fiction-boys-rule · 2 months
I just saw some new photos released of Jon Bernthal on the set of Daredevil and safe to say I’m going feral.
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fiction-boys-rule · 3 months
To Just Be
Pairing: Eliot Spencer/Reader (non gender specified)
Warnings: slight swearing, mental health topics, fluff
Summary: Your mental state takes a turn and you find yourself slipping back into bad habits. Eliot helps to comfort you and the both of you spend a cozy night together.
The music seems too loud in the small space of your bedroom but the thought of silence perturbes you more. The mattress is too soft but not hard enough at the same time. The feeling of your clothes on your skin is driving you insane. You are too cold and too hot at the same time, the only movement in the room being your fan and your feet adjusting the sheets every few minutes. 
You’re overstimulated, to say the least.
The phone in your hands is warm from using it for the past few hours. You can’t seem to stop your hands from doom scrolling. 
Down, down, down. 
What was the trick that the podcaster said? Ask yourself what the last three videos were about to see if you are doom scrolling? 
Different ideas pass through your mind, in a blur. Ideas about better things you could be doing to comfort yourself in this state instead of worsening it. There’s that new book you’ve been meaning to read, your favorite childhood movie, the stack of coloring books you bought a few months ago…
That’s all they are, fleeting thoughts and ideas. Pulling yourself away from the phone screen and leaving your bedroom is a daunting task. You want to sleep and be transported into a mental state of nothing, but you aren’t physically tired enough yet.
A soft knock on your bedroom door makes you jump. It cracks open, revealing a curious Eliot.
“Hey, sweetheart. I thought you weren’t home yet.”
“Oh, hi.”
“Were you asleep?”
You glance guiltily at your phone, “No,” you answer meekly.
“You didn’t hear me calling you?” “I guess not.”
He holds his stare for a bit longer than you are comfortable with.
“Bad day today?”
“I’m just tired.” you lie.
Eliot’s feet hesitate in the doorway and you know he doesn’t believe you. He knows you probably just don’t want to talk about it right now.
“I’m going to get started on dinner, okay?”
“I’m not hungry.”
Your response comes out quicker than you intended.
Eliot frowns and eventually asks, “Are you sure?”
You feel your stomach clench in protest at your response. You just don’t have the energy to deal with eating. 
“Okay, alright. I’ll be in the kitchen.”
He slowly closes the door and you sigh.
Part of you feels bad for lying to him, but you’re so drained from the week it intimidates you thinking about having to explain yourself when you don’t even know what’s going on in your own mind. You want to comfort yourself in some way and have some sort of routine but you can’t decide what to do and it’s driving you crazy. You feel lost, both in the short and long term. 
You have been thinking of where your professional life is going, the endless chores and errands, and the state of the world that you’re constantly being bombarded with on social media. You feel hopeless and nothing in your everyday life is helping you get out of it. 
There’s been no specific trigger to your emotions, and you suspect that is the biggest stressor for you. It all started during your commute to work in the morning. You couldn’t choose music to play for the life of you and ended up resigning yourself to a quiet drive in order to not be running late.
During your lunch break you decided to visit one of your favorite cafes nearby. When you walked in and started to run through the different options on the menu, your mind went blank. Nothing seemed remotely appetizing, not even your usual favorite. When the barista called you over to order next, you panicked and ended up choosing the first option you saw. It was only afterwards that you realized what you had ordered and ended up doing a walk of shame back to your workplace. You drank the drink hastily to not have it go to waste, but it was a chore nevertheless.
During your commute back home, in silence once again, you encountered many terrible drivers and the closer you got to home, the more your mood soured. 
Upon entering your living space, the reminders of future chores and errands that needed to be done were enough of a nuisance to send you surrendering into your bedroom. 
Now a few hours later, here you still are. Your mind barely registers the now dark room and now you understand why Eliot seemed so concerned.
You distinctly register the sound of pots and pans and remember Eliot’s cooking. Almost on cue, your phone appears with a video of a delicious looking recipe and your stomach grumbles.
Using every ounce of energy you have left, you put your phone down. Your eyes stare up at the ceiling. Your mind is racing but hardly any of the thoughts are concrete or discernable. You just want a distraction, some way to lose control.
You sigh and sit up in your bed. Your back and neck protest from your previous position and you groan slightly. You don’t want to talk much tonight, but you figure you can try your best.
