feridsluver · 7 hours
This is why we hate rigr.
Ngl I do think that Rigr only worsened Ferids state, which was already shit due to his parents.
Poor ferid srsly he needs love
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I am reading catastrophe at 16 right now and I just saw this 😭
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There was also another panel of Ferid saying that his mother considered him to have an incorrigible mouth since he was in the womb, I can't find that panel though
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feridsluver · 6 days
Pookie I literally have a cigarette ferid sketch😭
if ferid was human during this era he would definitely be that kind of niche boy that likes philosophy, cigarettes, french new wave films and yapps 24/7 about how misunderstood and special he is
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feridsluver · 27 days
So pretty 😭🫶
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feridsluver · 1 month
This is so cute I swear to god 😭🫶🫶
OML pookie you know I now have to request a fanfiction :3
Okay what if ferid and his s/o would go to an amusement park? How do you think that would be :P
Twists and Thrills (Ferid x reader)
Ferid and his s/o going to an amusement park
The sun was setting as you and Ferid strolled through the entrance gates of the amusement park, the air buzzing with excitement and laughter. Ferris wheels towered above, their colorful lights dancing in the evening sky.
Ferid flashed his trademark smirk, his crimson eyes gleaming mischievously as he turned to you. "Are you ready for an unforgettable night, my dear?"
You couldn't help but smile, only his smile making you happy, yet his words seemed sinister, knowing what happened the last time when he asked the same thing. You're keen on finding out what he's planning for tonight, but you don't wrap your head around it.
The first ride you approached was a roller coaster, its tracks twisting and looping through the air. Ferid suggested you take the front seats for the best view. As the coaster climbed higher and higher, you gripped the safety bar tightly, feeling a mixture of fear and exhilaration.
But beside you, Ferid seemed unfazed, his long hair whipping in the wind as he laughed joyfully. "Isn't this delightful, darling? The adrenaline rush is simply intoxicating."
At this point, Ferid's usual calm demeanor wasn't surprising to you anymore. Everyone was screaming in that roller coaster, including you, except for him, who was laughing almost like a maniac.
"Oh, your scream sounds wonderful, dear. It's like music to my ears."
Next, you ventured into a haunted house, the darkness enveloping you as eerie sounds echoed through the corridors. Ferid, always the showman, pretended to be scared at every turn, grabbing onto your arm tightly, hiding behind you. "Oooh, so scary. You should be careful, dear. What if a big scary vampire shows up and eats you?!"
You chuckled. "I actually have one next to me right now."
"You know, I've faced much scarier things than this," he whispered with a grin, his breath sending shivers down your spine.
The next station was the Ferris Wheel. As you and Ferid approached the towering Ferris wheel, its colorful lights illuminated the night sky, creating an enchanting spectacle. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Ferid gestured towards the entrance.
"Shall we take a ride, my dear?" he asked, offering his hand with a charming smile.
You nodded eagerly, taking his hand as you joined the queue. As you waited, you couldn't resist the temptation of the fluffy pink cotton candy being sold nearby. You purchased a stick of the sugary treat, the sweet aroma filling your nostrils.
You and Ferid boarded the Ferris wheel, settling into the cozy seat. With each rotation, the world below seemed to shrink, replaced by a breathtaking view of the sparkling lights of the amusement park.
You took a bite of the cotton candy, savoring the sugary sweetness as Ferid watched with amusement. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked, a soft smile playing on his lips.
You nodded, a smile tugging at your lips. "Absolutely. This is perfect."
"Your blushing cheeks seem to perfectly imitate the color of that cotton candy, y'know?" His lips curl into a soft smirk as he watches you eat.
"Am I blushing?"
"No, not yet. Should I make you blush?" Ferid rests one of his hands on your thigh, pulling you into a gentle kiss.
As the Ferris wheel reached its peak, you and Ferid gazed out at the twinkling lights, the night sky ablaze with stars.
As you and the mesmerizing man beside you roamed through the amusement park, you stumbled upon a lively arcade buzzing with excitement. Neon lights flashed, drawing you both inside.
Ferid's eyes sparkled with intrigue as he surveyed the array of games, his gaze settling on a classic shooting game. "Shall we put our skills to the test, my dear?" he proposed, a playful smirk playing on his lips.
You nodded eagerly, stepping up to the machine beside him. With tokens in hand, you both took aim at the moving targets, fingers poised over the trigger buttons.
