Reblog if you RP on Discord and it's okay for people to PM you for a plot.
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It’s a fine trio!
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Met @endricane today with @glowinggunmetal ♥ 
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✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out 💛✨
How dare you flatter me with your sweet sweet lies ;_; You stay amazing Ivy, YOU’RE the amazing person here!
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Reblog if it's ok to jump into your asks or send a message to plot an rp
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Throw back to when Noah was literally just a bunch of Dr Doom memes. I still think many of these are relevant to him now, and I enjoy this.
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Ophelia Drowning || Ophelia Dreaming
Alright, please excuse me while I get all artsy and pretentious and rambly here;
I originally had the idea to do an Ophelia photo set a bit ago, but didn’t really have the tools to do the way I wanted to until recently…so when I finally sat down to do it, I realized I had two excellent locations to shoot in. Both had their own sort of flavor to them; the Shroud being more realistic, Il Mheg having a sort of dreamlike quality to the final shots. I took a bunch of shots in both locations with the intent of weighing them against one another and posting the set that I thought fit my vision more.
But then as it turns out, they both kinda worked out really well, for two separate reasons and I’m terribly, terribly indecisive. So I sat there sorting through a billion screenshots, agonizing over which to post when it struck me; why not post them together? When I put them side by side, I realized that they work even better as a contrast between the stark reality of the scene and the sort of dreamy, sing-song madness Ophelia succumbs to in the play, all without either set really losing that overall melancholic tone I was trying to keep. A happy accident, really.
So here we are! I hope the split isn’t too jarring. It was really hard narrowing it down to just these six shots, but any more and I feel it would’ve been repetitive.
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Halonic Orthodoxy be like.
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Why not, it’s been a while!
Symbol Starters~
Send ☔ for our muses to share an umbrella on a rainy day.
Send 📱 for my muse to send yours a random text.
Send 📞 for my muse to call yours.
Send ✞ for our muses to meet in an empty church.
Send ⚔ to challenge my muse to a duel.
Send 😢 for my muse to comfort you.
Send 🌸 to receive flowers from my muse.
Send ☁ for our muses to watch the clouds together.
Send ⌚ to ask my muse what time it is.
Send ℃ for my muse to discuss the temperature with yours.
Send 👻 to tell ghost stories with my muse.
Send 🐩 to play with my muse’s pet (or have my muse play with yours).
Send 😘 to see my muse’s reaction to yours flirting with them.
Send 💅 to do my muse’s nails.
Send 🐎 for our muses to go horse riding together.
Send 📺 for our muses to have a TV/movie night.
Send 🍸 for our muses to have a drink together.
Send 💪 for our muses to workout together.
Send 💤 to wake my muse up from their nap.
Send 🍔 for our muses to have lunch together.
Send 💢 for my muse to get mad at yours for something they did.
Send 😓 for my muse to apologize to yours for something they did.
Send 💖 for my muse to tell yours who they currently have a crush on.
Send 💘 for my muse to ask yours who they have a crush on.
Send 💋 to randomly kiss my muse.
Send 🎃 to carve pumpkins with my muse.
Send 🎁 for my muse to give yours a gift.
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“Well now...
                    ...what treasures might you hold for me?”
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Fairly certain my morally grey outfit is complete...
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Of hearth and hollows
It had been a while since Noah had some time to himself. Truth be told, he hated it. The mind is a lonesome and cavernous trap when silence is all that’s around. And as he looked around the comfortable yet unfamiliar surroundings, he already wished he was home.
The bed, a little firm but nothing he hadn’t slept through before, a dimly lit wooden room with no wallpaper, primarily to keep the rustic charm untouched - or so he thought at least.
The room was warm at least despite being located in a tavern under a small road, and while he wished he had a reason to leave...he didn’t, it was calm, cozy. Comfortable...
Comfort. The word itself felt undeserved, like winning first prize in a dueling tournament against unarmed folk unable to carry their own weight. It felt foreign, and within moments of feeling anything close to the word he scolded himself. How dare he feel such things as comfort.