You make a quick trip to the bathroom before slowly continuing to the kitchen. Eliot is playing some old country music softly, the soft ambience and cooking sounds soothing you almost instantly. The overhead light isn’t on, just the stovetop, and you are extremely grateful. The smells pull you in further and your feet are moving before you can stop them.
Eliot turns at the sound of your approach.
“Hey, darlin’.” he greets softly.
“I know you said you weren’t hungry, but I’m making your favorite. Didn’t want the food to go bad.”
Eliot sounds very unsure of himself at the moment, and it throws you off a bit.
“Thank you.”
He follows your lead of the conversation and doesn’t push you further. His attention returns to the pan and you watch attently as his hands add more ingredients.
“Go on and have a seat. It’s almost ready.”
You wish you could thank him more verbally, but you hope he knows your appreciation runs deep.
You stroll over and sit at the dining table, watching his back and the way he moves in the space. After a while, he plates and strolls over to you. 
“Here you go, baby. I hope you like it.”
You nod and gingerly start to handle your utensils. He eventually sits and you both enjoy the peaceful environment. Once you’ve both finished, he picks up your plates and cleans off the dining table. He surprises you by turning the stovetop light off and heading to the living space. At your confusion, he holds both of your coats up.
“I think we should go get dessert.”
You smile and nod. You stand from your chair and meet him in the space. He gently turns your body and clothes your body with the coat. You can tell by his body language he wants to touch you, but is unsure. Your hands reach out and wrap around his middle, making him reciprocate. His chin settles on the top of your head and he sighs heavily in contentment.
You both pull away after a few moments and head out the door shortly thereafter. You find yourselves sitting on a park bench enjoying your favorite desserts. The park is calm, and the surrounding area holds little to no people. The fresh nighttime air has allowed your mind to come back to the present and you feel refreshed, even if it is just a little bit. 
You return to your home afterwards and now you are able to look at your space in a different perspective. Eliot takes both of your coats off and hangs them up. He leads you to the couch and has you settle yourself before retreating into the hall. You are confused until you see him return with a basket of your self care items that you keep organized. 
He sits next to you and hands you your favorite face mask and headband. You put your headband on and are about to stand when Eliot takes the mask from you.
“Here, turn around.”
You do, and your heart flutters as he places the face mask on you. He adjusts it a few times before leaning away and nodding. To your surprise, he moves in closer and hands another one to you with another headband. It takes you a few seconds to realize he’s asking you to do the same. Your chest warms, and you will your hands to move. You take your time, relishing in touching his face and gazing softly into his eyes. Once you finish, you lean back and giggle softly. He smiles, holding your hands. 
“Now we match,” he says.
“Yes we do.” you whisper.
Eliot isn’t the biggest fan of watching tv, but he scrolls through different options until settling on an old animated children’s movie. You both move into each other’s spaces and find comfortable positions. Slowly, you feel yourself drifting into a peaceful state. His hands on your body and his warmth are steadily inducing you into a sleepy mood.
He catches your body’s signals and pats your side softly.
“Come on, let’s go to bed.” he whispers.
You wish to prolong your night, but you find yourself agreeing nonetheless.
He stands and accompanies you to the bathroom. Together, you prepare for bed and fall into your usual separate  routines. You are in bed first, too tired to follow your more thorough nighttime routine. Eliot joins you soon after, his arms caressing you. 
You decide to speak your thoughts before falling asleep. You hope your true feelings and emotions shine through your exhaustion.
“Thank you for everything. Thank you for taking the decisions away and just letting me…I don’t know, just be. I don’t know what’s wrong, but this helped. To just be.”
You stay in silence for a few beats, not expecting a response. You are glad you were able to express your thoughts, even if you don’t exactly know how to explain them.
“I’ll always be here for you. Just tell me, I’m always happy to just be with you. You don’t need to think or talk, you can just be with me. That’s all I need, just you. Nothing else.”
You squeeze him a little tighter at his words, and they allow for your body to finally slip into sleep fully, able to just be.
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fiction-boys-rule · 4 months
This blog turns 7 years old today y’all, that’s crazy 😭❤️
So happy to have this community and so grateful to be surrounded by so many wonderful people🥹
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fiction-boys-rule · 7 months
Angel Eyes
Pairing: Eliot Spencer x Reader (female)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, swearing
Summary: You decide to take on the challenge of convincing Eliot to partake in a matching couples' Halloween costume, will he end up giving in to your wishes?
