forebodingwings · 10 years
Dai tilted his head slightly as Peter responded in a much calmer way than he had anticipated. Whilst he could tell the other was still upset, it seemed the Ornithologist’s presence had been of some help. Despite his harsh words. Still, he was taken aback by the trust placed in him. Did he really give off a protective air?
“Of course I wouldn’t lie, I don’t see the point in lying at this current stage. And even then, yes I did promise. I’ll protect you as long as you don’t betray my trust.” He nodded, going to speak once more when he caught sight of Peter’s grin. Frowning he was about to ask what was so amusing… only to be rendered silent at the proclamation made.
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Did… Did he really count them as friends…?
It was a shock to Dai’s system. He didn’t expect anyone to want to be close to him. Not to mention it was somewhat embarrassing… Clearing his throat, he remained silent for a few moments before responding, his tone somewhat softer than usual. “Friends? Perhaps. But of course, I don’t plan on hurting anyone. Trust me, if I have to I will incapacitate someone, however murder is not something I will resort to. So again, I promise. Although I expect you to promise me that you won’t harm another soul as well.” A light smile pulled at his lips as he shrugged. “I’ve got it though.”
As he felt a hand grasp at his arm, Dai stiffened, tensing up. Exhaling quickly he averted his gaze from the execution to face the boy speaking to him. “If you like. Perhaps I can rustle up a decent soup if you wouldn’t mind eating my cooking.” Trying to look unphased, he brushed at the feathers on his shoulders. Whilst the offer of cooking was logical in this situation, he was only saying as such since it’d help take his mind off of recent events. Even if he wasn't sure he could eat after seeing Nia's death... “Forgive me though, any dishes will have to be vegetarian- if that’s alright.”
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Slightly unnerved by the sudden change in demeanour alongside the words, he shook his head. “No.” Seemingly irritated Dai began to toy lightly with his ponytail, speaking slowly as if still gathering his thoughts. “You are brave. You’re still here, you have not caused anyone pain, and you’re fighting on with a smile. That’s courage. Remaining unflinching in the face of… disaster isn’t brave. It’s kind of sad.” Letting a vacant smile play on his features for a moment, Dai quickly added to his statement. “But that doesn’t matter. Carry on as you are, that’s real bravery.”
With a hefty sigh, the Ornithologist let himself be silently dragged along by Peter. It didn’t look like he had much say in going with him by the looks of it...
Mais tu grandmere! [Open]
Peter stared at dai for a moment processing everything which had been said to him and slowly nodded “i see… you won’t lie to me…. you only protect! it was a promise…!” he smiled slightly however his faced still was streaming with tears. Peter shook his head and rubbed the tearrs away and revealed a large smile and looked up at Dai “We’re friends and you wno’t ever hurt me! and promise not to hurt anyone else while you are protecting me got it!”
He turned away from the horrific sight and grabbed Dai’s arm “can we go and get something to eat? Maybe some soup…” He thought to himself naming various bland and very unfilling foods and then clapped. His attitude now was as if nothing had ever happened “You make me feel like i should be brave Mr. Dai because… Well… You seem to be so brave… And you didn’t even flinch during that!” Peter then luaghed and grabbed Dai’s arm again and walked along
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forebodingwings · 10 years
For a few moments, Dai watched in perplexed silence as Peter processed events. The anger, the pain, the upset... It was all understandable, but he never realised how close the two had become over such a short period of time. It just goes to show how you can't trust strangers.
As expected, it took a while a while for the other to calm down. The yelling eventually subsided, and the Ornithologist strode over to his side with a sigh. Whilst he didn’t particularly wish to converse now, he had promised the white haired boy that he’d try to protect him.
And Dai wasn’t one for breaking promises.
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Clearing his throat, he spoke bluntly, holding back no punches as he explained the situation. No matter what, Peter had to see the real nature of this place. “Peter. This was no mistake. Antonia murdered Keiko and Lotus. She’s not innocent. Far from it in fact. It’s difficult but you need to calm down right now. You’ll get no where mourning those who commit vile acts. Nia is dead, you cannot see her.” He took a breath, realising he may have been a bit too harsh with his words. Especially given that the Ring Master appeared to be crying. “What I am trying to say is that what has happened, has indeed really happened. Betrayal is never something simple to deal with, but here in this museum it’s something you have to come to terms with swiftly. I feel this is going to happen on more than this one occasion, and if you wish to survive… well it’s a matter of working out who to really trust.” Shaking his head, he crossed his arms, idly tapping his foot. Surely there was no doubt that the other was going to bombard him with an emotional response...
