floriafu-blog · 9 years
Respones #4
After seeing other people’s data art work, it is quite surprised that people choose various forms to present their data. The most interesting part is that all the technology and formats people choose is actually influence the way people view and understand data.
Among all the works from my classmates, Keren Xu’s data art work gives me a deep impression. The most obvious reason is the concept of using photos to represent the death of human being. I found it really amusing and facetious, because of the contrast between death and humour. The way she decorates all the photos to look like human is clever. Using blue and pink glass to represent male and female, and some labels to show the occupations of photos in one specific scene, and the facial expression of photos really fit the circumstances of how they dead. The audio effects is hilarious as well.
From my perspective, to create a video that shows the top seven unintentional injury mortality and their causes, make this dataset much more understandable and interesting. The video shows what happen before and after the accidents, and place them in order. It tells me which kind of accident is the major cause of death, and in what ways people can actually get killed. The main picture in the end of the video shows the percentage of male and female in each categories. And to better distinguish the cause of death, she puts labels on photos to indicate each data. Apart from that, the music she chooses to use in the end makes me feel sorry about those people who get killed by accidents.
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
Artist Statement (Assignment 2)
In this assignment, I choose to create a video based on a complex dataset that is collected by myself. Specifically, the database I used is all from several films and Television productions. I gather these dataset from two different media sources that contain two specific characters: Marvel’s well-know character Iron man( Tony Stark) and Sherlock Holmes( British Drama version).
Idea (meaning):
The main idea of my work is to show the power of words, and how words can actually hurt people’s feelings. Especially,  how words can tear friends apart. 
Data selection:
When I select my dataset, I choose characters that are unsentimental and unemotional, so I can emphasized the contrast of those sentimental feelings between friends. That is the reason why I choose Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes, because they are both super intelligent and arrogant people who always say something mean to others, no matter if they are friends or the one they love. In their perspective, they do not realize what they say is hurting people’s feelings. They say mean things because they think it is fun or they think they just tell the truth. In order to make my work more amusing, I put these two unrelated characters into one story,  to let them becomes best friends in the beginning, and then use their own words to destroy their friendship and hurt each other’s feelings. 
All the clips that I collected are unrelated in the original works, and each clips is one individual data. It seems like I create this work use montage (a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information), since I rearrange all these clips and use my own plot to visualize my idea . In the plot, I show Tony and Sherlock are good friends in the beginning to give people some background information, and then, there is an interview to ask Sherlock and Tony individually what do they think about each other. Of course, they said means things behind each other’s back, then they start to argue with each other. They might think what they said is just joking, and because they are good friend they assume that they are allowed to mock each other. In fact, all the things they said is hurting their feelings. They feel terrible after they know all the words they said about each other. But the truth is, those words hurt them so deeply, one apologize is not able to heal the pain.  
It is quite ironic, because words generally do not have the power to let you get injured, but it can hurt your soul which is much more painful. Even people like sherlock and tony, they can get hurt inside by words. Think before you say, your words can hurt, no matter they are people you care, friends, or strangers.
Iron Man. Directed by Jon Favreau. United States: Paramount Pictures, 2008. Film.
Iron Man 2. Directed by Jon Favreau. United States: Paramount Pictures, 2010. Film.
Iron Man 3. Directed by Shane Black. United States: The Walt Disney Company Iberia, 2013. Film.
Marvel’s The Avengers. Directed by Joss Whedon. United States: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 2012. Film.
Moffat, Steven, and Mark Gatiss, dirs. “Sherlock.” In 1 & 2. July 25, 2010.
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
Presentation--”Jer Thorp “
Presentation slide:
Document Material:
Thorp, Jer. "Blprnt.blg." Blprntblg. Accessed November 11, 2015. http://blog.blprnt.com/.
"Jeremy Thorp." Accessed November 11, 2015. https://www.linkedin.com/in/blprnt.
"Jer Thorp." Jer Thorp. Accessed November 11, 2015. http://www.thelavinagency.com/speaker-jer-thorp.html.
"The Don of Data." The Don of Data. April 3, 2013. Accessed November 11, 2015. http://narrative.ly/stories/the-don-of-data/.
"This Man Makes Data Look Beautiful." Mashable. Accessed November 11, 2015. http://mashable.com/2012/12/11/data-visualization-jer-thorp/#qRNw9D35VZqy.
"The New York Times’ R&D Lab Has Built a Tool That Explores the Life Stories Take in the Social Space." Nieman Lab. Accessed November 11, 2015. http://www.niemanlab.org/2011/04/the-new-york-times-rd-lab-has-built-a-tool-that-explores-the-life-stories-take-in-the-social-space/.