It had been a half moon or so back now, maybe a full one, time was fickle. When his mother died and he let Vincint burn her home to rubbish. When she was spotted as that...thing. Not a woman, no longer alive really...rather that twisted and horrible creation that clung to her form like a silken dress. The monster he had to put down, it all felt so...
Unfulfilling. After all she had done to him, all the torture he had endured at her doing and she was gone before he could even arrive at the door, replaced by some sort of void witch. A horrible sense of humor, life had.
Noah couldn’t sleep, nothing outside the norm for the man and he had run out of the medication he used to get from his colleagues of old. Now, he instead was left to his thoughts.
Maybe it wasn’t too late, maybe he could pester Six for a while...she was next door it wouldn’t be so hard. All it would take would be to get up...Go on get up.
But he couldn’t...the weight of the world around him heavy enough that he just couldn’t bring himself to stand. Sitting now upon his bed Noah took his mask off slowly, tossing it aside and running hands through chestnut brown hair. His mind began to wander, eyes glued to the roof.
He hated his thoughts...he hated so much...Gods when did he come to hate so very much?
When would this hate just...be gone? Why couldn’t he let this go? Why couldn’t he ever let anything go? The man felt shoulders sink and a heavy breath leave him.
As he sat there, thinking about what he had to be so mad at...he simply felt himself drawn back to a thought. Words perhaps he had never said aloud but something he felt so much anger stemming from.
“She wasn’t wrong. ” He whispered, images of his mothers face flashing through his mind. “And were it me who lost so much... I may have broken too...” He felt his eyes welling up, but he refused to let anything fall.
“I suppose I had hoped that one day I might have been enough to have brought her back...To save her from her insanity.” He shut his eyes and took a deep, slow breath as his rational mind then guided him to his answer.
“I would have lost myself in the same way had I suffered like she did. And if I had...I would pray for the day when someone came to end my suffering.”
The words slipped out, subconscious thought pouring out, and with it something dropped from the mans chest. A weight of some kind.
We did save her, didn’t we?
Noah felt a small smile coming to his mouth as he nodded gently, she was gone...and that was for the best.
Farewell mother. While you suffered greatly, I appreciate now the gift you gave.
Standing up, Noah would walk out if the door to his room. He would knock upon Six’s door, not caring his mask was off.
He’d invite her for some stew and drink, before they slept.
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From the black of the Void to the white of Snow, there is no place we shall not go. Where it may lead I do not know. But with all the we have already reached, the heavens on high now feel so low.
Thanks to @claihn for the grand ol intro rp!
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I took some historical sword-fighting lessons to make the fights in my novel more realistic - here’s what I learned.
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To make the fighting scenes in my low fantasy novel more realistic, I went to see a trainer for historical sword-fighting last week, both to barrage her with questions and to develop realistic choreographies for the fight scenes in the novel. Since I figured some of what she told me might be useful for you too, I put together a small list for you. Big thanks to Gladiatores Munich and Jeanne for making time! (Here are some more pictures if you’re interested.)
Caveat: I’m by no means a sword-fighting expert myself, so take these nuggets with a grain of salt – I might have misremembered or misinterpreted some of the things Jeanne told me. If I did, feel free to tell me.
1.) Weapon choices need to make sense
Let’s start with a truism: always ensure your character’s weapons make sense for a.) their profession, b.) their cultural background and c.) the environment they’re going to fight in. A farmer probably couldn’t afford a sword and might use a knife or threshing flail instead, and someone who doesn’t want to be noticed probably wouldn’t be milling about sporting a glaive or another large weapon. Also, soldiers native to a country with wide open plains would be more likely to carry long-range melee weapons such as spears or large swords, than those from a country consisting of mostly jungle or dense forests. The same applies to situations: if your character is going to be fighting in close quarters (even just a normal house), he’d get little value out of a spear or even a longsword, as there’d be no space to swing it effectively.