Mais tu grandmere! [Open]
Peter stared in front of him. He wasn’t too sure what he was looking at, but whatever it was, it was horrific. All Peter could do was slightly clench his fist and let a few tears run down his face and mutter to himself “But your grandmother…. Her necklace was a treasure and you shouldn’t kill for treasure…” He turned around and started to cry hardly being able to breathe “She didn’t mean it did she? This is a mistake! She is in her room right now curled up in the corner! She is frightened and I have to go see her!” No matter what any one would have said to him he refused the fact she killed them
"She is innocent!" Even though she was already shown as guilty and that he blamed her he hoped that it wasn’t true he couldn’t stop shouting and crying, only one thing stopped him from shouting and that was his shortage of breath, so he stood there face wet with tears and staring at the ground.
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forebodingwings · 10 years
A Murder Of Crows - OPEN
Silently, the Ornithologist watched in horror as the bloody execution unfolded before him. A hand slowly lifted to his face, covering his mouth as Nia was stabbed, crushed… murdered. For a moment his composure wavered, horror clear to see on his face, and panic in his eyes.
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How long had they been in this museum? It had to have been weeks by now. And yet… their young minds had already been tarnished by the sight of multiple horrific deaths. Deaths that were committed by people he was supposed to view as friends. 
Swallowing the nausea threatening to overwhelm him, Dai closed his eyes and began to focus on his breathing. He had to clear his thoughts, and find a rational explanation for this chaos. Yes, he had counted Nia as a potential ally, but she had betrayed that trust. She wasn’t like Lynne- she sucummbed to the darkness within and took two unwilling souls to the grave with her. For that reason… maybe the acrobat deserved to die.
Yes. She deserved the pain. The agony. She deserved twice what she inflicted on Keiko and Lotus, and frankly... that was exactly what Nia got.
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Finally calm, his eyes flickered open, chest rising and falling rhythmically. He wasn't entirely composed, but viewing this whole scenario as a warped attempt at justice seemed to be the only way he could find comfort. Slowly each and every one of them would fall into the clutches of despair, but he was determined to be the one who stayed sane- and that meant keeping everyone at a distance. Wordlessly he scanned the other students, doubt beginning to rise in his mind, distrust heightening towards each and every one of them. If someone so innocent and deceptively kind could turn and do this- the others were more dangerous than he originally thought.
So with a hefty sigh, he waved a hand dismissively at them all, muttering in contempt. “Disgusting…” His voice cut through the air, quickly punctuated by sharp footsteps as he turned to leave the trial room. He didn't even take the time to turn back and glare at the incinerator.
Since... why should you spare the scum of the Earth a second glance?
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Although not completely overwhelmed with terror, Dai found himself unnerved, pacing the length of the museum in an effort to keep his mind off of the museum's latest events. If his birds weren't being held hostage in the lobby, by this point he would have locked himself, and them away in his room. Perhaps he would have built some defences too. Unfortunately he didn't have that liberty right now.
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With a sigh he came to a stop, trying to get a bearing on his surroundings. Wasn't he near the kitchen and cafe...? An idea crossed his mind and a slight smile came to his face. Maybe he could pick up some special seeds, maybe even berries, if he was lucky, for Dream and Symphony... Of course they'd be out of their confinement soon... right?
As he wandered closer to his destination, a pleasant smell wafted through and reached his nostrils. Well, it looked like someone else would be there. He'd have to make this trip quick. Silently he paced inside, looking around to see if there was any signs of human life.
A blonde female was sat curled up on the floor. Was that... Nia? He thought that was her name. Going to ignore her, he stopped in his tracks as he heard a gentle voice.
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With a sigh Dai paced a bit closer to her, rubbing at his forehead. "Yes, someone is here. You probably remember me from earlier. Is everything alright...?" His gaze flickered over to the pot of food, seeing it bubble away. "So... considering you're also sitting down, would you like me to check on what's cooking?" He sounded a bit more sarcastic than he would have liked, even if he was trying to extend some courtesy. 
