fix-it-feesh · 4 days
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I have provided all the context necessary . Please no more questions
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fix-it-feesh · 1 month
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fix-it-feesh · 2 months
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I want so badly for these two to interact, that's all I want
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fix-it-feesh · 3 months
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fix-it-feesh · 5 months
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There’s still some stuff I wanna tweak when my stomach isn’t rolling all over itself, but I think this is “finished” enough for the critique.
Wreck the halls and happy holidays and all that jazz, everyone.
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fix-it-feesh · 5 months
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone! Here's a short, light-hearted little fic for you all. Inspired by this conversation I had a few years ago with some friends. Credit to @guilty-as-battery-charged and @kittysfigurines24 for their parts!
Felix prepared to put the finishing touches on Niceland Apartments for Christmas, now that Mr. Litwak had left for vacation. From his perch on the eastern fire escape, he wrapped and stapled a cord of garland around the white brick ledge separating the eighth and ninth floors. Nicelanders milled about below him, busying themselves with stringing lights on the trees and bushes. The golden beams of the setting sun outside the doors of the arcade lit up the strands of tinsel lining the windows, and the handyman stopped to admire everyone's work. He had left Ralph and Vanellope in charge of the lights on the front of the building, since Ralph could easily navigate the vertical space without tools and had never had a chance to decorate before. His colleague presently climbed up and down the building, stringing lights as he went, while his friend glitched between rooms to secure the lights to hooks installed along the windowsills. "Almost done?" Felix jumped in surprise, looking up to see Tamora descending from the tenth floor's fire escape. She leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips. "I was just takin' in the second-prettiest sight around here before it suddenly got upstaged." He smiled and placed a hand on her leg. She grinned back and affectionately pinched her husband's reddened cheek. "With a honeyglow like that, we're not gonna need all those lights." "Well they're just about ready, and I've got the ledges all gussied up!" The handyman tied a red-and-gold bow to the corner of the garland setup. "How're the connections?" "All the bulbs are working," she replied with a thumbs-up. "I've got 'em wired up on three separate lines so the whole display doesn't have to go down if one strand burns out." "Aww thanks ladylove, that'll save me a lotta headache later in case anything takes a turn." They glanced over to where Ralph and Vanellope were finishing up, the wrecker and racer giggling at something as they threaded the ends of the wires together. "With those two, you can bet on it." Tamora leaned against the brick siding. "Best outcome's that the building's still standing." "I'm sure they'll do just fine, Tammy. Everyone’s—" "Hey Felix! All done!" Vanellope shouted from around the corner. "That's great, Vanny! You two go ahead down, Tammy and I'll be right with you!" Tamora spent the entire descent restraining a chuckle. Felix was just delighted that she felt the holiday spirit. A crowd of Nicelanders gathered around the front of the building as the four of them brought out the cables. "Ready?" Ralph shook out the cord one last time to remove any coils. "You do the honors, brother!" "Alright, drumroll please!" 
Vanellope leapt up with a devious smile and pounded her hands against Ralph's head as the wrecker pushed the two plugs together. For an instant, the crowd oohed and aahed at the lights, before dissolving into muttering and horrified gasps when they noticed the particular shapes. The word "PEE" (spelled out in appropriately yellow lights) shone proudly across the entire ninth and tenth floors of the apartment building, which otherwise stood resplendent in festive bows and ribbons. From somewhere in the crowd emerged a scandalized noise—between a yelp and a bark—that could only belong to Gene, but it was quickly drowned out by two distinct peals of laughter from the pair of best friends rolling on the ground. "Ralph! Vanellope!" Felix turned to them in a panic. He hopped up and waved his arms, knowing full well it was futile in hiding the spectacle from anyone who could see their screen across the arcade. "H-hey relax Felix, we—hah!—still put up the regular ones behind it," Ralph sputtered out. "Just gotta take down the yellow string and plug in the one underneath instead." "Yeah c'mon, we planned ah-ahead!" Vanellope chimed in, struggling to stand up and popping a candy cane back in her mouth. Felix sighed and put his face in his hands. He should've known that neither of them would've dissuaded whichever one came up with the idea. How they carried out the plan in plain sight was a mystery to him; it was almost impressive. He couldn't help but have a giggle at it himself. "Oh-heh-okay, okay you two, just please put those back to normal later tonight. At least the ground display is still all—Tammy Jean!" The sergeant, who had crept off in the confusion, snickered as she set the last lovingly-crafted wooden letter in place on the building's side lawn facing East Niceland. The display originally read "MERRY CHRISTMAS" in whimsical block lettering carved by Felix himself; her tampering had rearranged it to cheerfully announce "ASS TIME". After taking a moment to admire her handiwork, she strolled over to where the rest of the group stood and fist-bumped an uproariously-laughing Ralph and Vanellope, with a bewildered Q*bert looking on.  "Nice one, Sarge!" "Sugarplum! You were in on this too?!" Felix, in disbelief, attempted in vain to cover Vanellope's eyes. "I needed a diversion and they needed a parallel circuit," she shrugged. He stood in silence for a minute, looking from the lawn display to the lights, to the concerned Nicelanders, to his family gathered around him. The diminutive man took a deep breath and let out the tension in his posture. "All right fellas, I'll admit when I'm beat. You got me. And..." He risked a glance at the cutesy wooden letters again and a snort escaped him. Well, it made his gal smile, and it wasn't insulting anyone. "...that is kinda funny—" "Don’t worry, we won't tell the 'stache over there," Vanellope nudged her head in Gene's direction and hopped onto Ralph's shoulder. The mayor still grumbled to himself about the lights, martini in hand, and luckily hadn't noticed much else. "I'm sure he'll have something to say to me about it anyways. He always does..." Felix sheepishly adjusted the back of his hat as the pair headed off to take down their extra string of lights. "Hey, if it makes you feel any better, consider that an invitation for later," Tamora grinned and pointed to her rearranged display before heading back to fix it. Felix stood silent for a few seconds, then flushed at the realization. "A-ah coming—lemme give you a hand with that, Tammy!"
