fanfichoard · 4 days
Dying of illness and decided t assign COD characters as watership down xharacters based off of vibes theres no reasoning just delerium <33
Price is Captain holly
Gaz is either bluebell or dandelion
Ghost is fiver or blackavar
Soap is bigwig or kehaar
Makarov is woundwort
Graves is maybe cowslip
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fanfichoard · 7 days
the way you write Simon is so beautiful and true to his character. I was wondering if you’d be open to writing simon who breaks reader’s bed because he’s feeling so good and doesn’t realise his strength 🫶
Simon tends to lose himself when he's buried inside of you. The world around you ceases to exist; anything outside your bedroom door now relegated to an afterthought in the recesses of his brain.
How can he focus on anything else when you're soft and pliant in his arms? When your core pulses around him as you breathe his name against his lips?
It would take the end of the world to take Simon away from you in this moment.
At least, that's what he thinks.
Just before hearing an audible crack and feeling your bedframe dip beneath him unnaturally.
Simon instinctively grips you tighter as the bed drops slightly, holding you close as he freezes. He hears nothing other than your deep, shared breaths.
"What's th'matter?" you ask, words slurred as your brain attempts to form them against the bliss permeating through your body.
He pauses for a moment longer.
"Nothin', love," he murmurs with a kiss to your lips. "Must jus' be the mattress settlin'."
With that, he returns to his ministrations, rolling his hips against you until he builds back up to the speed and force he was at before the interruption.
He doesn't stay in that state for long.
As soon as he lifts himself from you just enough to reach up and grip the headboard, he hears another crack.
This time, louder.
And followed by the mattress dropping to the floor.
Just before he reacts, he briefly registers the wooden headboard snapping in his grip. Simon wraps you in his arms as you yelp, cradling your head as both of you drop safely.
The world freezes again. Differently this time. Before, it was suspended in warm, desperate heat. Now, it's frozen in confusion and mild panic.
"Alright?" he asks you.
"M'fine," you answer. The short fall seems to have sobered your pleasure-fueled haze. "The hell just happened?"
He looks up, noticing the cracked headboard.
"Think I broke your bed."
Another pause. This time, however, the quiet is broken by laughter bubbling up from your lungs.
It's laughter he adds to with his own.
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fanfichoard · 10 days
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Konig in your room~
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fanfichoard · 11 days
simon thinks you look pretty when he's chocking you, thick calloused fingers wrapping around your fragile neck, pressing into the soft flesh that blooms with purplish imprints, followed by your chocked mewls.
you don't fight him, not when his fat cock pistons in and out of your squelching cunt, nestling in your wet heat where his bulbous head pounds into your gummy cervix, making your eyes roll back into your skull.
simon's thrusts are rough, pummeling your body into the soft sheets that soaks where your bodies meet, where your slick coats his cock and pubic hair in thin sheen, leaking down your supple thighs with sticky clearness.
but despite the way his fingers press and squeeze around your throat, constricting your breath and making you gasp, chocking on your own moans as your body seizes, jiggling with each jerk of his hips, tight balls slapping against your ass, he let's your trembling arms wrap around his thick neck.
lowering his face towards yours, dark eyes scanning your parted lips, releasing mute moans that he swallows, gently pressing his own chapped lips to yours, kissing you extremely tenderly, feeling how you slowly turn into a puddle beneath him, blinking dizzily.
simon releases you from the kiss with strings of saliva stretching between you, as his hips work to burrow his meaty cock deeper into your slick cunt, feeling how your viscous walls pulse around his throbbing length, as he brushes his wet lips against your temple with a hushed praises — “that''s alright', darling, such a good girl for me, so sweit'„
it drips like honey past his lips, enveloping you in fuzzing warmth that makes you melt, sinking into your bed further, looking bleary at the way simon's lips stretch into the warm grin, with his thumb stroking against the bloomed bright marks on your neck.
✎ 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵. 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴.
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fanfichoard · 11 days
Give me Simon who, because of his family’s history of addiction, and his fear of losing control, he hardly ever drinks.
Give me a Ghost that, despite his size, is a bit of a lightweight.
Give me a Ghost who can't have a couple of "casual" beers cause he still gets slightly buzzed
Give me a Ghost that never went drinking with teammates (before 141) cause he was afraid of what they think. A big man like him getting drunk after only a few drinks.
