flapjack-nasty · 2 years
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flapjack-nasty · 3 years
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The “Trip Video” List.
I usually don’t talk about myself on here, but I think I should share something my more psychedelic followers would enjoy quite a bit. So whenever me and my friends trip, a lot of times we end up listening to music and talking, pretty normal stuff, well one time I decided to put Angel’s Egg on and it synchronized with our music perfectly and it was like having a moving painting in the room. We now have a tradition to put on a “Trip Video” on when we get together and put some awesome music over it, any really works, my personal favorite is Retro and Rock. This is really nice because there’s a lot of beautiful animations out there but don’t have the best dialog. What I want to do now is share our current “Trip Video” list, as you could already guess, I love art and nicely done animations, so I had no problem getting a list together, with a little help from one of my bestfriends. Also be careful! Some of these may be too hardcore for people not experienced with tripping and are easily put into bad head spaces. This experience is best with the Classical Psychedelics, and MDMA ;P Without further ado-  
Angel’s Egg
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~ A young girl wanders through a twisted lovecraftian world alone, where not much makes sense. She carries with her an egg, which she hopes will hatch into a creature that will fly her far away. This is the perfect movie to put music over, barely any dialog so all the shots are beautifully cinematic. This is also my personal favorite.    
Kiki’s Delivery Service
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~ A 13 year old witch leaves her home to go live in the city for a year and start her own business. Same case as in Angel’s Egg, not much dialog but a lot of cinematic shots, but instead of a lovecraftian theme, its much more colorful and evokes a lot of emotions and really captures the feeling of freedom, my second favorite.
Riding Bean
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~ A dude named Bean with a James Bond car and a creackshot girlfriend uses both to be a professional smuggler. This is a really over looked anime because both the voice acting and audio are horrible, but having detailed animations and great ideas go a long way and puts it high on this list.  
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~The government in Japan are conducting child experiments into telekinesis, clairvoyance, and everything in betwen to fight against nukes and prevent WWIII, the war happens because of these experiments and 31 years later the government takes on a street-gang punk kid as a new test subject, that may be their last. One of the most famous animes and for good reason, its beautiful and has incredible detail, its pretty hardcore though, recommended with more fast-pace, up-beat music.
Tales from Earthsea
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~After having his heart and mind controlled by a dark witch, a young boy kills the king of Earthsea and is forced to leave, hoping to find his death in the desert, but not before coming across a wise wizard, who takes him under his wing in hopes to guide his heart out of the darkness. Amazing color and detail, many scenes keep you on the edge of your seat. 
Cowboy Bebop (The movie)
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~A former Triads member, turned bounty-hunter, tries forgetting his past and looking to the future among the stars, but the stars are far, and the past is closer. Not much I can add to this, one of the best and well known animes, the movie kicks the art into overdrive though, some of the most beautiful shots in all of Bebop happen in this movie.
Spirited Away
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~ A young girl is trapped in a land of spirits and is forced to work in a bath house by the witch Yubaba, or be turned into an animal. She has her name taken from her and is slowly forgotten. Another well known one, Alice in Wonderland for Japan I always refereed to it as. 
Princess Mononoke
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~ A peaceful young prince from a quiet village is struck with a curse after slaying a demon, he is banished from his home in search of a cure from the gods before death takes him, while others around him try and hunt the gods. An amazing story with amazing dialog, but also great as a “Trip Video”. 
Whisper of the Heart
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~A young girl spends her days writing and reading hoping one day to be a writer herself, she meets a boy with similar interests and a crush slowly develops. A very “normal” story, especially for a Ghibli film, but almost every shot is eye-candy and sometimes jaw-dropping, this is by far the most “lived in” Ghibli world.
A World with no Sadness, Baby (Space Dandy) (S02E08)
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 ~Dandy, A rare alien hunter, who searches the farthest reaches of the universe to discover weird and interesting unregistered species of aliens. From the makers of Cowboy Bebop, this one specific episode does everything right that this series is known for. 
Ranma ½
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~After training for a week in China, a martial arts master, Ranma, falls into a magical spring which turns him into a girl, he turns into a girl with cold water and a dude with hot/warm water. This is kinda the Family Guy for japan and isn’t supposed to be taken too seriously. But even though its funny and not meant to be too serious, the old Japanese style animation looks absolutely gorgeous. I haven’t been able to pin down exact episodes for the list though, as I’m still watching it.  
Blade Runner 2022
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~ Man and machine are divided and the replicants looks to take technology away from man. From the same designer of Cowboy Bebop, so you can expect amazing animations and detail.
Ghost in the Shell
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~ An android works as a government agent and slowly finds out what it means to be alive. Some nice eye-candy for the trip and it really knows how to sync with music.  
Fantastic Planet
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~Human are the lesser creatures on a planet far from their own. The Draag are the race of humanoid creatures that are far more advanced than the Oms (humans) and are able to operate on transcendental plains of thought and send their consciousness to a smaller planet in orbit to their own, where they will meet with other races to share knowledge and essentially mate. A very trippy movie, and a very beautiful art style that I havent seen done right since.
Samurai Jack (4 episodes) 
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~After a long battle against the very essence of darkness itself, the gods of this universe were finally able to put an end to the growing chaos. But alas, a small piece of this darkness fell to the earth, and so there was, Aku. Man pleaded with the gods and in return they enchanted a sword, powerful enough to slay darkness itself, and end the chaos that now plagues man. I’m sure we all grew up with this, and there are many episodes that could make the list, but I’ll pin down the four I thought fit the list perfectly.
Becoming Stronger (S01E01) Jack Vs. the Ninja (S04E01) Finding Peace and Forgiving Yourself (S05E07) The Slaying of Aku (S05E10)
Summer Wars
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~A Computer gamer agrees to be the fake fiancé of a girl he has a crush on, meanwhile, he cracks a code that unleashes a virus that will destroy the internet as we know it and unleash nukes onto the world, oops. This is a beautifully done Mamoru Hosoda film and its colors and fluid animations really make it an interesting watch.
Rock and Rule
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~After a nuclear war that set all animals on earth to the same status as humans, the world is in shambles and the only thing to do is Rock out! This was the “go to” movie to watch for trippers back in the 80′s and after putting some music over it and letting it ply out, you can see why.
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack (2 episodes)
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~A boy living in a whale makes friends with a sea drunk and they have many adventures together. The art is very weird and keeps you guessing with what will happen next. Helps lighten the list up with funny moments. Here are the two episodes chosen for the list
Living in a Candy Cosmos (S02E04) Tryptamine Float (S03E06) 
Cat Soup
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~A cat searches for his brothers lost soul, so that he can bring him back to the mortal world. A rather sad story with some trippy art, the characters even speak in thought bubbles, making an interesting choice for the list, though the colors do make it seem more depressing than it is, the harder you trip, the less you should put this on, in my opinion. 
Robin’s Mountain (Teen Titans) (S04E04)
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~Robin, “son” of Batman, is losing touch with his inner worrier and decides to go on a quest to rediscover his strength. From the actual good Teen Titans show and absolutely one of the best episodes.   
Heavy Metal
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~Some weird stuff. I’m honestly not the biggest fan of the animation style here but its already made for music and ends up being quite enjoyable, it also has a bit of good laughs so very worth it, to lighten up the list, if anything.
Interstella 5555
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~A rock band is abducted and have their appearance, race, and memories changed so that they can perform on a different planet. My least favorite on the list, but it’s very colorful and syncs with music well since it was originally made for Daft Punk.  
I will update the list in the future, and I’d love to hear suggestions :)
The “Trip List” has been updated!!! 3-10-18
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flapjack-nasty · 10 years
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