végétariens unissent {Nia & Dai}
Still shaking slightly from the ghastly and bloody incident that had just occurred, Nia, in a frantic effort to stop herself from fainting, made her way into the kitchen section of the café, hoping that cooking something from home would take her mind off of the terribly frightening mess, she had seen the reactions from the other kidnapped which varied from mildly surprised to downright horrified, Nia believed she was somewhere in-between. Trying to take her mind off of the whole situation she started preparing a large pot of stew for her, and any other resident to eat, but with adding in all the main ingredients the only thing left was to watch the broth thicken and simmer, like her chances of leaving alive…simmering out. without looking around her she retreated to one of the walls sliding down it slowly, pulling her knees to her chest and burying her head in them, to try and stop the gory images from consuming her. Hearing a scuffle of shoes getting louder she tucks herself in more and whispers “Hello, is anyone there?…”
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forebodingwings · 10 years
As D'amore began to lose his temper, Dai stood his ground, hands tensing up into fists. He wasn't about to accept the rubbish that was spouting from this guy's mouth. "Amazing logic there. Why don't you follow it a little more? A lot of people would be happier if you stayed out of the way." He moved to place a hand on his elbow, waggling his finger mockingly as he spoke. "Even if you keep away from people, if you antagonise them like this and continue to act like a wanker, you're going to be one of the first victims. You know, you may as well wave your hands in the air and yell 'Stab me, stab me!'." Dramatically he waved his own hands for a moment before continuing. "Life, and death are not just a game you moron. They matter. So you better alter your attitude otherwise you're not going to fare well here."
Snorting in disgust, he shook his head. "You are absolutely disgusting. I hope you realise the repercussions of what you've just said. People are not guinea pigs, and their lives and not worthless! It's people like you who deserve to have their guts strewn about this museum, for thinking like that. Wait. Let me expand on that." Dai locked his gaze with the other for a moment. "You're not even human or even a beast, you don't deserve to be classed as anything that can harbour a heart and empathy. That's why you deserve to have your guts strewn about this place." Content with the explanation he smirked.
"I'm glad we're at an agreement. Considering I can't stand you either. For a psychologist, you don't really have much in the way of people skills do you?" Taking a breath he glared at the white haired male. "Evolution doesn't happen overnight arsehole, and without all these creatures it's doubtful that you'd be here. We've got to function together to survive. Besides. Humans have the capacity for logical thought so I think we've got the ability to help and understand the wider picture with animals. They're not just food. So shut the hell up." Crossing his arms he let out a frustrated sigh. How could someone be this cruel, and this ignorant? Either D'amore was just plain stupid, or trying to push him as far over the edge as was possible.
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Dai fell silent at the Psychologist's last few words, his anger building with each passing second. But in the moment the other threatened his birds, the Ornithologist lost his temper. Taking a step forwards so he was close enough to feel the other's breath, the raised an arm and grabbed D'amore by the collar. The position was a little awkward given how that he was a few inches shorter than the one he was threatening. "One. I agree every life is important, but you need to understand that those ruling this will have as little mercy for you sister, as you do for us." His tone was blank, but his eyes blazed with anger. "Two. My 'crazy bird' obsession' as you so eloquently put it is none of your business, and that 'stupid girl' had a name and she damn well means something!"
Tightening his grip he tried to yank the other down to his height so he could snarl the last sentence in his face. "And three. I may respect all lives, but if you so much as look at my dears with a hint of malice in your eyes, I will not hesitate to skin you alive." 
Get the glitter, Someone died. [Open]
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forebodingwings · 10 years
As Marco looked over to him, Dai flinched for a moment, beginning to regret calling him out on his actions in the first place. However, there was no way in Hell that he was going to back down now. So straightening his posture, he tilted his head up to glare directly at the Psychologist.
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"No. Don't think you can order me around, you disgust me. This is in no way trivial." He was starting to growl his words, clearly annoyed. "This is someone's life that you're messing around with. And furthermore, it's just been proven that we could die here, and you're acting like a potential cold-hearted murderer already." At the mention of the animals, Dai took a few steps forwards, not once breaking eye contact. Was he trying to anger him as much as humanly possible? "Whilst humans are animals, all of them are precious. The animals probably more than us, but that's another discussion... All slaughter is meaningless no matter what. And just because something happens doesn't mean it's damn well right."
The Ornithologist watched horrified as the other began to toy with the blood. There was no way he'd let someone act so disrespectfully. Instinctively he raised an arm, going to grab D'amore by the collar and try to yell some sense into him. Some people didn't seem to understand unless you tried to speak their language of violence. Catching himself however, he lowered his arm, instead focusing on squaring up to the taller male.
"Shut the hell up. Don't you dare tell me a death like that was her fault. Show some decency, or I get the impression that you'll be the one making a bloody mess over these museum walls..."
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With a sigh he whirled on his heels, as if blatantly disregarding the other's presence. "And I very much doubt you'll act like this if that white haired girl's blood is split like the blonde's was...so like I said, show some decency moron."
