flxmes-of-lore · 6 years
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“Sometimes you just gotta burn a few bridges and move on.”
3+ years RP experience
Crack is inevitable
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
You can bring Aegis back to life but in doing so you will no longer have them as a soul ally even if they were to perish again. What would you do?
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“Of course...” His response came without hesitation.
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“If you could’ve seen just how happy they were when they got their body back temporarily on his death day... He’d be so happy to be able to live again. Besides... It’s not like we can’t stay friends, right?”
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
// lol thanks for notifying me of that ask, mobile tumblr
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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> “He’s not even fire???”
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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Inanis thanked him as she walked into the inn pausing for him to follow her in before heading upstairs. Though she did not wear much jewelry like the pyromancer her twin drills bounced as she walked boots clicking softly against the floor. After walking past a few doors she stopped taking out a key. “Well this is it.”
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“I have a decent spot to change inside so it’s up to you whether or not you’d feel more comfortable staying out here.” She said cheerfully as she unlocked the door.
In all honesty, to him it’d be a bit more uncomfortable just standing outside the room, and so with a small smile, the pyromancer nodded.
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“I... I’ll probably come in... but if you need me to, I can leave the room or turn around, whatever you need.” He rubbed the back of his neck, prepared to enter alongside her.
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
“Alright.” She hummed simply turning around and beginning to walk towards the inn. She was in quiet a good mood and probably would miss any implications from hers or anyone else’s words unless it was pointed out to her in all honesty. She glanced back at him with a soft smile. “You coming?”
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“O-oh! Yeah!” The tinkling sound of metal could be heard as Agsil jogged to catch up with the SoulWeaver, the fancy ‘gold’ ornamental jewelry on his robes clinking together with every step.
Taking the door, he opened it for Inanis, letting her go through first.
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
“W-Well.. you already know who it is so there’s no point in repeating that…. hmm…. I was surprised to hear someone like Agsil doesn’t have a bunch of fan girls. I mean he’s a famous hero, he’s certainly attractive with how toned he is.. that soft fiery hair.. a smile that just lights up the room.. not to mention eyes one could easily get lost in for hours…….. he even has more going for him than just looks! He’s such a sweetheart when he’s not busy being brave and cool as hell! Have you even seen his fighting capabilities? That is some serious skill! You can tell he’s really passionate about helping and saving others no matter what the risk… He’ll actually listen to people and not brush them off like they’re just an annoyance….. he’ll try to help you when you loose yourself.. he’d even break into a top notch prison just to rescue you…….. you.. you don’t find people so amazing and kind like that every day…”
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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Inanis couldn’t help but giggle finding his reaction to his own words quiet amusing. The soul weaver gently put a finger to Agsil’s lips to quiet their flustered babbling. “It’s alright silly I know what you meant. I fear if you get anymore flustered though you might be glowing so brightly you’ll explode into flames yourself.” She teased playfully. “And I know I for one am not ready for this pleasant evening to end when it’s only just begun.”
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Cue flustered mumbling, particularly in response to a soft fingertip brushing against his mouth.
“...L-let’s just get your costume...” he groaned, trying not to overthink her statement too much.
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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“I really enjoy spending time with you even if we may not often or for very long so there is no need to thank me. If anything I should be thanking you for the opportunity.” She smiled softly loosening her hold on the demi elemental as they slowed to a stop. “Sometimes even brief moments can be some of the most precious.” She’d come to know that quiet well herself over the years. 
A faint blush spread across his face, tinting it a veritable, glowing red.
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“...Well, if you’d like to do it again some time, then consider me your personal ride,” he offers, scratching the back of his head. But slowly... slowly the implications of what he’d just said would dawn on him, glowing eyes widening before bolting upright.
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“W-wait, that came out wrong, I promise I didn’t mean it like that!!”  Aaaand there he goes into babble-speak. Best to just head along to the inn.
