felixsecada · 1 day
Felix waits as Ezra works through ideas, and nods just once - the muscles in his jaw working slightly, as he thinks. Family's a bad idea. So are the underbosses, captain - a lower rank, though. Might not be unreachable.
It goes along with his conversation with Santi - about ideals. About making them scramble.
"I do like th' sound of all that." He hates working with cops himself, there was a reason he subscribed to the idea of the Brotherhood back in the day. But they are a means to an end. And fuck if they don't need that right now.
"We got any boys in blue willing to step in for that? Highly doubt it. But we can organize somethin' like that, f'sure. Gotta knock brains."
Ezra pauses. "It was a bad idea.", he climbs down from the idea, takes a sip of his drink. "Who is he even close to?", he asks, "I wouldn't go for family. Maybe there's someone in the lower ranks. Someone that's not all too important to the whole club, but to him."
There's an idea.
"What if it's not us, who does it.", Ezra asks, "What if it's the police." Eyebrows furrowed, he turns to look at Felix, "What was the Brotherhood meant to fight against? Unfair violence. It was meant to rebel, wasn't it? What if there is unfair violence, that has Cartel written all over it? In our handwriting? What if we break down one of their structures? Not by deaths. Arrests, if you will. Maybe we lock one in, send them back without their teeth."
Another beat.
"Depends on how cruel you want to go. Maybe something actually blows up."
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felixsecada · 2 days
Fine leaves a lot to be desired, so he watches her carefully. June's hard for them both - more so her, than him. But he wants to make sure she's alright. Make sure she's not going to spiral. "Glad no one's botherin' ya. But you know you can tell me whatever." He hopes she knows.
There are.. plenty of things to worry about these days. Being the leader has brought its fair share of new things, too. "Always, Gab." A slight laugh. "But I'm not here to dump my shit all over ya."
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Her apartment is a mostly private place, with only a few truly having a run of the place. Her tio is one of them, and despite their relatively new relationship and huge gap of years in between, there's no one in the city that she trusts more. And he's one of the only ones who understands what the month of June brings for her.
She sits and Nico immediately hops onto her lap with purrs. He's been her permanent shadow over the last week, picking up on the old anxieties that trauma left behind. "Fine," she says faintly. "No one bothers little ol' me," she says, and that's how they both prefer it. "What about you? Things to worry about?"
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felixsecada · 3 days
Santiago is the voice of reason that brings Felix back - always. He sucks in a breath, and nods, knowing the man is right. They both know that they need to wait, bide their time. It's the best way to do these things, the best way to get the upper hand. Where the Brotherhood goes loud, they can force themselves to be quiet. And vice versa. For whatever reason they need to be - it's always a yin and yang.
"It will, yeah. And time's in fuckin' short supply these days it seems like." But he knows he won't make a move without the guidance of Santi or Ezra. He sucks his teeth together and nods. It might not be a bad thing, the Brotherhood getting cocky.. but he hates it. Sets his veins on fire with an anger he hadn't felt since he was still young.
He hums, though, waiting in silence for a bit - thinking. What do they rely on? Power, money, arms trade. Ideals. They operate in ideals. "They need to feel like they're making a difference. That's the thread that ties 'em together. Don't think there's a way to attack that. But.."
"Maybe a way to distract them. We went after their drugs when we split. Supply chains are vulnerable in transit."
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❝ In a way, we all are. ❞ He too would've preferred if everything could've been solved in a blink, but that was unrealistic and a dangerous way of going about it. ❝ But we understand that what we want to do won't always be what needs to be done. They don't just yet. ❞ His conviction about the way he did not want to move was one of the reasons Santi trusted Felix; not only because he fully agreed with it but because he had the balls to say it even knowing it was the exact opposite of what everyone wanted from him. ❝ It's pointless. We get rid of him, another rises and then we'll have to deal with that one too. It's an endless fucking cycle that will solve nothing. What we need to do is destroy The Brotherhood as an organization, as people and, most importantly, as a goddamned idea. And that, that will take a little time. ❞ But the payoff would feel fucking heavenly. ❝ And you see that as a bad thing ? I think it's perfect. Let them. When one gets cocky, they inevitably get careless. The more they underestimate us, the less they'll feel the need to be prepared for our next move, which, for us, is ammunition. ❞ A couple seconds in silence are used to gather his own thoughts, to decide if his idea is worth sharing. Quickly he remembers this wasn't a business pitch, he could just say what was on his mind and have a discussion with the other about whether it was a good plan or not. ❝ What's the one thing they rely on the most aside from the kid and his cult leader bullshit ? That is what I think we need to start with. Discretely hurt the thing they can't function without, they'll be so desperate to fix it quickly that all of their focus will be zeroed in on it and that gives us an open for everything else. ❞
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felixsecada · 8 days
👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public?