Give me a Simon Riley who feels so safe with the 141, and with Johnny, that he agrees to go to the pub and have some drinks.
Give me a Ghost that's a goofy drunk. Doing little things to mess with the others. Snort laughing at his own dumb jokes, laughing so hard he nearly chokes.
Give me a clingy drunk Ghost. Absolutely demands to know where the other is going if someone gets up from the table. Is leaning onto Soap so much he's practically crushing him. Has to hold someone's hand when Soap goes to the bar to get more drinks. Complains the whole time Johnny is gone.
Give me a Ghost who is stumbling between Gaz and Soap, knocking into them and holding their hands as they walk. Give me Soap and Gaz laughing and Ghost laughing with them, not realizing they're laughing at him.
Give me Ghost who is finally healing his inner young adult, doing fun stuff while he can, drinking and being merry. We all know those years were stolen from him.
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fanfichoard · 15 days
pornstar!price who does a competition where he’ll fuck one of his fans and the winner is some inexperienced, awkward loser girl :( when he asks what she wants him to do on camera she asks him to nice and gentle with her, to make her cum loads of time and tell her how pretty she is and what a good girl she is the whole time
and she asks with such a polite smile, how can he say no? makes her cum nicely on his tongue and fingers before letting her lower herself onto his cock at her own pace. she doesn’t pose for the camera she just focuses all her attention on him as he presses kisses to her neck and shoulders as per her request
stops and gives her a cuddle halfway through the session when the multiple orgasms make her all dizzy. presses kisses to her forehead and strokes her back like they’re lovers :( makes her head all fuzzy by whispering praise in her ear the whole time
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fanfichoard · 15 days
Reader, after preforming CPR on Simon: don’t worry I didn’t take off your mask
Simon, groggy: …?
Reader, panicking: well ya know I thought it was like a Star Wars thing where you can’t take off that one guys mask because his-his honor and he would be disowned and I didn’t want you to be disowned and I didn’t wanna-so I just lifted it up a lil bit
Reader: your honor is intact
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fanfichoard · 18 days
Thinking about Ghost who hasn’t had a woman in…a while. (Longer than he’d like to admit)
He doesn’t fuck when he’s on duty, and he’s on duty more than he’s off, these days.
When he finally slips between your thighs, he’s forgotten how soft another person can be, forgotten how wet a pussy can get, tight enough to nearly snap his cock off. And then it’s him vs his own body as he fights not to cum straight away and embarrass himself.
I want him fists clenched, head ducked and eyes squeezed shut (because if he sees that look in your eyes—that almost-afraid, mostly-awed look as your body manages to swallow his monster cock whole with nothing more than a burning stretch—he knows he’ll spill inside you before he’s even managed a single thrust). I want his teeth gritted, mind on anything except the wet heat that surrounds him, muscles tensed as he fights tooth and nail for his control.
And I want to see him lose it straight away when you whisper in his ear that it’s okay, you can let go
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fanfichoard · 18 days
Can't stop thinking about Captain John Price, your good friend's boyfriend, listening to you talk about how you are considering getting a guard dog, and he whole-heartedly agrees with you. John likes you, you're a fantastic friend to his dove and you're sweet, and sweet girls do need protection. So he nods along and tells you he'll look into getting you one, a big one to protect you.
Two weeks later, you're invited to your friend's house, her telling you days before that John might have gotten you a dog, so to prepare! She wasn't sure, he just hinted at it on the phone.
Tell me why, after knocking at your bestie's door, she opens kinda pale and awkward, maybe even a little bit annoyed, inviting you in. Instead of a proper, legit, literal dog, John introduces you to Simon Riley, who stands there awkwardly but tall and intimidating while your friend apologizes, calling her boyfriend an idiot. But John isn't an idiot. For a while now, he thought you'd be perfect for his Lt., this just a funny way to introduce you both. And the only thing that took Simon to agree (after a sharp yet bored no when firstly asked) was to send him a picture of you at a bar, smiling.
"So... you come with a leash?" You joke with the tall man, whose eyes wrinkle in amusement. He has been more on the silent side although very atentive, his intense brown eyes on you all evening. Now that you were both alone at the balcony, abandoned by the two love-birds, you tried to ease the tension.
"I don't do leashes but I can pull a spiky collar." He smiles as you giggle. Hell, he felt relief that you did. Even happiness...
