finnchud · 3 years
💬 finn & gwen
gwen: if the multiverse is real, would you screw yourself? i'd screw myself.
finn: in a fucking heartbeat. i don't blame you, honestly.
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finnchud · 3 years
Why is naked said like naked but baked is not said like baked?
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....Im not sure, but Im sure someone can answer that question. Unfortunately, that someone is not me.
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finnchud · 3 years
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I’ve just watched Coyote Ugly for the thousandth time and you don’t know how much I’d love to give up my job, release my inner Violet and just get on a bar and dance in a pair of pleather pants and cropped top. 
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I haven’t seen that movie in a while, might have to see if I could buy a copy of the movie. Though, I like Violet’s version of her song than LeAnn Rimes, but that’s just me and it could do to the fact that I don’t really like LeAnn in the first place.
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finnchud · 3 years
I hadn’t heard that…. but that sounds super accurate now that I’m seeing how my mum reacts to seeing Brin so much. 
Yeah, I’d definitely agree to that. Though, can you really blame your mum? From what I saw of Brin, she’s totally adorable and willing to wrap everyone around her little fingers.
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finnchud · 3 years
Maybe after you teach me a thing or two I could prepare something for this wonderful teacher of mine. Almost as a thank you but also for a chance to spoil you. Oh I know for a fact he will be, it’s just a matter if we can focus enough to cook. Wait seriously? You know I can’t say no to Italy, I love Italy!
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Sounds like a perfect plan, to me! I mean, how would I ever say no to that, hm? Im sure he’ll be a good boy, especially if it means he could spoil him afterwards. Great, all we need to do is figure out when to go and go from there. Since we can spend time on my yacht and hide out from the world.
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finnchud · 3 years
That isn’t a bad idea, people now a days are thriving from writing out all their goals and expectations. Places, I’m not too set on. It’s more like things to do, they could probably be done anywhere. 
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Exactly, Im pretty sure they keep a bullet journal or something like that anyway. I know some people write like a bucket list or some sort of list. That actually makes things easier, really.
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finnchud · 3 years
You could always make a list and go from there? Like is there a certain place you want to go to?
Does anyone get to some moments where you feel like there is more to experience, more fun to have? Like there are boxes you need to check off before getting to the next step in your life. That or maybe I just need more excitement in my life. Does anyone have some suggestions? 
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finnchud · 3 years
Haven’t you heard that the only reason why our parents wants us to have kids is so they can be spoiled rotten? Or that’s probably just my mum.
As great as it is to be back home, I’m starting to wonder if my mum wants to keep Brinley, and if Brinley actually wants to stay with her. I don’t think she’s put Brin down once and she is just giving into every single thing that Brin asks for. She almost even agreed to jelly babies and ice cream for dinner… It’s quite a surreal feeling having to tell your own mother “no sweets until after dinner.” 
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finnchud · 3 years
I know, I know. But I feel like sometimes I should be able to cook for you. Oh really? He would teach me? I totally think a hot teacher would help a ton though. But no promises on staying focused, you know how much I love watching you cook. 
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He would definitely love that, so what I’ve heard from him. He would be honored to teach you and you’d think so? I hope he won’t be a distraction to you, though. Oh, I know and I definitely love it, a lot. I was also thinking that we should go to Italy and while we’re there, we can take cooking lessons?
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finnchud · 3 years
I feel like us going to the pub together could definitely be considered flatmate bonding.
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It totally is, because I have something to tell you and I haven’t seen that pretty face of yours in a while. Oh hell, I’ll tell you now. Carmen and I are dating.
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finnchud · 3 years
Am I the only one who just sits home on Friday nights and binge watches the classics on Disney plus? Because I’m starting to feel like I may be the only one, at least the only one who isn’t a parent. Have I just reverted back to my childhood or is this normal?
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You know, I’ve never understood the stigma that surrounds choosing to stay in and watching the classic Disney movies. Just because you’re an adult, don’t have any kids, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy those movies. People all ages enjoy those movies, not just kids. I’ve watched Raya a lot ever since it became free on Disney+ and I have no shame in admitting that.
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finnchud · 3 years
We should do some flatmate bonding at some point or I should just drag you out of the house by your feet and take you to the pub. Or something.
I need a new hobby. It really needs to be a hobby that requires me to leave the house for something other than work. But I’m really blanking on any ideas. Anybody have any?
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finnchud · 3 years
You do realize that your boyfriend knows how to cook and would love to teach you, right? You just have to keep trying and it will be worth it, trust me.
So I’m finally jumping out my comfort zone with the few dishes that I actually know how to cook. But after a few attempts I am just slowly realizing nothing will be as good as the food that was made back home. It is so unfair! Someone please encourage me to keep trying or else I may just have to beg someone from home to come and cook for me. 
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finnchud · 3 years
I think it is. Pretty amazing how we keep finding out way back to each other. Over and over you say? Sounds like music to my ears and a great way to end the day. Come to my place, please. I know someone there who is in dire need of your attention. A date sounds wonderful to me. 
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I feel like it’s the universe trying to tell us that we’re soulmates or something like that. Good, because it’s going to be how we’re going to end our day together. Huh, I’ll make sure to pack a bag then and be there in a few. I’m glad to hear it, it’s been a minute since we’ve been on one.
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finnchud · 3 years
Man, I can’t believe there’s only a week of Easter break left already. Like, i’m pumped to go back, but I feel like i’ve done 2 weeks of nothing even though that’s totally not actually the case. Is adulthood just like, a perpetual state of panicking that you haven’t been productive enough, no matter how productive you actually are, or is this just some holiday incuded crisis?
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It just seems like you just started your Easter break. It’s a vicious cycle of you thinking that you’ve done something, but actually you haven’t. So you start to panic, which causes you to stress out and it’s an ugly mess. It could be both, actually.
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finnchud · 3 years
Text 📲 Bethany & Finn
Bethany: Thank you! I just hope they enjoy it! Really? Well I'll let you know. I just don't want to make things tough with the paper. Thank you so much, you are great at what you do too, Finn!
Finn: You're welcome. Im sure they will, besides, free baked goods and they're all about that free food life. Good, looking forward to it. Eh, you won't make things tough with the paper, promise. You're welcome and I try to be, honestly.
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finnchud · 3 years
Don’t worry, man. You’ll be the first one I tell, promise.
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Originally posted by queue-happiness
I better be or I’d be rethinking this broship we have going on.
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