feathered-hype · 3 years
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Hey so I wanted to pop in here real quick and let everyone know I got my other boy in Masters yesterday on the first day of his release on a 3K pull. I’ve been waiting so long to get my other boy that now my game is finally complete. 😌
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feathered-hype · 3 years
What obscure love language are you?
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Never Looking Away
You love people in the way you notice them. To be loved is to be known, and you take that very seriously. You remember people's birthdays and favourite songs, and you expect the same in return. You love to watch the person you love do just about anything, and you're utterly enraptured by them.
Tagged by: Stolen Tagging: YOU! 
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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“Awww shoot!!!”  “.........”
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“I forgot what day it was....” 
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feathered-hype · 3 years
physically, yes, i could fight a bird. but emotionally? imagine the toll
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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feathered-hype · 3 years
Send a ⊂(・▽・⊂)≡≡==── and my muse will react to your muse hugging mine.
Or send a  ──==≡≡(つ・▽・) つ for my muse to suddenly hug your muse.
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feathered-hype · 3 years
Falkner’s own expression lit up as the conversation drifted over to the Corviknight. Of course his mirror image would understand his excitement.
“Even bigger! I was in complete awe! As much as I would love the opportunity to raise one for myself, I do not know if I have the space or resources. But perhaps it is something to work towards in the future. What of you? Has anything exciting happened recently?”
Even bigger!? Now that really was something Falkner was pining to see for himself...! “Is that right??” Humm... “I see what you’re gettin’ at.” the bluette was thoughtful on what Falkner had said with a tiny nod. For if a Corviknight really was that large, then Falkner would understand just how much of a demanding undertaking that would be. “It’s a little disappointin’ to hear it, I gotta admit...but I trust your word on that.~” 
Dreamily the bird nerd’s mind was already drifting off on what it must be like to see the Raven Pokemon so up close and personal. Oh how he’d love to reach up a hand and stroke its fluffy neck ruff... “Oh!” 
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“Ya’ wouldn’t believe what happened ta’ me over the winter.” Or then again maybe he would! He’d know himself better than anyone, after all.~ “I got a hole in the roof of my Gym! Snow...everywhere! Just collapsed one day like it was nobodies business!” 
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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Hey there it’s Willeh (again)! I’ve, been a member of Tumblr RPing since 2014 (yes, really), as I’m impossible to kill and will always make a comeback around to the the RPC eventually. I’m trying to make a casual return here on the dash. So if anyone’s interested, this is a Semi-selective, Indie AU Gym Leader Falkner, blog.   So feel free to like or reblog this post if you want to, I’d really appreciate it!
Rules / Bio  (Now mobile browser friendly!)
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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“Do ya’ hear that?,” he says with an enthusiastic ear to the world around him. Of birds and nature...as well people of all kinds walking around Violet City.  “It’s the sounds of spring in the air~!” 
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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Hey there it’s Willeh! I’ve, been a member of Tumblr RPing since 2014 (yes, really), as I’m impossible to kill and will always make a comeback around to the the RPC eventually. I’m trying to make a casual return here on the dash. So if anyone’s interested, this is a Semi-selective, Indie AU Rival Silver, blog.    So feel free to like or reblog this post if you want to, I’d really appreciate it! 
Rules / Bio  (Now mobile browser friendly!) 
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feathered-hype · 3 years
What planet are you?
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You are: Neptune. 
Like the planet Neptune, you are enigmatic and ethereal. You seem to operate on several planes of existence at once — some physical, others spiritual; some real, others dreamlike — and have thus been imbued with wildly creative energies. Sometimes you feel isolated because others misunderstand you, but for those who take the time to get to know you, you are an irreplaceable presence.
Tagged by: @quixoticnexus​ Tagging: @draconscious​, @psychic-master-will​, @luckynatured​, @unovasgambler, @son-of-skarmory​, and literally anyone else!
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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“A-hah...I dunno why...but for some reason I have a lot of concern for Karen right now.--” 
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feathered-hype · 3 years
@feathered-hype asked: “Heya handsome lookalike~! What’s been going on lately?”
“Ah, it has been awhile. Not much has been happening recently-just the usual winter upkeep. A trainer did come by with a Corviknight, however-that was exciting. Skarmory was very jealous.
How have you been doing?”
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Oh that smile was only getting wider by the second when his Lookalike spoke. “Haha yeah~! I get ya’ when it comes to those winter chores. But I’ve been doin’ good otherwise... just antsy for spring to start.”  There was a twinkle in his eye though, invested in that mention of a foreign bird Pokemon. “Are they really as big as they look? I haven’t gotten a chance to see them myself in person yet!” 
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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Reblog this post if you are part of the Pokemon RPC. Please list whether you are canon, oc or verse as well as if you are single muse or multi muse and you will be added to the list! If you do not follow the instructions listed, you will not be added to the list.
link to masterlist
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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(( HE’S FINISHED!! Falkner’s blog and bio have been updated to have mobile friendly links in the description bar, and the backstory has been altered in ways I’m pretty happy with now  He finally feels like a solid character that makes sense in my head, and that I hold a certain standard to like with other ones I like to play. Someone I can let spread his wings and not get so stuck on with the direction he wants to take, and how he’d like to interact with people.  Here is the mobile friendly link to his new Bio.  ))
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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“Aww I don’t wanna go ta’sleep now...it’s not my bedtime yet!” 
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feathered-hype · 3 years
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(( So a day later Ive come up with the writing approach, at least of how I want this boy to develop overall.  I want him to be the polar opposite of how I approach my Silver muse in the ways that, he starts off pretty good in life. He doesn’t have any major debilitating things that set him back too far from his upbringing, but he’s still not perfect by any means. He has a lot of minor tiny flaws that would show up progressively more and more as things went on. (That’s the hope.)
One of the big ones are how I think of like, Joy, from Pixar’s Inside Out. Where being sad for Falkner is almost never an option, even if being sad is just as healthy as being happy, because that just doesn’t seem like something he knows how to cope with very well. So he avoids it at all cost for being optimistic all the time. 
I want him to be a muse that grows and changes over time based on what interactions he gets, that in a natural way would get him to confront tings he never has before. A cleaner slate, as I think he should be a very naturally developing muse, rather than a shoehorned thing I can no longer make work, go with the flow of things, and see where the wind takes him.~  This means while I start to change his blog around he’ll be getting a new URL name to reflect that. ))
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