You smile brightly at Eliot as he opens the door for you to enter the bar. He shakes his head, casting a look of annoyance at you.
"Come on El, you look soo cute." you encourage.
Your hand palms his cheek momentarily before you kiss him on the cheek and turn, entering through the doorway. You hear him sigh behind you and grumble "This is so stupid" before your eyes land on the team occupying a table deep into the space.
You catch the eye of Parker, whose eyes light up at the pair of you. The rest of the team turn at her gaze, and you wish you would have recorded the priceless looks on their faces.
Hardison catches the attention of the whole establishment by laughing loudly, holding his stomach. You wouldn't be surprised if Eliot turned and left home, but a hand on your waist lets you know he's still there. You appreciate his perseverance.
"Now Eliot, what poor wager did you lose?" Sophie inquires with a pitiful tone as you both near the table.
"Now that's- that is just genius. Damn girl, I need to seriously thank you for this. Expect some zeros in your account tomorrow." Hardison chuckles.
"Well, Happy Halloween you two. Let's get some drinks, yeah?" Nate suggests.
Eliot and you both take seats, and Parker learns over to you.
"So what did you do?" she whispers.
"What?" you ask.
"Did you torture him or something?" Parker whispers.
"Um, no? Well..."
Five weeks earlier...
The setup of your plan had worked, and you knew Sophie would be infinitely proud of you. Just because you're on the sidelines all the time during the team's jobs, doesn't mean you hadn't learned a thing or two about conning. Well, that was a strong word for what you were really doing, but nevertheless it felt a little exciting. You had Eliot wrapped around your finger, and it was time to test just how much. Who knew all it would take for big scary Eliot to bend and submit to your every wish and command would be a belly full of alcohol and food, paired with a football game featuring two long time rivals from his state.
He is nursing a beer bottle in his left hand, settled lazily on the couch. The coffee table is filled with an array of snacks you had helped him prepare, along with several empty beer bottles and a half finished bottle of tequila you had resurfaced from your personal arsenal. You had convinced him to take a shot with you every time his team had scored. You do admit you were risking your plan failing a bit, and you were heavily trusting in your own liquid courage. Hadn't you learned anything from Scarface about not getting high off your own supply?
You needed a cover story for your sudden enthusiasm for the game, so you had settled on wanting to have quality time with him doing a hobby he enjoyed, and vice versa. "Compromise is key to a good relationship" you had said. If he had any doubts, he didn't voice them to you. You had been pleasantly surprised at his nonchalance when he agreed.
"Can I try something on for you? I'll do all the work, you won't even need to get off the couch. All I need is your opinion and your wonderful eyes."
The game is on commercials, and you're standing behind him on the couch as your fingers run over his chest, absentmindedly stroking. The alcohol has you feeling a little tipsy, but your end goal is within sight, and you have no plans of failing.
"What is it?" he mumbles.
"Oh, just something I bought. Want to see if it fits so I can return it if I need to. I have a vision for it and I really want it to work."
The game comes back on, and you double down on your efforts. Your lips lightly kiss his neck, running your fingers through his hair.
"We could always do it later, but I just really wanted to do it now so I could know if I have to return it. Or maybe I can have it altered, it's really up to you-"
"It's alright, baby. We can do it now." he fidgets, no doubt trying to concentrate on the game.
Unbeknownst to him, you smirk victoriously and kiss his cheek.
"Okay, I'll be right back."
You squeeze him slightly before walking (dancing) away to your bedroom, retrieving the shopping bag. You snicker as you eye the contents, slightly feeling somewhat bad for Eliot. But you quickly push the feeling away when your original vision comes into your mind. You feel like a genius.
You finish putting on the last item of your costume before you hear the announcers calling halftime. You look at yourself in the mirror to do any last touch ups. The angel costume now that it is finally on you has thankfully not resulted to be a purchase you regret. The white dress is accentuating your body's figure, cut to your preferred length. The halo on top of your head is eye catching, along with the gold jewelry you had decided would be a good addition to the costume. You wings make you feel ethereal and remind you of your childhood. The white stockings and thigh garters paired with it add that extra last touch. You actually feel beautiful in this outfit. You can't wait to be able to fully pull it together on the actual day of Halloween.
You grab the bag with Eliot's costume and rush back to the living room, stomach in knots from your nerves.
You slowly round the couch, your vision stuck on his face for any telltale signs of his reaction. You place the bag on the couch and straighten. His eyes finally land on your figure, eyes roaming over every part.
