fhfdvjgvnk-blog · 5 years
Basic methods of skin care for different age groups
Basic methods of skin care for different age groupshttps://www.beauty-lives.com
Many women consider the age factor in skin care, and choose the skin care method according to their skin condition. However, many women are not clear about the skin care of different age groups. I don’t know what to pay attention to. Today I share different things for everyone. The basics of skin care in the age group, let's take a look!
1, 20-25 years old skin care focus
At this time, the condition of the skin itself is still very good. The main thing is to pay attention to your own hygiene habits, avoid acne, and keep the skin moisturized at all times. There is plenty of water in it.
Various skin types point to skin care:
1 dry skin
For dry skin at this age, use a creamy woody cream or a water compound cream, and add enough nutrients and moisture to the skin. Moisturize the skin before going to bed and apply a suitable night cream. If the skin is very dry, you can use a more oily night cream. If it feels very greasy, you can use a tissue paper for 10 minutes after re-application. Because within 10 minutes, the amount of nutrients that the skin can absorb has already entered the epidermal cells, so it will not be wasted or not effective.
2 oily skin
Use facial cleansing gel or bio-mineral soap when cleansing.
For face creams, use oil control creams and plant fragrance creams. These can prevent the growth of bacteria, protect the skin, and avoid the appearance of oily skin.
Cleansing face with warm water can remove excess oil from the face and avoid irritating the skin by using overheated or too cold water. The optimal water temperature should be close to human body temperature.
Eat more cabbage, leeks, bean sprouts, lean meat, beans, add enough vitamins, protein, fatty acids, water, help fat metabolism, reduce facial oils, make skin rosy and elastic. Moisture is especially important for oily skin. Be sure to drink plenty of water.
2, 25--30 years old skin care focus: prevent and resist wrinkles
Against aging, there are several major terms: CLA AHA Vitamin A Pure Vitamin A Promotional Ingredients
CLA conjugates linoleic acid to help maintain collagen balance and help regulate skin cells for optimal youthfulness. Acting on the epidermis, it stimulates the growth of new cells.
AHA acid can instantly act on the stratum corneum and remove aging cells. It is worth mentioning that fruit acid can promote tissue regeneration, stimulate the regeneration of collagen tissue, and make the skin smooth. Therefore, in addition to calming wrinkles, it also has a good healing effect on depressed acne scars. AHA is generally applied to the stratum corneum of the surface layer, effectively removing aging cells and creating a good environment for new skin cells.
Vitamin A, an anti-aging ingredient, acts deeply on the skin and promotes the formation of collagen and the repair of the skin itself.
Pure vitamin A, the promotion of ingredients to accelerate the effects of vitamin A, the maximum absorption and utilization of the skin. Accelerate the production of new cells with vitamin A.
Pure Vitamin A Pure Vitamin A propellant can reach the dermis and act to promote skin repair and collagen production, making the skin firm and elastic.
(1) Topical: Aqueous compounds, creams, moisturizing masks or creams, moisturizing creams and creams (for face creams, it is best to use a face cream without side effects to prevent premature skin, so the essence is also suitable for the time) It can maintain the flexibility and elasticity of the skin and prevent external damage.
(2) for internal use: light foods such as: water, vitamin C, B vitamins, leeks, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, fungus, milk, etc. The main role is to delay aging, prevent the secretion of subcutaneous oil glands, reduce skin tone, and rough skin.
Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to avoid exposure during this age group to prevent freckles and wrinkles.
3.30--40 years old skin care focus: prevent skin dryness and gloss
(1) External use: The use of anti-wrinkle, moisturizing cream products, nutritional mask is also necessary for care. Moreover, moisturizing anti-wrinkle serum can maintain the original elasticity and moisture of the skin and reduce wrinkles. It is important to emphasize that the use of eye cream can help reduce eye bags and dark circles.
(2) Internal use: more water, fresh fruits, vegetables, animal proteins containing collagen (such as: pig's trotters, skin, fish, lean meat, etc.). Eat more of these foods to prevent dry skin, crow's feet, muscle relaxation and more. In addition, it is important to ensure 8 hours of sleep per day.