"Yeah, it would fit you."
"Yeah?" His voice was low and buttery. "What about a tag with your name on it?" He leans down a little, just enough in your personal bubble, and your stomach flipped. You felt your cheeks warm.
"Can it be heart shaped?" You stare prettily at him and all he can do is to snort to ease the tension.
"However you want it." His reply was quick, eager.
"Deal. But first take me on a proper date."
"Perfect." He smirks.
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fanfichoard · 21 days
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fanfichoard · 23 days
You wake up early and stretch, yawning and rubbing your eyes.
You notice the two muscular arms wrapped around you and see Simon still asleep beside you.
You try to get his arm off, but he moves closer and tightens his grip.
But this is your husband we’re talking about, you know how to get out of his grasp. You lean close and kiss his forehead.
He immediately relaxes and you take it as your chance to roll off the bed.
Once you’ve done your morning routine and showered, you go downstairs and start making breakfast.
Not even a full ten minutes after you’ve left the bedroom, you hear the shower running and twenty minutes after, heavy footsteps coming downstairs.
He walks into the kitchen and hugs you from behind.
“Mornin’ Love.” He says and turns your head with his hand softly. He leans down and kisses you to give you your morning kiss.
“Morning.” You say in between kisses, soon you pull away and turn back to the stove.
“What are you making?” He asks, hands on your hips. His hands squeeze your hip and then slide under your shirt, rubbing your stomach.
“Pancakes, omelette, and hashbrowns.” You say, tilting your head back to look at him.
He kissed your forehead and then pat your stomach.
He nods and offers some help to which you accept, you both then start making the batter together.
Feeling playful, you grab some flour and draw a heart on his cheek. To which he looks at you before he does the same to you.
You two continue making the pancakes together, occasionally fooling around and making out.
It’d be hard not to tell what he wants considering the bulge in his sweatpants.
A healthy and delicious breakfast with a side of cock is your perfect morning.
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fanfichoard · 24 days
Another 2k event request to balance out all the scarecrow ones, here's one for arkhamverse riddler! :] Front row sci-fi with sweet popcorn, some fries, and a side of grilled onions (🍿🍟🧅) Preferably with a sub reader, but whichever way you want to write it is fine. Congrats again on 2k!
thank you!! anon i will forever choose sub reader because i'm so subby i can barely get into a dom mindset lmao 💚🩷 cw: pet play, oral sex, 🔞minors dni🔞 send a request • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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You wondered if you should bow when you brought Edward the tool he had asked for. It seemed like an extreme gesture, but one that might stoke the fires that had begun burning for you. It was obvious he delighted in your will to do whatever he asked, perhaps offering yourself only in servitude, it might be enough to tip him over the edge.
But you decided against it at the last minute, instead doing an awkward head nod before saying thank you to him. Thanks, for the opportunity to complete a tasl for him, you supposed.
"My, my. What an enthusiastic little helper you are. Tell me, how desperate are you to show me how willing you are to help?"
Words were second to your attention, as you frantically began nodding at first. You really were desperate for him, in so mnay ways.
"Good, because I have a very specific issue that is far below me that I could use your hand for."
He took your palm in his, pulling you closer with no resistance on your part, pressing your hand against the stiff bulge at the front of his pants.
"Destressing is such a tedious task, and my hands are very busy, and used to more challenging matters than relieving the tension in my body. Do you think you can help?"
You were on your knees and nodding again before he had even finished the sentence. In response, and as a reward, you imagined, Eddie hooked a finger under your chin and brought your gaze up to his.
"What an obedient assistant. As loyal and as faithful as a dog."
He dropped his hand, letting it follow around your chin to your cheek, before he brushed your hair behind your ear.
"Just like a pet, in fact. You know your place, you're house trained, and you're smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds."
Taking initiative, which luckily paid off as Eddie sighed softly, you brought his cock out of his pants, only unzipping the fly so he didn't need to move. The length twitched in your fist as you began to stroke, long, languid gestures that made Eddie moan, balls shifting as his body tensed, already so close to being completely emptied.
You surprised him again as you began nuzzling your face against his mound, letting his cock rest against your cheek as you let your tongue roll to the side, catching the sensitive skin on it as you pressed into him.
"What a good dog!"
"I am, Eddie..."
"Who's dog are you?"
"I'm yours, Eddie. You're my owner."