"What's all this?" he asks slowly after a few moments of silence.
"My Halloween costume." "It's barely September."
Despite his reluctant response, his free hand reaches out and skims over one of your thigh garters.
"I know. But I didn't want to be rushing to think of a costume last minute. What do you think?"
"Can't see good enough. You're gonna have to spin for me, darlin'."
You smile, twirling around slowly and finding his gaze once again. He takes a swig of his beer before nodding.
"You look good, sweetheart."
You blush, wringing your hands together.
"Thank you. I saw it and I thought it was perfect. But I wanted to make sure."
You take a deep breath, deciding to bite the bullet.
"I thought it would be cute if we did matching costumes." you say nervously.
"Matching?" he frowns.
You reach over and grab the other costume from the bag, taking it out and holding it in front of you for him to see.
His face falls, "You have to be kidding-"
"Come on, El! You would look sooo cute! Pleaseee?" He waves his hand, "Take it back. I'm not wearin' that."
"But I got them just for us two. You're from Oklahoma, it makes it even better!"
"That doesn't even make sense!" he protests.
"I told the rest of the team we could all dress up and go to dinner together. We are a family, you know. We should be celebrating more holidays together."
"You want Hardison to see me in that?"
Eliot actually looks horrified at the thought.
"It's not like you're going to be naked. Come on, please? For me? I want us to have these memories together. We would both look really cute matching."
You set down the bag and take a few steps to him, straddling his lap.
"I love you, and I want you to have fun for once."
Your hands move to caress his face. His free hand settles itself on your waist.
You attempt puppy dog eyes and he rolls his eyes.
"Come on-" he grumbles.
"Pretty please? I'll do anything. I'll watch all the games you want me to and I'll-"
"Okay, okay. God damn it. Jesus, okay. I'll do it." he stutters.
"Seriously?" you whisper in shock.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
You shriek and shower him in kisses all over his face, making him protest and halfheartedly try to pull away from you.
"Can I watch the game now? I'm goin' to pretend this didn't happen for the next two hours."
You kiss him one last time before attempting to move off of him. His hand keeps you on his lap however, preventing you from standing. You frown at him in confusion before he responds.
"You're goin' to take it off already?"
"Yeah, why?" you say slowly.
"Keep it on." he mumbles offhandedly.
You slowly smile, settling back into him. You take a swig of his beer and kiss his forehead.
"I really do love you, you know."
"I know." he mumbles.
Present Day
The waitress arrives with your drinks, and you all cheer (Eliot aside). "So, what were the ideas behind the costumes?" Sophie asks.
You laugh softly. You look over at Eliot, who is trying to avoid your gaze. His cow onesie looks adorable on him, and you wish he would feel the same way you did when you first saw it on him. He has the hood pulled over his face, nursing his pint of beer.
Pointing to yourself, you say "Holy."
Then, turning to Eliot, you say "Cow."
They all burst into giggles, failing to hold them in for Eliot's sake.
"Lovely idea." Sophie says.
Parker is staring at Eliot, and his gaze meets hers after a few moments.
"What?" he grumbles.
"Can I touch your tail?"
He stares at her for a few seconds before frowning and taking a drink, "No."
"Parker." he deadpans.
She reaches over gingerly and pokes at his horns, making him sigh in defeat.
"Eliot and I are going to order some more drinks and food, okay?" you suggest.
The group all agrees, letting you both (mostly Eliot) take some time to cool off.
Eliot quickly takes the bait and stands, holding his tail from Parker's grasp and glaring at her over his shoulder as you both walk away.
You make it to the bar and order, sitting on the stools afterwards to wait.
You turn to Eliot and study him. His face is flushed from the heat of the onesie in the warm bar, and also the team's teasing.
"Hey." you nudge him softly.
He turns to you, and you notice one of his horns is bent downwards.
"Are you mad at me?" you ask.
"No. Why?" he mumbles.
"I just- I never wanted to force you-"
"Hold it right there. Forcing me?" "Well, yeah..." you mumble, embarassed.
You were enjoying your little victory for the night, but the feeling of guilt and doubt is eating at you, making you wonder if he is truly doing this for you against his own will.
He waits a few moments before responding, "No, I'm not mad at you sweetheart."
He sighs, "It's alright. It's just for tonight. I'll be fine. You're enjoying yourself, right?" You nod hesitantly, struggling to hold in your true emotions.
"Good." he shrugs.
