fandomghostie · 18 days
Not included authors who apologize beforehand for their english because it isn't their native language. Then the fanfic will be lit af
newbie fic authors, shooting themselves in the foot: This fic is bad haha I suck at writing lol I am being mean to myself in the hopes that you will be nice to me but actually am dissuading anyone from even clicking on my fic because all I have done to advertise it is tell you why you shouldn't read it
me: I am King Big Dick of Fanfic Mountain and I have arrived in your fandom with the Express Intention of writing my Very Favorite Fics, which I will generously allow you to read. You're welcome.
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fandomghostie · 20 days
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that time toto and niki held hands into the paddock because the media are saying that there are tension between them.
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fandomghostie · 22 days
Facts and lore about classic f1 drivers Masterlist
Mike Hawthorn
Peter Collins
James Hunt
Roland Ratzenburg
Roger Williamson
Alan Stacey
Helmuth Koinigg
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fandomghostie · 26 days
my friend and i were going to study a language together and wound up having to cancel our plans due to scheduling pressures, but! through research we came across a really cool resource for reading in a TON of languages: bloom library!
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as you can see, it has a lot of books for languages that are usually a bit harder to find materials for—we were going to use it for kyrgyz, for example, which has over 1000 books, which was really hard to find textbook materials for otherwise. as you can see it also has books with audio options, which would be really useful for pronunciation checking. as far as i can tell, everything on the site is free as well.
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fandomghostie · 28 days
Ach ja. Hier nochmal ein kleiner Post zu den Recht*innen und 'Meinungsfreiheit'.
Wenn Rechtsextrem*innen die Reifen eines Journalisten zerstechen und ihm Morddrohungen schicken, wenn sie NS-Ausdrücke in ihren Reden und NS-Propaganda auf ihren Wahlplakaten benutzen, dann ist das Teil der 'Meinungsfreiheit'.
Wenn Björn Höcke ein Interview mit dem zdf abbricht, weil ihm seine eigenen Antworten nicht mehr in den Kram passen, dann 'will die Lügenpresse nur die freie Meinung unterdrücken, weil man ja nix mehr sagen darf!'
Aber wenn mehrere tausend Demonstrant*innen auf die Straße gehen, um gegen Rechtsextremismus zu demonstrieren und ihr Missfallen an dem aktuellen Rechtsdruck, den wir haben, zu beklagen, weil sie weiterhin in einem sicheren und demokratischen Land leben wollen - dann sind dass alles 'gekaufte Akteure' und 'KI-generierte Bilder'?
Da kommt es einem ja fast so vor als wären die Recht*innen gar nicht dafür, dass die Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit hier im Land geschützt wird, sondern darum, dass ihre eigene Meinung normalisiert und alle anderen Meinungen entweder lächerlich gemacht oder als Falschmeldung abgetan werden.
Hmm. Das ist ja wirklich, wirklich komisch.
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fandomghostie · 3 months
Let me do a Schoethe Book Rec about a series that has never been recced?!
For all the Germans here
Ich habe noch nie jemanden in diesem Fandom gesehen, der für diese Trilogie geworben hat, und das ist nicht in Ordnung. Denn diese Bücher sind ein Meisterwerk.
Die Reihe heißt „Goethe und Schiller ermitteln“ von Stefan Lehnberg und besteht aus den Bänden
Durch Nacht und Wind
Die Affäre Carambol
Die Briefe des Ikarus
Der dritte Band ist, leider Gottes, nur als E-Book erhältlich. Die ersten beiden liegen aber auch gedruckt vor. Von, wenn man dem Autor glauben darf, Cottas noch immer existierendem Verlag.
Alle drei Bände sind im Prinzip nichts anderes als gedruckte Fanfictions. Sie sind allesamt aus Schillers POV geschrieben und präsentieren unsere Beiden Dichterfürsten als inoffizielle Ermittler; Auf eine sehr lustige, aber auch enorm spannende und ernsthafte Art und Weise.
