foxys-fantasy-tales · 24 days
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this is... the gleaner Erenville!
prints now available
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 1 month
Migraines give me the most fucked up dreams. And I can still feel the pain in my sleep so I’ll be wandering around in my dream clutching the right side of my head.
Meanwhile some nameless background person in my subconscious will be like, “We have no time, we have to get [incomprehensible gibberish] to Wayne Manor from Mars to stop the timeline from collapsing,” and I’m just like will the timeline collapsing stop this pain? Because if so, fuck the timeline.
Let the world burn.
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 1 month
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 1 month
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a guide to: hyacinthus shrapnel
thank you to anyone who's expressed interest in my favorite asshole man--at some point i'll do this for more ocs, but i am not immune to favoritism. gently tagging those who i think would wanna see this:
@henrike-does-writing-sometimes @outpost51 @void-botanist @jezifster @mjjune @sergeantnarwhalwrites @ink-flavored @astral-runic @calicohyde @kk7-rbs @foxys-fantasy-tales @inadequatecowboy @sarahlizziewrites @multi-lefaiye
transposed under the cut!
SLIDE 1: A GUIDE TO HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL -- the meanest, prettiest, and most emotionally constipated man ever. by @vacantgodling, yours truly
FULL NAME: HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL (nicknames: HYA (by amon), CINTHY (by aloe, lovingly, and tagetes, degradingly), CINTH (by narci))
AGE: 31
BIRTHDAY: he hates talking about his birthday, so you won’t get the exact date. just know that it falls during the galerian form of “christmas” which is the two weeks of may 12th — may 24th. its somewhere in there :)
the galerian equivalent to our nonbinary; an entirely separate gender denomination that blurs the line between masculine and feminine; encompassing everything inbetween, nothing at all, or outside of a binary frame altogether. its considered a ‘third gender’ by the galerian people, and has been observed in galerian history for centuries. old galerian even features multiple pronoun sets, but they have been lost in the modern age. nowadays, those who present as troibemme usually use “they” “he” or “she” but this does not negate their troibemme status. gender =/= pronouns etc.
husband and wife refer to the specific social hierarchy in galere. “wife” and “husband” respectively refer to the role of being a breadwinner and connection maker (husband) versus the manager of the house and finances (wife). wives do occasionally lead the way in organizing at home balls. child rearing (in upper society) is usually left to maids and nanny’s—not a responsibility of either parent. traditionalists believe wives should take on this task as children are part of the “home”, but in actual valerian society children are usually pawned off. all of the gunn clan, sans aloe (as he is part of the clergy) are wives.
a family tree that showcases the main gunn family tree. lonicera gunn and clematis gunn are crossed out because they are deceased. they were wed first and had 3 children, tagetes gunn de beneaux (40, they/them), iberis winch (36, he/him) and narcissus spokes (33, she/her). while it is not indicated by the chart, clematis had a relationship with moxie shrapnel in lonicera's twilight years, giving birth to hyacinthus shrapnel (31, he/him) and his name is in bold lettering. then, clematis finally married belladonna anvil (who hyphenated her name to anvil-gunn) and had 2 children, lavendula caldern (28, she/her) and aloe anvil-gunn (24, he/him).
SOCIAL STATUS: aside from a wife, hya is also a BASTARD. this is not a well kept secret.
bastards, as per the definition, are illegitimate heirs. hyacinthus is the 4th child of the dodgy businessman, CLEMATIS GUNN, who had an affair with a prostitute, MOXIE SHRAPNEL (where hya gets his surname), during his first wife’s decline in health. 
bastards have no claim to family fortunes, so when clematis passed, hya would’ve been shit out of luck if he wasn’t essentially adopted by tagetes. hya has also never met his mother to his own knowledge as she fled the situation when clematis started getting more abusive.
in order to marry the keeper, tagetes had birth certificates forged. whether or not the keeper knows of this deceit is questionable; but the large dowry tagetes paid to facilitate the marriage has seemed to placate them enough not to question it.
MISC LIKES: coffee (misted ivory geisha is his favorite in universe blend—its imported from the northeast country i have yet to name), fashion (dresses, shoulder pads, and embroidery are his favorite things), gold & white (for jewelry, dress, and aesthetically), MONEY (he’s extremely materialistic), reading & literature (he’s very critical however—in a modern au he would probably be a pretty well renowned critic).
in general however, hya is easily annoyed.
SLIDE 5: what annoys hya, you may ask? FUCKING EVERYTHING. thank you for being polite because he's not :D
HEIGHT: 5’11” (~180cm)
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HAIR COLOR: black, with hime bangs (square bangs in the front with short, square cut side bangs that frame the face and chin), and long hair that reaches to his mid back.