4.40--50 years old skin care focus: prevent skin dehydration and facial relaxation caused by endocrine disorders
(1) External use: Regular professional skin care to promote and stimulate metabolism, using anti-wrinkle, hydrating, regenerating mask and cream. Milk cleansing liquid, vitamin E-rich face cream, fruit acid cosmetics, film, etc. can effectively remove dead cells on the surface of the skin, promote the growth of new cells, and use more effective moisturizing products containing vitamin A and fruit acid to improve Skin condition.
(2) Internal use: Eat more corn, sweet potato, mushroom, lemon, walnut, cabbage, cauliflower, fruit juice, peanut oil... It can help the excretion of cholesterol, nourish and nourish blood, delay skin aging.
Skin care after 5.50 years old: to prevent skin gelatinous and elastic protein loss, skin loss of solidity
(1) External use: Carefully handle dead skin, remember not to use products containing coarse abrasives. More water, add care to the regenerative cells and care; use anti-wrinkle cream, anti-aging cosmetics, appropriate to make vitamin E mask, collagen mask, conditional can do regular beauty salon series Care.
(2) Internal use: comprehensive nutritional care, maintain a good attitude.
In fact, regardless of the age of people, a good health mentality is the most important.
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fhfdvjgvnk-blog · 5 years
Beauty skin care
Beauty skin care
Do not squeeze acne by handhttps://www.beauty-lives.com
In adolescence, we all have some acne, especially for some pretty sister papers. If you have acne on your face, it is not good. We don't have to worry about long acne. As long as you don't squeeze it by hand, there will be no scars. We can go to the pharmacy to buy some disinfectant and wipe it with a cotton swab for disinfection.
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learn to smile
Many women will do some facial skin care measures, but don't do some facial exaggeration, learn how to smile, even when the eyes are blinking.
Don't hold your face with your hands
Many times, one of our movements and one detail will affect the beauty of our skin. If the palm of your hand is holding your face for a long time, then our skin will be prone to wrinkles, and these are long-lasting, so beauty skin care should be Start with the details.
Drink plenty of water and drink more water
Whitening skin care begins with drinking water. People say that women are made of water. It is a good way to use water for beauty and skin care. It’s just that many of our girls know but can’t do it. Here, I remind you girls to drink plenty of water to maintain. .
Nutritional supplements
With water is not enough, you still need to add more nutrients, many trace elements are obtained through food, because such trace elements and minerals have a good protective effect on the skin. So we have to do a lot of food supplements.
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fhfdvjgvnk-blog · 5 years
How to have white skin
How to have white skin
Skin care tips: beer shrink poreshttps://www.beauty-lives.com
Take the mask bowl, pour the appropriate amount of beer, and then immerse the compressed mask in the beer. After three minutes, remove it and slightly remove some excess water. Apply to the face, when the water is quickly sucked dry, apply it repeatedly for half an hour, then wash the face with cold water, the pores are gone, and the skin will become very tight.
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Skin care tips 2: yogurt honey moisturizing
Mix the yogurt and honey in the same amount and evenly spread on the face. After 15 minutes, the skin will be very smooth and supple, and will permanently lock the moisture in the stratum corneum.
Skin care tips 3: baking soda to blackheads
When washing your face, mix the baking soda in facial cleanser and wash your face. The foam will become very delicate and elastic. After washing, you will find that the blackheads are much reduced and the pores are reduced. Long-term persistence, blackheads will disappear.
Skin care tips 4: toothpaste acne
Toothpaste has a very good cooling and anti-inflammatory effect. When the acne redness is serious, you can apply a proper amount of white toothpaste on it to quickly eliminate redness and wash it after one hour.
Skincare Tips 5: Jasmine Firming Lotion
Soak the jasmine flower buds in cold water, pour into a sealable container, and add a little medical alcohol. After cleaning your face daily, apply a proper amount to your face. The skin will become very refreshing and the pores will be much finer.
Skin care tips 6: honey massage
After cleansing the face, the water is still not dry, take a proper amount of honey in the palm of your hand, face the palms of your hands, and then cover the face from the inside out to massage, the movement should be gentle. After 5 minutes of massage, wash with water. The face will become very tender, shiny and without tightness.