Tagging some of my WIR buddies: @ask-icancraft-it @ashleybenlove @sgtcalhouns @coneygoil @kittysfigurines24 @fix-it-feesh @sadboytristan @make-it-mavis @datamining-your-heart @nijimarii @scarfboyxiv
Let me know if you would like your name added to the tags for future fics!
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fix-it-feesh · 7 months
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I feel like now’s the time that I should draw something witty and funny about the election, but going the road less traveled by and drawing sickeningly sweet sleepy nose kiss Calhoun/Felix fanart instead. Enjoy.
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fix-it-feesh · 7 months
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I can fix it!
We need more Fix-It Felix X Goofy crossovers!
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fix-it-feesh · 7 months
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Early Visual Development for Wreck-It Ralph
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fix-it-feesh · 8 months
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I have loved this little blue man for over 10 years and I am not going to stop now.
Anyway, here's an animation I made xD
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fix-it-feesh · 1 year
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fix-it-feesh · 1 year
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fix-it-feesh · 1 year
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Vanellope von Schweetz voiced by Sarah Silverman WRECK-IT RALPH FRANCHISE (2012-2018)
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fix-it-feesh · 1 year
Love her so much
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fix-it-feesh · 1 year
I’m still in love with the Wreck-It Ralph fandom and everyone who’s made it what it is. 
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fix-it-feesh · 1 year
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the arcade, 
Not a game was stirring, for they’d all been played.
The pool sticks were stacked by the wall with care, 
With hopes that Mr. Litwack would buy a new pair. 
The children were home and asleep in their beds, 
While visions of quarters danced in their heads.
And Calhoun in her civvies, and Felix without his cap,
Had settled in Niceland for a well-earned nap.
When out of Fix-It Felix Jr. there arose such a clatter, 
Felix sprang from his bed to see what was the matter.
Away to his window he jumped like a bean,
Threw open the pane and looked up at the screen. 
The lights in the arcade were turned down low,
Giving all of the games a mysterious glow. 
When jimany-jaminy, what should appear, 
A racing car that would run over a reindeer! 
With a crazed driver, to most he was a foe,
Felix knew in an instant it must be Turbo. 
More rapid than Sonic he drove like a fiend, 
And he laughed and he shouted, giggled and screamed!
“I’m Turbo! The greatest racer! I’m number one!
Just try and stop me! You won’t have much fun!
I’ll take anyone on! It won’t be a tie!
You can’t break my record! I’d like to see you losers try!“ 
Faster than the Cy-Bugs in Hero’s Duty could fly, 
Calhoun rushed over and stood at Felix’s side.
They watched Turbo drive from game to game,
Tormenting characters and gloating his fame. 
And then, to their horror, he drove to Sugar Rush, 
The candy-coated land his race car did crush, 
As Felix and Calhoun hurried to dress,
Turbo took over and dethroned a princess.
His appearance was changed, and you’d better not think,
That his obviously salmon walls were painted plain pink! 
A glitch he created, a wrecker he did upset,
He did these terrible things without an ounce of regret. 
His eyes - how they gleamed! His smile so dandy!
His voice jubilant as he declared: “Have some candy!”
But not everyone was fooled, and the heroes soon arrived,
To take Turbo down, dead or alive. 
With help from his friends Ralph knew they would win, 
This determined quartet would set things right again.
They went to the castle without a moment to waste,
On a cruiser and kart, they quickly made haste. 
Turbo greeted the group with a challenge up his sleeve,
And if they should win, the game he would leave.
But if they lost - oh, what a shame! 
To the fungeon they’d go and would forever remain. 
To the track they all went, a gold coin the only fee,
Vanellope would race to set Sugar Rush free.
She passed Turbo swiftly, her talent did shine,
When she glitched herself across the finish line.
Turbo was defeated! The crown was returned,
And he left the candied game with his lesson learned.
But they heard him exclaim in a tone so fantastic,
“Merry Christmas, chumps, I’m still TURBOTASTIC!”
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fix-it-feesh · 2 years
And what a fun ten years it’s been! Much love to you ALL. 🥹❤️
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