Eliot is not a man of many words, and his seemingly constant grumpy attitude makes you second guess yourself sometimes. But you know that deep down it's all a façade and at the end of the day, Eliot really does love you, even if he shows his love in more distinct ways than others. You smile, bending his horn back upwards.
"Good." you respond.
You lean over and kiss him softly, caressing his face.
"Thank you for this. I really do mean it, okay?" you admit earnestly.
He grunts, holding your hand. After a while, you collect the food and drinks and make it back to the table. The team surprisingly refrains from any more teasing the rest of the night. After a few hours, Eliot and you depart from them for the night. You both make your way down the street, strolling hand in hand.
"That was fun, right?" you ask. "If that's what you'd like to call it."
You nudge him on his side, making him grunt.
"Oh come on, El. You know you had fun."
He stays silent. If it weren't so dark, you know you would be able to see a small smile on his face.
You are about to continue your teasing when a voice pulls you from your thoughts.
"My goodness, you both look so wonderful!"
You look away from Eliot to see an older woman with what you suppose are her husband and grandchildren walking down the street.
You smile politely and look to Eliot, who nods and gently squeezes your hand.
"Thank you, ma'am." he says.
"Thank you, we're supposed to be 'Holy Cow'." you say.
She bursts into laughter along with her husband and grandchildren. They all give their compliments, voicing their positive opinions of the idea. Eliot relaxes a bit into your side.
"You are such a lovely couple. I can see the love you both have for each other."
You both say your quiet thanks and polite pleasantries, and the woman's grandchildren start to run off.
"Well, I hope you both had a wonderful Halloween."
Eliot and you both respond at the same time.
"Best Halloween ever."
"Worst Halloween ever."
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fiction-boys-rule · 7 months
You can’t convince me otherwise that the cutest relationship would be Eliot with an insanely festive S/O. Literally going all out every holiday in the festivities and decor meanwhile Eliot’s in the background mindlessly agreeing to everything and acting like he hates it but secretly loving the matching outfits, holiday activities/food, and the decorated household.
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fiction-boys-rule · 11 months
i think it’s a damn shame that they never put eliot’s hair in pigtails
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fiction-boys-rule · 1 year
Eliot Spencer Drabble
Pairing: Eliot Spencer x Reader (non gender specified)
Warnings: none
Word Prompts: small, cuts
"What happened to 'it's just a small dog, you'll be fine'?" you hiss through the earpiece.
"I'm sorry, alright? How was I supposed to account for the boyfriend's dog?" Hardison protests.
"Where are you?" Eliot asks.
"I...am...currently climbing...a stupid fence. I'm on the east side."
"I'll come get you. Hang tight." Eliot says.
"Yeah, you could say that again." you grumble.
Your limbs protest from the strain of maneuvering against the fencing. Your hands sting, but the incessant barking of the Doberman on the bottom of the fence motivates you. You clumsily turn to the other side of the fence, but the momentum makes you lose your balance. You fall to the ground, hearing a tearing sound before your body hits the cold, wet grass.
You slowly sit up, your body throbbing. You make eye contact with the dog and smirk, flicking it off.
"Good riddance."
You turn and see Eliot jogging towards you.
You stand, despite the pain. You suddenly feel a draft of wind on your legs and look down to find that the fence has ripped a huge hole in your jeans.
"Son of a-"
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Eliot asks, turning you to assess your body.
"I just have some cuts, I'm fine, besides my shattered ego."
"Come on, Hardison is picking us up. We'll give it another go tomorrow."
"He owes me a new pair of jeans. These were expensive."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get them."
"Um, that sounds a lot like a threat!" Hardison yells.
"It's not a threat, it's a promise."
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fiction-boys-rule · 1 year
Eliot Spencer Drabble
Pairing: Eliot Spencer x Reader (non gender specified)
Warnings: none
Word Prompts: sincere, blues
"Never took you for a blues kind of guy." you muse, sitting on the barstool and admiring Eliot as he stirs the contents in his many pots and pans.
It's your monthly date night where he invites you over and completely indulges you, with a very nice candlelit dinner.
"When the occasion calls for it, helps keep a nice atmosphere."
"I think you're more of a helpless romantic than you make yourself out to be."
"Don't say that."
"I'm glad I didn't listen to anyone else when they warned me about you."
"Thanks sweetheart, I'm flattered." he playfully rolls his eyes.
"You're welcome."
"Do you really need that much credit?"
