fand0mslut · 2 months
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this is so cute tagging whoever wants to do it LOL
Thanks for the tag @thelastplantagenet 😊💚
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
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feel free to play if you’d like :)
@buncha-angry-kids-with-no-money @thatoneandlonelyemo2005 @with-the-words-all-wrong
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fand0mslut · 3 months
going to write something (hopefully) tomorrow school has been stupid busy these past few weeks 😭
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fand0mslut · 3 months
the quarter quell | i.: the reaping | atla x hunger games
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a/n: chapterrrr 1 babey !! i have characters (mostly) planned & (some) plots planned, so as i start to flesh those out more chapters should be more consistent. also !! have started a taglist for this series so if u want to be added lmk ! hope u like it hehe
༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
MY LEGS WERE NUMB as i made my way up the staircase, into my new home. the victor's village didn't feel like home; it was too empty, too still, too silent. it would never be my home, not truly. not in the way that mattered.
regardless, it was where i resided now, so, with a deflated sigh, i yanked open the grandiose doors, stepping inside.
"honey!" my mother was immediately at the door, which was unusual for her. the energy was tense; something was wrong. her smile was unnatural, almost anxious. "how was your walk?"
"my walk?" i queried, shaking my head. i hadn't been on a walk, she knew that. i had been out, hunting, with jet. "i was--"
"we have visitors," she interrupted quickly. as if on cue, two officers in capitol attire stepped out from the kitchen.
"this way, please," one spoke. i glanced at my mother, then back at the guards, who stared at me expectantly. i nodded wordlessly, making my way towards them. they led me down the hall, and i was struck by the strangeness of it all, at being led through my own home. they came to a halt just outside of the study, pulling the door open.
i glanced over my shoulder, where my mother watched with wide eyes, before turning and slowly entering the room. the door shut behind me, and then it was just the two of us, alone.
president ozai spoke first, breaking the tense silence.
"such bravery. such spirit. such... contempt." on the screen in front of him, the footage of me and sokka in the arena just a few weeks prior looped. the berries in our hands, defiance in our eyes. us spitting them out with urgency as the game makers declared us the first dual-victors of the hunger games.
"president ozai," i started, instinctively straightening myself out. i had seen ozai, even been in the same room as him during my time in the capitol before the games. never had i spoken, directly, to him. my voice was flat, devoid of emotion, as i continued. "what an honor."
ozai stood as i crossed the room, standing just in front of him as he spoke.
"my dear, i think things will go much smoother if we agree not to lie to one another. what do you think?" he drawled. condescending, frightening, all powerful. i nodded.
"yes, i think that would save time." he motioned at the seat before him, and i obliged.
"i have a problem, y/n. a problem that began the moment you revealed those poison berries in the arena. if my head game maker had any brains at all, he would have blown you to bits then and there," he paused, as if allowing me to process his words. i remained motionless, hoping my face didn't convey the fear i felt. "yet, here you are. i expect you can guess where my head game maker is now."
"yes," i started, forcing myself to maintain eye contact. "i think so."
he nodded, folding his hands in his lap. "after that fiasco, there was nothing left to do besides let you play out your little... scenario. and you were very good. that whole, love-crazed school girl routine. impressive. really. you convinced the citizens in the capitol. unfortunately, not everyone in the districts fell for it. of course, you have no way of knowing this, but in several of them, people viewed your little trick with the berries as an act of defiance. not as an act of love."
he paused, looking me over once again.
"if a girl from district twelve can defy the capitol and walk away unharmed, well, what is to prevent them from doing the same? what is to prevent, say, an uprising? the leads to revolution, and then, within a fraction of time, the whole system collapses."
"it must be a fragile system if it can be taken down by a few berries," i blurted before i could process what i was saying. "and it was an act of love. not defiance."
"fragile, indeed. but not in the way you imagine it."
"how should i imagine it?"
"you should imagine thousands, upon thousands, of your people dead. this town of your reduced to ashes, imagine it gone. buried under dirt, as if it never existed, just like district thirteen."
he paused. "you fought very hard in the games, y/n. but those were just games. would you like to be in a real war?"
"no," i replied swiftly, shaking my head.
"good. neither would i."
༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
any other day i would laugh at the irony. nothing was funny today, though. not the look in my mother’s eyes, not the reassuring glance i shared with bato as he and sokka stood, motionless as statues on the other side of the stage.
i needed him to keep his promise. sokka couldn’t go back in, not with katara, not when his father was still so numb from the loss of his mother that he couldn’t care for the siblings. he had to be here, to feed her, to comfort her, to protect her.
i loved bato, but the man had no one relying on him, no loose ends.
between us stood sana, the capitol escort for district twelve. she was a staggering woman, with pale skin and starkly contrasting, pin straight black locks that fell just above her surgically altered waist. her irises were lined with a ring of blinding diamonds, making her look almost robotic. unhuman.
i had grown to almost like the woman. almost. she was still capitol, but she had a certain warmth to her that the others didn’t. and she had been so proud when me and sokka walked out of the arena less than a year before, the first dual-victors in history.
i should have known better. this was our punishment, mine and sokka’s. i wasn’t stupid— i knew that the both of us wouldn’t make it out a second time.
sana’s heels clicked as she sauntered across the stage, towards me.