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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“I’m doing fine. This is so cool! I can’t believe you get to do stuff like this all the time!” Though she could manage a lot even with just her signature ribbons she couldn’t exactly do something like this. 
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“Yeah, well I don’t always get to do it for fun, so I’m glad that you’re here during one of the precious few times that I do!” 
They seemed to be approaching the gate to the town. Agsil thrust his hands forward, slowing their approach before safely stopping before they could hurt themselves or anyone else.
“...So thank you, for wanting to share a moment with me. Even if it was only brief.”
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
tbh hugs the fiery bois
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Agsil gratefully accepts the hugs...
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...While a certain Anger Derg tries to squirm out of the unfamiliar entity’s grasp.
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
What inspired you to become a hero? What's your favorite memory of heroism?
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He sits silently, seemingly deep in thought before responding.“...No one stood up for me when the people that took me in broke me down and locked me up for what I am... So instead of waiting for a hero, I became my own... and so I do the same for others.”
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“But I’d have to say my favorite memory has to be when Igneel first hatched... After Caitiff enslaved him with the Doom Amulet, I just...”
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“...I didn’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t get him back...”
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> “.......Agsil...”
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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A big grin spread across the soul weavers features as they sped off. The wind in her face, the small rush of adrenaline, her heart pounding in her chest.. Inanis fucking loved this. She laughed revelling in this moment. Even if just briefly it was just the two of them and the rest of the world was but a blur.
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“How’re you holding up back there?” They were speeding along, the pyromancer’s feet sliding over the ground like burning skates, the flames bursting from his hands aiding in both maneuverability and propelling the two through the forest path towards town.
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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“I’m sure I can handle it. I’ll let you know if it’s too much for me though.” She hesitated a split second before carefully mounting the pyromancer. Well. She was actually doing this it seems. She wrapped her arms around him tightly. “Just let me know if I’m squeezing you too tightly or anything ok.” She could hardly contain her own excitement. Inanis would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy a good thrill.
A bit more color rushed to Agsil’s cheeks as he felt her climb onto his back. His feet lighting up and two jets of fire bursting from his hands behind him, dust began to kick up as he prepared for kickoff.
“Don’t worry, I’ve gotcha...”
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And with that, the demi elemental took off, faster than a mecha gryphon back towards town and to the Inn.
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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Well that certainly sparked her interest. That wasn’t exactly something she’d ever seen someone do before and quiet frankly it sounded exhilarating. “That actually sounds like it could be pretty fun! Do you really think you could do it?” She asked eagerly bouncing on her heels a couple times. In all honesty she hadn’t really considered the whole close proximity aspect of this yet herself.
Well... THAT gave him pause. It’d started as a joke, but she seemed so excited he HAD to do it.
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“W-well... I mean... yeah... If you really wanna...! I actually do it a lot, especially if I need to outspeed someone...” Agsil turned around, crouched for her to climb on. “Just hold on as tight as ya can though. I can zip around pretty fast like this, and I wouldn’t want you to fall off.”
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flxmes-of-lore · 7 years
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“Well I’m currently staying at the inn so I’m keeping most of my stuff there at the moment.” Inns were a frequent traveler’s best friend. She has a permanent residence. But she hadn’t been there in a very very long time. Not since she’d gotten on her feet enough to be able to travel like this. Who knows what had even happened to the place by now. None of that was important at the moment however. Inanis was much much more focused on other things at the moment. No. She was much more focused on the holiday and enjoying the time she had with Agsil to the fullest.
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“I see... well, you can always ride on my back while I jet propel us there like a rocket skater, if ya wanna get there fast~” he joked playfully, lighting his own feet aflame as a small tease to prove he technically could if he wanted to...
Although he wasn’t opposed to it if she actually wanted to... it’d be a nice way to have a bit of fun, and also to entertain Inanis as well... And totally not and excuse to have her close to him at all. After all, he just wanted to spend today with her as well.
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