fall-for-tolkien · 10 hours
The sign-ups are open!!!!!
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Here is the sign-up post...
Please come join us! It will be tremendous fun!!!!
I promise!!!
(For questions, hmu or hit up @fall-for-tolkien)
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fall-for-tolkien · 12 hours
It's June now! Come and sign up! We've already had the first arts rolling in and it's looking amazing!
Come contribute more amazing art!
Join us for the opportunity to write things for amazing arts!
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Sign-ups are open!
but Shadow, I hear you say, it's not June yet!
Surprise! We're over-eager as always, so we're getting this show on the road early. Besides, it's almost June anyway, isn't it?
Artists (open until June 30)
Authors (open until July 31)
Come join us for another fun-filled year!
Don't forget to also tell your friends & families and the neighbourhood cats and dogs 😉
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fall-for-tolkien · 7 days
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Sign-ups are open!
but Shadow, I hear you say, it's not June yet!
Surprise! We're over-eager as always, so we're getting this show on the road early. Besides, it's almost June anyway, isn't it?
Artists (open until June 30)
Authors (open until July 31)
Come join us for another fun-filled year!
Don't forget to also tell your friends & families and the neighbourhood cats and dogs 😉
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fall-for-tolkien · 9 days
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So you want to be an author for Scribbles & Drabbles
Perhaps you’ve seen the schedule floating around and thought: “Oh that sounds interesting!”
Or maybe you were an artist last year, and are now wondering whether you could also join as an author.
No matter how you ended up here, if you are wondering whether you have what it takes to be an author for Scribbles & Drabbles, this is the post for you.
A quick & dirty guide to S&D fics
When it comes down to it, there is only one rule for claim responses in S&D, and that is that it should have 100 words.
What form these words take is completely up to you!
Maybe you would like to write poetry!
Maybe you would like to write a single drabble!
Maybe you would like to write a 10k epic (even though this event wasn't specifically designed with you in mind, we certainly won't stop you from doing that either)
All of these are welcome in this event.
The only thing that isn't welcome is fic which is AI generated. We have a hard ban on those. For more information see our FAQs.
But what if you're not that big on writing?
Well, good news!
You could also compose a song!
Or record a podfic!
For the latter, two options will be allowed as submissions:
The art you've chosen has been claimed by another author and they give you permission to record their work as a podfic.
Instead of writing a fic, you sit down with a recording device of your choice and tell the story out loud. In this case, rather than making you count the words you've said, we request that your podfic have at minimum 1 minute 30 seconds of pure fic (that doesn't include ratings/titles/warnings/summary etc. Just story).
Now that you know what you're permitted to write, let's consider the claiming process!
There are some things you should consider before the claiming process:
Each art will have an info section that includes Rating, Character and Relationship requests.
Your response must stay within those limits, so make sure you're comfortable with that before claiming.
There is also an additional section where the artist can put Must Haves (MH), Requests and Do Not Wants (DNW).
MH: Things you Must include in the fic response. This is mandatory.
Requests: Stuff the artist would appreciate to see, but if it's not in there that's okay, too. It is up to you whether you include this stuff.
DNW: Aspects the artist does not want to see in the fic. These are also mandatory, and there will be consequences if you choose to actively go against them.
Figured out what you want to claim? Excellent!
The claims form will have a drop down menu with all the different arts from which you can select 3 (three) arts in the first round of claiming.
Each art can be claimed up to 3 (three) times, so by 3 (three) different authors.
Once you have written 100 words for your three claimed arts, you can come back for more!
If we manage to have all arts in the gallery claimed 3 times, it's free for all, and everyone can write for all the arts they want!
Got your claims? Time to write!
You can submit unfinished fics, you can submit script formats, dialogue snippets, meta, whatever. As already mentioned, if you can fit 100 words in there, you're golden.
If you look at the schedule, you will see a submission deadline for the fics.
This is the date by which your fics need to be in the Ao3 collection!
Please note that we will not be granting extensions this year!
Instead we ask that you let us know by the drop-out deadline, whether you will be able to submit a story, but it will be late, or whether you will not be able to submit something at all, because real life got in the way, so the mod team can make sure that all artists will have at least one gift in their inbox on reveals day.