Absolutely hell no.
sex + romance headcanons.
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felixsecada · 8 days
Felix would have to be monogamous, if someone ever caught his eye for sure. He doesn't open up enough to many people, and once he's in it - he is in it wholesale, there's no one else for him. It just takes a while to get to that point.
sex + romance headcanons.
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felixsecada · 9 days
"Nah, son, no one likes being that wrong about anyone." He'd been wrong before, too. He'd seen brothers turn against brothers once upon a time. Seen how fucked things can really get when it's the family you love you're meant to be killing. He heaves a sigh, and claps his hands against his thighs.
"Whatever you decide to do, just lemme know what it is and when. Ain't lookin' to give ya permission, just lookin' to make sure I know how to prepare."
As for the laundromat.. "I'd ask Gabriela, she's good with the money like ya are." Felix is, too. Had to be, being at the top. "No one I can think of off the top'a my head, but I trust ya judgement. Y'all's judgement."
Even when they're wrong about someone. His jaw clenches, and he shakes his head, as if thinking to himself about all the years he'd seen people come and go. "I look forward t'seein' what y'all do. Make me proud."
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-"He hurt ya?"-
Raffa said nothing. Just looked at Felix. That was enough. Useless words that Raffa didn't need to spill. It was obvious. He'd been wearing his hurt like a black eye. And he knew better. But he was insulted. And the disrespect ate at him.
He listened. Because hearing Felix talk this much was not something you didn't fucking listen to. And he was right. It was his hurt. His pride. His embarrassment. And in the big picture... it was nothing. He thought about the people that had always had his back. Didn't just say it. But lived it. Kept his true family safe. Made sure he had money for them. Felix had put his finger exactly on what was fucking bothering him so much. He had thought Ric was smarter than that. And he'd been wrong. Ric would have talked to him if he had truly given a shit. It wasn't an alien abduction, it had been a choice that the other man had made. But a part of him was still in mourning. Because it was a death. And should be mourned. Raffa nodded his head. It stung his pride something fierce. But it had to be about loyalty and respect, always. The hurt still twisted in his gut but he could forge it into something mean, something strong. Beat the pain into a sword, into armor. Like always. Just another layer to put on. "Si, Patrón. I understand. I just didn't like being that wrong about someone."
Raffa nodded when Felix said Ezra's name. But didn't elaborate. Ez's shit was his to share. He sat up straighter at being given a green light to respond. A lot of bloody things came to mind. A lot of big splashy messages. But he would need to talk to Ez about what the other wanted to do before they made a decision and told Felix. 'To soothe that ache of betrayal.' "Thank you." He reached out and took his cut of the money, slipping it into his baggy coat. "I'm gonna start looking for a replacement. Do you have anyone I can look at first? If not I'll bring you the short list once I get a group."
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felixsecada · 13 days
He nods, understanding. Felix doesn't have a cover job, doesn't want on - but he respects those in the org that do. Gets it, even. It helps them out, especially in Santiago's case.
"Contemplatin'." He nods in affirmation. "They're chompin' at the bit for somethin', I know they are. Hell, sometimes I am, too." He hates what happened, how it happened, but it did crown him king. There's always a part of him that wonders how Andrea would handle it - would she hesitate, wait, plan? Or jump right in?
"So many fuckin' worries, Santi. Heavy is the head, et fuckin' cetera." He spits out a soft curse underneath his breath. "I don't want to go after the boy -" Tristan. "- He ain't scared enough yet. And now I've got the other shit with the laundromat attendant, too." He pauses, reaches for his toothpicks and chews at the end of one before speaking again. "Feels like if we don't move soon, they're gonna get cocky." Beat. "They're already cocky."
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❝ Considering I spend most of my time here and the rest of it is split between home and operating rooms... no, not really. ❞ Santiago contemplated leaving his day job perhaps three times a day, but then he'd remind himself that it provided him with connections that could be good for business in the long run and convinced his spirit that staying was the better option. ❝ Are you still thinking of retaliation and the best course of action ? I know everybody's in your ear wanting action but, like I said before, it's better to take time and come up with a good plan than to act quickly and do a shitty job. Unless this is a different worry altogether. ❞ It was hard to figure out Felix these days.
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felixsecada · 13 days
Felix nods, just once, as Raffa speaks. Restraint, Secada. He licks his lips, and chews on his lower one - still thinking through what might done, if anything. "I trust he didn't know. No worries there."
