forgottennamesgame · 1 year
Ehem, allow me to spam recs
Not Your Mother's Shire. I judged it harshly for being parody-esque but is way deeper and more compelling than I thought. Fantasy.
@kalorphic Novaturient (spy) and her Pacific Rim one (with no demo yet). I recommend following Kalorphic for any IF news.
@absentia-if about being kidnapped for five years and suddenly let go, trying to piece your life back together while catching the kidnapper.
Lovelies @the-kingshound (Arthurian) and @fromtheashesweriseif (sexy dragonshifters) by the same lovely person ❤️
@if-mirrormine bestie be fucking up our minds with time tampering shenanigans
@northern-passage for the Hunter genre which I'm a very big fan of
That's just a few I don't want to clog your feed lol (and because I always forget how they are written so I can't find the other @s). Like I said Kalorphic (and @theabyssal - gorgeous work about being Death) are good for keeping up with IFs.
Thanks a lot! I'll def try them🧡🧡
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forgottennamesgame · 1 year
You're back!
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I'm so happy! I thought this IF had been abandoned since the last update was sometime last year, if I remember correctly? I loved your IF so much (it was one of the first ones I played!) and I was a bit sad when I thought it had been abandoned. I'm so happy you're back now!
No pressure on continuing your IF of course, I truly hope you're doing great, that is what is most important! I hope you have been good, happy and healthy throughout this time and that this break has helped you relax and rest 😊 you surely deserve it after giving us 10 amazing chapters of adventure and sweet sweet angst 😳😂
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Thank u!!!!
Nope, I m not abandoning this, that s for sure. Also, my other wip, Swallow the Dark, just got an update so u can check that out meanwhile xD
U re so sweet, thanks for the amazing support!
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forgottennamesgame · 1 year
Do you have any IFs/Upcoming IFs that you are excited for/recommend?
I really wish i had more time to play, but I managed to play one new wip i stumbled upon and i really recommend it, Vendetta, by @vendetta-if
And i'm curious about another one (the demo is not out yet), The scars I live with by @thescarsilivewith-if (I guess writing my thesis gave me an ich for revenge)
Can u recommend some? I've been away for so long, I lost touch.
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forgottennamesgame · 1 year
How many chapters in the game? Do you releasing in hosted games or twine? Sorry about this, but Im really curious.😭😍
10 chapters currently. The 11th is finished but i have to code it and I really would, but for now I don't have the time.
I'm actually taking into consideration moving Forgotten Names to twine, but i'm not sure yet (but my other wip is in twine so it would be easier, i guess).
No prob, i support curiosity xD
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forgottennamesgame · 1 year
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The Scars I Live With is an upcoming 18+ Interactive Fiction that will deal with dark and possibly disturbing themes such as slavery, discrimination, mental and physical abuse and others. Please keep this in mind before interacting with this game.
You were a kind monarch once. After your mother’s brutal reign, you thought your people needed respite. Evidently, they didn’t think the same since their bloodthirst only increased. Three years after your coronation, your mother’s favourite consort dethroned you with the army and the clergy’s support.
As you fled from the palace together with your spouse, from an arranged marriage celebrated only three months earlier, you were found by slavers. You managed to save your spouse but not yourself.
Four years later, your spouse finds you, though you’re not the same person they knew. You are not changed in spirit alone, however, for your magic grew in your captivity and now you’re unbound. When the crown chose you as its owner, you wanted peace for your kingdom. Now the only thing you crave is revenge.
Customise your gender, pronouns, appearance and scars.
Return to occupy your rightful place on the throne.
Will you show mercy to the ones that betrayed you or will you make all of them pay?
Deal with your trauma or let it destroy you.
Romance three LIs, separately or together (harem route).
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Naja (M/F/NB) - your spouse
Given up like cheap cattle, they were considered slow by their own family, a pretty doll but irredeemably dumb. They started talking later that any of their siblings and in their teens they stopped altogether. It was clear that they were offered to you in the hopes to appease you with their looks while lacking any other use.
During the brief time you two spent together, though, you have discovered that they are not slow at all but rather intelligent and very observant.
They are 1.64m tall with dark bronze skin, black luscious straight hair cut to their shoulders, dark brown doe eyes and a slender built. Naja is 27 and selectively mute.
Valaahr (M/F/NB) - the druid
A very ambitious druid, a wolf in sheep’s clothing who strives to become the head of the clergy through every possible mean. Some speculate that power will never be enough for them, for they hunger for more to satiate their thirst, to see the corruption finally extirped.
