fowlbyname45 · 4 years
If you guys wanna hmu, feel free! Just tell me what your url is on Tumblr and I'm sure I'll remember you :)
Discord: Sophie (fowlbyname45)#0978
Pinterest: sophiestutey
Snapchat: sophieisdone
I'll miss you. It's been real y'all. Sophie signing out. ♥️✨
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
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We have to bid a farewell to our Fluff Writer @fowlbyname45
Thank you for bringing us this wonderful ship, we'll forever be grateful to you and will miss you terribly!
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
I'm so sorry to have to say this, but I will be deleting my Tumblr account. Not my choice but what can you do. I want you all to know that I will greatly miss you all, and you have made the months I've been on here enjoyable and generally amazing. I'm gonna tag some special people that I think might want to know:
@xxfangirlanonymousxx Hannah, we can keep messaging through discord if that's okay with you <3
@arrowsanonymous ilysm, live your best life!!
@forgotten-golden-curl-goddess you're so amazing, easily one of the sweetest people I've met on this site. I hope your family is doing well. Minerva deserved better. ♥️
@tinywhim I sent you an ask about this as well, but I wanted to let you know. Like I said, I'll be keeping up with your writing through ao3. You're stunning.
@my-name-is-alexanderhamilton I messaged you about this as well, but I just thought I'd let you know here too - ilysm Katie. You're such a great person. I'll miss you a lot.
Some other people who might want to see this:
@shortace @michael-theater-kid @torsnavi @spacefroggity @mentosmorii @ultimatephantomform @zai-sc234 @benedict-c-curls @whatdidimissjm @fowlfederluft @signifying-something @chaoticlawfulbard @shortpromptlongkiss @hollyisshort @hollytheshortcake @iesnoth @yo-let-me-get-a-milkyway @d-butler @happygothe-epic-posts @highladyofgothamcity @doorintosummer @xserpx @doctorat221b @icanneverbesatisfied @kpatz @cinnamontoastcrises @burningallmybridges
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
Thank you Eoin
I wasn't able to submit anything for the "thank you Eoin" video, so I thought I'd put my thoughts down here even though he'll never see it.
Thank you for the wonderful book series that has greatly shaped my early teen years. I picked up the first book when I was 12, and immideately loved it. Since then, I've read all the books, a lot of them more than twice over. When I went through a rough patch in my life last year, your books gave me an opportunity to escape to a world where fairies were real and criminals could become heros. Congratulations on finally getting Artemis and his friends onto the big screen, and a big, heartfelt thank you for all you've done for me.
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
Ah Minerva. I remember you. I also remember the uproar in parts of the fandom, hating you and calling you a Mary-Sue for all the reasons they like Artemis, plus they felt you were getting in the way of them shipping him with grown-ass adults.
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
I co-sign this statement
I've been waiting for this film since I first read the books like 13 years ago like.... I can remember reading about casting in PRIMARY SCHOOL and then the disappointment of nothing happening for so long, new hope when more news came, then nothing again, the competition to be in the film in the back of the old editions of the books??? This film being delayed, and now suddenly it's coming out on Friday???? An actual physical Artemis Fowl film????? I sort of can't compute, I have loved (like, LOVED) this series for SO LONG, it's been my top daydream escape for YEARS, I'm at the point where I can't even talk about it with friends because I'm so afraid of bringing it up and either people not liking it or me releasing a tirade of obsession. My sister and I could pretty much quote the first book word for word, my mum used to make me AF birthday cakes (I had one with Commander Root on that was particularly good) and suddenly we're getting this film that I had on completely given up hope on after so many disappointments, honestly I kind of don't even care if it's good or not I'm just so excited for Arty to be put in the mainstream again, for there to be merch!!!! New fans!!!!! Hopefully new people who find the love and happiness I've found in it!!!!!
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
It's gonna be a train wreck but maybe there will be some redeemable things idk and the cast and crew seem nice 🦆
So I can’t ducking believe the Artemis Fowl movie is this Friday. I don’t ducking believe it. And I’m ducking scared dudes. Reblog with your thoughts and a duck emoji 🦆
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
Okay, this took waaaayyy longer than I thought it would but, here we are. The for the Artemis Fowl: The Incident Report YouTube Channel. Please like and subscribe, so I know how much people know about the podcast and share it any way you can.
Right. I’m off to have a possible panic attack and a nice cup of tea
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
Ty for the tag!
•my hair
•my singing talent
•my loyalty
•my passion
•my sass?? lmao
Once you get this you have to say 5 things you like about yourself publicly. And once you're done tag 5 of your favorite followers to do this as well
Ugh my weakness!!! Saying nice things about myself, I hate doing that, it’s so hard for me.
1. I’ve got soft full lips
2. People tell me I’m a very good listener
3. I’m tall
4. You realize I’m now out of ideas, but ummmm, I tend to be funny or at least try to be
5. Very diligent when it comes to certain things.
@water-on-glass @faithcouragekindness93 @shy-gfd @tiddyglitterbomb @rae-being-naughty
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
I think this a lot while reading the books.
Get to the point Foaly.
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
Oh my gosh, I love this so much!
U should draw Artemis and Orion Fowl together! I think it would be soooo cool in your style!!
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i spent a lot longer than i should have desperately trying to remember if there were any visible differences between artemis and orion and eventually it led me far deeper into the artemis fowl wiki than i’d like to admit
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
Leelah Alcorn’s blog was deleted and posts about her are being removed. Don’t stop spreading this. Reblog everything you can, post everything you can. 
These are her pictures
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here are some of her drawings
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this is her note
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Don’t let this die.
Not this.
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
Y e s.
Father’s day at Fowl Manor is the perfect storm of repressed emotions. I can imagine Artemis walking up to Butler in the evening and attempting to nonchalantly hand him a gift “Ah you see, the company accidentally shipped two throwing knives and it is too much of a bother to return it, so I suppose you may have this. That’s all, good night.” 
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
I wonder what happened to Minerva Paradizo every day.
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
There she be! ♥️
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100 centimeters of sarcasm and adrenaline
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fowlbyname45 · 4 years
I love these! You're so talented.
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Went to church for the first time since the pandemic! Thus the return of Sunday doodles. This week it was #Artemisfowl and #lazuliheitz , as well as a cameo from King David’s prodigal son Absolem. #sundaysketches #sketch #artistsoninstagram #Bible #Christianity https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBaT23BxFM/?igshid=1l4lq00kb92db
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