((Caught in a landslide no escape from reality? CLOSE ENOUGH LOVELY.))
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((Hey Tumblr, hey.
I just.
Can’t quit you.))
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Technical Difficulties?!
Hmm, the GPS unit in my suit isn't working right. I don't remember downtown Sternbild looking like this... The communications seem functional though.
HELLO TESTING ONE TWO- IS it working? I wonder if they can hear me back at the lab. Oh, I wonder if the other guys can hear me... Maybe if I just try a few different frequencies...
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((Hey Tumblr, hey.
I just.
Can't quit you.))
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((Oh Tiger, know you want to go for a ride. 
...but not in that way ohmyg- I meant flying, but yes! I'd love to rp with you too! If you're having trouble thinking of something (and I always do because my brain is mush), would you like to do something more serious or lighthearted? We totally have to get this party started, mmhmm.))
Happy holidays, citizens! It’s funny how time flies, right?
Get it?
I hope it’s been a merry one so far. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, there’s always peace and good will toward man (or dogs, or… robots?) you can look forward to. I’m looking forward...
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Really? Ah, Ivan, you-
-Please allow a full one hundred twenty five seconds for the current mental process (this is a gift from Ivan + Ivan is > friend='partner'= 'this is a gift from my partner'= first Christmas with a significant other. Conclusion: ENGAGE FLUSTER) to complete-
I will be there!
Happy holidays, citizens! It’s funny how time flies, right?
Get it?
I hope it’s been a merry one so far. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, there’s always peace and good will toward man (or dogs, or… robots?) you can look forward to. I’m looking forward...
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Pleased to meet a fellow red blooded American Mr. Goodman, I'm Sam Franklin, a new face in these parts and happy to be here, an working with a wholesome man like yourself. ((I'm an OC roleplayer, somewhat new to the game, but I've been following Tiger & Bunny rpers like you for quite some time. I can't make any waves since there are so many good character players, but maybe we can still have fun))
Alright, you sound like a fun guy- It's a pleasure to meet you too, Sam Franklin. Welcome, and again, welcome to Sternbild. It's a great place to be if you're looking for Possibility.
If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask us heroes!
((Ohgoodness please forgive the late response but OC or otherwise, you're more than invited to join the fray! Prod me whenever, my friend!))
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It's good to be back(?)!
Think you'll be on the Nice list this year, Kotetsuko?
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I think they call it a winter 'wonderland' for a reason
Happy holidays, citizens! It's funny how time flies, right?
Get it?
I hope it's been a merry one so far. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, there's always peace and good will toward man (or dogs, or... robots?) you can look forward to. I'm looking forward to being Santa at the n-
I meant meeting Santa, kids. I am definitely not and never was Santa Claus. Not at all.
Well, those snowmen aren't going to build themselves. Stay safe, Sternbild. And remember- Thank you and thank you again for tuning in with your former King of Heroes Sky High!
((Guys. The holiday retail season ate me alive but putting that aside- GUYS. How do I leave for so long then come back to find I not only have one hundred followers but several of them are also amazing bloggers/rpers. I... really don't know what to say. I'm rather irregular in updates and quite slow to responses (I love you all I swear) and yet- Thanks just doesn't cover this. Need to... omake something for you guys, or just- you guys.))
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I see, I see. That's right; I've been hearing about you guys from the others. Okay! Pleasure to meet you too, Benjamin. Is it alright if I call you Ben? 
Hold on, Kotetsu already knows a Ben....
How about Benji? 
[He claps a hand on h-16's shoulder in a typically overzealous fashion]
<Accessing Database. One (1) Record Found>
Keith Goodman. Hero Name: Sky High
I am pleased to meet you.
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Hmm? Oh, yes, hello!
Good evening, Barnahh, no- not Barnaby? I'm sorry, that's my mistake... You just look incredibly similar to a good friend of mine! 
...Who also knows my civilian identity! Ivan, is that you again?
flightunderpressure started following you
<Accessing Database. One (1) Record Found>
Keith Goodman. Hero Name: Sky High
I am pleased to meet you.
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Wind coursed over them and Keith craned his head back with the flow, releasing a sigh intended for the renegade breeze as he stared at the skies above, in part from nerves, in part a silent plea perhaps someone up there could tell him how to solve it all. Loneliness, flagging confidence, the pestilence marring such bright, vibrant potential. 
The 'Are you sure?' he had meant to ask became a simple "Don't let go" when a sudden upward thrust of force took them (a jumbling of limbs from Keith's uncoordinated fumbling hooking one arm here, one arm there) airborne. Three words meaning so much more than a cursory safety precaution; they were the hope to elicit an unspoken promise from Ivan.
'I won't fall.'
A grin cracked the neutral (if not slightly declining) frown he had been nursing, embarrassing enough he was glad for the sheet of molded metal covering his head. If the strength with which Ivan was clinging to him could be taken as an indication, then he was worrying far too much. Whatever dark phases came at them, they could handle. Ivan could handle. It only took time (like the flight from park to back yard), patience (such as that which was required to remove a hero's iconic helmet) and diligence (akin to the way Keith had lip locked Ivan upon shutting the door and had yet to surface).
Ivan was minding his own business, like he always did, checking his blog, like he always did, and thinking about what he would do tomorrow, like he always did, when his finger stuttered halfway down his dash. Oh? Keith had posted something? Well far be it for him not to check it out. He slid his…
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((Oh goodness, no. As long as you're having fun and being adorable then that's really all that matters!))
Nathan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Toni felt the same way he did, and wanted to be with him, forever, just like he did. He took the ring Antonio gave him, a few tears in his eyes. “Yes, Antonio John Lopez. Yes, and yes again! A thousand times yes!” He slipped the gold band…
((No, don’t stop, this is too precious… I just… can’t….))
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Nathan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Toni felt the same way he did, and wanted to be with him, forever, just like he did. He took the ring Antonio gave him, a few tears in his eyes. “Yes, Antonio John Lopez. Yes, and yes again! A thousand times yes!” He slipped the gold band...
((No, don't stop, this is too precious... I just... can't....))
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This Manga Thing
It's pretty interesting. Ivan loaned me something from his collection and now I can't stop reading! I need to know what happens next...
The strangest part is, I feel like I've read this all somewhere before...
Haha, well, it's still a lot of fun and I'm beginning to understand why he likes this sort of thing so much.
I can't decide between my favorite characters though. Hare, maybe. Or maybe Lion! Then again, there's Steel Steer or Blue Violet or Snake kid... Flaming Monogram. Aha! It's definitely between Captain Sky or Robot Ninja Geisha.
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((Boy with a coin he crammed in his jeansthen making a wish, and tossed in the seathen walked to a town that all of us burnedwhen God left the ground to circle the world
Boy With A Coin by Iron & Wine))
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((WhiteIt covers everything like snowThe color of my bonesThe color of my mind
'White' by Prāta Vētra/Brainstorm
-Edit: Actually, to any Ivan-muns, this is my headcannon theme for the little guy. Maybe I'm just weird, but... it seems fitting.))
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Put a "∞" in my Ask Box and I'll shuffle my itunes and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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