With each shot, the tension mounted, laughter bubbling between you as you competed for the highest score. Ferid's precision was unmatched, his movements fluid and calculated, while you relied on quick reflexes and a bit of luck.
As the game reached its conclusion, the final scores flashed on the screen. With a triumphant grin, Ferid emerged as the victor, his score surpassing yours by a narrow margin.
"Congratulations," you said, conceding defeat with a playful wink.
Ferid chuckled, a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. "It seems I am quite the sharpshooter."
Another thing that Ferid really wanted to try out were the bumper cars. As you and him entered the bustling bumper car arena, the excitement in the air was palpable. Colorful cars zipped and collided, laughter and shouts filling the space with energy.
Ferid's eyes gleamed mischievously as he surveyed the chaos, a devilish grin spreading across his lips.
You climbed into a nearby bumper car as Ferid settled in beside you. With a flick of the switch, the cars sprang to life, jolting forward with a jolt.
As you navigated the crowded arena, Ferid's playful antics quickly became apparent. With expert precision, he maneuvered his car to bump into unsuspecting young people, his laughter ringing out with each collision.
"Sir, could you stop bumping into me?" a young guy revolved against him
"Oopsie, I didn't realize that I was doing that. Excuse me then. But, perhaps it only happened because you are such a bad driver. You should watch it out."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his antics, the thrill of the chase adding to the excitement of the game. But as Ferid's targets grew increasingly frustrated, you couldn't shake a sense of apprehension.
"Ferid, maybe we should dial it back a bit," you suggested, glancing nervously at the irate riders.
But Ferid only grinned wider, his crimson eyes alight with mischief. "Where's the fun in that, my dear? Let's keep the party going!"
Despite your protests, Ferid continued his relentless pursuit, weaving through the chaos with ease as he teased and taunted his unwitting victims, which also contained some aggressive children.
But as the game drew to a close and the bumper cars came to a stop, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the havoc Ferid had caused. "Was it really necessary to annoy them like that?" you asked, shooting him a reproachful glance.
Ferid shrugged nonchalantly, though a hint of satisfaction lingered in his gaze. "It was all in good fun, my dear. Besides, where's the amusement without a bit of chaos?"
Throughout the night, you explored every corner of the park, from spinning tea cups to bumper cars, with Ferid by your side, his amusing and gentle manners never fading. As the hours passed, the two of you found yourselves on a quiet bench beneath the glow of the moon.
"Is my little butterfly perhaps tired?" Ferid mused, his tone softer than usual.
You nodded, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. "Yes, shall we go home?"
"Of course, my darling."
"I wanted to thank you for this experience. This was so much fun, especially with you by my side."
He reached out, brushing a stray hair from your face, his gaze intense yet tender. "The pleasure was all mine, my dear. Perhaps we should make this a tradition—amusement park adventures with me and my beloved companion."
You couldn't help but smile at the thought. "I would like that very much."
You stood up to leave, hand in hand with Ferid, knewing that this night would be etched in your memory forever—a thrilling journey through the world of amusement, with the enigmatic vampire by your side.
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feridsluver · 1 month
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Happy Birthday, Fried Bathtub! A little late, once again, but I’m getting closer and closer to their actual birthdays by now! Here’s a sketch for our beloved diva in a new outfit I came up with. I hope you like it. I actually didn’t want to give him short shorts, but Ferid isn’t Ferid without his thigh-high stripper boots and any other pants would’ve made him look too much like his usual self. Also, I’m a slut for tight-fitting black gloves on slender fingers so that explains the shorter sleeves.
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feridsluver · 1 month
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Krul’s birthday.
Ferid: I didn’t know you were so popular. I suppose it paid off to try so hard and even expose your thighs. Krul: Oh shut up. I didn’t really try. Ferid: Oh but you obviously did. You must have been really cold baring yourself in winter. Krul: I told you, I— Agh, enough, just die already! Ferid: Gyaaaaah! Kidding. Ah! My birthday is in 4 days, so I will be counting on you then♪ Krul: Do me a favor and bite it!
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feridsluver · 1 month
You will get so many ferid doodles prepare 🫶
Hihi so I saw your match up things and obv I am gonna request one 🤭
Name: Lisa / Juni
Fandom: owari no seraph
Mbti : INFJ
I'd also say I am quite creative, open minded and curious
Astrology wise I am libra rising, cancer moon and cancer sun.