2.) Boldness often beats skill
In real swordfights, recklessness was often more important than technique. The fighter less afraid of getting injured would often push harder, allowing them to overpower even opponents with better technique.
3.) Even a skilled fighter rarely stands a chance when outnumbered
While a skilled (or lucky) fighter might win a two-versus-one, it’d be extremely unlikely for even a single master swordsman to win against superior numbers, even just three and if they’re below his skill level. The only way to plausibly pull this off would be to split the opponents up, perhaps by luring them into a confined space where you could take them on one by one. The moment you’re surrounded, you’re probably done for – because, unlike in Hollywood, they wouldn’t take turns attacking but come at you all at once.
4.) Dual-wielding was a thing
… at least in some cultures. I often heard people say that people using a weapon in each hand is an invention of fiction. And while my instructor confirmed that she knew of no European schools doing this—if they did, it’s not well-documented—she said it was a thing in other cultures. Example of this include the dual wakizashi in Japan or tomahawk and knife in North America. However, one of the biggest problems with the depiction of dual wielding in novels/movies/games are the “windmill”-type attacks where the fighter swings their weapons independently, hitting in succession rather than simultaneously. Normally you’d always try hitting with both weapons at once, as you’d otherwise lose your advantage.
5.) Longswords were amazing
Longswords might seem boring in comparison to other weapons, but they were incredibly effective, especially in combat situations outside the battlefield. The crossguard allowed for effective blocking of almost any kind of attack (well, maybe not an overhead strike of a Mordaxt, but still), the pommel was also used as a powerful “blunt” weapon of its own that could crack skulls. Though they were somewhat less effective against armored opponents, the long, two-handed hilt allowed for precise thrusts at uncovered body parts that made up for it.
6.)  “Zweihänder” were only used for very specific combat situations
Zweihänder—massive two-handed swords—were only used for specific purposes and usually not in one-on-one combat as is often seen in movies or games. One of these purposes was using their reach to break up enemy formations. In fact, one type of two-handed sword even owed its name to that purpose: Gassenhauer (German, Gasse = alley, Hauer = striker)—the fighters literally used it to strike “alleys” into an enemy formation with wide, powerful swings.
7.) It’s all about distance
While I was subconsciously aware of this, it might be helpful to remember that distance was an incredibly important element in fights. The moment your opponent got past your weapons ideal range, it was common to either switch to a different weapon or just drop your weapon and resort to punching/choking. A good example of this are spears or polearms—very powerful as long as you maintain a certain range between you and your opponent, but the moment they get too close, your weapon is practically useless. That’s also why combatants almost always brought a second weapon into battle to fall back one.
8.) Real fights rarely lasted over a minute
Another truism, but still useful to remember: real fights didn’t last long. Usually, they were over within less than a minute, sometimes only seconds – the moment your opponent landed a hit (or your weapon broke or you were disarmed), you were done for. This is especially true for combatants wearing no or only light armor.
9.) Stop the pirouettes
Unfortunately, the spinning around and pirouetting that makes many fight scenes so enjoyable to watch (or read) is completely asinine. Unless it’s a showfight, fighters would never expose their backs to their opponent or even turn their weapon away from them.
10.)  It still looks amazing
If your concern is that making your fight scenes realistic will make them less aesthetic, don’t worry. Apart from the fact that the blocks, swings and thrusts still look impressive when executed correctly, I personally felt that my fights get a lot more gripping and visceral if I respect the rules. To a certain extent, unrealistic and flashy combat is plot armor. If your characters can spin and somersault to their heart’s content and no one ever shoves a spear into their backs as they would have in real life, who survives and who doesn’t noticeably becomes arbitrary. If, on the other hand, even one slip-up can result in a combatant’s death, the stakes become palpable.
That’s about it! I hope this post is as helpful to some of you as the lessons were to me. Again, if anything I wrote here is bollocks, it’s probably my fault and not Jeanne’s.  I’ll try to post more stuff like this in the future.
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Been a while, time to put out some feelers >>;
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