Und wenn ich sage „enorm spannend“, dann meine ich enorm spannend. Wirklich.
Insbesondere der erste Teil, der mein Favorit ist, ist so spannend, dass ich es ab der Mitte kaum weglegen konnte. Ein Plottwist nach dem anderen.
Der zweite Teil gefiel mir, wegen dem Ende, deutlich weniger, es war aber dennoch spannend zu lesen. Der dritte Teil wiederum ist ein close second meiner Favoriten, der ebenfalls so unglaublich spannend und crazy war!
Die Seiten sind kleiner, und die Seitenzahl mäßig, deshalb dauert es nicht allzu lange, eins dieser Bücher durchzulesen. Gleichzeitig ist es aber auch nicht so kurz, dass es zu schnell vorbei ist.
Es ist platonisches Schoethe, aber und sehr in character geschrieben.
Es beinhaltet Schiller Whump, manchmal auch Goethe, sehr viel Action, sehr cooler Humor und sehr viel Idiots-Material. Allerdings auch sehr viel Smart-Boys-Material, because, natürlich.
Lest es. Tut es einfach.
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(Alle drei Bücher gibts auf Amazon und in den Online-Shops von Hugendubel und Thalia)
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fandomghostie · 3 months
Thematisch sortiert:
Best of Briefwechsel
»Leben Sie recht wohl und behalten mich lieb«: Goethe an Schiller
»Geliebter Freund!«: Schiller an Goethe
»Daß ja die Menschen nie es hören, wie treue Lieb' uns still beglückt«: Geheime Liebeslyrik
»...und es rührt mich noch jedesmal wenn ich daran denke«: Berichte von Zeitzeugen
»Mein unersetzlicher Schiller«: Goethe über Schiller
»...als Mensch den größten Wert von allen«: Schiller über Goethe
Zeitungsartikel, Essays, Zitate und Vermischtes über Goethe und Schiller
lesenswerth - Sekundärliteratur, Biographien, Fiktionales ...
Bilder, Büsten, Statuen, ...
Memery & Co.
externe Links:
Kompletter Briefwechsel
Scans der Originalbriefe der Klassik-Stiftung Weimar (leider hat die Klassikstiftung den Zugang zu den Digitalisaten durch eine für Laien/Außenstehende völlig undurchschaubare Archivstruktur sehr verkompliziert... die Digitalisate sind noch da, man muss aber große Bereitschaft mitbringen, sie zu suchen)
Und passend dazu: ein Kurrent-Schreib- und Leselehrgang
nach Jahren sortiert:
[1779] [1780] [1781] [1782] [1783] [1784] [1785] [1786] [1787] [1788] [1789] [1790] [1791] [1792] [1793] [1794] [1795] [1796] [1797] [1798] [1799] [1800] [1801] [1802] [1803] [1804] [1805] [1806] [1807] [1808] [1809] [1810] [1811] [1812] [1813] [1814] [1815] [1816] [1817] [1818] [1819] [1820] [1821] [1822] [1823] [1824] [1825] [1826] [1827] [1828] [1829] [1830] [1831] [1832]
(für nicht fett gedruckte Jahre ist (noch?) nichts hinterlegt)
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fandomghostie · 3 months
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schoethe best of: Die Leiden einer Fernbeziehung
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fandomghostie · 3 months
I would never condone watching F1 for free without subscribing to those expensive, corporate streaming sites that make millions from advertising other corporations.
And I would never condone clicking on this link to watch F1 pre-season testing and all the free practices, qualifying and races.
Don’t click on this link.
JOKES! Fuck that, free for all is what I say. No one should miss out on F1 because it’s expensive to watch.
Just to be clear…this is the link I am talking about. It streams F1 for free. FREE!