Here's a picture of me :3 :
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My type: intelligent, smart and playful and also incredibly complex people.
Also obv my favourite is Ferid and yes I forgot if there's any other category
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I match you up with...
Ferid Báthory as your s/o
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Why? He would be interested in your creativity and intelligence. He would appreciate your adoration for literature,music and art.
I think that at first, when he barely got to know you, he would act like his usual 'self'. But, as time passes by, he would feel more comfortable with you. Obviously, his façade would still be on mostly around you, but you will observe some odd changes in his behavior once he gets to trust you more. For example: When you both sit in silence and there's nothing left to discuss, he would say something worrying about him, but then he would quickly regain his composure and pretend that nothing happened. Or, he would start to make darker jokes about himself and always promise you that they're only jokes. (spoiler: they're not only jokes) Of course, it will be hard for you to gain his complete trust, the process will be hard and long, but it will be worth it.
Even when he gets to finally trust you, he would still tease you sometimes. He would perhaps tease you about your admiration for art. (like, for example when he jokes with Crowley, in the light novel, about his new 'interest' in art, when Ferid was simply drawing out a map.) You will probably still find some of his so-called jokes bizarre, but after some time you get used to them.
I think that he would obviously call you beautiful and he would admire ur blonde long hair. (Imo your hair seems a darker shade of blonde soo)
He really likes unique things and people, sparkling his interest and making him less bored of eternity and life, in general. He would like your unique sense of style and music.
Something adorable that you will quickly notice about him will be the fact that he will always remember every small detail about you. Even if you mention even only once about your adoration for an artist or a character, he would immediately buy you something with that artist or character. His love language would also be quality time and gift-giving, so you would better be prepared for him to fill ur room with gifts and also, expect him to always want to spend time with you.
After you both get into a relationship, you would quickly see a very different side of him. He would be clingy, careful with you, gentle, but some of his jokes and some of his teasing is still there.
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feridsluver · 1 month
REAL. (He could even make men go into an ovulation cycle)
Ain't noone gonna talk about how this man rizzed us all with just a haircut ?😭😭
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(911 I'm in need💀)
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feridsluver · 1 month
Me core😏:
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feridsluver · 1 month
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feridsluver · 1 month
I understand where you come from and I also get why people who don't read into ferid would think that he is a tad bit strange.
Just from my experience, as somebody who wasted so much time researching about ferids behaviour and intention, it is quite irritating when you show the proof and people still cling onto this idea.
people who consider ferid a p3d0 and a r4p1st are so weird to me💀 like where did you even get that information? the hatred towards ferid in this fandom should really be discussed. I understand if you don't like him, it's fine, it's just a character. But also hating his fans, creating fake canons about him and telling people that he's a pedo and a r4pist?? wtff
I could write a whole essay about why ferid isn't like that and people would still refuse to acknowledge it. There are many people who misunderstand his character and what's worse than that? The fact that there are even people who 'love' ferid here but they still see him as a p3d0 and a villain. Then why are you even bothering to like him at all?
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feridsluver · 1 month
SO REAL. Not only do they mischaracterise ferid but they also get the way he interacts with other vampires (example Crowley. How tf do you interpret a romantic relationship out of that 😭)
people who consider ferid a p3d0 and a r4p1st are so weird to me💀 like where did you even get that information? the hatred towards ferid in this fandom should really be discussed. I understand if you don't like him, it's fine, it's just a character. But also hating his fans, creating fake canons about him and telling people that he's a pedo and a r4pist?? wtff
I could write a whole essay about why ferid isn't like that and people would still refuse to acknowledge it. There are many people who misunderstand his character and what's worse than that? The fact that there are even people who 'love' ferid here but they still see him as a p3d0 and a villain. Then why are you even bothering to like him at all?
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feridsluver · 1 month
So real. Genuinely the mischaracterisation of him is so sad.
Btw I would gladly help you with debunking all their arguments ^^ (I alr wrote an entire "essay" about why ferid making children wear transparent clothing isn't because he's attracted to them. Instead it is to check if they have a visible blood disease)
But also I feel like so many people do not understand that ferid bathory is heavily inspired by erzsèbet bathory (who was NOT A p3do). Both are jealous of children's innocence and hope that have been taken from them. For ferid specifically it was that he was not allowed to be a child and that he did not have parents.
