fiirstprince · 3 years
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fiirstprince · 3 years
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“I need to tell you something,” Henry says, breathless, when Alex pulls back. “I bought us a brownstone. In Brooklyn.” (…) And for a fraction of a second, a whole crystallized life flashes into view…“
Alex and Henry (and David) starting their new life in Brooklyn. There’s a lot of unpacking to finish first, though.
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fiirstprince · 3 years
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someone has to say it. rafael luna and papa diaz
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fiirstprince · 4 years
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fiirstprince · 4 years
this weekend alex claremont-diaz is so in love he could die
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fiirstprince · 4 years
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it’s texas vacation weekend y’all💖💖
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fiirstprince · 4 years
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“When I was younger,” Henry says, “I had this very elaborate idea of taking somebody I loved here and standing inside the chapel, that he’d love it as much as I did, and we’d slow dance right in front of the Blessed Mother. Just a... daft pubescent fantasy.”
- Red White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
(Cue up Elton John’s “Your Song”) ❤️💙❤️💙
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fiirstprince · 4 years
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fiirstprince · 4 years
Hi Venessa, Just a note to tell you how I LOVE your art for RWRB! I can't tell you how much I look forward to each new illustration. You manage to capture the romance, the humor, and the occasional pathos of this wonderful novel so perfectly that even my poor wife, who has grown quite exhausted with my rhapsodizing about the book, looks forward to each new drawing. I know you have a long list of future projects, but how about one of the guys in the V & A?
Aw, how lovely! Thank you so much! I’m so happy you and your wife enjoy my artwork 🥰
As to the V&A scene... Well, your timing is spooky:
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fiirstprince · 4 years
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happy history, huh day (august 10th, 2020)
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fiirstprince · 4 years
08/10/2020 1:04am-8:22pm
Re: mass of fools and knaves
to Henry <[email protected]
 the email starts with Alex asking if Henrys ever read any of Hamiltons letters to Laurens
since Alex’s prompt firing from the campaign he’s been going through his college work and found and analysis he had done of Hamilton’s wartime correspondence
“I think Hamilton could of been bi”
he talks about how romantic his letters were to laurens in comparison to his wife
affectionately yrs
and why no one talks about the possibility of any of the founding fathers being not straight
he quotes one that made him think of Henry and himself, he guesses
and then, 
“Thinking about history makes me wonder how i’ll fit into it one day. i guess. and you too…”
“History, huh? Bet we could make some”
he signs the email affectionately yrs
Henry starts his response by addressing Alex as ‘First son of Masturbatory Historical Readings’
He explains that he feels like it was his fault Alex was kicked off the campaign
and that hes sorry 
he also ‘extends the option’ that if he wanted less of him and more campaign work, the uncomplicated things… he would understand 
Henry, believe it or not had actually done some reading on Hamilton for a number of reasons 
one, he was a brilliant writer
two, he knew Alex was named after him 
“and third, some saucy tart once tried to impugn my virtue against a oil painting of him”
there’ s mention of revolutionary soldier role play and exchanging passionate letters by candle night
and then Henry gets poetic as fuck
“should i tell you when we’re apart, your body come back to me in dreams?….
and then quotes a letter Hamilton wrote to Eliza 
he ends the email, Regards, Haplessly Romantic Heretic Prince Henry the Utterly Daft
Alex straight up tells Henry not to be stupid- no part of their arrangement will ever be uncomplicated 
He explains how even after all theyve been through, he wants to know more about him and where does someone like him even come from?
and how he usually knows things about people, a gut feeling that usually leads him in the right direction. 
He thinks that he had that feeling about henry, he just didnt have it in his head to get it
“But i kept chasing it anyways, like going blindly in a certain direction and hoping for the best. i guess that makes you the North Star?”
Alex explains how much he wants to see him again 
and invites him to his dads lake house in Texas the weekend after nextt
“I kind of cant stop thinking about you all sunburned and pretty sitting out there in the country”
say yes?
yrs, Alex
he adds a post script, of Allen Ginsberg to Peter Orlovsky - 1958
Tho i long for the actual sunlight contact between us i miss you like a home. shine back honey & think of me.
Henry says if he’s north he shudders to think where theyre going
but he’s thinking of Alex’s question of where a person like him comes from and he explains it in a story about a young prince who was born with his heart on the outside of his body
and how the prince had been happy for so long until the princes father, a knight, was struck down and the queen sent for armor to protect the prince, he wore it and believed it as okay
until he met the most devastatingly gorgeous peasant…”
Henry finishes his email with counting himself in for the lake house and also that he’s very glad Alex is getting out of the house
he worries he might burn the thing down
He also adds both a P.S
“this is mortifying and maudlin and honestly, i hope you forget it as soon as you’ve read it”
and a P.P.S of a quote from a letter sent by Henry James to Hendrik C Andersen in 1899
Henry adds a P.S and a P.P.S, including part of a letter from Henry James to Hendrik C Andersen in 1899
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fiirstprince · 4 years
Happy “History, Huh?” Day to all my Red, White, & Royal Blue stans ❤️🤍💙
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fiirstprince · 4 years
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fiirstprince · 4 years
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Red White & Royal Blue + My Favorite Quotes
“And the whole world watched, and h i s t o r y remembered.”
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fiirstprince · 4 years
Zahra @ Alex literally anytime:
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fiirstprince · 4 years
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fiirstprince · 4 years
would just like to say how wonderful it is that red white and royal blue had henry and alex quoting historically queer letters at each other and THEN they hit eachother with THIS
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which in my brain is a direct parallel to this quote from orestes
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i know im behind the trend but i finished the book last night and want to express how fucking beautiful casey's writing is. this book means so much to me.
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