What does worry him - "He hurt ya?" Emotionally. From what he understood, Raffa was close to the boy and - Without waiting for an answer, he nods. "I understand. And I get ya feel insulted, f'yourself and us."
There's a but here, and Felix needs to say his piece. "We should have pulled him in sooner, yeah. But - Now? He's nothin'. A small fleck of annoyance. He amounts t'nothin' but a mosquito bein' squashed in our hands." Hard swallow, still fiddling with the cigarettes. "The choice he made proves that you never mattered to him. Loyalty means everything. Respect is worth even more, y'understand me, Raf? This proves he ain't ever respected you. They fed him a crock of shit and he ate it up without a second doubt. He would have talked to ya first if he did."
He sighs, already exhausted from speaking. From dealing with the shit on his fuckin' shoes. "I ain't gonna respond. I'm not the one insulted. But you? Ez was close, too, yeah? You two have my blessin' t'do whatever is you deem necessary - whatever helps soothe that ache of betrayal." It's left unsaid that he needs to be told of the decision, before or after.
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Raffa sat, knowing that the count was right. Because he'd had his hands on all the money before it ever touched Felix's desk. It was his job to make sure every dollar that came through TopWash was squeaky clean. No matter what else dirty shit was going on. That was his job. To make sure the money was clean. In general he liked the way Felix did shit. It was quiet, subtle, no bullshit. The shortage with the loss of his best employee that also worked a lot of unclocked over time was hurting the laundromat. And him personally. But that didn't change how much money was due.
He nodded when he was told which was his cut. But he too didn't reach for the money. Not until Felix touched the cigarettes. His face was set in his typical serious expression. "Besides the stuff you've probably already heard about, Patrón? I feel like I let them steal something from us. I should've pulled the kid in sooner. But he didn't know shit about what went on. I made sure of that." He paused, "The money is good. That hasn't changed. One small issue that Ez and I resolved with one of the crews. But ours our falling in line." He paused, "When you decide how we are going to respond for all the insults. I wanna be part of it."
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felixsecada · 14 days
closed: @gabrielalozano where: gab's apartment
He'd already made himself at home, pouring himself some water - nothing heavy, always needing a clear head. Felix sits into one of the chairs and heaves a sigh after taking a sip. "Ain't had much time to catch up lately, eh?"
He gestures for her to sit, too. "How's life? You need money? Anyone causin' ya trouble?"
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felixsecada · 14 days
closed: @santiagordonez where: the warehouse
Hands in his pockets, Felix's face and gaze was angled intensely towards the ground - jaw clenching. He'd wanted this, but there's always the doubt of it being right, and the doubt of not being prepared enough. He'd worked hard to make sure the people in the lower rungs, spread out over their territory would be well taken care of. It's hard to determine when action is needed, and when to let someone else take care of it.
"You talk to anyone else much, lately?" He clicks his teeth together and looks up, finally. He's tired, that much is obvious.
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felixsecada · 14 days
closed: @raffa-ledesma where: the warehouse
Felix flicked through the bills in front of him, double and triple checking the sum in front of him. Only when he's satisfied does he finally push a stack towards the other sitting in front of him. The expression on his face is neutral as always, but there's a slight pinched quality to his lips and forehead. As if he's been overthinking and analyzing - as he does constantly.
"Here's your cut, Raffa." He murmurs, and fishes into his pockets for a pack of cigarettes, setting it in front of him but not going to get one out. It's a reminder to practice restraint. "What news?"
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felixsecada · 16 days
The kid they call their leader. It makes Felix pause just for a moment. He'd met the man - the boy, rather. A little too headstrong, too ready for Felix's tastes. But he knows better than to underestimate him. That's when you get trouble. That's when you get a knife to the gut and a laugh in the ear. For being so young and feeling so on top of the world, there's nothing Felix would enjoy more than to see that foundation crumble.
But it's a slow, long game.
"Nah, eye for an eye don't work too well." If he goes for Tristan or someone in a position - they'd fill it right back up again. A never-fuckin'-ending cycle of death and rebirth. He ain't too ready to feed the snake, yet. "I don't wanna kill nobody yet. There's time for that later. These things --" He waves and sighs, "Ya gotta build up to it, make 'em fear for it. Want it."
They have time. He's an old man, but he's used to waiting for the right moment to snatch up what he needs - what he deserves. "Who're you thinkin', instead of their leader? They close to the boy?" And what he doesn't ask is - if I say not to kill them, what is the next best thing?