Hopefully, that covers everything! If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to reach out here on tumblr or on the discord!
Happy creating, and we look forward to seeing your awesome works!
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fall-for-tolkien · 9 days
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So you want to be an artist for Scribbles & Drabbles
Perhaps you've seen the schedule floating around and thought: "Oh that sounds interesting!"
Or maybe you were an author last year, and are now wondering whether you could also join as an artist.
No matter how you ended up here, if you are wondering whether you have what it takes to be an artist for Scribbles & Drabbles, this is the post for you.
A quick & dirty guide to S&D art
The first question you probably ask yourself is: "Does what I do count as art?"
And perhaps you've checked our FAQs page, where you will find the rule "If you say it's art, it's art."
Indeed, it is that simple.
In the past years, artists submitted paintings (both digital and traditional), playlists and single songs, paper art, photoshoots with lego or playdough figures, nature photography, moodboards, cookies, jewellery and many more. They can be soft and fluffy, they can be angsty, they can be spicy (though we put the latter in a different gallery). We've put together a sample of past submitted arts for you. (If you are a returning artist and would be willing to have your art featured in this sample, please ping mod Shadow on the discord.) As always, if you're still not sure if what you have in mind qualifies as art, drop us an ask. I promise we don't bite.
Alright then. Hopefully, you know now that your art qualifies for this event. Time to submit them to the gallery!
Returning authors are permitted to submit up to 9 pieces to the main galleries (that's the SFW and NSFW galleries).
First time artists may submit up to 6 pieces.
Templates for the gallery will be provided.
3 (three) of these arts must be previously unpublished. The others can be old works, so long as they have not been part of collaborative events like S&D or TRSB, or gift exchanges such as Tolkien Secret Santa.
Arts can be unfinished. We do not expect you to submit fully coloured pieces (but we certainly won't stop you either!) You want to submit a doodle you made on the back of a napkin while sitting in a restaurant? Absolutely! You want to submit an acrylic painting that took 30 hours to finish? That, too, can have a home in our gallery!
For our detailed rules on AI art, please see the FAQs on our website.
Art can be updated in the gallery until the art submission deadline. However, you are not able to unsubmit your art once it's in the gallery, so make sure that it is something you want people to see. Once public posting starts, you can also post updated versions of your art.
Finally then, let's talk about prompts.
Next to Ratings, relationships and character suggestions, you are able to provide your authors with "Must Haves (MH)", "Requests" and "Do not wants (DNW)".
MH: Aspects you absolutely, desperately want to see in the story created in response to your art. These will be mandatory for your author.
Requests: Things that would be lovely to see in the story, but you also won't be upset if your author can't work them in.
DNW: Stuff that you do not want in the story under any circumstances. Maybe a pairing squicks you, maybe you don't want to read about pregnancies, or maybe you really can't stand that one character. If there is anything that would reduce your enjoyment of the story, put it here. These will also be mandatory for your author to adhere to.
Hopefully, this answers most of your questions. If there is anything about being an artist for S&D that hasn't been covered, drop us an ask, or stop by on the discord!
Happy creating, and we look forward to seeing your awesome works!
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fall-for-tolkien · 13 days
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This year's In Memoriam gallery for Scribbles & Drabbles is dedicated to the actor who helped make Rohan come alive for many of us.
To honor Bernard Hill, who passed away earlier this month, additional gallery pieces for the In Memoriam gallery will be allowed to be submitted by artists. The theme is 'Théoden, King of Rohan and Lord of the Riddermark'.
This is a treats-only gallery (not included in claims) that anyone can write for.
Authors will also be able to submit works inspired by art, or works inspired by the theme.
Submission limits: up to 3 new pieces of art, up to 1 previously posted piece of art, up to 4 written pieces (2 of which may be previously written works).
More information will be provided in the registration emails after participants sign up.
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fall-for-tolkien · 13 days
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Rules Update 2024
Not a rule as such, but important news nonetheless: @i-did-not-mean-to has joined the mod team! Please give her a warm welcome! IDNMT, thank you for agreeing to become a part of the madness behind the scenes!