Skincare Tips 7: Rose Beauty
Infuse the rose flowers that are not fully open into the balsamic vinegar for a week. Then add a proper amount of cold boiled water to make a cleansing lotion. Wash your face in the morning and evening, and stick to it for a long time to eliminate acne and make your skin smooth and delicate.
Skin care tips 8: oat exfoliation
Soak the oatmeal with fresh milk for half an hour, stir it into a paste, apply it on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse off with water. It can effectively remove the aging of the skin surface, while whitening the skin, making the skin smooth and delicate.
Skin care tips 9: strawberry yogurt acne
Wash the strawberry with the juice, add the yogurt, drink the flour and mix well. Apply to the face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. Strawberry has anti-inflammatory and astringent skin effects. Mixed yogurt can improve the secretion of oil and can effectively alleviate the growth of acne.
Skin care tips 10: white vinegar wash your face
When cleaning your face daily, add 3 to 5 drops of white vinegar to the washbasin.
Long-term adherence, can regulate skin oil and water balance, white vinegar has anti-inflammatory effect, can inhibit the growth of acne, eliminate acne.
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fhfdvjgvnk-blog · 5 years
Beauty tips
Beauty tipshttps://www.beauty-lives.com
1. Humidity is too high or too low
It will cause great damage to the skin of the face. It will cause damage to the small blood vessels under the skin, and the skin will be red and persistent. Therefore, avoid using cold or overheated water to wash your face.
2, keep enough sleep
Maintain a happy state of mind and maintain the normal function of the digestive system. Do not blindly follow the skin care of others. Always use a maintenance method that suits the nature of your skin.
3, try to breathe fresh air
And do the right amount of exercise, this will accelerate the blood circulation, make the face look smooth and ruddy.
4, the skin pays attention to maintenance
The skin will constantly change with age, climate, and health. The test should be checked once in a while and the skin care products should be adjusted in time.
5, neck and face
The neck and face are important at the same time, so don’t forget the skin care of the neck.
6, when makeup and maintenance
When applying makeup and maintenance, all movements must be performed from the bottom to the top, and vice versa, the facial muscles will be loosened.
7. When using face or bath products
Don't use it casually because you like its fragrance. Avoid using alcohol, flavors, and irritating cosmetics. It is wise to choose a product that is suitable for the skin.
8, do not rub casually
Do not rub or push your face casually. The muscles on your face can easily sag or slack due to stretching. It must be gently rubbed and pushed during makeup and maintenance.
9, pay attention to the face
Never let the face directly contact with sand, dust, hot air, minimize the direct exposure to ultraviolet light, and moisturize the skin care products every morning and evening.
10, need to make up 6-8 cups of boiling water daily
Eat a variety of water green vegetables and milk, taking vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E is very helpful for beauty, but must be taken under the guidance of a physician to avoid excessive damage to good health, sweet, oily, spicy foods to eat as little as possible.
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fhfdvjgvnk-blog · 5 years
5 kinds of foods for beauty and skin care
5 kinds of foods for beauty and skin carehttps://www.beauty-lives.com
The office family often belongs to the workaholics who do not know the precious body and work hard. They are usually busy with communication in addition to being busy with work. When busy, please don't forget to give yourself a good life aesthetic and be better for yourself.
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Want to have smooth and delicate skin? Want to increase your face value? Want to be beautiful? Teach you a few tricks of beauty and skin care products, eat these 5 kinds of food, it is said that these five kinds of food not only have a good health effect, but also skin care beauty!
Plum - smooth skin
Plum is a good food with a variety of effects. Eating or painting has an effect and has been regarded as a baby since ancient times. If applied, it can not only treat skin diseases, but also improve skin roughness. Especially the soaked plum dried wine, the effect is better.
Usage: When taking a bath, take a good massage and rub the skin while carefully massage, the skin will gradually become smooth. Especially effective for dry keratinized skin.
Sesame - glows skin
All along, sesame has the magical effect of hair care, but what many people don't know is that eating sesame often makes the skin shiny. Because sesame is rich in linoleic acid and vitamin e, it can improve peripheral vascular disorders and make skin soft.