"Yeah.", is his final word. Not that Ezra doesn't want Nick to join, to follow his footsteps. He'd love it, he'd love taking him with and showing him his ways. But he has a feeling, with the things Nick says and likes and does, that's not the direction where he's headed. In Nick's age, Ezra had already out and about on the streets, hanging with the older guys. Seeing things he shouldn't have. But that's what he wants to protect the boy from -- he can still make choices at fifteen. Sixteen. Twenty. He's got time.
Then -- there it is. Andrea. The change in topics, more than just welcomed, and Ezra finds himself humming. His thoughts run off to Caleb -- he's become too soft, to accepting. Maybe being more of a backstabber towards those he hates will fix that.
"Not precisely.", the underboss admits, "Not sure what to expect from that kid they call their leader." Could be dangerous. Could also be a mere joke. "Are you thinking eye for an eye?" Ezra taps his glass, thinking, "Doesn't have to be their leader." Could be Caleb. To get rid of that problem.
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felixsecada · 17 days
"An attempt at bein' one, at least." Felix muses, smile light and only slightly forced. He doesn't like to brag about what he does. It's an obligation, after all. If not him, then who else would shoulder the burden? But that doesn't mean he doesn't like to receive a bit of praise for it. It's just not the reason.
"Art history? Not so bad." With a shrug, though he does understand that it is.. boring to him. "I guess ya could say borin' is just a subjective thing. Ain't no one gonna find enjoyment in everythin'."
The question though, makes him pauses. He has his dream job, leading a bunch of fuck offs into trying to make the change he wants to see for the city. For a cover, though..? Clicking his tongue, "Mechanic. Yeah."
"A local do-gooder, eh?" He says it in a positive way, somehow. Aviel rarely passes judgment - and anyone who helps the community is a friend of his. Even if it so happens to be the leader of the Cartel.
He's retired, after all. Some old Brotherhood friends, but he doesn't talk business any more. Or offer any information. Feels a bit better that way, though there's sometimes an urge to spill some beans. Share the hot goss. "Boring, but important. And what's boring, exactly? I bet many would think learning about art history is boring, and yet there I was, eating it up like... uh... Garfield with lasagna."
Avi grins. "Well. If you could do any job, what would you do?"
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felixsecada · 19 days
Felix waves it off as if it's just happenstance. There are plenty of people that go by unnoticed everyday and he wants to be one of them. Being the center of attention is useful in certain situations - not everyday life. Still, he does relish in the fact that maybe one day, someone will look at him and know to fear him.
But his eyebrows raise at her job. It's not often he talks to politicians - or even people who work with them. "Crisis manager." He repeats, thinking it over - turning the words over in his mind. "Damn, feel like everyone needs puttin' fires out sometime. Not too many with the blues, eh? Figure they'd be on the straight n' narrow - but I guess that's your doin'."
"Huh. I'm surprised I've never seen you around then." Esmeralda said, the smile still on her lips. Granted, she was usually in her head most of the time when she was at the laundromat. She also didn't this time to socialize.
"I'm a crisis manager for the Democratic Party." She replied and then joked again. "I put out the fires that most people don't know how to."
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felixsecada · 30 days
"I try to be." He does. Sometimes. Usually with ulterior motive. Jimenez is put to memory, though, as he reaches hand to grip Ricardo's in a firm shake. Even filled with alcohol, the man seems to recognize him - at least a little. That's good, too. Felix smiles, all friendly and eager to listen, even if the man is doing worse for wear.
"You're close enough. I've just got some money floating in it. And friends with th' manager. Helps that it's convenient for me t'use, too, eh?" He laughs, clapping Ricardo on the shoulder and shaking him lightly -- but all the humor dries out as he finally lets what's bothering him out.
His smile fades and he turns to nothing but attentive. He's sure that when he goes home to look through all the information he's collected, the stories will match up. "I'm sorry to hear that, man."
Felix lets it sit for a moment and then, "Killed? They get the guy?" But he can't help but crack a small smile at him, "Nah, nah - Don't worry about all that now. Figure a guy as handsome as you are already got someone back home, anyways, yeah?"
"Thanks again for the drink, my guy." Ricardo reaches for the offered drink, taking a nice long sip from it, more than ready to let the liquor numb the pain he felt. His attention drifts back to the older male, meeting his gaze, Ricardo can't help but curiously ask, "Are you always so generous?" The man had a familiar face but he couldn't quite pinpoint where he might've seen him just yet. Blame the liquor that had long been settling in his system that evening.