Now onto the actual rules:
The number of arts you may submit to the main gallery (SFW & NSFW included) has been reduced to 9 arts for returning artists and 6 arts for new artists, regardless of whether you set up your own slides or need help. 3 of your pieces must still be new for this event. The others can be older, so long as they have not been submitted for an event like this before (i.e. you cannot use arts previously submitted to TRSB or used as a gift in a Secret Santa, for example).
You may not submit the same prompt more than once, even if you use different arts. This includes cross-overs. Example: If you have multiple arts for the concept "Elrond as a zoo-keeper" or "The Fellowship of the Ring as Avengers", you can group these together and submit them as one gallery slide, but you cannot have 3 gallery slides, each asking for "Elrond as a Zookeeper."
Claims no longer happen across multiple days. Instead each group (artist-authors, returning authors (no defaults), new authors & returning authors (with defaults)) is given a two hour slot on the same day during which to claim. Authors who cannot claim in their designated slot can claim in any of the later ones. The form remains open. Please see the schedule for the relevant times.
If you have defaulted (not submitted a fic for claimed art) in your last year of participation, you will only be allowed to claim 1 art at a time, and must submit the response to that art to the collection before claiming another one. If you finish this year without further defaults, you will be moved back to the returning author (no defaults) category next year.
The Specialty galleries, such as the In Memoriam galleries, are treat galleries. There are no claims for them. If you see a prompt that intrigues you, grab it and go! Run away with it! Nobody can catch you!
If you have any questions regarding these updates, don't hesitate to ask!
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fall-for-tolkien · 14 days
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Info Post 2024
Everything you need to know in one place. Or at least the links to where you'll find the information.
So you want to be an...
artist for S&D
author for S&D
Sign-ups for...
artists (closing June 30)
authors (closing July 31)
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fall-for-tolkien · 14 days
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Sign-ups: June 1 - June 30 Art Submission Window: June 1 - July 13 Art posting begins: August 10
Sign-ups: June 1 - July 31 Gallery revealed: July 27 Claims Day: August 3 (for timings see below cut) Drop-out Deadline: October 25 Fic Submission Deadline: November 15 Reveals: November 29
Timings for claims:
Authors who are also artists: 15:00 UTC
Returning Authors in good standing (have not defaulted in the last year of participation): 17:00 UTC
New authors: 19:00 UTC
Returning authors who have defaulted in the last year of participation: 21:00 UTC
You will be informed in advance about which group you belong to. If you cannot claim in your assigned slot, you can use the form any time after, as it will remain open.
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fall-for-tolkien · 19 days
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S&D is coming back for another year!
As per usual sign-ups will open June 1 for both artists and authors, so stay tuned for more info about all the things that entails, coming soon to a tumblr near you!
If you have any questions before then, or want to get an early start on the fun, come join the discord server!
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fall-for-tolkien · 3 months
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A story in three. Beginning, end and rebirth.
Thingol l Elwe & Finwë (Tolkien Universe)
I've wanted to post these three for SO long, but I kept forgetting vkjdshvkous. But here they are, Thingol and Finwë's friendship and lives through the ages.
First two I made for Scribbles and Drabbles 2023 (@fall-for-tolkien) and the last one was a commission made for @i-did-not-mean-to (who I infected with my Thingol and Finwë sickness hehe.)
Post to the individual pieces:
Here At The Beginning
Here At The End
Get Down Here
Open for Commissions
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fall-for-tolkien · 5 months
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The Prince of Cardolan invites you!
Join us this March for carnival games, haunted houses and more as we celebrate the 19th Back to Middle-Earth Month!
Stay tuned to for more information, and don't forget to tell your friends!
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fall-for-tolkien · 5 months
Broken traps
Fandom: The Silmarillion
Characters: Andreth, Bregor, wolf
Rating: T
CW: animal injury
Summary: Andreth stumbles upon a wounded wolf in the forest.
Written for Scribbles & Drabbles 2023, inspired by this wonderful artwork from @cilil. Ongoing, will be two parts.
The afternoon is ripe in its arrival, dappling the woods with shivering lights of orange and gold. Bregor cuts through the overgrowth with his long knife, and his steps are followed by those of his lively sister.