“as always,” she started, voice faltering just the tiniest bit. my eyes fell on the massive glass bowl, with a single slip of paper at the bottom. funny, any other day. not today. “ladies first.”
the next ten seconds felt like an eternity. her hand slipped into the bowl. i squeezed my eyes shut as she pulled the slip out, not hearing her as she called out my name. nonetheless, my numb legs carried me to the center of the stage, the very spot i had stood in a year prior. i had become nothing more than a lamb, willingly leading itself to the slaughter.
sana glided across the stage, stopping in front of the boys. she reached into the bowl once more, gently pulling one of the folded slips. my body tensed involuntarily as she announced the male tribute. bato.
“i volunteer as tribute,”
"i can't let you do that," bato said quickly, so quiet that only those of us on stage could hear him.
"i just did."
my eyes squeezed shut. nothing was happening how it was supposed to. why couldn’t he just shut up, accept his good luck and move on with it? when i reopened my eyes, bato was looking at me, his expression unreadable.
and then the peacekeepers were on me, pulling roughly.
“get ‘em on the train, it’s time to go,” one called.
i shook my head, frantic as i instinctively searched for my mother in the sea of faces. “no, wait, we get to say goodbye! let me say goodbye!”
“plans changed,” he growled, restraining my arms behind my back as he forced me through the doors that towered behind the stage, away from the crowd, and away from my home.
༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
taglist: @why4anne
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fand0mslut · 3 months
update: uploaded the prologue (;
would anyone be interested in an atla fic set in the hunger games universe? would be multiple chapters + take place during the 75th hunger games, would be a huge project so want to make sure the demographic is there before i invest a bunch of time into it (;
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fand0mslut · 3 months
the quarter quell | prologue [ atla x hunger games ]
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chapter 1
a/n — a little introduction since there was, in fact, interest in the altaxhunger games crossover (; currently planning out future chapters but couldn’t wait to upload a lil blurb to introduce y’all to this universe !!
also this story mayyy have a love interest, may not, i have yet to decide LOL so we’ll see !!
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
“THIS QUARTER QUELL, as you all know,” president ozai’s voice boomed from the television, commanding our attention. my mother sat beside me, her unkept nails digging into the plush sofa. i always thought it strange that such a massive voice could come from such a small man. of course, on a screen, with the capitol’s highest esteemed camera crews, the man was a towering, almost statuesque figure.
it was only in person that it became evident just how small, how frail and run down the esteemed president was. not many people knew that, not in the districts, anyway. no, that was my secret, one i shared only with the other two victors within my district, one that i held close to my heart. seeing the man as the small, useless monster he was allowed me to fear him less, almost pity him in a way.
i snapped my attention back to the screen, where ozai was announcing the twist for this years quarter quell. i wished i could just shut the television off, avoid the torture of reliving my time in the arena. it would be futile, though, even if i could. my duty now, and for the rest of my life, would be to mentor the new tributes from my district. to prepare them to be sent off to their own slaughter.
“for this year’s quarter quell,” the president drawled, dragging out every word. “tributes will be selected from each districts remaining victor pool.”
the world around me seemed to stop as the words sunk in, embedded themselves in my bones, infiltrated my very being.
i was the districts only female victor. and i was going back in.
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fand0mslut · 3 months
would anyone be interested in an atla fic set in the hunger games universe? would be multiple chapters + take place during the 75th hunger games, would be a huge project so want to make sure the demographic is there before i invest a bunch of time into it (;
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fand0mslut · 3 months
rest [ sokka x reader ]
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a/n — i kinda hate this LOL but i have not written for a while and needed to just do a little blurb to get me back into it. open to requests !!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
the night was unusually still, the cold and pitch black seemingly freezing time. my friends slept, peacefully, huddled together against appa’s warmth. i rarely slept that well, rarely slept at all.
i sighed, pushing myself off the ground and letting my legs carry me into the forest. i stopped when i hit the small clearing that overlooked the cliff side, my eyes lazily scanning the scenery. i folded my legs beneath me, sinking into the earth with a deep exhale.
a shadow flitted across the valley before me. i scrambled to my feet, instinctively striking a defensive pose. these days, the enemy was always a step ahead of us; nowhere was safe.
my nerves settled as the bird dove into the canyons, out of eye shot. a bird! i mentally berated myself for letting the harmless creature frighten me, letting it catch me off guard.
“y/n?” i flipped around, pulling an arrow from the quiver that rested across my chest and loading my bow in one fluent motion, aiming at my new target.
sokka’s hands flew up in surrender, eyes wide.
“it’s me! it’s just me,” he called out as i lowered my weapon, doing a 360. someone, something was watching. i knew it.
he stepped towards me cautiously, blue eyes gentle as he pulled the weapon from my grip.
“y/n, i think you need some sleep,” he said, eyes scanning me carefully. i stared at him, scoffing.
my words were quick, jumbled and frantic as they tumbled from my lips. “i can’t, sokka, someone needs to stay on watch!”
“shh,” he whispered as he moved closer to me, slowly wrapping his arms around me. “i’ll stay on watch. you need to rest, you’re exhausted.”
i deflated, his words triggering the tiredness that washed over me. he held me tight against him as we made our way back to the camp, where everyone was still sleeping soundly.
i collapsed against appa as soon as we returned, sokka following not long after me. he pulled his blanket around us, arms snaking around my waist again, eyes awake and alert.
“i’m not going anywhere,” he whispered into my temple, hands slowly combing through my hair. “you’re safe. get some rest.”
my eyes fluttered closed, and, slowly but surely, sleep found me
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fand0mslut · 3 months
looking for atla moots 🙏 the live action has inspired me and i need to write some ficssss LOL
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fand0mslut · 2 years
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TRACY FREELAND: “oh my god, are you kidding me? where do you think i learned all this shit from?”
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fand0mslut · 2 years
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Speak (2004)
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fand0mslut · 2 years
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