fogandblackcoffee · 10 months
noooo don’t turn me into a one dimensional facet of my personality and grossly misinterpret me to indulge in your ships nooooooo
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fogandblackcoffee · 11 months
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"Nice to see you too Elias"
I am obsessed with these two, help. They're awful and I love them.
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Summary: Ironically, the wayward Lukas hadn’t left the UK. They hadn’t even left London. They were less than an hour away from the Institute, working in a coffee shop nestled between a shoe store and a communal hall.
It was a modest affair, something that looked like it might have once served as a storage facility. Rugged brick walls, worn floorboards, and old furniture that creaked and groaned when people sat in them. A rustic sort of building. Jonah didn’t mind it, but it seemed a very unusual place to find a Lukas that had successfully gone through the family gauntlet and been selected as an avatar. It had a warmth to it, a homeliness that seemed incongruent with what the man behind the counter was.
Peter runs away from home. Jonah is tasked with locating him and finds himself intrigued.
Note: Make sure to read the A/N on the fic!
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
STOP writing peter lukas as a grizzled stoic sea captain (literally how did we get here) and START writing him as he truly is (AJ soprano if he got social coaching from Glinda Arduenna Upland (of the upper uplands))
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Alternative interpretation of Peter and Elias relationship: Peter spends his entire adult life somehow ignorant to the fact he’s Elias’ sub.
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Outta nowhere but I think it's really neat that the one time Elias had a villain laugh moment in the whole show that I can remember is when he's completely alone with only his corpse (and the tape recorder) as witness. He is NOT doing this for anyone else. He is doing it for HIMSELF thank you very much!
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Do you ever think about how much of a dramatic little shit Peter is? I mean, this guy never uses a door; he’s always appearing to startle people or when he’s referenced/mentioned, like discount Bloody Mary, to the point that Martin’s like ‘oh, he’s really not here’ after saying Peter’s name because he’s just resigned to the fact Peter will take any opportunity to dramatically jump out of the shadows.
And then there’s how he uses his abilities. Sure, he could be normal about hiring new employees, but that’s not nearly as cool as making an entire bar disappear on someone for no reason. And sure, he could just flick people into the Lonely once they’re sufficiently miserable on the Tundra because it’s just one person and it doesn’t need to be an entire event, but dragging everyone out onto a shitty lifeboat and using his ancestors whistle is way more ~aesthetic~. 
And the way he talks, I mean ‘So, your advice would be less murder?’ and ‘I mean, in the end, the only person that you really have is yourself’ and ‘I just thought we might have a chat. Alone.’ PETER, REALLY???
Absolutely love that the primary example of a Lonely avatar we have is this goofy weirdo.
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
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Peter is thinking about being stuck in a concrete box with other people for an extended period. Elias is also thinking about Peter being stuck in a concrete box with other people for an extended period.
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
They couldn’t let Tim live for season 4 because he would have spent the entire season bullying Peter and that would have really undermined Peter’s villainy. 
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Something I’ve been thinking about: I often see Elias and Peter get the ‘old men in love’ treatment, when the reality is that Elias is over two centuries old and he’s known Peter since Peter was young and has been manipulating Peter for most of his adult life. He saw a young, sheltered man who’d spent most of his life in an abusive environment and was like
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They’re so far out of the ballpark of ‘old men in love’ that the ball has disappeared into the ether. 
Obviously I’m not impervious to soft LonelyEyes propaganda, but they’re an incredibly unhealthy ship, not the fluffy alternative to other Elias ships. 
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Since Jonny has come back to tumblr, I think it's a good time to remind everyone of the Do Not Archive tag.
If you have a post you don't want the TMA cast and/or crew to see, tag it "#do not archive". They know how fan spaces work, and have that tag blocked.
The same goes for AO3, where the tag is "Do Not Archive (The Magnus Archives)".
Pass it on for newer fans.
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Peter being the shorter one in LonelyEyes is objectively funnier because Elias doesn’t give a fuck about anyone’s opinions of him, least of all Peter’s, while Peter acts like an irrational pissbaby when Elias teases him. Elias could call Peter short one (1) time and Peter would spitefully come to all their future meetings with cuban heels on. 
You know he’s spiteful enough to do this. The final lines of his statement are literally just ‘I was so salty about losing to Elias that I ran in here and now I’m gonna die’. 
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
LonelyEyes rec list
Just sharing some LonelyEyes fic I’ve enjoyed!
Satisfaction by thinkatory | 4k | Complete Summary: Peter is nothing if not comfortable with the status quo. "Don't you ever want to try something new, Peter?" "Like what?" Peter asks, in open sarcasm. "Skydiving?" "You might take a risk or two beyond the obvious." Elias hates his fascination with the perfect cut of Peter's suit, the angle of his jaw, the fullness of his lips. It's not a singular obsession, but it would be easy to set aside if only Peter wasn't such a tease. "Isn't there anything you've thought of doing in the last few years that isn't fooling around with work of the Lukas sort?" Peter drinks as he muses on that. "I've thought about making more trouble for you," he admits. "Did you want to make a bet? I'd like that." This goes about as well as you can imagine. Notes: A fic about a bet with Elias backfiring on Peter. Beautifully written, with on-point characterisation, entirely believable, and very hot.