A ruthless schemer, Valaahr is certainly a force to be reckoned with, fortunately only devoted to their faith and to you – the one they believe to be the rightful monarch.
They are 1.79m tall with light brown very long wavy hair always kept in a single braid, light grey eyes, a very pale skin and a toned built. Valaahr is 32 and suffers from albinism, with the sight problems associated.
Kaela (M/F/NB) - the negotiator
They are nobility - a good politician though known mainly because an illness in their teen years left them physically disfigured.
They might come off as stand-offish and aloof but they really are quite soft-spoken and considerate for all they are direct. There is something about them, an exhaustion that lingers and eats at them, accompanied at the same time by an undying tenacity that always prevented them from giving up.
They have short wavy auburn hair, green eyes, olive complexion and they are around 1.83m of height. Their body type is on the heavier side, soft but with muscles underneath. Kaela is currently 31 and they keep their head veiled and their hands covered by gloves to hide their scarred body.
You'll meet Kaela quite later in the game
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forgottennamesgame · 1 year
UPDATE (6/5/23)
So, I got out of my cave. I'm very thankful for every message from you guys, you're really great and I love you!
I'm fine, still working on my thesis, still chaos, you know, life. But I really missed this game and I took a few days to make a small update.
So, what's new:
the continuation of the fight scenes with Kosta (both as a friend and as a potential romantic interest)
the first scene alone with Abel and the begining of his romantic route
The bad news:
You'll have to start from the begining, I changed some variables and they're important.
If you're on Kosta's or August's romantic route you can't enter Abel's. So maybe play with multiple MCs
The ending of the update should be the screen with "thank you for playing" - if it's not then there's an issue. Tell me so I can fix it
I hope you'll enjoy this, tell me if you do!🧡
Play here !
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
Snippet Forgotten Names (chapter 11)
The crowd is restless and hopeful for another song and you're just the right person for it. After all, this is what your family does. You wink at the Mimetopon, signaling them to start playing on their kobza. Their whole face shifts into your features and they wink back at you, smiling. The fairy cat joins almost immediately and you raise your foot on the edge of the chair. You lean forward.
'Hey! Let me ask you something!' you shout, with a grin. 'Where can you find the greatest stone?'
'Where?' you hear someone shouting back. You smirk. Then you take a deep breath and you begin the song.
Where can you find the greatest stones? Or get your magic for some coins? Where can you always raise your glass? And drink and fall into the grass? Where do you go to meet the woods?
You raise your cup preparing for the chorus and people follow you.
In Northern Gates my friends! Yes, you can raise your glass! Surely in Northern Gates! You'll fall into the grass!
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
Forgotten Names snippet ch 11
'See the calling of the rightful king, Oh, why does he dread the sharp crown's sting When he should hold its only slumber
Hear how the whispers that a lion could encumber Slithered into the garden of the first rose But that's a tale that only the king knows
Who should sing when love is lost? What borders should never be crossed?
That's something only the sphynx knows.
She is but a lonely wife, She never meant to hold the knife The anger is old, the angry are weary, His silence so patient and dreary.
Oh, bird born in the depths of sea She flew one day to find and to reveal to me Her love, her fate, her child, her curse So one day I could sing this verse.
No, they did not know who would betray . The spear was broken and the wardens far away Maybe, my friend, Another rose was always meant to stay.
But oh, don't trust me The tale's not mine I cannot plainly say What truly came to pass that day.
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
Forgotten Names - Update soon!
So after all this time I've started actively working on the new update for FN and I want to share some snippets these days, until the final release😁 here we go!
'They stole the statue of the late king!' the man interrupts him, visibly irritated.
Theo stares blankly at him for one second, then he continues. 'They didn't stole it, they just…took it. For a few moments. Now they're going to give it back. Ilzrus, give it back! See, everything's all right now.'
