 4 years
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I love her
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faikerpotermaluker · 4 years
so that's how the body is
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people saying the monster in the trailer is a worm but i know a kaiju when i see one
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