BUILD: broad, girthy👀, and imposing. when he finds time to work out is a mystery to most, but his physique shows he clearly does.
there are 2 photos of hyacinthus to display his looks; a broad shouldered, dark brown skinned man with fox-shaped and narrow eyes, multiple piercings (nose, ears, and lip), and two beauty marks under his left eye. he is wearing an intricate white and gold outfit in the picture on the right. in the one on the left he is wearing an intricate white and gold choker. there are 2 thought bubbles over each. one says "RBF STRONG AF". the other says "even though hya is so well manicured he hates showers bc #childhoodtrauma. he does take baths though!"
SLIDE 7: everything on hya glitters like gold -> here’s a map of hya’s piercings and notable features
the picture shows various arrows pointing to hyacinthus (who has his mouth open to reveal that his canine teeth on his upper row of teeth have been replaced by sharp, solid gold). they point to his beauty marks, canines, and various piercings.
as an aside, hya didn’t have friends growing up because he literally wasn’t allowed to leave the estate his father trapped him in until he was 19… and that was bc his dad died and tagetes ‘adopted’ him.
TAGETES ⟶ despite the fact that tagetes basically raised hya, the two of them hardly see eye to eye. tagetes views, treats, and exploits hya (as they do everyone) as a means to their end goals—though what those goals are is anyone’s guess. hya doesn’t trust tagetes as far as he could throw them. yet, at the same time, they have a strange sense of obligation and “care” (if it can be called that) towards one another. tagetes was definitely the main influence into why hya is Like That.
ALOE ⟶ since aloe turned 10 and learned that he had an older brother whom he hadn’t met yet, he began to try and write letters getting to know hya. despite being generally brash, crass, and a pain in the ass, hya really cherishes aloe’s letters and companionship, and they actually meet for the first time in person during the events of paramour. 
AMON ⟶ y’all knew it was coming. i feel like i don’t even have to explain this one they are obsessed with each other in the most toxic of ways lmao. amon infuriates hya down to a molecular level, yet he is also the only man—only person—hya has ever been attracted to. (and he will not EVER admit that)
… Narcissus ⟶ she annoys him and he can’t understand why she’s so obsessed with trying to ‘fit in’ with other people. also he wished she wouldn’t try to talk his ear off every time she saw him.
… Iberis ⟶ he literally doesn’t have one. the two of them avoid each other like the plague.
… Lavendula ⟶ avoids her like the plague if he can help it, but she actually looks up to him in a way, especially based on the things aloe has told her about him. they aren’t close and don’t really speak until her book but that’s a whole other thing.
… Clematis ⟶ #daddyissues. hates the man’s guts and is glad he’s dead.
… Lonicera ⟶ she died before he was born, but even if she lived, he would’ve never met her regardless. no opinion.
… Moxie ⟶ he’s never met his mother to his knowledge, so he has no opinion of her. she loves him very much and there’s more to that story that we won’t hear about until empire (tagetes’s book)
… Belladonna ⟶ the loathing is mutual
… Erecia ⟶ he doesn’t gain an opinion of her until lavendula’s book, and even then it’s mostly just “that’s amon’s friend” territory
… Viola, Barbatus, & Rumex ⟶ he’s not good with kids so he tries not to interact if he can avoid it
… Helianthus ⟶ finds him EXTREMELY obnoxious
… Terian ⟶ no opinion, they’ve never met.
… Miss Shanin ⟶ she’s always in his way and he’s generally annoyed by and suspicious of her
… Vira, Tamhas, Asahel ⟶ no opinion at all. they’re just servants.
… The Keeper & The Bishop ⟶ finds them genuinely disturbing. distrusts them HEAVILY.
alcoholic drink: white russian
food: steak bechamel
colors: white & gold
flower: yellow hyacinths
animal: leopard
zodiac: taurus
tarot: six of swords
song: lyin’ to myself — todrick hall
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 1 month
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I've been vanished forever, I know. Life's been. something. anyway. enjoy this drive-by posting of my relaxed "storybook" sketchy-painty style. This is Meaq, my goblin warlock (ghost flavored genie subclass warlock speaking in dnd terms) she's got a ghost of a powerful wizard who was cursed and bound to a lantern she found attached to a lantern she carries around. She's kind of a country bumpkin X'D
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 1 month
So, there's a dirty little secret in indie publishing a lot of people won't tell you, and if you aren't aware of it, self-publishing feels even scarier than it actually is.