"Eliot, playing the charming man and flirting your way in and out of situations doesn't exactly scream boyfriend material."
"What do you expect me to do?"
"Stop being a man whore." you smile.
"Well, thank you for givin' me the chance to show you I was being sincere." he says sarcastically.
"Don't thank me just yet. I'll see where you land after this dinner."
"You're kiddin'."
"Nope. It's either a food coma or I'm seriously going to hold a grudge."
"Alright, I see how it is. We'll see how you are after this 'man whore' finishes making you eat your damn words."
"Stop talking and keep cooking."
He glares at you while you smile innocently.
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fiction-boys-rule · 2 years
Eliot Spencer Drabble
Pairing: Eliot Spencer/Reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Summary: no plot, just thoughts (I'm sick again and inspiration struck)
You can only imagine how you look to an unaware Eliot walking in from a long con. Under a blanket, with a fan blasting in your face, a gallon of water by your feet, the wrappers of your favorite snacks tossed around the couch, your favorite comfort show playing mutely on the tv, and a pile of used tissues overflowing in the trash can next to the couch.
"Was wonderin' why your car was still here."
"I would get up and hug you right now but I wouldn't want you getting sick and if I leave this fan for one second I will literally explode."
Your voice is hoarse from the constant coughs and congestion. Eliot chooses to not respond, instead closing the door and crossing the room.
"When do you have to take your medicine again?"
"In about two hours."
"I'll make you somethin' to eat. Before the food in the fridge goes bad."
You hum and lay your head back. You sense Eliot standing next to you.
"Can you..."
You sniffle, "My eyes just burn and they feel so irritated, and my face is still hot and sweaty, and...can you just put your hands on my face? Please?"
You distantly hear him walk away and start to run the water in the kitchen sink. You sigh from the rejection, but you know how Eliot is about getting sick himself.
"Tell me if they're too cold." his voice is suddenly above you.
You start to open your eyes but close them on instinct as his hands meet your face. His fingers settle on the sides of your cheeks and his thumbs perfectly mold to your eyelids. You sigh in relief at the enjoyable warmth and pressure. It's been too long since you've had some human comfort and when you get sick, the craving always seems to grow.
"Did you wash your hands just to warm them up for me?" you inquire.
"Don't talk or you're goin' to start coughin'. I'm right here, you know."
His tone is soft, contradicting his words. You smile despite yourself, and he rewards your silence with his forehead against yours.
You've got him weak for your love.
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fiction-boys-rule · 2 years
Eliot Spencer Drabble
Pairing: Eliot Spencer/Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: no plot, just thoughts
You scurry around the house, becoming a human vacuum as you gather the belongings you deem necessary for your long work day ahead. If you hadn't woken up so late, you would have cared more to inquire about Eliot's activities in the kitchen. Assuming he is cleaning up after your breakfast together, you quickly pass by him.
Before you can manage some sort of goodbye, he utters, "Hey, hey. Your lunch."
He holds up a lunchbox with mini designs of your favorite animal on it.
Your frazzled mind struggles to comprehend.
You frown, "I don't have a lunchbox."
"Now you do."
He quickly places it on top of your other items.
"You know I do eat at work, right?"
"Crap from the vending machine doesn't count as a meal. I would rather not have you comin' home complaining from stomach aches."
"Eliot, really. You don't need to cook dinner and breakfast and my work lunch for me every time you stay the night."
"You're the most frustrating person I've ever met. Ulcers aren't fun, you know."
He kisses your forehead and herds you to the door.
"Call me when you eat, I want to know how you liked it. And I want that water bottle empty when you get home, you hear?"
"Yes, sir."
"And for the love of god, don't let 'em give you only fifteen minutes for lunch again, I put a note in there for how you're supposed to eat it. It won't be as good if you rush."
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fiction-boys-rule · 2 years
Shane Walsh Drabble
Pairing: Shane Walsh/Reader
Warnings: swearing
Summary: no plot just thoughts
"You mad at me or somethin'?"
You peer over at Shane slightly before continuing to wash the dishes in the sink, choosing to keep your silence.
"So it's like that, huh? I'm out there workin' my ass off on your garden that you asked for, you forget about that? The one you've been buggin' me to finish before the end of this month while I'm pulling doubles at the station?"
He scoffs when you refrain from any reaction and starts to walk out of the kitchen.
"You didn't take your shirt off the whole time you were out there." you say suddenly.
