flipzmclego ¡ 7 hours
i hate it when game devs put “fixed several issues” in patch notes 
no. tell me what you fixed. i wanna know what the glitch was.
you know those patch notes that are like “fixed an issue where if the player sat in a bush for too long, they’d become the size of a skyscraper” 
i wanna read those. tell me those. 
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flipzmclego ¡ 24 hours
This ABSOLUTELY works.
I have used this for many years. Definitely b do it.
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flipzmclego ¡ 24 hours
The constant rolling disaster that is Overwatch's game development aside, what really perplexes me about how Blizzard is handing the broader franchise is their continual insistence that a canon narrative exists in spite of their equally continual refusal to tell anyone what it is.
Like, okay, the events of the games aren't canon. Fair enough: the games are multiplayer-only, and you can't account for player actions.
Oh, and the animated short films aren't canon either – they're properly understood as in-universe propaganda, not depictions of actual events. That's a little high concept for you guys, but fine.
But surely the comics are canon, right? Well, no; some of the comics (we're not telling you which ones) were canon at one point, but the writing team has decided to go in a different direction.
My dudes, what is left? The weird Source Filmmaker porn? Is that canon? Well, apparently it's at least as canon as anything else!
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flipzmclego ¡ 24 hours
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flipzmclego ¡ 24 hours
would it be fucked up if the mata let it slip to the rahaga and dume that they were briefly dismembered and had to pop their bodies back into shape when they arrived on mata nui. like gali complaining she isnt used to walking all these stairs and her feet hurt "worse than when i came out of the canister" and bomonga is like ? so she explains she woke up with like half her joints rotted into goo and several bones just fallen out of her body and she had to slot it all back together, and she realizes halfway through that hes looking at her with genuine horror so she asks whats wrong and hes just like thats not normal. thats not normal gali.
"... were not supposed to... put ourselves back together?... just like that?" "absolutely not." "oh" "thats horrifying." "oh"
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flipzmclego ¡ 24 hours
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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flipzmclego ¡ 1 day
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flipzmclego ¡ 1 day
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you’re doomed, there’s nothing I can do 
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flipzmclego ¡ 1 day
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This was a very silly goofy post I enjoyed but it also sparked genuine curiosity: how accurate is this? I’m a data hound, so I did some fact checking. Please be aware I am by no means an expert and this was simply a result of some cursory investigating and inputting stuff into a calculator.
For RTD, I took it to mean any episode title that was singular. Only eight out of the sixty episodes of RTD’s run have one word titles, with six having two syllables (Dalek, Doomsday, Gridlock, 42, Utopia, and Midnight) and the other two being monosyllabic (Rose and Blink). That’s roughly 13% of his episodes. Definitely a trend but he was actually quite creative with his titles. Here’s some other fun statistical stuff: the most popular words in episode titles appear to be ‘dead’ (The Unquiet Dead, Forest of the Dead and Planet of The Dead), ‘planet’ (Impossible Planet, Planet of the Ood, Planet of the Dead) and ‘time’ (Last of the Time Lords, End of Time Part 1 and End of Time Part 2) occurring at about 5% each, with ‘earth’ and ‘doctor’ occurring twice each respectively.
For Moffat, I went a little more broad, considering any episode that used the naming convention ‘of’/‘of the’ or featured ‘doctor’ in any capacity. Out of the eighty-four episodes in his run, twenty six filled the criteria, that’s about 31%. Eighteen adhered to the ‘of’ requirement (Victory of the Daleks, The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice, Day of the Moon, Curse of the Black Spot, The Wedding of River Song, Asylum of the Daleks, The Power of Three, The Bells of Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten, Journey to the Center of the TARDIS, Robot of Sherwood, In the Forest of the Night, The Husbands of River Song, The Pyramid at the End of the World, The Lie of the Land, The Empress of Mars, and The Eaters of Light), four contained the word ‘doctor’ (Vincent and the Doctor, The Doctor’s Wife, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, and The Doctor Falls), and four fit into both categories (The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor and The Return of Doctor Mysterio; it’s funny once you realize that Name, Day and Time were all released sequentially). The claim is thereby substantiated, the man loves his ‘of’s’.
Chibnall’s criteria was difficult to discern but I decided on anything that contained the name of a Who monster classic or otherwise, was a part, or similarly used ‘of’/‘of the’. My findings were quite interesting as there was bunch of overlap between my selected categories. As a whole, out of the thirty-one episodes in Chibnall’s run, eighteen fit the criteria. That’s an overwhelming 58%, so it is most definitely correct assumption. In terms of part episodes, there were eight as there are two proper parted episodes (Spyfall, Part 1 and Spyfall, Part 2) and the serialized six-episode Flux series. Thirteen episodes contain ‘of’/‘of the’ with six exclusively using ‘of’/‘of the’ (The Demons of the Punjab, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Chapter Five: Survivors of the Flux, Power of The Doctor). This is where it gets interesting, as the remaining seven episodes containing ‘of’ are all the Who monster episodes (Ascension of the Cybermen, Revolution of the Daleks, Fugitive of the Judoon, Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans, Chapter Four: Village of the Angels, Eve of the Daleks, Legend of the Sea Devils). It would appear that Chibnall is an equal fiend for ‘of’s’, especially considering the monsters. So, very on brand for classic who naming conventions as well.
To conclude, it was a largely factual silly goofy post (props to @fanonical) and I enjoyed my little data collection exercise.
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flipzmclego ¡ 1 day
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Ok wait let her speak
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flipzmclego ¡ 1 day
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flipzmclego ¡ 1 day
imagine if you will, a fairly dry survival crafting game in which you live in a bunker and must periodically venture out to scavenge food, set up turrets for attacking monsters, etc
now, your computer inside the bunker has a game-inside-a-game on it which is a charming farming sim of undeniably greater quality and scope than the survival game you're playing. therefore, the object of the game becomes to keep your bunker secure so you can play the farming game more.
now, once you achieve the highest rating in the farming game, a secret shop inside it unlocks, and one of the novelty items you can purchase is a game console, giving you access to games-inside-a-game-inside-a-game. most of the games for it are typical mobile shovelware, but one of them is a highly polished, extremely brutal precision platformer with amazing level design and production values exceeding that of the survival game and farming sim combined.
it is only at this point that the purpose of this entire contrivance becomes clear: to create the most deranged speedrun community the world has ever seen.
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flipzmclego ¡ 1 day
seven years ago in the name of tolerating free speech from all political perspectives my nasty ass evil university let an army of tiki torch wielding nazis shouting jews will not replace us march through grounds threatening the lives of students and community members with zero police presence. and today they retroactively changed campus policy around tents so they could send in the cops to bust up the gaza memorial vigil. genuinely fucking stomach turning
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flipzmclego ¡ 1 day
I don’t know anything about ace attorney
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flipzmclego ¡ 3 days
I don't know if it's just me, but one of my favorite things about Fire Emblem fanart is people drawing Edelgard in her Disney Villain™ timeskip outfit but having the sweetest, bubbliest, most cheerful smiles ever imaginable. Probably even cuddling a teddy bear (though fanart I've come across with her holding a stuffed bear tends to be set during the Academy phase).
Of course, Edie looking high and mighty and having that "commanding" presence to her is good stuff too.
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flipzmclego ¡ 3 days
Not that it matter but don't these people realize that kids who are half white can come out looking completely like their white parents. Like my grandpa is an Afro- Latino and my mom looks completely like her mother whose mostly white. I don't understand why race mixing matters anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️people love who they love.
Because they’re stupid
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flipzmclego ¡ 3 days
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