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
Can you give us some fun facts about the ROs? Thank you!!
gets strangely irritated when someone criticizes their driving skills
loves dogs
likes plants but can't take care of one, they tried, it really frustrates them
is afraid of spiders
has a tendency to tease the ones they like, that's how they show affection
loves bubblegum
sometimes has a dad's sense of humor
is vain, will admit it freely
is a great cook, loves spicy foods
has good attention for details
interested in architecture
catified their house for Titi's comfort (their feral cat)
hates the way their hair never stays in place
always wears a watch, has a collection of them and it's one of the few luxuries they enjoy
had difficulties pronouncing the "r" when he was younger, now it shows when he is angry or nervous
loves heights and being in high places
is very good at controling his facial expressions
thinks that bright pink is one of the colours that suit him best
he has some enemies he sincerely admires and he doesn't think that's weird
hates true games of chance, the ones you cannot use any method to predict the outcome
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
I just found this and it's so cool!! I really love the world building and the characters so much!!
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
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Haunt the Bodies is an upcoming small town horror about grief, family and reclaiming what was lost. This story is 18+ and not for minors, as it will discuss topics such as: Body horror, trauma, death, mental illness, self harm and other mature themes. The demo does not have a set release date and is early in it’s development.
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Born in Seward, Alaska, you never expected much more out of this idyllic little fishing town. Close to Kenai National Forest and hugged by a mountain, the town left you wanting for nothing.
Not until you died.
It has been three years since your passing. A tragic car accident that only spared your little sister. But something didn’t want to leave you to rest. Strangely brought back to life, you now have to navigate a life picking up the pieces of the wreckage that destroyed your family. You know you have to be there for your sister, even if she doesn’t recognize you.
Your resurrection isn’t the only odd thing happening in this town; claims of miracles and blessings from the church. And you - their one true sign that God has blessed your little town. You can’t help but feel theres something darker lurking.
Whether you see your second chance as a curse or a gift, some will decide for you. People are watching, and you can never really tell who’s wary and who’s devout.
Keep reading
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
I keep playing, I just don’t want to flood your inbox with love about the IF. Or maybe I should?🤔 I just don’t want it to come off as pushy
You should!!🧡🧡
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
What more ifs would u like to see more of
So this is a list of what I would like to see more and that I like!!
I'm so sorry for the tag! If you want me to remove your blog please tell me!
PS. This is my opinions!
@fromtheashesweriseif , where the ROs are the same as MC or NB, and the parents who are all transgender. It really makes you discover something new and experience!
@ingenio-academy-if who MC gender is set as agender, love love the concept!
@jaunefleurwrites , ‘A world without you’. It really brings out the emotions, and I really loved that we played as a 'sick' MC, it made me view someone else's perspective, which helped me a lot to understand someone.
@scabiosa-if Monsters. Yeah. But for me it means to not “judge a book by its cover”, the appearance won't show how the character will act with you. It's like a box. You need to open it to see what truly is inside. Also @fell-star-if !!
@obesericewrites angst. One of the RO has a child. I loved this, just.. I love it. This IF is emotional, yet at the same time it reminds me of a family? ...It's going to hurt. have mercy
@defiledheartsblog This is everything. Loved loved and loved this!! MC comes to revenge and oops! finally looks like MC is not able to.. (or is!!)
@sinners-if Also is to ‘not judge a book by it's cover’. Yeah, Grey may be 'cold' at first, but that's totally normal in my opinion. You both are strangers, maybe more as time will pass, you'll get to know Grey and Grey will be able to know you. Everyone has a soft spot for somebody, but you need to earn that place, it isn't for granted, and can be easily lost. Unless you want Grey to go to prison LOL revenge!
@lilac-den where MC isn't good with people (kinda?). MC doesn't have many friends, and will have to learn to interact more with people. As an antisocial, I got easily obsessed reading this IF! Oli though is a good friend! Gives MC some advice to get lai-
@kalorphic I love action. So spies??? Sign me up! This is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions I have a feeling. I really love the concept!
And well this is going to be long so under the cut lol! <3 Get ready for a lot and a lot more IF blogs.. haha! ❤️❤️❤️
@night-market-if loved that MC didn't remember where they came from, stuck in somewhere where they have no single clues!!
@nacregames “Morning Star” how do I say this??? Angels? Devils? Anyone? I'm here till the end!!
@zorlok-if <- This. Right here. *chief kiss* Get to be a demon losing their memories... And the demo is just super funny! I won't forget that Tommy erased our memory. N.e.v.e.r TOMMY WHY
@sinnersandsaints-linwrites angst, again. But I really loved the demo, it gave me a range of emotions that I couldn't describe. There's a range of supernatural that I haven't seen in IFs -> (Khari)
@corpsereviver-if Angels??? I don't know but I am looking at this from afar! I'm not stalking your blog I swear I- I can explain! MC has one wing!! And- I don't know what to say, argh!! Love the concept!