Shane stutters, "My shirt...you're mad I wore my station's shirt? The one I wear all the time to bed?"
"You always take your shirt off when you're doing yard work, that's all." you shrug.
"You're jokin'." he perches his hands on his hips.
"What other entertainment was I supposed to get? I like seeing you shirtless, thought you would be happy with me telling you."
"Nah, you can't be serious right now. You really want me to give Ms. Sally next door a heart attack?"
"Maybe then she'll stop bothering us."
"Nah, she'll just pull your legs at night. That's on you, baby."
"Can't blame her for bein' jealous of you, baby. You set yourself up for that one with askin' for a show."
"You're sleeping outside tonight. Hope your station's t-shirt is enough to keep you warm, smartass."
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fiction-boys-rule · 2 years
Shane Walsh Drabble
Pairing: Shane Walsh/Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: no plot, just thoughts (inspired by true events)
You look up at Shane in your upside down view, and you wonder when he got so tall.
"Are you sure you wanna do this, girl? This hill ain't small."
"That's the point, Walsh. You want a long roll, not a short one. Go big or go home. It's not everyday I roll down hills. But I said if I passed the test, then I would."
"Your mind's already missin' some screws baby, you really wanna go down that road?" "Shane!" you swat at his leg and he chuckles as he shuffles away from you.
"If I was standing, you'd be so-"
"Yeah, yeah.." he suddenly pushes you and you're rolling down the hill.
"I wasn't ready, you asshole!" you shriek.
You close your eyes as gravity takes over and you feel your speed gaining as you roll down further. Your shoulders throb in pain with each turn against the earth.
"Oh shit! Y/N! Hey girl, slow down! You're gonna hit that tree!" you hear him distantly.
Somehow, you manage to open your eyes and in snippets see Shane running down the hill after you. In flashes, you also see the tree you're about to hit. Your arms flail out but you're rolling too fast and all too soon your body is roughly stopped by the tree's stump.
"Ow!" you groan.
Your breaths are heavy and your body is sore all over. But you've never felt more alive.
"Hey baby, you alright? Shit, I told you to go more to the left so you wouldn't hit 'em."
Shane appears over you and you can't suppress the laughs that surface.
"That was fun! I wanna go again!"
"I hate you."
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fiction-boys-rule · 2 years
Eliot Spencer Drabble
Pairing: Eliot Spencer/Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: no plot, just thoughts (inspired by the humid summer storms we've had here recently)
"For someone who gets dirty a lot, you sure are being a real drama queen about this."
You lay back on the grass and run your fingers along it as it pricks your skin. The rain cascades along your body and starts seeping into your clothes. The humid air clings to your skin. The breeze picks up, and Eliot finally leans down beside you.
"Just because I do it a lot, doesn't mean I like it." Eliot grumbles.
"Just lay back and relax. You should know how to turn your mind off better than me."
"Your idea of relaxing ain't exactly my definition."
Your gaze leaves the full moon to turn and look at him. He is looking up and you spot his hair starting to curl from the rain. He feels you looking at him and he turns.
"Dare I say, Eliot Spencer, you look pretty."
He clears his throat and turns away from you again.
"Ten minutes and then we're getting in the car and going home. If you get sick, I'm not putting up with your complaining."
You stay silent in favor of not calling his bluff. Eliot would die before he let you suffer by yourself. Right now, you know nothing could make you regret this. Your right hand intertwines with his and his eyes shine in the moonlight as they look at you.
"Well then, you wouldn't want me to waste this precious time would you?"
Your left hand tucks his hair behind his ear, and you kiss him.
You're both wet, sweaty, and hot.
But you're together.
And you've never felt more alive.
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fiction-boys-rule · 2 years
Eliot Spencer Drabble
Pairing: Eliot Spencer/Reader (non gender specified)
Warnings: none
You turn once you notice that Eliot’s steps behind you have slowed. His gaze is on your car and his face is set in a frown.
“What the hell happened to your car?”
Your gaze follows his to the broken passenger's side window.
“Oh, that. Nothing much. Just forgot my purse in my car and somebody broke my window. I haven’t gotten around to getting it fixed yet. My luck is hilarious, right?” you laugh.
“That’s not funny.” Eliot deadpans.
You roll your eyes.
“Relax, Spencer. I wasn’t even in the car. Come on, we’re going to be late!”
“Darlin', I’ll even fix it for you.”
You wave a dismissive hand at him.
“It’s fine. You’re just going to be a bit colder on the way there.”