They walk the usual path around Ladros in silence, Bregor humming to himself as he traces the locations with traps he'd placed to see what they yielded.
"You set these so far within the forest?" Andreth asks, a wicker basket with leaves and roots on her arm.
"I had to, game has been so scarce, and the cold season is upon us soon. We know not the sudden source of this lessening."
"I thought Father had organized longer expeditions for this purpose, in the coming moon?" The thought of this attempt sits ill with her, but then, Andreth has only recently reached adulthood and begun to look into the affairs of the family.
"Aye..." says Bregor, thoughtful as he stops to listen, "But the stores need replenishment and the last hunt was beneath what everyone expected."
A sudden mewl is heard from without, one familiar to both: that of an animal in the throes of pain.
"Oh no..." Andreth murmurs as they follow the direction of one such trap Bregor had set.
When they reach the source of the sound, Andreth gasps.
“Andreth, near it not!” cries Bregor, extending an arm whilst reaching for his sword.
"Peace, Bregor," she raises a hand, placing her basket down. She is unable to look away from the sight: a dire wolf, its hind leg bloodied and gnawed by the crude metal contraption. And the pain in its howling breaks her heart.
Its fur is thick and shining silver, its eyes a stunning shade Andreth had never seen before: then again, she'd never seen a wolf at all, not this close.
"One of our rogue hunters?" Bregor slowly and carefully drops to one knee.
Andreth groans. “Bregor don't be ridiculous. Even so, it’s hurt! We... I cannot just leave it here... and these are our traps.”
The wolf falls silent, its fur matted with blood where its hind leg is caught in the trap, wide eyes glistening wetly as it watches them. It seems to Andreth the animal has a near human gaze. Pity wells in her heart, urging her to speak, to act.
Willowy as she is, she nears the dire wolf with care. “I will not hurt you... we are here to help.”
Agitation stirs within the beast, strong teeth and jaws snapping once in the air before its head falls aside, and another cry of pain softens even Bregor’s expression. “Let me, sister.”
Andreth does, glad for her brother—Bregor has more experience with the wilds and its inhabitants, and she is wise enough to see when she needs aid.
The animal is faint, and with care her brother succeeds in dismantling the trap, while Andreth fashions a carrier of sorts from Bregor's cloak. She's recently learned how to tie the knots properly, and already the skill is of use.
"How strange, going out to check for predators, but then returning home with one."
"I can treat wounds, but not here," Andreth grunts as each holds a side of the makeshift stretcher. Her brother may be stubborn, but so is she. Luckily, they're often of like mind, by the end. "I need my supplies."
Bregor sighs. "Your heart is kind, Andreth. I only hope it never leads you astray."
Andreth rolls her eyes, advancing with renewed vigor.
As the pair walk the return path towards the settlement, none notice the many pairs of curious eyes following their trek from the shadows.
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fall-for-tolkien · 5 months
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The year is coming to an end, and so has Scribbles & Drabbles 2023!
But never worry, we'll be back next year for the next installment.
We had over 200 arts submitted this year and nearly 400 stories written for them.
There'll be an official rules update post sometime in May, but for now, if you're thinking of starting in early on your next art submissions, please keep in mind that the total number of arts per artist will be reduced to 8 for those who make their own art (3 of which must be new).
Thank you to everyone who participated this year, and the S&D team wishes you all a lovely, kind 2024!
And if you don't want to wait until Summer to see us again, join us for our B2MEM activities in March over at @spring-into-arda!
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fall-for-tolkien · 6 months
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Elrond/Erestor and homoerotic devotion
submitted to Scribbles & Drabbles 2023
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fall-for-tolkien · 6 months
trees dead, silmarils dead, fefe dead :(
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The Silmarils aren’t stolen, and Fëanor agrees to break them. As he predicted, this kills him. Also it didn’t work and the Trees are still dead. What happens next?
submitted to Scribbles & Drabbles 2023
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fall-for-tolkien · 6 months
Imladris OT3
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Elrond/Erestor/Glorfindel fluff, in honour of @windrelyn's adorable art of those three!
submitted to Scribbles & Drabbles 2023
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