Get the glitter, Someone died. [Open]
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forebodingwings · 10 years
"Threats do not make for danger?" Dai raised an eyebrow, scoffing in amusement. "Now that's a statement I never thought that I'd hear. You realise a threat states your intention of inflicting pain? If you have the intention, I wouldn't hesitate to think that you also have the capability for violent actions." He took a breath, watching her like a hawk. "This place is uncivilised, and the people more so. Whilst we can retain our humanity, we need to react accordingly to the dark potential inside people. Are you so foolish to think that the others are not going to cause harm even if we ourselves come to a peaceful agreement?"
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Eventually the Ornithologist fell silent, listening to her words with astonishment. Was she being serious, or simply trying to catch him off guard? She had put away the gun in the least, and that had to mean something. His raised arm wavered, cape fluttering slightly. "You are backing down...?" He mused, finally lowering his arm. Quickly returning the bow, surprised at her performing the action in the first place, he began to speak again. "Interesting. Perhaps I should apologise to you also, I did not realise that you would understand." Perhaps he wouldn't smash the case right that second. If she left without trying to stop him, he'd at least be courteous and take a weapon when she wasn't about. But the moment things turned nasty? He'd dive straight for the closest blade if he needed it. So he stood poised with his arm at his side, cape still just in his grip. "If you also need my aid, I am willing to provide it."
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Although he was content with her answer for a moment, a frown fell over his face as he realised she hadn't answered his question. His confident persona faltered for a moment, and concern flickered over his features. What did the silence mean? Quickly he cleared his throat and straightened his body, attitude restored. "Hmm. I'm assuming your silence means that this is indeed truly happening...? We're locked inside a museum, an owl looking over us, with the prospect of murder at our heels? This is worse than I thought..." Scratching at the back of his neck, he looked away. "My, I think I might be acting somewhat irrationally..." His tone was ever so slightly nervous. Of course he was still going to follow up on what he came here for, but quickly he was coming to question everything. After all, he was as suspicious of the surroundings as he was of the other students.
Unforeseen Circumstances
A… A psychopath? Her? Eliza had dealt with plenty of psychopaths in her time, and this accusation made her blood boil, although she tried her best not to show it. That obnoxious chuckle too… was he trying to make her angry?  
"My dear boy, threats do not make for a danger if the one making them isn’t forced to carry them out, don’t you think? If only you and I can act like civilized people, there won’t be any risk to anyone, don’t you think?"
She frowned when he heard his argument to persuade her. She really, really didn’t want to back down, because if he ended up killing someone the blame would be on her head but… he was talking a lot of sense. 
She really, really, didn’t want to be responsible for his death, and so she did what she hated doing; she changed her mind. Twirling the revolver on her finger, she put it back into her pocket, loading it in her pocket just in case. 
She dropped to one knee and bowed in a gesture of deference, and then stood back up, leaning on her umbrella like a cane. “My dear boy, you do make a very compelling point. It seems that I was wrong. In fact, I believe I owe you a great apology. I do hope this doesn’t sour our future relations, and if you ever need a favour, consider yourself most welcome to ask.” 
However, his last words sounded like the ramblings of a madman. She remained in her standing position, but she put one hand in her pocket, her finger resting on the trigger of her gun, ready to pull it out and fire at a moment’s notice if things turned nasty.
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Hearing the other introduce himself, Dai offered a curt nod, a smile beginning to tug at the corners of his lips. It was warming to hear that another would protect his beloved birds. However, that joy was cut short as glitter exploded against his form. Brown eyes grew wide with surprise- and in horror as he realised the stuff had made its way onto his feathered shoulder pads. How the hell was he meant to get that out?!
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"What in the name of...?!" He muttered, frantically trying to brush the sparkles from his form. Realising that he wasn't going to get cleaned up just by that, he sighed deeply. "Okay. It's nice to meet you Peter, my name is Daisuke, but you may just call me Dai."
Shaking his body briefly to try and rid himself of the glitter once more, his expression lightened up as he began to talk about the birds. "They are Peach faced Lovebirds." The Ornithologist grinned briefly, before composing himself. "Usually they are kept alone or in pairs, thankfully those two get along well. You see, they can be rather temperamental, and can take a dislike to both people and others of their kind."
