fish-with-a-knife · 6 hours
it’s interesting learning which homophobic ideas are confusing and unfamiliar to the next generation. for example, every once in a while i’ll see a post going around expressing tittering surprise at someone’s claim that gay men have hundreds of sexual partners in their lifetimes. while these posts often have a snappy comeback attached, they send a shiver down my spine because i remember when those claims were common, when you’d see them on the news or read them in your study bible. and they were deployed with a specific purpose — to convince you not just that gay men were disgusting and pathological, but that they deserved to die from AIDS. i saw another post laughing at the outlandish idea that gay men eroticize and worship death, but that too was a standard line, part and parcel of this propaganda with the goal of dehumanizing gay men as they died by the thousands with little intervention from mainstream society.
which is not to say that not knowing this is your fault, or that i don’t understand. i’ll never forget sitting in a classroom with my high school gsa, all five of us, watching a documentary on depictions of gay and bi people in media (off the straight and narrow [pdf transcript] — a worthwhile watch if your school library has it) when the narrator mentioned “the stereotype of the gay psycho killer.” we burst into giggles — how ridiculous! — then turned to our gay faculty advisors and saw their pale, pained faces as they told us “no, really. that was real” and we realized that what we’d been laughing at was the stuff of their lives.
it’s moving and inspiring to see a new generation of kids growing up without encountering these ideas. it’s a good thing. but at the same time, we have to pass on the knowledge of this pain, so we’re not caught unawares when those who hate us come back with the oldest tricks in the book.
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fish-with-a-knife · 9 hours
Happy Pride!
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
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Marko Popadic’s photo “Oko” captures a spooky, sweet moment in which q butterfly alights in the eye-socket of a skull. 
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
Mongolians are cool because they’ve merged their traditional and modern ways of life so rather than having poverty due to losing all their important skills they just live in their yurts with their cows and 827474874mbs internet
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
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“A Machine of Wet Tile and Shaken Cocktail” 🪼🍸 The TYPHOON unit can be encountered within the ruins of the THESPA-02, a once great space faring cruise ship. The player can trade collected ICHOR with her to unlock new perks and upgrades to be found on future runs!
Watch the trailer for Last Sprout: A Seedling of Hope at this link! 🌱
You can support me on Patreon for £1 and see concept art, assets, and snippets of story for the game!
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
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This is a friendly reminder that none disabled people often do benefit from the same accommodations disabled people benefit from.
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
guys can you BELIEVE my professors rejected this illustration of litle sharks for my college project i am devastated
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
why not both?
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im working on my hagfish infodump page, should i wait until october to post it and work on another one instead, or do you people crave the hagfish soon
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
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⚔️ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Spitfire
Weapon (crossbow, heavy), rare (requires attunement) ___
This heavy crossbow is painted a brilliant red and ornamented with golden flames and dragon horns. A dragon’s fiery maw glowers from the weapon’s front. The weapon has a magically rotating barrel, which easily holds and reloads up to six of your bolts for you. You can use an action to load the barrel with up to six bolts. The barrel spins and automatically reloads the crossbow with the next bolt from the barrel after you make a ranged attack with it, allowing you to ignore the weapon’s loading property while it has any loaded bolts.
When you take the Attack action while holding the crossbow, you can forgo one of your attacks to lob an explosive orb of fire from the weapon’s maw. The orb flies out to a point of your choice on a solid surface that you can see within 60 feet of you. The orb explodes on impact, creating a 10-foot-radius sphere of flame where it lands. Each creature within the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Any flammable objects that aren’t being worn or carried within the area are ignited. The crossbow has 3 orbs and regains all expended orbs daily at dawn. ___
✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon’s Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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fish-with-a-knife · 2 days
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fish-with-a-knife · 3 days
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canon labru interaction
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fish-with-a-knife · 4 days
still. after all of it. mostly, i want to be kind
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fish-with-a-knife · 4 days
May your pain medication always kick in right after you take them. May your compression garments always slip on your body with ease. May you always find your footing when you walk. May you wake up with energy and zest. May your sinuses always be clear
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fish-with-a-knife · 4 days
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fish-with-a-knife · 4 days
me when i meet the person who created webp files
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