fairyhue-blog · 5 years
    With enough arm strength, it was amazing how accurately one could fling a paintbrush. Something Mina learned quickly as she sent her own flying through the air and landing brush-side first, leaving a big blue blotch right in between his eyes.
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    “Hey. Your butt shifted the whole scene.”
@ofpalletown || starter call
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
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one layer painting that didnt ended the way I wanted , but not bad either?
 I can make more in the future 
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
Perhaps cherries look violent in the sunlight [You are all honey and rage] Perhaps you should let the moon be your couturier.
- “Oscar Wilde”, The Cynical Idealist. (via thecynical-idealist)
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
Since the official VA in the anime feels a little too bubbly for me I’ve been looking for a voice claim, and while I havent decided yet.... Mela Lee and Willa Holland are rlly sounding good to me 
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
        🌺 HEAD CANON: Mina and the Dragon Trial 🌺
The trial of Vast Poni Canyon is a natural trial, considered the final test of the islands itself for the trial goer and is believed to be the first ever trial of Alola and has remained maintained as such out of respect to both the formation of the trials and the dragons that reside within. Yet the last Kahuna of Poni Island recognized that, considering the nature of the trial, there were dangers in allowing children to face down dragons alone without any oversight whatsoever. This has always been lowkey the reason they had set the Fairy Trial on Poni, but the responsibility had more-or-less officially been given to the prior trial captain, and was subsequently passed on when Mina took up the mantle.
So Mina is plenty familiar with the dragons and their Totem Kommo-o - she even calls him Big K. She’s even got a few paintings of some of the less irritable ones who were willing to sit still for it. But when they start branching out too far out into young trainer/civilian territory or have their moods of being too volatile to allow trial-goers inside safely, it’s Mina’s job to bring things back to order. 
She wishes there was a dragon trial captain so she didn’t have to play the roles of two, though. She’s very tired.
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
    “Ah... don’t mind me.”
    For being so new the language didn’t feel quite as awkward as she’d been anticipating, even if the accent marked her most assuredly as not a native speaker. But that didn’t seem as important to Mina as the wall before her, glistening blue with fresh paint while .she herself sits cross-legged in the hallway on a stained tarp, seemingly oblivious to the young and well dressed students trying to make their way around her.
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    “Just watch your step when you cross the tarp. Don’t want to get acrylic footprints on the way to your classroom. ... Actually that might give the place some character, though. Do that if you want.”
@beyondheroic || LOVE ME
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
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A graduated foreigner from Hawaii on an extended stay in Japan by the courtesy of a few of the country’s interested art communities interested in helping a talented artist gain a foothold in the future. Lives in a small but nicely furbished apartment as a courtesy from her hosts.
Can be found all over, even the most inconvenient of places, doing several cafe sketches and still life.
Gets asked to paint things a lot, so always has paint on her in some way or another.
Altruistic, but has no real interest in being a Hero. Thinks they’re pretty cool though.
Quirk: Fairy Dust. Mina can emit a glowing dust from her body that she can manipulate in a variety of ways:    -- Glamor: Can make minor illusions out of whatever she spreads it on by altering the light and structure of the dust to make things look like something else.    -- Illumination: She can make it glow. It pink, but if she’s able to concentrate, she can make it alternate colors and brightness.     -- Brief Invisibility: When coating herself, Mina can briefly refract light and make herself invisible for about 10-15 seconds.    -- Flight Burst: Can use the fairy dust to launch herself in the air and float around for a few minutes. Can only go one way at a time though, so she has to make contact with a solid surface before she can change direction.
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
    Mina let out a sigh, letting her sketchbook fall flat against her lap. It had been a few days since she missed her boat, the worried fretting of her mother and the good natured laughter of her father for her still ringing in her mind as she sat once again on the edge of the docks. There wasn’t really any point in her continuing to be here aside from an optimism for better luck she knew was more than a little naive. But the ocean was nice here too.
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    “They said it’ll take time before the next scheduled boat going that far east... I guess I’ll have to go back to Saffron for a while.”
@goxspxrks || starter call
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
               🌺 HEAD CANON: Mina’s Trial, pt. 1 🌺
Mina’s very creative, and it’s not in her nature to let things settle for too long. This extends to her work as a Trial Captain. So every couple of months or so, she starts devising a new trial, and each one is supposed to stimulate the trial-goer’s critical thinking or creativity before they approach her for their final battle. 
It’s no secret that, when first introduced, Mina was.....lacking in the Trial department, and this is something met with a bit of humor among a few residents of Poni Island. But this wasn’t usually the case - in actuality, Mina had been struck with some unfortunate artists block for what she wanted to rework the trial into being, and never one content with reworking old projects, she settled for not having a trial than simply tossing out a used idea at a new trial-goer. In her eyes, at least, that’d be more of a disservice. So for about a month, when SUMO initially took place, Mina went around the islands painting, sketching, and doing whatever she could trying to find inspiration for her next trial.
The trial in USUM is, eventually, what would have ended up as her next trial.
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
im trying to think of mina’s bnha power because i literally cant help myself, and idk if her quirk should be she can make illusions out of what she draws/paints or.... something super fairy-ish...
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
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Mina/Matsurika! she’s cute, i love her.
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
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This post got to me.
Also dedicating this to @teamskull4koma because their comics are super well written and cute!!  (notice me sempai)
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
Drawing is wild. You think you know what things look like and then five minutes later you’re googling ‘bird’.
Hufflepuff (via shitthehousessay)
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fairyhue-blog · 5 years
Before Hapu, even though she was technically the closest thing to an island authority Poni Island had, Mina refused to go to Tapu Fini’s shrine and seek its trial for the Kahuna in spite of some local encouragement. She never once thought she’d meet the Tapu’s qualifications to be the Kahuna, but she didn’t want to take the offhand chance that their fickle deity might pick her anyway because reasons.
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