"We can go where ever you like, but I would appreciate it if we could stay near the lobby, I don't want to leave Dream and Symphony unguarded." Glancing over his shoulder at the birds for a moment, he sighed once more. "I do not know what is happening, but I fear that our precious objects are going to be destroyed like the repulsive 'owl' says. Perhaps this is someone's sick idea of a game... But thank you. Their names are as important as the beautiful creatures themselves..."
As he finished speaking for a moment, a frown warped his features. "Leo? Please don't tell me you're speaking about a lion...?!"
The Family [Open]
Peter smiled and bowed slightly “The name is Peter A. jones and i will be sure to protect you and your birds!” Peter through some glitter over Dai’s chest and clapped “You can just name me Peter! And the birds of you….they are wierd… they are two of it” Peter had become much more calm being reassured that he was with someone else now.
Peter frowned “Where do we be doing the walking to then? To the..” Peter paused for a moment before thinking about the lobby “What do you think is happening mister…? Oh! And Sim…Sem„, The birds’ names are really nice!” Peter giggled and rubbed the back of his head, how embarressing that he couldn’t pronounce someone’s name. Even if it was a pet “I’m slightly glad it wasn’t Leo in the casing though…”
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Dai's gaze seemed somewhat vacant as he paced through the museum, having fled the lobby to clean himself after being splattered with blood. There was only the odd dark fleck visible against the brown of his top, but just the thought of those drops made him feel ill.
But just as he was nearing his room, he heard, and caught sight of his neighbour. That white haired, pompous bastard, D'amore. Sighing to himself, he moved towards the door, aiming to ignore him.
Then he caught sight of the blood.
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Red streaks were painting the male's face, his snowy hair tainted with crimson. In disgust the Ornithologist wrinkled up his nose, shaking his head. How could he be so calmly checking his books when they'd just witnessed a murder, and he was coated in evidence of that moment? Thinking about it, hadn't he just stood there and let himself get coated in blood as the death took place as well?
"You're absolutely disgusting." Dai muttered, turning his head to the side. "Or is standing there covered in blood something normal for you? No. Maybe it's just that you're habitually disrespectful." He might not have made a comment if the other seemed repulsed, but the slight smile irked him. Crossing his arms, he glared at the Psychologist, not stopping for a moment to think if this was a good idea.
Get the glitter, Someone died. [Open]
As Nibbles played with what looked like a new squeaky toy. Marco felt like the shower of blood was a little too messy for his liking. He was very much used to the sight of blood but it took ages to get it out of his hair let alone his shirt. He just stood there however letting blood drip down his face.
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"Not an entirely new experience but my suit is ruined." He muttered to himself. He began to walk back towards his room. The idea of a shower was pretty good right now. Maybe he’d get the chance to relive some stress too. If blood was already all over him it wouldn’t make a difference if he got covered in any more.
He paused for a moment in the corridor to check his notebooks again. No damage. Relived he smiled a little putting them back in his pocket. 
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Is this really happening? - OPEN RP
Dai watched the gory scene unfold before him with growing terror and disgust. His skin quickly took on an unusual pallor as the girl was bitten and torn in two, flecks of red making their way onto his outfit. A hand slowly rose to his mouth as he couldn't tear his gaze away from the mutilated flesh, and the growing pool of blood around Lynne's legs.
It was so immensely horrific, and so unbelievable that whilst he wanted to run, his entire body had become paralysed. So he could only stand there helplessly as his breathing became unusually ragged. She... she had just died right before his eyes...
Eventually he managed to pull himself out of his manic thoughts, eyes focusing on the legs now slumped on the floor. There was no way he could bring himself to glance upwards and witness that severed torso staring accusingly down at them. Instead he silently took a step forward, a hand reaching behind his back to unpin his cape. In one swift movement he pulled the article off of his form.
Crouching beside the legs, biting his tongue at the stench of blood, he draped the brown cape over the bloodied stump where her torso should have been. Then swiftly, wordlessly, he stood and made for the display case where his birds were, the little creatures in a frenzy. Moving his hands around erratically, for the first time in his life he didn't have a clue how to react, or what to do. Growling, he gripped the side of the case, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill out from his eyes.
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Feeling the hand leave his shoulder, Dai relaxed ever so slightly. He was still poised defensively in front of his birds though, and it didn't seem like he'd budge any time soon. Instead he silently stood there, his gaze burning as Marco went off into his own moronic rant. How could the blonde believe any of this rubbish? Had he not taken a moment to look around and see what was happening?
