fatale-follies · 2 months
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Introduction post btw:
My name is July (like the month) or Venus. I’m African American. I was born in California and live in Louisiana.
I’m straight. (A straight radfem? Yes it is torture for both me and anyone who dates me. Update: I think I’m asexual and I have romantic attraction towards men but I’m romantically bi-curious so)
I’m a Pisces if anyone is into that. I’m 22 years old.
I’m anti porn, pro abortion (I don’t like the term pro choice), anti sex work, pro lesbian, anti gender ideology, and anti religion.
I am pro separatism but don’t agree with telling straight women (or any woman) to go against their sexuality. There is no such thing as a trans inclusive radfem.
I am a left leaning moderate. You could say I’m a leftist but that political party had been over run by porn loving males and gender bending freaks. My messages are open for everyone.
Radfems mutual me 😌
I also have a discord I can share in messages. The discord is open to people with opposing views since it’s for debating but there’s a private radfem section if you verify yourself.
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fatale-follies · 4 months
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La Nuit (before 1937)
— by Auguste Raynaud
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fatale-follies · 5 months
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just keeping this as a receipt, notice how they said corrective rape : something that is specifically done to lesbians but sure let’s all pretend that terf doesn’t mean lesbian.
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fatale-follies · 6 months
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fatale-follies · 6 months
people on here will say shit like "queer is nor a slur everybody has already reclaimed it" and then go around and say "we HAVE to get more weirder and gayer! we have to be more queer!". so you DO being homosexual is weird? you do think being gay is equivalent to being unnormal? and what if i want to be normal? what if i want being homosexual to be considered normal and mundane. oh i guess i just want to condone to straights and get their attention.... i have to act like this weirdo clown just because i was born a lesbian and have to deny it anymore. i fucking hate you all just let me be normal.
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fatale-follies · 6 months
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fatale-follies · 1 year
This is a video that was on my timeline. No words I have can describe what I wish upon these pathetic scrotes. These walking abortions do this in public, I can’t even begin to imagine what they do behind closed doors. Because you lost a fucking wedding game, because your new wife was playing around with a piece of fucking cake. Every finger on their hands should be broken.
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fatale-follies · 1 year
Why are these people asking his girlfriend to come out to say she was abused? So you guys can call her a liar and make jokes about it... calling her the next "Amber Heard" And y'all wonder why women don't speak up or come out about the situation and trauma they faced...???
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fatale-follies · 1 year
jonathan majors just got arrested for assaulting and strangling a woman and she has pictures and evidence and was hospitalized from what he did to her, and half of twitter is reacting with either "oh no but he's so sexy!!!!!! they need to clear this up because i want to fuck him!!!!!!" or "but what will m*rvel do about kang?????" celebrity culture needs to die NOW
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fatale-follies · 1 year
literally how ridiculous their 'definitions' of womanhood are
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fatale-follies · 1 year
How to manipulate men to become obsessed with you -
Toxic psychology edition with tangible steps #1
First of all try to identify your targets attachment style early on; this will give you a simple shortcut to his triggers and wounds to be used against him.
Easiest way to initially attract them is being bubbly, sunny and open - this demonstrates warmth and vulnerability which will allow them to lower their guard and allow you to observe personal information easily while he will associate happiness with you because it's contagious.
Listen very closely to what his values are and what he's looking for in life in general - this will allow you to morph into taylored dream girl of his fantasies (he won't listen to yours so just be ambiguous, it's your body language he remembers)
Ask who his favorite actor is. 95% of the time they will name an actress which can tell a lot about their preferences about female aesthetics, if you additionally ask what his favorite work by her is you'll have a movie where he finds her most attractive which will tell you potentially a lot about him, but what's most important is that he will respond positively when seeing similarities in you due to emotion driven association.
He's also likely to drop hints consciously or subconsciously of what type of women he prefers in general, never ask, just observe and implement.
Now is your time to neurohack him by attacking his conditioning, dreams and wounds. Patch up scenarios of his future dreams and insert you in there. Talk to him subtly about them in lighthearted manner. Planting these little images of potential future will grow and bloom in his subconsciousness like a seed. Make sure it's stuff he's really already dreamt of and not just told you to love bomb you.
Now start intermittent reinforcement. Be charming and excited, make what he talks about look like the most interesting, funny and important thing while smiling and laughing like you're in love with life. Then ghost out of nowhere right after good times or middle of a good texting conversation. He will be obsessively thinking what he's done wrong and the more he starts analyzing you the more space you have in his head and more neural pathways will be created around you.
Be a little ambiguous and mysterious about why you ghosted/went cold, preferably make up something completely absurd about him to make him question his own sanity but once you come back after a day or few make sure to be as sunny and dreamy as before, repeat this and you will successfully lock him in a dopamine-adrenaline loop where you will become his source of happy chemicals. When you're not there his stress hormones spike and he's ready to do anything to get his fix of you to make everything better again. Congratulations, you now have him under notable power & you can ask him for what you want and hurt his self esteem by gaslighting him into behaving correct to avoid the painful punishment cycle you've lured him into and he will want to please you.
Know that he will try to manipulate you as well and nothing he says can be taken as truth, instead when you recognize the manipulation play along with it to make him think he has some control over you with his little tricks - when these suddenly lose their power because you were simply acting he will lose peace from the stability he thought he had and be more desperate for you.
Lastly do not act like you're super interested in him, simply be energetic & charismatic and acknowledge him. Only show personal care towards him when he opens up about something vulnerable. He will need to feel like you're not necessarily available or into him. Don't tell too much about yourself, let his imagination fill the gaps with romanticized fantasies. Leave him confused to occupy his brain.
Happy hunting babes ♡
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fatale-follies · 1 year
Men will never understand how heartbreaking it is to realize as women that we love men who can never really love us, because they are raised in a culture that makes them unable to. That culture have made them internalize such an entitlement that it doesn’t even cross their minds that they don’t empathize with women. They feel entitled to everything, even to those women’s love whose mere well-being, safety, and basic rights they don’t even care about. And it is seen as normal that we give our bodies and souls to these men. And it is not normal: it is violent.
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fatale-follies · 1 year
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fatale-follies · 1 year
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Sharks are 🏳️‍⚧️ ally's now! 🦈🦈🦈
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fatale-follies · 1 year
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fatale-follies · 1 year
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And where do men best learn to view women as objects they're entitled to?
And the use of what thing has exponentially increased in the past few decades in relation to these negative behaviors we're seeing in men right now?
It's pornography.
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fatale-follies · 1 year
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"Nobody is born with a gender. We are born with a set of expectations imposed upon us that massively disadvantage girls & privilege boys."
— Julie Bindel
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