"A New View of the Galaxy: Exclusive Kepler Data Visualization by Jer Thorp." Boing Boing. February 7, 2011. Accessed November 11, 2015. http://boingboing.net/2011/02/08/a-new-view-of-the-ga.html.
Media Material:
"Just Landed - 36 Hours." Vimeo. Accessed November 11, 2015. https://vimeo.com/4587178.
"GoodMorning! Full Render #2." Vimeo. Accessed November 11, 2015. https://vimeo.com/6239027.
"CASCADE (2011)." Nytlabs. Accessed November 11, 2015. http://nytlabs.com/projects/cascade.html.
"Kepler Exoplanet Candidates." Vimeo. Accessed November 11, 2015. https://vimeo.com/19642643.
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
Assignment #2 Database
For This assignment, I will collect data from several films and Tv shows. Specifically, the iron man movies and the British sherlock Tv series . I am going to choose some clips from these sources, and rearrange them to fit the plot that I create. Therefore, I can use these data to visualize the idea behind.   
Iron Man. Directed by Jon Favreau. United States: Paramount Pictures, 2008. Film.
Iron Man 2. Directed by Jon Favreau. United States: Paramount Pictures, 2010. Film.
Iron Man 3. Directed by Shane Black. United States: The Walt Disney Company Iberia, 2013. Film.
Marvel's The Avengers. Directed by Joss Whedon. United States: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 2012. Film.
Moffat, Steven, and Mark Gatiss, dirs. "Sherlock." In 1 & 2. July 25, 2010.
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
“Art Against Information: Case Studies in Data Practice” Response
After reading the article “Art Against Information: Case Studies in Data Practice” written by Mitchell Whitelaw, I got more ideas of what data is, how it be contract and what it can refers to. By distinguishing the definition of data and information, we can see that data and information can be either independent or dependent in different contexts.
Information is the meaning that comes from data, where data is defined as the raw material of information. Therefore, the ways artists construct data can directly influence the information that can be found from data. For example, “ The Dumpster” by Golan Levin and the similar work “we feel fine” by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar are both typical indexical data, where the data is comes from reality and naturally linked to the reality. These works give notion that how people use data is the key to let data show its significance and capacities, because these works explore facts of real life that is not usually can be seen. But since the data used by these works is indexical of reality, it always contains connections and related to the real world, the data’s creation part is ignored.
The format of data can always be a great element to help data presents it's meaning. In the case of “The Spam Architecture series” by Alex Dragulescu, where artists construct spam(data) into a model that looks like trash. It is a really interesting way to organize data, because it makes spam(data) both literal and figurative resource. Viewers can get the idea of spam by both the data and its format.
In general, a “good” data visualization should use data in a way that is related to the content and context of data, however, the way data is mapped can be completely irrelevant. Lisa Jevbratt’s work is a great example to support this idea. Instead of refer information by mapping the data, she transform data into a visual form of data. In this way, people can still see the pattern of data in a visual  form. It is a totally different data visualization idea with the pervious works that mentioned above. Because the artist is not trying to explore the meaning of the data, but trying to prove that the meaning of data will not change by transform its form.In Brad Borevitz’s “State of the Union”, he presents the information into data, and then transform it into information. It is fascinating because the information that one dataset expressed can be presents as another set of data. And people can still use the information as data and analyze it.
Overall, we can see that there are various ways for people to construct data, and different forms of data can lead to different perspective of data and how people can understand from them.
Mitchell Whitelaw, "Art Against Information: Case Studies in Data Practice," 2008
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
Aesthetics of Information Visualization&The Anti-Sublime Ideal in Data Art Response
Instead of making data visualization in a purpose of providing scientific information context(as an area of investigation and experimentation), the aesthetics of information visualization beyond the scientific aspect should be considered as well, in terms of the judgment that used to determine whether the work is valuable, according to the senses( the body).
Unlike the form that applied in the area if science and engineering to just visualize and understand the worth of an information, the new form of focusing on the sense emphasis  a quite different features of information visualization.  Many artists and designers unsatisfied with making data to easy understanding or simple, but to visualize data in a “pretty” way, which people named this kind of project as “anti-sublime”. For example, The Uncanny, another way of achieving the aesthetic of “anti-sublime”.
Even though different conceptual artists view the aim of information visualization in a quite diverse ways, “There is (at least) an aesthetics of beauty, of the anti-sublime, of the sublime, of the uncanny and of administration”(Sack, P8,2011). Based on computer technology, various forms of data visualization can be created. With media and software(Meta-Media) data is able to be mapped into another domain; for instance, 2D space to 3D, sound into 2D image, etc. In computer culture, mapping data into another or another media is common; however, computer is not capable to distinguish the beauty of those visualizations, where artists are trying to make some changes.