So in the dry autumn, be sure to eat more sesame!
Hawthorn - moisturizes skin
The hawthorn is delicious, but many people don't like it. Because it is as susceptible to allergies as yam. But this does not cover its beauty. Yam has a nourishing, strong effect of mucin and various enzyme components. These ingredients can activate cellular functions and increase metabolism. These functions can strengthen the gastrointestinal tract, promote digestion, and improve the roughness of the skin caused by constipation. Hawthorn mixed with dried plums can promote metabolism and beautify the skin.
Lotus root - promote metabolism
Lotus root is rich in vitamin C and minerals, has a potent effect, and its hemostatic effect is more well known. Recently, it has been proved that lotus root is beneficial to the heart and can control the effect of promoting metabolism and preventing rough skin.
Fungus - moisturizes the skin
The fungus is rich in vitamins and minerals, has a blood purifying effect, and is a good food for the skin. There are also a lot of dietary fiber in the fungus, which is very suitable for people who have rough skin due to constipation. Stir-fried or soup can be, you can eat more, the fungus with jujube and jujube, the effect doubled.
 Women are born to love beautiful animals, women like to float beautiful, so that they look happy, others are also comfortable, women's beauty methods are also more and more, nowadays, everyone is concerned about diet and beauty, the above five skin care Good, I hope everyone likes it.
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fhfdvjgvnk-blog · 5 years
6 tips for beauty and skin care
6 tips for beauty and skin carehttps://www.beauty-lives.com
6 small common senses of skin care, it is difficult for your skin to be white
1: Everyone remembers that the mask is a deep cleansing product, which is washed out within 30 minutes! If the application time is too long, the mask paper will dry up and absorb the moisture of the skin, which will make the skin more dry and even fine lines appear.
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2: Eat more vitamin C, E-rich foods, such as citrus, hawthorn, tomatoes, melon, cantaloupe, lemon, fresh dates, snow red, green pepper, sesame, walnut, wheat germ, vegetable oil, etc., can avoid, reduce fading The production of plain spots can be eaten as appropriate. Try to eat less sensitive celery, parsley, etc., so as not to stimulate the melanin to accelerate the precipitation (avoid eating during the day, you can choose to eat at night).
3. Tofu can be used for beauty. After getting up every morning, use a piece of tofu and put it in your palm to rub the face for a few minutes. For a month, the facial skin will become white and moist. Whitening must first replenish water, because moisture is the source of life for the skin, and the skin can absorb the active ingredients of subsequent products more effectively in a healthy and moist environment.
4: The elasticity of the skin, the ability to shrink and form collagen will decrease with age, and the skin will be loose. The original round pores will also sag and become oval or tear-like, and the pores will be enlarged. Therefore, do a good job of moisturizing, add a lot of water to the skin, increase the elasticity of the skin from the inside to fundamentally delay the aging of the skin and solve the pore problem.
5: When you want to sleep, take a slice of cucumber and put it on your face for a few minutes. Your face will be white and tender for a month.
6: Get up 2 cups of water every day, and add a cup of salt to one of them to clean the stomach.
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fhfdvjgvnk-blog · 5 years
Have you heard "Blood-washing" beauty
Have you heard "Blood-washing" beautybeauty-lives
Ozone is a strong oxidant that turns dark red venous blood into bright red arterial blood. But to complete this process, there is no need to pass the medical aesthetics, just by normal breathing. In other words, the relevant medical beauty project is nothing but a lie.
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Recently, a cosmetic method has caused controversy on the Internet. This method is called "blood washing", that is, extracting a certain amount of blood, injecting ozone and then returning it to the body.
Some beauty and medical institutions provide such services, claiming to detoxify and improve skin quality, but beauty medical institutions are not qualified to carry out such services.
The US Food and Drug Administration recently issued a statement saying that the method cannot guarantee safety and effectiveness.
According to public reports, this blood purification project appeared a few years ago and appeared on social platforms in a similar way and in the name of “blood purification”, “self-blood therapy” and “ozone therapy”.
