framedbard · 1 hour
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is this anything ?
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framedbard · 1 hour
i kind of wish the anti voting people wouldn’t dance around the idea of what happens after the election. Like okay, the democrats lose, you taught them a lesson (and fwiw, I do think its a legitimate message to send- the people are not happy with the actions and status quo of the DNC). Now What. Trump, the multiply indicted crime president who incited a violent mob upon the capitol, is now President. He has all the qualities you hate about Biden, AND more, except he and his administration have even less reason to be sensitive to the wishes of their democratic constituents. He is a puppet for the far right and white supremacists and christian nationalists. I really shouldn’t even have to go over this- we LIVED it already. Genuinely asking, is this what you want? Because frankly I do not think 4 more years of Trump is worth it over Biden. Your hands are not clean, this is the future you want to choose. I just don’t understand why.
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framedbard · 2 hours
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This felt right for them.
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framedbard · 2 hours
The Night Nurse: Everyone has a place. Don't you want to know where yours is?
Charles: I know where my place is. Right here. Between you and him.
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framedbard · 2 hours
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okay, listen, i don't think charles told niko about the kiss.
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for me (!!) it was definitely edwin cause charles had only told him about it. and payne just blabbed it all out to niko.
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i mean, look at them!! they’re besties. obviously, they had discussed something like this more than once
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framedbard · 8 hours
Imagine with me, Edwin at his desk, Charles perched as always on the edge, leaning into his space. They're filing out the last case's paper work.
A new line of ghost's begins to pile at the door. Edwin, without taking his eyes off the paper, says something along the lines of 'Go ahead and let them in Charles.' Maybe with a 'be a dear' thrown in, for flavor.
Charles, of course, doesn't bat an eye, 'right away.' Completely normal Tuesday for all involved.
Except, of course, when Charles leans down, easy as you please, and Edwin cranes his chin juuuuust a bit, for a quick goodbye peck.
Neither of them realize until hours later on the case itself, where Charles almost has his head taken off by an iron chain because he stopped to stare, dumbfounded, at Edwin's back.
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framedbard · 8 hours
I admit, I didn't quiet know what to do with the fact that Edwin and Charles apparently just didn't Communicate until Crystal came along.
While it didn't strike me as like, Bad writing. It did feel cliche. Oh 'the only girl of the group sets the boy's emotions in motion' 'the holder of the (emotional) brain cell' etc etc. But, I admit, I think I've been coming at this from the wrong direction.
Instead of asking myself: well what makes Crystal good at emotions? I should have been asking: what is Fundamentally Different about Crystal and the boys. It's not the culture of the time, it's not her being a girl, it's not even her being a stranger. It's that she's Alive.
Of course she sets the ball in motion when it comes to their emotions, to them communicating. She sets EVERYTHING in motion. The show is about her and her Alive Human-ness.
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framedbard · 9 hours
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When a cunty witch beats you to death then steals your boy toy for eternal torment 😢 (based on that 'don't you miss her???' meme)
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framedbard · 9 hours
crystal palace is literally the reason anything happens in the show, she's the catalyst for everything. ghosts are stagnant, they're unchanging. edwin literally says that the living are messy and it's true.. crystal is such a messy, complicated human. but conflict and messes are what instigate change and conversation. without crystal, they wouldn't have saved that little girl. they wouldn't have gotten stuck in port townsend. edwin might've never found out about the extent of charles' trauma without crystal spelling it out for him. edwin might not have reexamined his and charles' relationship. they wouldn't have resolved their afterlife problem!! crystal dragged edwin scowling and bitching into the messy affairs of the living and it was honestly for the better. say thank you crystal palace
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framedbard · 9 hours
I love how Crystal responds to Niko saying "You don't look like a walrus" with the same level of mortification she'd have if she'd said something like "why are you black?"
You can't just tell people they don't look like walruses when they're lamenting the fact that they're no longer a walrus.
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framedbard · 9 hours
I was talking to my dad about renewable energy and he was like “the only problem with solar farms is they take up so much space.”
And it made me think about a city and how much sun exposure all the rooftops in a city get and…why not just make the city it’s own solar farm by putting solar panels on every rooftop?
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framedbard · 9 hours
why would you like media that is good if you can like media that is bad instead and pace around your room like an insane person thinking about What If It Was Good
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framedbard · 9 hours
one of my favorite things about dead boy detectives is that it doesn’t take its monsters too seriously because the monsters themselves aren’t the scary part - it’s the symbolism, the things they represent, that are truly scary. yeah, teeth face and the sprites and the demon that apologized for dragging edwin to hell are goofy because they’re not what we’re meant to be scared of. the real horrors are parental abuse, internalized homophobia, xenophobia, bullying, abusive relationships, stalking… i could go on and on. anyway this show is brilliant and i need 20 more seasons of it please and thank you
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framedbard · 1 day
Charles has OPINIONS about music and is used to full dominion over whatever plays in the office while he and Edwin work. Work is, of course, Charles packing and repacking his bag while Edwin meticulously files casenotes.
But now Crystal's here, idly searching the internet for interesting cases.
Charles is playing The Specials or The Beat or something on an old cassette player hooked up to speakers. Crystal keeps sneakily using the power of bluetooth to change it to whatever the kids are listening to these days. Not because she doesn't like ska or particularly cares about music, but because it's hilarious to watch him wave his arms about music like an old man shooing kids off his lawn.
This has been going on for a while when the music suddenly changes again. Charles turns, ready to yell at Crystal, but she looks confused. And then he sees Edwin, standing by the desk, grinning from ear to ear, holding Niko's phone.
And Charles cannot even be mad, cause his best mate just figured out how to blast Kpop.
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framedbard · 2 days
i love all the acting in dead boy detectives so much, but the scene in ep8 where crystal is calling out to lilith and screams, "this witch, she took your gift and then she killed hundreds of little girls to stay young! who gets justice for them?" literal chills.
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framedbard · 2 days
The Case of the Memento Mori (7726 words) by Asidian Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Dead Boy Detectives (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland Characters: Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne, Charles Rowland (DCU) Additional Tags: Case Fic, Injury, Protectiveness, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Caretaking, First Aid, First Kiss Series: Part 2 of A Detective’s Work is Never Done Summary:
It takes Charles what seems an eternity to draw back enough to offer Edwin a wan sort a smile. His face is off-color, tight with the hurt. “Sorry, mate,” he says. “Give me a tick. Don’t know if I can get up just yet.”
A yawning pit of dread settles itself somewhere in the vicinity of Edwin’s chest. He has thought of just this situation more times than he cares to count: Charles pressed against him, Charles’ weight and warmth, Charles’ arms around him. It feels a cruel twist of fate, all told, that this is how he finally gets it.
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framedbard · 2 days
Absolutely love the way Edwin never bothers to move an inch when someone threatens him.
100% damsel in distress waiting for her knight vibe.
How does it feel, having such faith in someone, I wonder?
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