"Pleasure to meet you, Felix Secada." He extends a hand out to give the man a proper handshake, adding, "Jimenez. I figure since you gave me your last name, it's only fair to give you mine." When Felix brings up the laundromat, Ricardo's eyebrows raise a bit, suddenly he knew why the guy looked so familiar. "I thought you looked a bit familiar. You're like the owner or something, yeah? I mean, I assume...I don't actually know who owns the place. And honestly? Most of my shifts are spent trying to keep out any trouble that comes into the mat, and then get rid of it." The next question the guy asks makes Ricardo reach for his drink, finishing off whatever was left.
"It's my little sister's birthday," he explains, giving the bartender a small nod of appreciation as another drink is almost instantly set in front of him. "She would've been thirty-two this year, Felix. Thirty-two." He nods, gaze dropping down to look at the liquor, his grip around the glass tightening. "But...she's forever eleven. Eleven, Felix. Eleven fucking years old, and she was stolen from my world. Killed." He shakes his head a little, taking another drink from his glass. He looks over to meet the man's gaze, jokingly adding, "You know, it's a good thing I am not getting the vibes that you're trying to take me back home with you. I would've just killed the moment with my sob story. Jesus."
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felixsecada · 1 month
"He'll figure himself out, don't ya worry. Sometimes it sticks, but sometimes it doesn't - just a matter of time to find out. Just make sure ya support him in th' meantime." He nods and then sits back a little, surprised at how nonchalant Ezra seems about his son following through. He wouldn't mind it, of course. There are plenty of people within the Cartel that got here through their family.
It's unexpected, but not unwelcome. "We'll see if he has a knack for it when he gets a little older. Let 'em be a kid, righ' now, yeah?"
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He sighs, though, and shakes his head - as if undeserving of the praise. "Doin' what I can with what I got. Ain't nothin' special. But I 'ppreciate the thanks all the same." This time he waits for a moment, stretching out his legs and - "Should probably get some business talk outta th' way. You heard anythin' about movements with the Brothers? It's about time we make it known we ain't happy about them takin' Andrea from us." Despite how it shot him up to the top spot.
The man pushes his phone back into his pocket and laughs, "I told him he should be a tailor, like his mamá, and he got mad at me." Ezra's smile his soft -- then follows a honest admission: "I'll wait for him to come and ask me about my work one day, and if he doesn't and figures he'd rather be a firefighter, or a painter, or whatever else he can think of, so be it. I'd rather have him be happy than watch him hold a gun to my head at thirty."
Ezra shrugs, before he places one hand on Felix's back for the glimpse of a moment, "Or the kiddo follows my footsteps. I'd be more than happy to have you welcome him into the family."
A soft grin curls around the corners of his lips -- "Officer de la Cruz sounds awful, though. I'll make sure to get that idea out of his head asap."
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Ezra pauses, then he turns in Felix's direction -- "When I got the news that you took over, I felt extremely proud. I personally think you're doing a great job, Felix. And I believe in what you're doing. I don't need to say it, I know -- but if there's anything I can do for you, even if it's taking a bullet, you know you can count on me." The smile that follows is sincere -- "You did a lot for me, too. And I'm forever grateful."
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felixsecada · 1 month
He nodded to the bartender, a gesture to keep the drinks coming so that they can get somewhere with this. It never hurts to have more people on your side - it's just figuring out what bit makes them tick so you can use it.
He sips at his own drink and gestures for Ricardo to take his - best to have a clear head, even when his is light. "Ricardo - nice to meet ya, man." Felix leans forward, looking over him. He'd seen him at the laundromat a time or two, but never been properly introduced. After all, he only visits from time to time, doing his best to not draw attention to himself.
"Felix, Felix Secada." He finally answers with a bit of an easy smile. "Think I've seen ya over at the laundry place a few times, yeah? What's got your night bein' so rough?"
"I wouldn't imagine you would. I don't really hang around here much, which, considering how nice the place is compared to where I do normally hang out, it's a bit of shame." Given his typical spots were hole in the wall bars, his home, the laundromat, or he was out fixing someone's car at an odd hour of the night. His attention goes to the drinks that were set in front of them, eyebrows raised in a bit of surprise, but he didn't really think on the sudden attentiveness of the bartender. Hell, the guy barely registered how the man next to him had stared at him for that moment.
"I'm not going to protest your kindness. It's been one hell of a fuckin' night and I appreciate the gesture." Normally he'd insist on being the one buying a drink, but it wasn't a normal type of night. Unbeknownst to him, his destiny would be written in tonight's stars and this encounter wasn't coincidental. "I’m Ricardo. To whom do I owe the pleasure of sharing this evening with?" He asks, turning to look at the other again, trying to offer at least a small polite smile.
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