"Blood therapy is also a way to fight aging, but young people, when they are in good health, are not necessary." The staff said that the agency will first conduct a face-to-face consultation to understand the basic situation, so that customers can do a full blood test first, if the heart and lungs If there is a problem with the function and the blood oxygen level is relatively low, or the young man is physically overdrafted and in a sub-health state, the institution doctor will give a guiding judgment based on the physical examination and suggest whether to perform the therapy.
According to the staff, the cost of this therapy is tens of thousands of yuan. The age is different and the operation time is different. Young people are several hours. The older the patient, the longer the operation time may be. The group receiving the therapy service in the institution is in the middle. Most people live in the year.
Another staff member of a medical beauty agency said that there are many blood purification programs in the organization, depending on the physical condition, and the price ranges from 10,000 to more than 100,000. After blood purification, there is a detoxification effect, and the skin texture will also become better. Another staff member said that the project uses Japanese instruments, which are higher than the ozone therapy device. The consumer groups targeted by the project are people with special diseases.
Another staff member of a medical beauty agency said that there are such projects in the organization. However, they call it hemodialysis, specifically, taking the patient's blood out and transporting it to a special "artificial kidney" (ie dialyzer) where the blood is "cleaned" (cleaning water is treated) Water and concentrated dialysate) removes toxins and excess water from the blood and then returns the blood to the patient.
Expert: Improper operation or thrombosis
After the "blood-washing" beauty law caused controversy on the Internet, many doctors expressed objections. A medical industry author wrote that the blood drawn out was dark red and turned red when injected with ozone. In many people's eyes, this is evidence that the blood has been purified. In fact, a major function of blood is to transport oxygen. When the oxygen in the blood is consumed, it becomes dark red venous blood. The venous blood returns to the heart, and through the lungs and oxygen, it becomes a bright red arterial blood. . Ozone is a strong oxidant that turns dark red venous blood into bright red arterial blood. But to complete this process, there is no need to pass the medical aesthetics, just by normal breathing. In other words, the relevant medical beauty project is nothing but a lie.
The operation of blood purification can be analogous to hemodialysis, and the operation requirements are relatively high. At least the disinfection and preventive measures need to meet certain requirements. For example, in the case of intravenous injection, the general hospital needs to meet certain requirements in order to operate, and should also carry out certain training. The hospital must also have monitoring equipment to monitor the disease number. It believes that it is illegal for beauty and medical institutions to carry out such projects.
Hemodialysis programs generally apply to people with poor renal function and serious illness. There is no evidence that the blood purification program claims to lose weight and improve skin quality.
If the operation and disinfection are not strict, it may lead to infection, including AIDS, syphilis and so on. When the blood is taken out of the body, if the operation is irregular, blood may be coagulated, and blood is forcibly returned, which may cause a blood clot. Improper handling during blood purification may cause air to enter the blood vessels, causing air embolism.
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fhfdvjgvnk-blog · 5 years
Beauty skin care
Beauty skin care
Do not squeeze acne by handbeauty-lives
In adolescence, we all have some acne, especially for some pretty sister papers. If you have acne on your face, it is not good. We don't have to worry about long acne. As long as you don't squeeze it by hand, there will be no scars. We can go to the pharmacy to buy some disinfectant and wipe it with a cotton swab for disinfection.
learn to smile
Many women will do some facial skin care measures, but don't do some facial exaggeration, learn how to smile, even when the eyes are blinking.
Don't hold your face with your hands
Many times, one of our movements and one detail will affect the beauty of our skin. If the palm of your hand is holding your face for a long time, then our skin will be prone to wrinkles, and these are long-lasting, so beauty skin care should be Start with the details.
Drink plenty of water and drink more water
Whitening skin care begins with drinking water. People say that women are made of water. It is a good way to use water for beauty and skin care. It’s just that many of our girls know but can’t do it. Here, I remind you girls to drink plenty of water to maintain. .
Nutritional supplements
With water is not enough, you still need to add more nutrients, many trace elements are obtained through food, because such trace elements and minerals have a good protective effect on the skin. So we have to do a lot of food supplements.
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