You get into the car as Eliot slowly opens the door and examines the damage inside of the car.
“You know you could have been hurt, right? This isn’t normal!”
You smirk, “I don’t think either of us are normal, anyway. You know what they say, the owner usually matches the car. Mine is broken. Now get in, please.”
Eliot mumbles incoherent words as he finally sits and closes the car door. The next day that you go out to your car again, the window is fixed.
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fiction-boys-rule · 2 years
I was so thrilled to find your Eliot Spencer fics (ugh… that guy 😔) Thank you so much for writing and sharing them!! My heart has burst from sweetness and comfort from your work. Also, Your When In Need Of An Eliot Hug️ series is an amazing concept in general 😣💕 I hope things are going well in your life and that you realize you're a great creative writer who's made at least one person's day that much better!
Thank you so much for not only taking the time out of your day to read my work, but also send me this thoughtful message. I just woke up and read this and I’m not lying to you when this made me burst into (happy) tears. I really needed this today, and I thank you immensely for that. I haven’t been doing the best so I haven’t posted a full fic in a while. Though I have some work in progress that will be posted at a later time, but for now you can enjoy weekly Drabbles that will feature him as well. I also reallyyy enjoy writing my Eliot series and it’s nice knowing it’s as much of a comfort for me as it is for you because that was my motivation for writing it. I hope to get back to writing more again soon and I’m looking forward to knowing your thoughts when I do. Thank you for your support and love❤️
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fiction-boys-rule · 2 years
Shane Walsh Drabble
Pairing: Shane Walsh/Reader (non gender specific)
Warnings: mentions of arguing, swearing
Summary: a fight goes differently than expected (inspired by the conversation with Rick in the cruiser in Season 1)
“You don’t know why I do it, do you?”
Your voice sounds small in the room, especially since the last few minutes the room has been filled with the sounds of your argument.
It’s not often Shane is truly caught off guard, but this time is one of them. His eyes narrow in on you, and you rub your hands together nervously.
“The lights. You don’t know why I leave them on, huh?”
“You know we’re not just talkin’ about the damn lights, right?”
“I don’t like the dark. I don’t like the feeling that I’m alone. I like to leave the lights on so that I know the house is waiting for someone else, that I’m waiting for someone else. So that you don’t trip or bump into any walls. So that you see the post it notes I leave on how to prepare the food I leave for you. We both know you hate getting sick and missing work. I do it for both me and you. I didn’t think about your worry for the light bill.”
Shane has a peculiar and almost lost look on his face, and his silence confirms your suspicion that he doesn’t know what to say. You attempt to move past him, but he side steps in front of you. Your eyes meet and he runs a hand across his hair. His left hand slowly reaches out to yours and once you don't pull away, the rest of his body meets yours in a slow embrace.
“Let’s just call a time out for now, alright? We’ll talk again later. Right now I just need to think of how I’m going to make it up to you. Damn, baby. Got me all speechless. I fucking love you. Thank you. So much. Let’s go out, alright? Just you and me. We’ll talk later, I promise. I just want to do this for you right now.”
He never complains about the lights being on when he comes home ever again.
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fiction-boys-rule · 2 years
Eliot Spencer Drabble
Pairing: Eliot Spencer/Reader (non gender specific)
Warnings: none
Summary: Eliot, a road trip, and cows
Eliot almost jumps out of his skin at the sudden sound of your gasp. His head swivels to you sitting in the passenger seat. His question dies in his throat as your finger is pointing through the window to a field of cows.
“I saw a baby cow!” you shriek in adoration.
Eliot is from Oklahoma, he is no stranger to driving down roads with endless livestock for miles to stretch. But somehow your reaction makes him suddenly fond of this perk to your long and otherwise mundane road trip.
You turn back to him once the baby cow is out of your sight and your smile makes his heart skip a beat.
“Do you want to know what I think you both have in common?”
Eliot is truly clueless as to where you are going with this but he indulges you nonetheless.
“What, sweetheart?”
“You’re both legen-dairy.” you giggle.
Eliot rolls his eyes, but can’t stop the small smile that crosses his features.
“What do you call it when a cow spies on another cow?”
“No idea, darlin’.”
“A steak out.” you snort.
Eliot shakes his head, grinning fondly over at you. He’s reminded of one of the many reasons why he fell in love with you. This is going to be an interesting road trip. But he wouldn’t have it any other way, or more specifically, with anybody else.
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