In my point of view, Anti-sublime and sublime is not opposite or to be consider two opposite purposes. Through those sublime data visualization, there is a beauty inside them can be found, but it is not obvious to see; on the other hand, Anti-sublime project is capable to give viewers a n understanding of the data while with more complex and sensible ways. In fact, people can have a better understanding when data become more sensible and interesting. Where, simple and easy data visualization is much more suitable for scientific field rather than the public.
Manovich, Lev. "The Anti-Sublime Ideal in Data Art." (2002). Manovich. Web. Stack, Warren. "Aesthetics of Information Visualization." (2011).Web.
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
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DATT  3935 Data Visualization  Assignment 1
Yirui Fu 212582946
Design Statement
With the development of our technology, people have more choices of enjoying music, which lead to the question of which way people prefer to get their music sources from. Purchasing physical albums and downloading digital music files are the two ways that come up first; therefore, I decide to make a data visualization to analyze and compare these two methods of getting music sources in terms of their consumption in US. Among various sets of data, I selected nine sets of them and visualize. Aim to concentrate on the information behind the graph, I did not add much interactive functions to the graph, but there are few options for viewers to see different categories individually.The graph can be divided into two major parts, which are Digital Music Album and Physical Music Album.  
In order to distinguish the two sections, I use cool tone colour to represent digital music downloading and other aspects that involve in, while warm tone colour shows the physical album sales and its related elements. The size of the circles are determined by the value of data, thus the transformation of the size can represent the tendency of the data during 2008-2014. At the top of graph, there are graph title and information bar that contains all the explanations of each row of dataset. At the bottom, there is a time line marked from 2008 to 2014. Look Into the details, the two row of circles in the middle, with light blue(Digital music downloading) and light purple(Physical Album sales), are the basic dataset. These two sets of basic data present on the screen at first, for other related elements, viewers are able to click the information bar, in order to view the data they want and avoid chaos. Every row of data set has its minimum and maximum value, which I marked them with black and white circle in the centre of the value respectively. As for individually values of each categories, they will appear when viewers move mouse close to the row of circle(data) that they want to know and compare with the basic data.
According to my research on the topic, the graph that I made present a rising tendency of digital music field during 2008 to 2014, While the tendency of physical music field is dropping each year. In 2014, the amount of digital music downloads  increased almost twice as the downloads in 2008, While, the sales of physical album was dropping from 2008 to 2010 and raised a little bit in 2011, and then continue dropped sharply. It is clear that in 2014, the amount of digital album downloads was very close to the amount of physical album sales.
As well as the downloads of single digital music. It increased generally until 2012,  and then had a sight decrease during the next two years. It is interesting that, in 2010, the total revenue of digital music field was the minimum revenue in 7 years. But it increased dramatically start in 2011, because of the huge contribution from revenue from online subscription, Which you can view the  trend of online subscription revenue was clearly raised. Besides, the increasing amount of time people spend on digital media is also a reason why people prefer to get music sources from digital downloading.
On the other hand, the dropping of physical music album sales does not influenced by the amount of money people spend on during 2008 to 2012, which the money spend on music album reached its maximum value, but dropped quickly with the decreasing of physical music album sales.
From the data analyze above, we can conclude that the digital music area is the feature, although it can not replace the physical music album totally, it still shows its quick development in the past years. People start spend more time and money online and using digital media, which leads to a huge revenue for the digital media industry. However, physical album is still a great way to enjoy music and people are spending more time each year on recored music. And each family’s income actually can be a directly influence on people’s spend on music album, because some of the digital music are free for downloading while music albums generally have a high price. 
There are many stories behind this data visualization that is waiting you to explore. If you have questions or difficulties to understanding the visualization, do not hesitate to ask me and I can give you more background information to help you better understanding.