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A hefty sigh left the Ornithologist- he'd never met someone so naive. But instead of approaching the situation rationally, he began to lose his temper. Arrogantly he lifted a wrist to glance at an invisible watch. "Are you quite finished, or would you like to preach more of your false hope?" He tapped his foot against the ground impatiently. "If we don't consider the worst case scenario we can never prepare for that scenario, nor come up with adequate countermeasures." Waving his finger in the air, he was blatantly talking down to Marco. Usually he wouldn't be so obviously rude, but right now his anxiety over losing his birds was channelling itself into frustration. Keeping his gaze matched with the other's, he shook his head. "You're willing to act on them? You realise you cannot do anything worthwhile here unless you murder someone? So if that isn't a statement that you're going to kill- what do you expect? For everyone to make friends? For the owl to announce 'show's over, you can all go home now!'?"
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Tired with this conversation already, Dai turned around to face the Lovebirds. Gently he traced a hand over the glass. "You're essentially telling me to place my faith in a murderer. The only way they're going to get out is for someone to kill, you heard the reject owl. No matter what, I will either owe my birds' lives to someone who has committed the worst act there is, or I'm going to watch my only friends die horribly themselves." His previously frustrated voice now sounded empty, almost frightened. "Faith doesn't save anyone. Those who act simply on faith are the ones that die first."
Don't Harm My Dearest Friends ~ (Open RP)
{♧} Upon hearing the bitterness of the other’s words, Marco swiftly withdrew his hand, taking a few steps backwards and looking down apologetically. It seemed as though this guy didn’t forget him as the one that was slightly irritating and stalker-ish in the café, but now wasn’t the time to even bother contemplating that. 
During parts of Dai’s small rant, Marco went to raise his hand on multiple occasions to put some form of view across, but he quickly lowered it every time he realised that the taller male wasn’t quite finished. Eventually he moved his gaze to one side, rubbing the back of his neck, grimacing ever so slightly. He realised that reassuring people with words of false hope was never gonna get him anywhere. He couldn’t promise that everyone was going to be okay, he barely knew everyone. But it didn’t stop him from trying.
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      “… Optimism may not be the best course of action… But.. We can’t sit here thinking about the worst case scenario." He paused, shifting his gaze to make eye contact with Dai, "I’m aware that words won’t do anything alone, but I’m damn well willing to act on this…" He didn’t quite know how, but he knew he’d find a way. A way to protect everyone in this place. No one would die, and everyone’s possessions would come out of their containers unscathed. 
Idly, Marco played around with one of his lip studs with his tongue, thinking of something different that could reassure Dai. Clearly, this guy was intelligent, perhaps more so that Marco himself. A pained, defeated sigh escaped Marco as he glanced upwards at Dai yet again,
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      “I know you don’t want anyone killed, and nor do I, whilst at the same time, we don’t want any possessions getting mangled. So, instead of beating down whatever hope I have, maybe you should have a little faith instead. It could save your birds.” He gestured to the glass, studying them carefully. He turned back round to Dai afterward, tilting his head towards him, awaiting a response. 
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Dai had to fight to keep the confusion from showing on his face, wondering for a few seconds if this male was in fact stable. It wasn't every day people changed their speech so drastically- but at least he understood the other better now. "I believe panicking is an understatement." He muttered, crossing his arms. Hearing Peter ask if that was his beloved item, he turned around glancing back at his birds. Subconsciously his hands balled themselves into fists.
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"Yes, and they are not strange." His voice became somewhat defensive. "They are Peach Faced Lovebirds, named Dream and Symphony." Sighing he rubbed at his temples, moving his gaze to look at Peter directly. "Your item sounds incredibly important... I understand your pain- my birds are also like family to me." He tried to give the other male a sympathetic smile, but it still seemed somewhat forced. 
For a moment Dai was silent. Could he ever bear the burden of someone's life on his hands? "Fair enough. If anything happens, it's on the other's head, I promise. It'd be good to be able to protect someone I guess... but... hold on..." He tilted his head, thinking to himself. "I am not sure I ever caught your name... If we're going to make such an important agreement, then I'd at least like to know who you are."
The Family [Open]
Peter stared at Dai, yet his hair did not shift from it’s position. “I suppose my request would help right now.” His own voice suprised him for a moment, he had only just realised how perfect he was speaking. Perhaps he already knew it before his amnesia? Who knows. “Quite a few of us seem to be panicking right now… Perhaps even you are panicking?” Peter looked towards where Dai had came from and smiled slightly “Is that your precious item?”
