falcon-forest 57 minutes
corporations with fuck-you money like disney, target, and absolut vodka make big bucks selling their overpriced garbage with the orange&pink lesbian flag on it but the person who made it is currently HOMELESS.
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update 2/may/2023
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since i made this post people have tried to argue on it in some really disgusting ways honestly and it's shown me that a lot of you don't actually care about protecting your community. in the meantime emily is still begging just to get by every moth. they have a place now but are always short on money for rides, meds, rent, and other bills.
give your money to emily gwen.
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falcon-forest 60 minutes
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falcon-forest 10 hours
@checkeredcookie05 @shrimpathizer @wiinterskye
Hehe got this fun idea for a tag game where you make a poll of two truths and a lie for everyone to guess which is the lie. After the poll ends, you reveal which one was the lie.
@liquidpaperfoundation @queen--of--maggots @captainhysunstuff @xanotherlostsoulx @lumiolivier @mapsareforbraindeads @reaperlight @kiranatrix
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falcon-forest 2 days
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For those not in the know, this is one of the Amanita mushrooms referred to as a Destroying Angel. Never, ever, ever, ever forage with an app. Especially for mushrooms.
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falcon-forest 2 days
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falcon-forest 2 days
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falcon-forest 2 days
doing extremely normal things today like reading the entire wikipedia page for falconry
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falcon-forest 2 days
the thing the community writers don鈥檛 understand is that every character is gay and trans. I know it though.
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falcon-forest 3 days
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As you can see from this official diploma god gave me, I am a coffee company.
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falcon-forest 3 days
My ideal aesthetic is what I'm calling "sexy tomboy". That is to say, I am 100% femme through and through, but I want to look like what a straight man's idea of a "masculine woman" is. I wanna be masc in the way that LaCroix is fruit flavored, just a little extra something to make things a little more interesting
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falcon-forest 3 days
me: *googling what kind of bike helmet i should get*
search result 1, AI-generated article: Since the dawn of time, humans have wondered what kind of bike helmet is best for protecting their cranium and lower intestine. In the event that you find yourself with a bike helmet, you must find a way to save your family. Therefore, we have compiled a list of qualities to look for. First, sodium content is of great importance when biking your helmet.
search results 2, 3, and 4: sponsored ads for bike helmets on amazon
search result 5, reddit thread: bikeaholic363736: hey guys, do any of you have experience with the windslapper 30g helmet from spronklegear?
spokejunkie666: it's probably the best helmet on the market right now. if you're not using the windslapper you might as well just be riding your bike into a woodchipper
handlebar_hamburglar: idiot. we've had this thread a hundred times. don't the mods enforce the repost ban anymore? OP, don't listen to spokejunkie. the windslapper is the leading cause of death in the netherlands
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falcon-forest 3 days
when people who want to be vaguely progressive say 'nature' all secular style but it's painfully obvious they mean 'god' while thinking they don't mean god
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falcon-forest 3 days
I like to imagine that in any atla modern au, aang still, for some reason, finds a reason to beat ozai鈥檚 ass
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falcon-forest 3 days
The pool scene is awesome. But it鈥檚 also extremely painful.
Because on the one hand you have Gideon, who is very repressed, something we鈥檙e probably not expecting as an audience, because she is a brash, agressive, openly queer woman. There鈥檚 a weird expectation that girls are somehow more in touch with their feelings (this is dumb). But also we live in a heteronormative society, and it鈥檚 unusual for us to see out queer folks who haven鈥檛 had to actually think critically about their emotions and come to terms with with them. Which, Gideon has not done.
So she鈥檚 in this position where she does not think that Harrowhark is capable of feeling affection or love, and that the strongest emotion Harrow is capable of is hate. Gideon knows 100% for a fact that Harrow hates her, so that means she is important to Harrow.
Except that Harrow *is* apparently capable of love and affection. Which means that when she says that she doesn鈥檛 think about Gideon that often because there are things she cares about more, she鈥檚 not just saying it to get under Gideon鈥檚 skin. Which means that Gideon isn鈥檛 as important to Harrow as she thought she was. And this upsets her deeply for reasons she can鈥檛 fully explain or understand.
On the other hand you have Harrow, she just told her greatest secret, and received forgiveness, understanding, and genuine human comfort in return. So she looks at the world as though it is filled with egg-eating snakes and she is protecting an egg. So she makes Gideon promise to go home and do the thing her family has been tasked with for generations. We, as the audience, have only gotten like five scenes with Harrowhark fully aware of everything post pool-scene, and in two of them she is destroying herself so that Gideon can have even the smallest chance of life.
Because Gideon just had her heart broken into a thousand tiny shards and can鈥檛 even express why, meanwhile Harrow thinks they鈥檙e married now.
If they had just a few more hours to talk to each other afterwards I fully believe that they would have worked a lot of this shit out. I guess that鈥檚 the tragedy. Even in their moment of seeing each other clearly for the first time, they still don鈥檛 understand each other.
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falcon-forest 3 days
to be honest i really dont like this over-corrective attitude of "REAL intrusive thoughts are UPSETTING AND SICKENING!!" as a way to combat the tiktok misinformation & language trends ("bleaching my hair because the intrusive thoughts won") because now we're defining intrusive thoughts not as neutral, but as bad and hurtful. which is a serious problem because now how are people with ocd supposed to brush away intrusive thoughts as they come before obsessing until they feel so upset they fall sick to their stomach, if now whether or not they are true or intrusive hinges on that feeling of upset? something tells me we shouldnt be telling people with intrusive thoughts "REAL intrusive thoughts ARE HORRIFYING AND TERRIBLE AND GUT WRENCHING!!!" if we want to recover and heal and live in peace. intrusive thoughts are neutral. theyre random, meaningless, and will go just as fast as they came. no need to latch on until youre sure its really intrusive. intrusive =/= agonizing. its as agonizing as you let it be. lets stop telling people this bullshit, this isnt how we fight against misinformation, this is how we make ourselves sicker.
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falcon-forest 3 days
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@wiinterskye @shrimpathizer @checkeredcookie05
I don't know if this is a thing but I think it is
take this uquiz please it rules and reblog w/ your results
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tag your moots and anyone you think would enjoy.
@liquidpaperfoundation @forgottentoad @stargazinglesbian @alabamasweettea @chaintheguardien @devaslounge
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falcon-forest 5 days
You're stuck in a timeloop but can't tell because you're on a train going through the great plains
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