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fandomghostie · 3 months
“I know I’ve told this story before, but my abusive ex refused to let me take birth control. I was on the pill until he found them in my purse. I went to the Student Health Center—they were completely unhelpful, choosing to lecture me about the importance of safe sex (recommending condoms) instead of actually listening to my problem. Then I went to Planned Parenthood. The Nurse Practitioner took one look at my fading bruises and stopped the exam. She called in the doctor. The doctor came in and simply asked me: “Are you ready to leave him?” When I denied that I was being abused, she didn’t argue with me. She just asked me what I needed. I said I need a birth control method that my boyfriend couldn’t detect. She recommended a few options and we decided on Depo. When I told her that my boyfriend read my emails and listened to my phone messages and was known to follow me, she suggested to do the Depo injections at off hours when the clinic was normally closed. She made a note in my chart and instructed the front desk never to leave messages for me—instead, she programmed her personal cell phone number into my phone under the name “Nora”. She told me she would call me to schedule my appointments; she wouldn’t leave a message, but I should call her back when I was able to. And that was it. No judgment. No lecture. She walked me to the door and told me to call her day or night if I needed anything. That she lived 5 blocks from campus and would come get me. That I wasn’t alone. That she just wanted me to be safe. I never called her to come to my rescue. But I have no doubt that she would have come if I had called. She kept me on Depo for a year, giving me those monthly injections in secret, helping me prevent a desperately unwanted pregnancy. I cannot thank Planned Parenthood enough for the work they do.”
Curious Georgiana (via grrrlstudies)
I know I’ve reblogged this before, but it bears re-reblogging (?).  This is how you respond to abuse, this is how you give people control over their bodies/uteruses, this is how you act as a generally non-judgmental and compassionate person.  I love this story so fucking much.
(via coffeewithants)
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fandomghostie · 5 months
Found this again....Everyone in normale middle aged man clothes and then there are Zak and Andi full on in McLaren😭😂
His caption! 😂
Wonder if the drivers also has a date night 😂
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fandomghostie · 5 months
Last night was my company Holiday Party, and we're doing really well, so it was held at the Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
I was so happy that also included the Styled by Sargent exhibit, of John Singer Sargent paintings and the actual articles of clothing alongside them.
Now, you have probably seen this painting of Lady Macbeth
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But have you seen the costume she's wearing??
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It's gorgeous, obviously.
But that texture! It's *crochet*
And some knitting
Really simple crochet too; just a chain and single crochet lattice with beads and metallic thread added for this chain mail effect.
Despite John Singer Sargent being an expert painter of fabric (no, really, just look at it), I never knew Lady Macbeth's costume had to be *hand crocheted* for that texture in the painting.
Anyway I'm gonna be making myself some faux-chainmail by crocheting it for the next Renn Faire
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fandomghostie · 5 months
(Doctor Who vs Women by verilybitchie)
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Jon Pertwee apparently said 'get these poor women in some warm, safe clothes already' and honestly. huge w, thank you Jon.
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fandomghostie · 6 months
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fandomghostie · 6 months
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Found this old magazine through a mere coincidence. It's from 2016 shortly after he won the title.
If I've time I'll translate it into english
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fandomghostie · 6 months
Oh I was like 6 or 7 and at that time ouat was shown on one of the kids tv channels in the evening. It was the first episode and I didn't saw it complete only fragments. I could still remember David being stabbed, the whole tree thing, Emma in the red dress and blowing out her birthday candle and then rumple. I found this show scary as hell and tried to avoid it after that, but my mom watched it sometimes. So now and then I saw some scraps (like them fighting with flying monkeys or the whole fam in a castle) ans got the ads like everyday but always thought the show was strange. But over the years it vanished from tv and mostly out of my memories till a friend and I were bored in english class and cuz we didn't want to listen to music we made good use of my disney + and went looking for shows. I don't even know why we choosed it, but we started watching it and first it was more for like trash talking purpose but later I got invested and started to watch it for the storyline. And then with the second rewatch of season one I finally remembered that this wasn't the first time I saw the show but that it was the show which freaked me out as child.
if you remember, tell me about the first time you ever heard of ouat. doesn’t have to be the first time you watched it, just when you first knew of it’s existence
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fandomghostie · 6 months
The social media and marketing squad
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