fractured-parts · 6 years
WOOKIEEPEDIA. The source of anything and everything you want to know related to Star Wars. Good for fact-checking, character history, or simply killing time. There is also, of course, the official Star Wars Databank! STAR WARS GALAXY MAP. A fantastic project that maps the Star Wars galaxy as we know it. Consider donating ( if you can! ) to help keep the site up and running! Also check out W.R. van Hage’s map and the Star Wars Atlas Online Companion. TIMELINE. While hosted on Wookieepedia, this is nevertheless deserving of its own bullet point. This page provides an approximate timeline with dates of all canon material. You can also filter items, so that it displays only TV episodes, for example, or only books, or only movies! Find the Legends timeline here. STAR WARS SLANG AND PHRASES. A collection I’ve been keeping of phases, slang, idioms, insults, and more from the Star Wars universe. This also contains a glossary of frequently used terms, such as “refresher” in place of “restroom”. Please feel free to use/share! 
STAR WARS NAME GENERATOR. This is a fun one AND a life saver. You can generate up to 100 Star Wars-sounding names ( first and last! ) with a click. 
Spaceship names as well as spaceship type/models
Earth-like alien planets for any alien planet you don’t have info on
Random landscapes, see above
Technobabble generator for when you need a reason for a red alert
Alien plant/herb/flower name generator. Also: mineral/metal/gemstone names, material names, medication names, and descriptions of alien substances
Scifi tool names for gadgets and gizmos
Jeff Russell’s Starship Dimensions, Dirk Loechel’s Sci-fi Spaceship Size Comparisons, and other Star Wars Deckplans
Star Wars Post 
Star Wars News Net
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fractured-parts · 6 years
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star wars villains meme: [3/10] antagonists ⬦ Darth Vader
I don’t fear you! Then you will die braver than most.
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fractured-parts · 6 years
Working on stuff for Megacon this weekend, hence the silence over here for now. Still very much wanting to get back into the roleplay scene but I of course picked the start of con season. Great timing.
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fractured-parts · 6 years
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home - about - rules - verses
open to crossovers
multiple alternate universes
open to other original characters
probably won’t kill you
has an army
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fractured-parts · 6 years
The command deck of the newly christened ’Stormbreaker’ was crisp and pristine and uncomfortable. Much like the uniform that the protocols of her newly granted rank compelled her to wear. Gone were the days of borrowed armor plating and ill-fitted jumpsuits. 
Maven supposed a small amount of gratitude was in order that she had not been forced to wear the same dull olive hue that a number of the Imperial High Command strutted about in. She had been allowed to keep the black at her insistence, though she had noted the barely veiled disapproval of it radiating out from the very same commanders who had plotted to recommend her this position.
A command over a star ship had been the very last thing she had wanted, but Imperial High Command had not approved of the circumstances of her initial recruitment into the ranks or the privileges she’d been afforded. Stepping outside of established protocol to instate a stray half-feral wastrel into the ranks had rustled far too many feathers. That she had progressed instead of failed was nothing short of an insult. 
This was their revenge, their way of being rid of her without giving voice to their displeasure. Grant her a minor but significant command - one her current service record definitely justified - and then post her to the fringes of the Empire. Maven was acutely aware that these actions were meant to thwart the one who had recruited her in the first place. Assigning her to the very sector she had been found in was perhaps an even more deliberate message of their disapproval. 
Send her back - words they would never actually dare say aloud.
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The sound of footsteps approaching down the corridor behind her drew Maven from her thoughts. She set her shoulders back, standing straighter. It was a mimicry of the more dignified postures members of the Imperial High Command took in their pontificating.
She was good at that - mimicry.
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fractured-parts · 6 years
Tumblr, all I ask is not to see ads featuring unattached teeth.
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fractured-parts · 6 years
Hello, I am in the midst of con crunch time trying to get stuff done for key chain orders, but I will be writing up a brand new starter during my work break today which I will post when I get home.
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fractured-parts · 6 years
Childhood Headcanon Meme
Send me one of these questions and I’ll talk about my muse’s childhood!
What is the story behind your muses birth?
Why did the muse’s parents/guardians choose their name? Does it hold a special meaning?
What kind of relationship did they have with their parents?
Does your muse have siblings? What kind of relationship does the muse have with them?
What was the muse’s upbringing like?
Did the muse get sick a lot as a kid?
How fussy was the muse?
Was the muse a cute baby?
Did your muse have any strong attachments to specific people outside of their immediate family? If so, who are they?
What typically lulled the muse to sleep?
Did the muse use a pacifier?
Was the muse a picky eater?
Did your muse have a favorite toy that they absolutely can’t go without?
Who was your muse’s childhood friend, if they had one?
Did your muse enjoy school? Why was their favorite subject?
What childhood obsession(s) did your muse have? Is the muse embarrassed of any of these phases?
+ Add your own!
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fractured-parts · 6 years
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fractured-parts · 6 years
Starter Call
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fractured-parts · 6 years
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My favorite panels from this issue.
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fractured-parts · 6 years
I am looking for Imperials to interact with. So if you run a blog for an Imperial Canon Character or an Imperial Original Character, please reblog so I can follow you! And feel free to message me for plotting! My ask box is always open!
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fractured-parts · 6 years
*casually logs back in after forever*
What is up, I’m not dead? This is a surprise even to me. Hopefully, I will be reviving this blog for future RP endeavors. I’m currently running a campaign that has Maven as an NPC, so I was looking back on here and finally found my password log.
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fractured-parts · 7 years
@droidanxiety liked for a starter
Against all probability and promises of maintenance related labeling, the elevator doors were not opening. Normally in such a situation Maven would have simply jumped out the access hatch and continued on to her destination, but she had been ordered not to draw attention to herself while on Coruscant. And especially not to draw attention to herself while in the Senate Building, because certain people were always watching.
So Maven stayed where she was - stuck in an elevator with a rather ostentatiously paneled protocol droid.
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fractured-parts · 7 years
“We’re alive,” Maven responded, not looking his way. It had been decades since she had last set foot on Coruscant, and the rather fast paced way the entire planet seemed to live was starting to strain her nerves. So many people in one place, so many lights that the night was never as dark as it should be. “Which is an accomplishment, all things considered. Our sector was not the hardest hit, but with resources stretched so thin...”
She trailed off, shaking her head. At one point she’d had what amounted to a small fleet at her command, but now only a handful of ships were left of the original number. This invasion had cost far than anyone could have ever predicted, and there was still no end in sight.
[ @fractured-parts ➳ starter call ]
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“Are you and your crew surviving out there?” Jacen looked up from the dinner he had grabbed that evening, eyeing Maven as he spoke. His gaze wandered out the gigantic window behind her, along other side of the hall, and he watched the Coruscant traffic speed in almost every direction for a moment before returning his attention to the woman in front of him.
“The more I hear about the Yuuzhan Vong, the more I hope this is all just a bad dream.”
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fractured-parts · 7 years
So, Trollhunters has kind of taken over my life right now. It’s a really good show that everyone should watch and also the villains are really good, though second arc villain is my absolute favorite because I am a sucker for tragic backstory. Anyways, go watch it and join me in hell.
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fractured-parts · 7 years
So...I got distracted by Trollhunters which is a wonderful show that I recommend highly, especially if you like interesting villains and/or are a Guillermo del Toro fan.
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