@doriana-gray-games YES YES YES. We like Sherlock!!!! Mystery!!! Love everything from this!!
@twyam-if We aren't the 'hero' of the story!!! It's actually MC friends?! This is going to be so interesting!!
@mondaysandwich Hello??? Work in a bar with demons??? Please sign me up!! I love the characters and everything!! And I always wanted to be a barista so it's a big plus for me!
@villains-promise what to say to this? It's right in my alley! Angst is coming- I'm bringing it a lot. Brings a lot of emotions!
@barbwritesstuff Loved the concept, really well written and was totally shocked as I didn't expect some part, you can even become an alpha!!! so... wolf on the moon when?
@lifesupreme-if WOAH. No words. It's like in the future, and I don't know how to express it lol!
@magiciansvoyage love love this!! Everything! I really enjoyed reading this!!
@allieebobo Tennis!! I love sports! So this was also in my alley!
@evertidings Bounty hunter!!! And it was just recently updated also! Loved loved this!!
@veirsewrites Old vampire! Gah! I love this so much!!! Also the one who inspired me to do IFs in the first place!! <3
@milaswriting What's your secret??? Why am I already obsessed with reading this??? Have you put a spell on me??! It's just so good!!!
@goldrush-if No words. Only affection. I am speechless, have you also put a spell on me???
@zico-if Hi??? Is that angst I see???? I love this already!
@the-keeper-of-midnight Gah! If only I could express just how good this is!!!
@acourtofserpents Erhm??? The demo?? Lord I got sent in another universe just how good it was!!
@chaosbringerx THIS. I am waiting for this patiently!!!!
@hauntthebodies Love love this! It's so difficult to express it but I love it!!! also transgender MC??? hi??
@legend-of-a-savior-if THE WRITING IS SO GOOD. the angst- my affection toward them is full of admiration. You really get immersed in the story!!!
@thrill-seeker-if Do i need to say it-??? Hello??? I- I don't think I'm able to say just how much I LOVE this!!
@whatlovelybones-if uhm hi?? Killer vibes??? This is totally in my alley- argh the angst coming straight for us!!! AND THEIR WRITING??? speechless.slams money on the table
@adoriels-tears-if Love that MC is a half-elf!!! And that it is 'illegal'??? That MC father 'left'??? angst right there, love it.
@todays-lessons-if Get to be a teacher!!! Ahhhh I'm waiting for this!
@lost-kiwi-dev Love this so much!!! ahhhh!!! the characters everything- I'm in love
@lostlambs-ifgame you get to be an assassin!!! And their writing is just *chief kiss*
@esper-game I'm in love with this game!!! Gah!!
@unwilling-souls-if No words for this. Just my affection for everything!
@nyehilismwriting This was so fun to read!! I loved this!
@beetlebethwrites I got the chance to learn new animals!!
@leoneliterary Jeez! I'm in love with your characters!!! Your writing is just *chief kiss*!
@llamagirl28 The two IFs!! I got so damn obsessed!!!
@lucid-fate-if Hi??? It's so good??? Love this!!
@leftski-if I have no words, it's just so good!!
@northern-passage No words could say just how much I love this. I loved to replay it each time!!! Will never get bored of it!
@attollogame I am. Obsessed. I would sell my soul to just read it all day!
There's a lot and a lot more.. But I will have to stop here sadly!! ❤️❤️❤️
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
Hey are you doing okay?
Well, not one of my best phases tbh. Everything's...too much in a depressing sort of way. And I have so much to do and I'm just blocked because I gues I don't see the purpose. I kind of want to pack up and run away😌
How are things on your end?
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
I just played Forgotten Names as far as possible and it's so cool! I love how intricate and twisting all the relationships and politics are. And also a SCYTHE instead of a sword??? Epic! I definitely felt immersed in the world you created and enjoyed the experience. Thank you for sharing your writing!
Thank you so much, I'm so happy someone still plays it even though I haven't updated it in so long. Tbh, I can't wait to get some vacation days and return to this story, I have so many drafts and I'm really excited to see what everyone thinks of how the story will develop. So thank you, this means a lot!
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forgottennamesgame · 2 years
I love your game!! Thank you so much for putting FN into the universe lol it's so fun and the characters feel like their own individuals!! Absolutely wonderful 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Thank you for being so sweet!🧡🧡🧡
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