Alone at the Edge of the Universe by PossiblyHuman | 20k | Incomplete Summary: He couldn’t help it. He was twelve, and had never been fond of reading. Perhaps if he had known this would have been his only chance to read this story, he would have paid more attention. Instead, he closed the book, stroking his hands over the coat one more time before hanging it back on the hook branded with his initials.There was a feeling of intense sadness, leaving it there like that. It tore at him, deep in his core as he walked to the door. Basically begging him to go back for it. He ignored it. If he could ignore the cries of his own siblings, a coat would never hold any sort of a sway over him.
(Or, a self indulgent au where the Lukas family are all repressed and cursed selkies, and Peter deigns to ignore that. Until he no longer can anymore.) Notes: I was completely uninterested in selkie fics until reading this, because it’s just that good. 
Simon Says by navree | 5k | Complete Summary: It is the surety of the sentence, the way that Simon is absolutely convinced in what he says, like it's the simplest fact.
Five times two very old men discussed the status of a young third party (and the one time that status changed). Notes: So emotionally devastating that I will never recover. All of this person’s fics are just brilliant, well-written and well-characterised, but this one is just heart-wrenching in a way that you don’t really expect with characters like these. I have to share in the sadness. Bonus: I don’t subscribe to the whole ‘Peter died to protect Elias’ secrets’ hc, but this person’s writing is so good I don’t even care.
A Net of Gossamer by navree | 11k | Complete Summary: Peter gives James a smile then, as uncharacteristic as anything for a Lukas, though it's just as sharp as the last time he did, like a mouth filled with knives and hard edges, and though light, filled with mockery. James finds that he doesn't necessarily mind it.
Notes: Another brilliant fic by Navree! All the compliments for Simon Says applies here too. 
Unwanted Looking-After by NevillesGran | 4k | Complete Summary: Peter all but fell out of the Forsaken, which had never happened before. He had also never been seen—worse, known so intimately. He had never, in his life or worst nightmares, spoken for twenty minutes straight about himself. “Come now, Peter," said Elias. "I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
Peter has lost a bet and just barely survived his encounter with the Archivist. His day gets worse from there. Notes: This fic lives rent-free in my brain. Like the others, magnificent characterisation, well-written, and the ending hit me like a freight train (in a good way. You know, a ‘whao that is an incredibly hot concept I’ve never considered before and I’m adding it to my degeneracy’ sort of way). 
365 daily affirmations for healing and positive thinking by serenfire | 5k | Complete Summary: The florist asks, “So, who should I address these flowers to?” Martin can't seem to get the words out. This was, unequivocally, a bad idea. Georgie gives Martin one last, wicked smile. “Write: To Peter Lukas. From Elias Bouchard.” This was a really, terribly awful, extremely bad idea, and it’s definitely going to end with Martin’s death. Notes: Absolutely hysterical.
get off (i'll only call you after if you say i can) by lewdwizard (sillywizard) | 1k | Complete Summary: There is a particular flavor of loneliness, Peter thinks, to anonymous sex. Two parties seeking closeness, connection, from a stranger, ending the night in an empty bed with nothing but the hollow satisfaction of an orgasm. The physical closeness plays so nicely off the emotional distance, sharing such intimacy with someone you will likely never see again. It should come as no surprise that, when on land, Peter tends to frequent glory holes. Notes: Just some hot, hot gloryhole LonelyEyes.
Ready for your use by LonelyPirate | 3k | Complete Summary: Elias is having a great time. Peter not so much. Notes: Apparently I really like fics where Peter has Elias’ dick in his mouth. Anyway, hot, well-written, and the concept and execution is just [chefs kiss]. 
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Just so you know, your lonelyeyes (and peter and elias in general) opinions are some of the best in the fandom imo and i love your work thank you for sharing <3
Aw, thank you. I'm out of step with most of the LonelyEyes fandom, so I appreciate that. ♥️
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
Summary: Peter glanced up at the clock, then back down at Elias. “Sex,” he said finally, choking out the word. 
Elias almost burst out laughing. “I beg your pardon?” 
“Sex. I need to have sex with you.” 
“I see,” said Elias, now grinning from ear to ear. “So, you’ve gotten yourself cursed, and the only way to break this curse is... to have sex with me? Is that right?” 
Peter looked very much like he wanted to sink into the earth until he suffocated and relieved himself of this terrible humiliation. “Yes.”
Note: I finally did it fellas, I finally wrote a ‘A Leitner Made Them Do It’ fic. 
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
I never really see people talk about the power dynamic between Peter and Elias, and I find it... interesting, and a little sad. Because it’s obvious Peter thinks they’re on somewhat equal ground, while Elias has spent their entire relationship building a cage around him with such expertise that Peter doesn’t even notice the bars. Not once does Elias do something at Peter’s demand. It’s always Peter giving in to Elias, over and over, until he finally sees how trapped he really is - but by then, it’s too late for him to do anything about it.
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