"Is that why you're pressed so close to my cock, enough that you can be covered in me?"
He was right. You wanted him to cum, hard and long, his arousal coating your face, your tastebuds, lingering on your senses for hours afterwards. And you wanted him to feel you there too, lingering thoughts of just you, his ever obedient pet.
"Yes, Eddie. I want to mark you, I want to smell myself on you."
You'd begun to grind your body against his leg, humping him in a pathetic act of submission, but one that stroked his ego just right.
"Then take off your pants and mark me."
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fanfichoard · 24 days
Some Price requests for Night Fairy, Bayeis & PaintedLady 🤍🫡
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fanfichoard · 25 days
If you include König in your 141 head cannons but not Gaz, you're extremely weird and I'm just gonna assume you're probably racist
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fanfichoard · 25 days
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“You want half?”
(Yes I’ve seen reacher)
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fanfichoard · 26 days
simon doesn't have any preference when it comes to food. to him, it's more of "i just need to fill my stomach for now" instead of whatever it is people were yapping about palate and cuisine. he doesn't really care, food is food. that being said, of course certain things he will have to push away.
dairy gets him a little rumbly, unfortunately. not to the extend that he would be hurting madly, just enough to get his stomach rumbling. bananas are too mushy and tastes odd, but he'd still eat it (he will just shove it down as quick as possible, the case with yogurt too). he's not a big fan of garlic as well, but he'll eat if it's a little. something about a massive amount of garlic and his mask doesn't really mix well together.
still, of course, everything changes when you're cooking it.
he finds himself slowly getting better at... well, slowing down. you made food for him, taking the time to cook something you thought he'd enjoy. the least he could do is to just sit down and savor everything before shoving it down his throat.
simon loved your garlic bread. it stinks his breath because you used a lot of garlic, even rubbing some of the raw garlic on it because you loved it so much. he didn't mind, just means he'll have to brush his teeth really well. your pastas were also amazing too, and he'd have to make sure to brush his teeth really well before wearing his mask again every time you dropped it off for his lunch.
you made the tasties banana bread. just the subtle hint of sweetness that compliments his tea well. moist, just like the banana pancakes you make once a week. sometimes he even forgot that it has bananas in it.
simon didn't think that he's into soy milk, some smells a little funky if not processed correctly, but the one you made? he'd guzzle it down, maybe asking for seconds, especially after he knows how labor-intensive the process is.
he loves you, and the fact that you took the time out of the day to cook him something? of course it would be wrong to not savor it. and those things that he would normally avoid? he doesn't think about it much anymore. as long as you made it, he likes it.
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fanfichoard · 1 month
NSFW Size Difference HCs with Simon Pt 2
F!Reader, Part 1
Before you, Simon never had a partner that was able to take him more than halfway. So the first time you took his cock all the way down, he knew right then and there he was going to marry you
This man is thick everywhere, which is fun when it comes to stretching your pussy open, but not so fun when it means you can’t fully wrap your legs around his waist :(
Lube is a must-have when you’re having sex, but cum is a decent alternative when you’re in a pinch (good thing he’s always making sure to pump you full of it 😊)
Thinking about trying anal? Go right ahead! So long as you’re okay with not sitting right for the next week
You thought the reason he has such a big car is because he needs the leg room. While that’s partially true, it’s also because he likes to fuck you in the backseat without bumping his head on the ceiling
Speaking of which, you’ve had to rein him in when it comes to getting adventurous on where you have sex. You can only break so many dining room tables before he realizes maybe it’s better to stick to the bed
He got you one of those clone-a-cock dildos because he knows none of your toys can satisfy you like he does. In return for such a nice gift, you make sure to send him videos of you using it when he’s off on deployment
You never understood his obsession with raising your hips up everytime he took you on your back – that is, until you looked down and saw for yourself how your stomach bulged from where his cock was hitting you from the inside 😳
Beast of a man that he is, he doesn’t let himself get too rough with you in bed. He’s not trying to break you, poor little thing :(
That being said, if you give him permission, he’s not above pinning both your wrists to the mattress with one hand as he fucks you within an inch of your life
One of his favorite things to do after pulling out of you is spread your lips apart and watch how your little hole gapes for him
It’s okay, baby. He knows how puffy and swollen your pussy gets after having two loads fucked into it. But you can take another one, can’t you? That’s a good girl…
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