Friedlander, Joshua P., Vice President, Strategic Data Analysis, Riaa, The U.s. Recorded Music Industry Continues To, and Experience Important Changes In Its Revenue. "News and Notes on 2014 RIAA Music Industry Shipment and Revenue Statistics." 2014 US Recorded Music Revenues (n.d.): n. pag. Web.http://riaa.com/media/D1F4E3E8-D3E0-FCEE-BB55-FD8B35BC8785.pdf
"US Adults Spend 5.5 Hours with Video Content Each Day - EMarketer." US Adults Spend 5.5 Hours with Video Content Each Day - EMarketer. April 16, 2015. Accessed October 23, 2015.http://www.emarketer.com/Article/US-Adults-Spend-55-Hours-with-Video-Content-Each-Day/1012362
"U.S. Music Album Sales 2014 | Statistic." Statista. Accessed October 23, 2015.http://www.statista.com/statistics/273308/music-album-sales-in-the-us/
"Number of Digital Music Album Downloads in the U.S. 2014 | Statistic." Statista. Accessed October 23, 2015.http://www.statista.com/statistics/186707/downloads-of-digital-music-albums-in-the-us-since-2004/
"Digital Music Revenue in the U.S. by Type 2014 | Statistic." Statista. Accessed October 23, 2015.http://www.statista.com/statistics/186710/digital-music-revenue-in-the-us-since-2008/
"U.S. Media Habits - Time Spent with Recorded Music 2012 | Statistic." Statista. Accessed October 23,2015. http://www.statista.com/statistics/186920/time-spent-listening-to-recorded-music-in-the-us-since-2002/
"U.S. Media Spending - Consumer Spending on Recorded Music 2002-2012 | Statistic." Statista. Accessed October 23,2015.http://www.statista.com/statistics/191044/us-consumer-spending-on-recorded-music-since-2002/
"US Household Income." US Household Income. Accessed October 23, 2015.http://www.deptofnumbers.com/income/us/
"Newswire ." Everyone Listens to Music, But How We Listen Is Changing. Accessed October 23, 2015.http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/news/2015/everyone-listens-to-music-but-how-we-listen-is-changing.html
"Study: US Adult Daily Time Spent with Digital Media Grows 2.5 Hours in 5 Years." LSA Insider. May 28, 2015. Accessed October 23, 2015.http://www.lsainsider.com/study-us-adult-daily-time-spent-with-digital-media-grows-2-5-hours-in-5-years/archives/#sthash.2ph36k8k.dpbs
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
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Here is the simple chart of  Music album sales and digital music album and single downloads in the USA(2008-2014) , click the link blow to view the complete interactive chart:
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
“Journalism in the Age of Data” Response
After Watching the film, it gives me more ideas and knowledge of why people are trying to visualize data, how people are trying to advance data visualization and what tools that can help people to make their won works of data visualization. 
People take advantage of the fact that human are easier analyzing information that they saw, and turn various amount of data into graphic forms, it really gives people convenience and efficiency to understand, analyze and express the data.  At the same time it gives people a different perspective of data. With the developing of data visualization, bad data visualization works have been made since any one can put their data and visualize it. Therefore, the choice of data can determine the success of the works people made.  A great data visualization work always contains a context and is able to tell readers the story behind the data. In order to reach the requirement readers needs, people in this field come up with many methods(slide, dill-down,etc.)to organize and present complex data. Besides, people try to enhance it by adding interaction behaviour to let data visualization become an expressive language, artists and designers put explanation, context, abstract and even mathematic patterns to let people better understand what the works are trying to express. Apart from that, people also work on developing softwares and website to let any one create their own data visualization with less coding and skills, which make building tools becomes a significant aspect of data visualization development. 
The more I learned about data visualization the more it attracts me, it is a combination of art and mathematic data which is quite fascinating. And I am looking forward to create my own work of data visualization.
Film link: http://datajournalism.stanford.edu/
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
Dataset of Employment by Industry(Canada) And Average Earning
"Employment by Industry." Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. Accessed September 30, 2015.
"Earnings, Average Hourly for Hourly Paid Employees, by Industry (All Industries)." Government of Canada, Statistics Canada. Accessed September 30, 2015.
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floriafu-blog · 9 years
I am Yirui Fu ( Floria) who is an international student from China .This is my third year in Digital Media and it seems to be a hard year for me, since many of my courses require a lot of reading and writing. Unfortunately, these are all quite difficult for me. On the other hand it is also a chance for me to improve my English in this year. And I am looking forward to have a great time in this course. 
Since this is my third year, my major requires to take at least two three-level courses and DATT3935 becomes a great option for me to choose. Because I also took statistic course in my second year I think it might related to this course which I find out is interesting.   Before I came to this class I have no idea what  Data Visualization is and now I have the opportunity to know more about it. 
Data visualization is to present data in a pictorial or graphical format rather than just show people the number. It is more easier and quicker for people to understand the data when we transfer it to graph, charts or maps. Visualization helps people find some relation and changes that is not obvious, therefore, Data visualization gives people a new perspective to understand and interpret the data.  By presenting data in a more creative and informative way, more and more artists create Data Art to let both the public and experts to grow interest and understand complex Data. And there are many applications that can be used for everybody to create their own data art works. And It is really exciting for me to create my own data art works in this class.
Here is the data visulization that I like :http://imgur.com/r/dataisbeautiful/WzMnCbU
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