There's a subset of self-published indie authors who write a ludicrous number of books a year, we're talking double digit releases of full novels, and these folks make a lot of money telling you how you can do the same thing. A lot of them feature in breathless puff pieces about how "competitive" self-publishing is as an industry now.
A lot of these authors aren't being completely honest with you, though. They'll give you secrets for time management and plotting and outlining and marketing and what have you. But the way they're able to write, edit, and publish 10+ books a year, by and large, is that they're hiring ghostwriters.
They're using upwork or fiverr to find people to outline, draft, edit, and market their books. Most of them, presumably, do write some of their own stuff! But many "prolific" indie writers are absolutely using ghostwriters to speed up their process, get higher Amazon best-seller ratings, and, bluntly, make more money faster.
When you see some godawful puff piece floating around about how some indie writer is thinking about having to start using AI to "stay competitive in self-publishing", the part the journalist isn't telling you is that the 'indie writer' in question is planning to use AI instead of paying some guy on Upwork to do the drafting.
If you are writing your books the old fashioned way and are trying to build a readerbase who cares about your work, you don't need to use AI to 'stay competitive', because you're not competing with these people. You're playing an entirely different game.
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 1 month
Soooo I got a cat! I've been busy getting cat things and helping her adjust and scheduling for a vet and trying to find new healthcare for myself as well with endless phone tag. I should be settling back into writing and things soon. As my life goes haha. It's storming today and poor Nova is very anxious. Keeps going between sleeping it off or panting and meowing in the saddest way.
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
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Red Dwarf Star
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
The amount of papercuts must be unreal.
Follow me for more ❤️
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
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thanks to pictomancer, i can now project my weird artist mentality onto my wol
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
You said you wanted questions but I don’t know a lot about your WIPs, so if you want this is your chance to give some unusual fun facts about as many of your characters as you want!
Thanks. Sorry I passed out soon after receiving this. It was a really rough night. Let's see... Character Facts from Arigale Series - Judith - Her hobby is wood whittling. She learned it from her dad and he made the staff she carries around for her magic. She was a handful as a kid with the abilities she had flourishing, so he made it to help her learn to channel it and not be ashamed of her differences to those around her.
Chit - Chit was named by the leader of the Dark part of the Dark/Light factions of the Order of Yani. His name is intended as an insult meaning he never stops making noise or 'chittering' like an animal, but really his name has many good meanings. Both leaders share a building and work together, but there's always some tension between the heads. The Light leader who found him as a babe and wanted to take him in was relegated to a caretaker for early ages, while the Dark leader named him in disgust but took on the job of training him in later years against Chit's will. All for the glory of Yani. Rahat - Has a number of talents from traveling for many, many years. You could ask him to do something and he'll be disinterested most times at first, but hes a softie at his core and will likely come around if there's a good reason. Pearl - She has a lot of money from her parents, much as they never got along and she chased them out of their leadership role in her city. She used this to help develop guns in this world and special ammunition that helps her use her cunning and quick eye for detail to protect herself, as her body isn't always cooperative to more physically draining activities. Skye - A bard through and through, Skye loves to write little diddies on the spot to annoy his friends, though really he's trying to be helpful. He sees through everyone but himself and can be a bit of a busybody about it. Aldric - Aldric had to get really good at sewing in addition to his medical pursuits with his magic. His power upon 'reawakening' especially revolves around using grim arts and bloody, bone-ridden means of combat that spring from his own flesh. So better get lots of thread and spare cloth to keep up that posh outfit. Aka - While she used to be quite shy and reserved, years upon years of standing guard over an area alone have left her bitter and monotone in nature. She rarely cracks a smile or makes a scene. She'll simply be the one to put a quick end to things if something needs doing. Inside though, the same turmoils are there deep down, she just can't figure out how to express it anymore. Toshi - A man with a LOT to make up for. He put himself in an awful spot and it led to a spiral of bad events. Most characters have some beef with him, but he takes it on the chin and tries to wisecrack and schmooze his way through while he tries to make up for all that happened. It's a seemingly impossible task, but better to get halfway than nowhere.
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
Hate I'm feeling broken tonight and have like two people I can reach toward. I need to move so badly and make more connections but thats money I don't have atm.
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
Destroy the myth that libraries are no longer relevant. If you use your library, please reblog.
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
I'm having a trauma flashback day apparently. Woooo... So, if anyone has asks about my projects or anything I guess. I'm gonna have some drinks and see if I can least clean my space some or something productive today.
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
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Some Carbuncles! And also a moogle too I guess
Possible future keychains/stickers!
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 months
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And, most importantly...
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