Peter smiled even more “It is quite a strange item… It’s living, and youdon’t see many lving things in here by the seems of things… especially not animals” Peter sighed and turned back to his ring “Mine is living to me… It is my family… What i call my father and my saviour. So i suppose what i am trying to say is that i accept it and we shall team up…If anything happens to either of us it’s on the other persons head…. Will you promise em that atleast?”
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forebodingwings · 10 years
((//slides over
Oh my, I'm really sorry for the lack of posting lately but I'm really rather ill at the moment (a chest infection to be specific--). Hopefully now that I have some medicine I should be better soon, and posting in a couple of days..! Sorry again... ))
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Silently, Dai traced patterns across the glass, his breath fogging up the surface slightly as he rested against the case. He was beginning to feel ill, dread mixing with anxiety to create a painful stomach ache. These little birds... would they really be harmed...? Was he really stuck in such a cruel situation?
Suddenly a slight warmth hit his shoulder, and his whole body tensed. Without bothering to turn around and see who it was, a growl left him, body defensively rising to protect the winged creatures before him.
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"Get off of me."
His words dripped with venom, and hair swished around as he whipped his head to the side to see who was there.
It was... that blonde from before. The unusual one who was going on about some website after following him around. Ha. Just his luck.
"Nothing is going to happen to them?" The Ornithologist raised an eyebrow, tapping his foot against the ground. "And what if something does? What if, that psychotic, pathetic excuse for a bird, decides to burn them alive?" Pausing for a moment he visibly flinched at his own words muttering a quiet 'God forbid' under his breath. "And besides, if they are safe, we will undoubtedly have to deal with the murder of someone we've spoken to here."
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"Optimism is not going to work within these walls. Optimism has never saved a life. Good people die, good creatures die. If you think 'everything is going to be okay' you should wake up and look around you." Despite the nature of his rant, Dai had not raised his voice once, instead maintaining a dismal, matter of fact tone. "This situation only heralds pain. So don't spout your false hope around here. Words aren't going to save my birds, nor are they going to save whatever they've taken from you."
Don't Harm My Dearest Friends ~ (Open RP)
{♧} Marco didn’t believe the speech at first. He didn’t think he had anything precious on him to lose in the first place. He thought it was a waste of that thing’s equivalent to breath, and it had started to slip out of his mind.
That was until the displays were seen by his own eyes.
Marco studied his surroundings. Some people had literally flipped a whole new switch. He didn’t understand the significance of these belongings, why they meant so much to them, how they even meant so much to him. The only thing he was worried about with these expressions, was who was likely to kill over these things. Well, that was the case until he got to something he recognised all too well.
That wallet. 
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Swallowing back his anxiety, Marco’s eyes widened as he took a few steps backwards, studying the others with a faster glance. He had to remain calm in a situation like this. He couldn’t let himself fall into thoughts of murder. He promised he’d never lay his hands on anyone, not with malicious intents. No way.
His glance locked on Dai, who looked to be in the same mindset as him, well from what he could gather by the other’s actions, he looked as though those birds really did mean a lot to him. Hm. More information, gathered. 
He slowly walked over to the ornithologist, his gaze shifting back to the wallet, his eye twitching slightly at the thought of it being destroyed crossing his mind. Tentatively, he placed a hand on Dai’s shoulder, which must have looked odd, given the height difference between the two, and gave an attempt at making eye contact,
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      “… H-Hey… Nothin’s gonna happen to them, okay?" He tried to reassure the other, but it probably didn’t seem all that well coming from someone who was only barely a stranger. 
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Dai had sat by his birds for a while now, quietly cooing, assuring them that everything was okay. As he remained there, he kept one eye on the others, wondering who was going to snap first. If the others cared for what was taken from them as much as he cared for Dream and Symphony- he had no doubts that someone would die soon.
Eventually the strange white haired fellow that he had met earlier had turned around and left the lobby, after muttering to himself. He didn't look like he was coping too well. Taking one last glance at his birds, he muttered a goodbye, and a promise to soon return, before taking off after the Ringmaster.
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Quickly he caught up with him, skirting to the side and stopping in front of him. 
"Um... hello-"
His sentence was cut short as the male walked into him, before speaking in a very blank tone. In fact, it unnerved Dai a lot.
"No inconvenience there. Are you okay....?" He inquired, tilting his head to the side. Realising that he hadn't answered the male's earlier request, he cleared his throat to continue. "And I believe now is the perfect time to say that if you're still up for it- are you willing to team up?" The Ornithologist crossed his arms.
"I mean, it looks like this is going to be difficult to get through for us all..."