Also the argument that vampires feel pleasure while drinking isn't really confirmed? (If it is I'd like to know where it has been confirmed). People forget that humans aren't seen as a romantic interest but as a literal food source. And plus, it is confirmed that vampires like sweet blood (children's blood) more than sour blood (adult blood). So therefore ferid is not only a sweet tooth but also incredibly picky with what he consumes.
+ ferid saying he drinks from beautiful children could refer to the fact that "beauty" is that the children are healthy.
people who consider ferid a p3d0 and a r4p1st are so weird to me💀 like where did you even get that information? the hatred towards ferid in this fandom should really be discussed. I understand if you don't like him, it's fine, it's just a character. But also hating his fans, creating fake canons about him and telling people that he's a pedo and a r4pist?? wtff
I could write a whole essay about why ferid isn't like that and people would still refuse to acknowledge it. There are many people who misunderstand his character and what's worse than that? The fact that there are even people who 'love' ferid here but they still see him as a p3d0 and a villain. Then why are you even bothering to like him at all?
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feridsluver · 1 month
I was a bit bored and I thought which owari no seraph characters (vampires) in what twisted wonderland be. These are my headcanons so not facts or anything :3
(Husband) Ferid bathory = diasomnia
The entire dorm is about dark nobility as well as it has a goth vibe that I think suits ferid well. Additionally I think ferid would be good in every subject because bro remembers everything.
At first I thought maybe octavinelle because they are vicious because ferid blackmails Krul but on the other hand it doesn't really match ferids personality and aura.
Krul tepes= diasomnia
Idk she is a literal goth icon so quite self explanatory.
crowley eusford= Savanaclaw
Bro is definitely friends with jack howl. Also I see Crowley to be incredibly sporty.
Rene Simm= Heartslabyul/ ignhyde
One thing I remember him as is that he follows ferids orders and doesn't question them. I kinda remember vaguely that lacus didn't do it properly and rene criticised him for it.
(He gives me the vibe that he would also be a techno expert because he's quite smart)
Another runner would have been Scarabia because he seems to be quite intelligent and also
Lacus Welt= Octavinelle
The guy is quite intelligent and also he's so morally grey he suits the dorm well. Tbh I also think he would def take advantage of the fact that you can have human "servants" when they pay off their debt.
Horn skuld= pomefiore
She's quite loyal to Crowley and she also seems to be acting kind to the people she values. So I can imagine if she's given a task she would be quite ambitious to complete it which is a pomefiore trait.
Chess belle= Savanaclaw
She's quite hot tempered and I think it would be funny if she'd be practicing martial arts with Crowley. Also I feel like her hot temper would be amazing for the tournament.
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feridsluver · 2 months
All Ferid fans in a nutshell💀🤝:
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feridsluver · 2 months
Omg guys rq how alike do you think ferid and sephiroth are?
(I am gonna play final fantasy VII solely because sephiroth looks like ferid)
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feridsluver · 2 months
helloo! i really like your headcanons and i would like to ask if you could write about ferid and crowley with a very affectionate s/o? thank you and have a good day/night!
Hello! Sure thing!
Thanks! Have a great day too!
Ferid Bathory and Crowley Eusford with a very affectionate s/o
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Ferid Bathory
-he is a very affectionate person too,so he doesn't mind anything you do
-though he also likes to tease
-so if he is feeling playful then he will most likely won't let you touch him until you beg for it
-if you're getting mad fast then he will stop and just cuddle with you
-he likes seeing you flustered and a bit mad and that's why he teases you so much
-he loves you though (maybe a weird love?)
-he likes whenever you hug him from behind
-give him a surprise-hug and he's all yours
-most likely enjoys in silence every affection moment that you give him
-you're his treasure and the only person he'll truly treasure his whole vampire life
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Crowley Eusford
-he doesn't mind it if you like being affectionate with him
-he isn't neccesarily a very cuddly and affectionate person,but you being like that doesn't bother him in the slightest
-he does like having cute moments with you where you two just share your feelings towards one another
-he likes having deep talks with you
-talking is his love language
-especially if you like history too and maybe he can share with you his stories
-he likes you two laying in bed and reading something like Greek Myths from an old book
-all of this while your bodies explore and touch each other softly
-he truly cherishes the fact that you're his s/o and his most beloved one
Thank you for the request and I hope you liked these!
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