The Family [Open]
Peter stared in horror at the ring, that he had in his pocket so delicately and hid from others so well, which was now in a display case right in front of him. How did it get in there? “The family…is taken from me…?” Peter clenched his fist and looked down, his hair covering his eyes.
Peter turned around, not even bothering to look in front of him anymore. What was the point in looking forward if you don’t even want to know what’s behind you? There was no point in doing much right now really, the ring was everything to him
He carried on walking away from it, wondering if the further he got the further he was from finding his family, perhaps that was the key to finding his family. He bumped into someone, interupting his train of thought, he slowly looked up, his voice sounded bored and as if he was hypnotised “I apoligise for any inconveniance i just caused you sir”
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Don't Harm My Dearest Friends ~ (Open RP)
The brown clad Ornithologist stood in the lobby, arms folded, his expression remaining cold as that damned bird cackled. He watched in silence as it dropped the frying pan with the egg, shaking his head at the absurdity of it all.
First they'd been told to slaughter one another, and now it was trying to make breakfast. Surely they hadn't be forced here to have a lovely chat over a meal...?
Unsurprisingly, that wasn't the case.
At the start of the little speech, he was bemused. So this was a motive for them? What could that mechanical monstrosity possibly throw at them in order to make them kill? Despite the calm exterior Dai had, inside anxiety was rising in his stomach. Given that they'd been locked in a museum with no conceivable way out, whoever was behind this seemed to have considerable power... so what was going to be thrown at them?
That was when he spotted the display cases, the owl's words piercing his mind. They were going to destroy things dear to them...?
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H... His birds.... 
Not Dream... Not Symphony... 
Thoughts were screeching through his mind, and an unusually panicked yell left the once composed male. In a second he had bolted towards the glass prison that now encased his dearest friends, worry causing his form to visibly shake. The birds seemed to be panicking, and he was powerless to do anything about it. Instinctively he let out a series of gentle whistles, the sound breaking as he struggled to form the noises. Instead he quickly moved to talking, unsure if they could hear him.
"It's okay... it's okay..." He muttered, trying to calm himself at the same time. "I won't let anyone hurt you two... I won't..." Frantically he laid his hands on the clear barrier between them, stroking his fingers across it as if that would bring peace to them all. 
Without him realising, his breathing had become ragged. Sliding down to his knees, the Ornithologist leant his head against the case. This couldn't be happening... there was no way this was happening... As his expression darkened, unsteady hands balled themselves into fists.
He had to get them out... he had to....
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forebodingwings · 10 years
Lucifer Hummingbird - (Dai and Lotus)
With a hefty sigh, Dai idly scanned his ID card over the scanner, listening to the door unlock with a click. Slipping inside with a glance over his shoulder, he quietly shut the door behind him, double checking that it had locked once more.
Passing by his room-mate's bed, he let out another sigh - but this time of relief. It was good that she wasn't here. He'd had enough of these damn people already. Taking another careful glance around the room, and checking the bathroom for any unwanted presence, he finally allowed a content smile to cross his face.
Finally, he could check on them.
Pursing his lips together, the Ornithologist let out a series of short musical whistles, which were instantly returned two-fold in a much higher pitch. Swiftly his smile grew, and hands wrapped themselves around the soft fabric of a blanket currently draped over a large rectangular object. Pulling the cover off, and folding it neatly he placed it on the bed. He began to coo gently at what was underneath, crouching down beside it.
Two Peach-faced Lovebirds sat perched inside a spacious cage, quickly sliding along to meet their owner.
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"Hello there..." He hummed, reaching a few fingers between the bars to softly stroke the birds. "I'm so sorry for leaving you covered up like that for so long... I was trying to figure out things about this place... and I don't want you two hurt..." The feathered creatures whistled in response, moving closer to him.
In the moment Dai went to flip the cage open, given that they had been in there for a while, the door creaked open.
Inhaling sharply he frantically dropped his voice, whispering to the animals, and leaping to grab the blanket in the same moment. "I'm sorry my dears, please stay quiet, okay?"
With a flick of his wrists he cast the blanket open and over the cage. Calmly he stood there smoothing the blanket out, trying to compose himself and slow his heart rate. He couldn't let them be found...
Turning around to approach whoever had entered, he found his room-mate, presumerably, there. For a moment he stood silently, watching her, before he cleared his throat to speak.
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"Hello." He muttered, defensively taking a stance in front of his section of the room. "I'm guessing that you are my room-mate for the duration of our stay here." Giving her a little wave, he tried to seem friendly. "But I would appreciate it if you did not venture into my portion of the room even if that is the case."
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